Once Human, Now a Parasite

Chapter 647

Chapter 647: 647

"And? You want me to deliver what exactly?"

Arthur looked straight at the smiling Kass, who raised his hand and moved his index and thumb, causing stand to rise from the ground and spin around like a tornado . This small sand tornado floated above the chief guard’s palm for a few breaths before vanishing, leaving in its place a sandglass . Unlike a normal sandglass, this one had red stand inside of it and was decorated by exquisite yet minuscule golden cloths that were engraved with a foreign language .

Kass held the sandglass and said: "This is our Zen Family Treasure; The Tactical Reverse Sandglass . "

Arthur knitted his brow but didn’t say anything . The term ’Zen Family Treasure’ is foreign to him so he turned to Zaarae, who understood his thoughts with but a glance .

"Zen Treasures are supreme items that are created by one of the Twelve or people who reached the apex of strength . They can be used only by certain individuals who are in possession of the inventor’s bloodline . Even us, parasites, cannot use them even after possess the said individuals . The bloodline is like a unique power granted to the leader of the inventor’s clan, family, or whatever . They are not only rare but very powerful, at least enough to injure someone like me, though not all are offensive artifacts, some have supportive abilities . If I remember correctly, this sandglass was made by Philos and it’s able to reverse time . It can reverse time but only a couple of seconds... still, it’s pretty useful . "

Seeing Zaarae patiently explain the important aspects of the Zen Treasure, Kass Boler grinned and said: "It seems my explication wasn’t needed . This is indeed our God’s creation and it’s time for it to return to its proper owner, my grandson and the current master of the Fallen God Clan . "

"I have to ask though... why don’t you do it yourself?"

The old man chuckled and replied: "The chief guards of the fifth level and eternally bound to this prison . Even if I want to leave, I can’t, which is why I need you to do this favor me . Of course, you’ll be rewarded as promised . "

"What if your grandson refuses to let me possess Karima’s body?"

Kass shook his head and took out a scroll he personally created .

"This and the sandglass are enough proof to get rid of any suspicion he may have . Moreover, I believe my grandson is not foolish enough to make enemies of you and the Empress . "

Arthur kept silence but Zaarae wasn’t that convinced . She seductively rested her chin on her hand while saying: "There’s still the chance he resists us... or takes the Zen Treasure then turns against us . If that were to happen then you can say goodbye to your clan and your grandson, whom you seem to cherish so much . "

She said those words so casually and with absolute confidence, making Kass force a smile while nodding his head, unwilling to retort or say anything that may incense her .

While Arthur is somewhat manageable and isn’t strong enough to annihilate his clan, Zaarae is very different . Kass knew that she’s a reasonable woman who doesn’t act on impulse but that doesn’t mean she’ll forgive anyone who demeans her . Furthermore, she seems to hold a special attachment to Arthur, so she’s most likely to side with him if anything bad happens .

The scroll and the sandglass floated to Arthur, who stored them in his normal storage ring . Zodiak’s special black ring was in possession of the main Arthur so he had to resort to a normal high-grade spatial storage, which is more than enough to accommodate his needs .

"I’m sure you have better things to do than stay here so I’ll escort you out . He waved his hand, making one of the wall shake then turn blurry until it vanished, showing a long and dark staircase leading upwards .

"This is a secret emergency exit which only the Warden and I are aware of . You can take it to safely arrive to the surface . "

Arthur didn’t immediately take the staircase and, instead, said: "There a few more people that I would like to take . "

In response, Kass smiled back and replied: "Sure, tell me their names and which level they are on . "

"Three on the first level and the chief guard of the third level, who should be somewhere in the fourth level . "

At first, Kass wasn’t surprised but when he heard Arthur’s last words, he creased his brows .


"Yes, she’s going with me . "

Kass didn’t comply immediately, he pondered for a couple of breaths before agreeing, though a bit reluctantly . It seems it’s going to cause him some problems but Arthur’s didn’t really care that much . It would be a waste to let a powerful slave like her stay here .

"Fariya? That succubus?"

Zaarae frowned and didn’t seem pleased by hearing this . She did smell a succubus’ scent on Arthur but didn’t pay it much heed as he left her alone before arriving to the fifth level . However, now he clearly wanted to take her with him, which didn’t sell with the Empress .

Arthur glanced at the enchantress next to him and mockingly repeated her words: "What if have a few women, right?"

He chuckled and walked away only for her to stick close to him like super glue .

"No! Any other woman but definitely not a succubus!"


"Hey, Radolf... bro, let’s just stay here, please!"

Midolf was practically begging to the red-haired youth as he dragged him to the side . The roc’s eyes were pleading to his partner, not wanting to be involved in this matter any longer .

"W-what if she burst out in anger and snaps my neck! I’ve had enough of dying, I tell you!"

Radolf looked at his distressed friend and retorted: "Calm down . As long as Master goes back alone then it’s fine . "

Unfortunately, Midolf wasn’t the least bit comforted .

"What ’fine’?! I’m not going! That’s it!" He was about to walk toward Arthur and voice out his thoughts only for Zaarae to momentarily glance at him, making him shiver and shrink back next to Radolf .

"Y-you know what? I’ll just let the Kraken eat me when we’re at the Black Sea . " He seemed convinced of his new and ingenious plan . He repeatedly nodded his head and mumbled "Yea, that’s for the best . I’ll die and reincarnate after a long time . It’s not a bad end now that I think about it . "

Hearing his partner’s crazy talk, Radolf just clicked his tongue and said: "You sure you’re the Insidious Roc?"


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