On The Other Side: I Quit Being Human

Chapter 284 Knowing Oneself Better (End)

Splat. Splat.

After listening to the sound that blood makes when it hits the ground for more than five minutes, I open my eyes. The surrounding is too quiet. I can no longer enjoy the vocal manifestation of pain. The previous symphony of screams and cries can no longer be heard. Although I can still hear a faint and pathetic weep, the sound that the dripping blood makes is louder.

As I open my eyes, I am greeted by someone's disfigured genitalia I can't tell what it looks like anymore but horrendous is the perfect way to describe its state. Blood is flowing out of it as if it is a fountain. Some of the muscles contract involuntarily, bringing pain to the owner of the genitalia.

Turning my attention away from my first masterpiece, I look at the lifeless body beside me. Although Rexorem didn't do anything to it, it still looks as dry as an anchovy. Its skin is also as pale as a paper sheet. It ended up like this because it was dried off its blood, which is currently pooling on the ground around it. The dude cried his blood out.

Of course, it wasn't possible if not for my brilliant Healing Spell but I will let the dude, Barnabas, take the credit. I will allow him to brag about how romantic he died in the afterlife, which is crying tears of blood as he watched his lover suffer.

"I will put you to good use, buddy. Don't worry."

Extending my right hand to the side, I make Rexorem come flying at me. I stab it into the ground as soon as I have it in my hand and then will it to absorb. Immediately, Barnabas' blood rises into the air and heads to it. When the blood makes contact with its blade, the blood seeps into its blade.

Taking my hand off Rexorem, I walk toward the person whom the roots are violating, Brianna. Raising my hand, the one who controls the roots, my Spirit partner Luxia puts a stop to the violation. The roots stop exploring Brianna's inside and get out of it. Despite so, Brianna still feels pain.

Stopping right before her spread legs, I put my hand on her disfigured genitalia. She gasps faintly and contracts her body briefly before she leaves her body to me. I cast my version of the Healing Spell on her, resurrecting her pain. The saving grace for her is that her disfigured genitalia is healed.

The skin looks like it belongs to a dead person but looks fine nonetheless. She should be more than happy about it.

"It is not every day that your torturer is kind enough to heal the injuries he has inflicted on you, you know?" I say, to the still-weeping Brianna. "You should thank me, Brianna."

As if she has turned deaf, she keeps weeping. I quirk an eyebrow, wondering if the bitch dares to go against me now. It is not until I look at her punctured abdomen do I remember that I haven't healed her insides that are injured because of the exploration. In case you don't notice, yes, I am joking. I know healing her insides won't stop her weep.

Putting my hand on her punctured abdomen, I cast my Demonic Healing Spell. The holes quickly shut themselves, making the abdomen flawless—but sickly—again. When the process is finished, I wonder what kind of effect my Spell has on Brianna's insides. To figure it out, I spread her genitalia open and peek into its inside.

"Wow…. I thought a turtle's throat was the only thing that had this structure."

There are a lot of spike-like flesh structures on Brianna's insides—just like how a turtle's throat looks. They may look soft but they are hiding a needle-like bone structure inside them. It will only come out when you stroke the spiky flesh backward. In other words, whoever enters her in the future will suffer from his idiocy.

When the natural hole gets moist out of a sudden, I retract my hand in horror. I look at the accursed liquid that sticks to my finger in absolute abhorrence and then immediately use Water Magic to clean it off my finger.

When it is completely washed away, something occurs to me. The liquid felt slightly tingly which means it is corrosive. I have to mentally clap in appreciation and pat myself on the back. I don't know how I did it, but I have managed to create an abomination.

"How do you feel, Brianna?" I ask as I tell Luxia to make the roots let her "stand."

This is the moment when I realize that I haven't healed her mangled breasts. Of course, I am kidding—I left them that way to get a reaction out of her.


She spits on me in disgust.

"You fucker will—"


I slap her cheek mightily, preventing her from finishing her sentence.

"Bad girl!" I exclaim with a frown, internally laughing at how stunned she is. "It's good that I have an awesome reflex. You would have tainted me by now if I didn't."

"A dirty creature like you dares to talk about being tainted?" Brianna scoffs disdainfully. "Know your place Demon!"


Again, I slap her. "That is not how you talk to your benefactor. Besides, what is wrong with my talking about being afraid of getting tainted? I'm as pristine as Virgin Mary, you know? No dick has entered me yet!"

Brianna growls but says nothing. Ignoring her, I take hold of her two mangled breasts and cast my Demonic Healing Spell on them. Her vigor suddenly returns. With utmost enthusiasm, she pulls her body back, trying her best to make me let go of her breasts. When she fails to do it, she shrieks in frustration.


"Whoa, chill, girl. I am not going to steal your boobs. I am here to help, okay? Don't worry," I state with mock bewilderment.

"You son of a bitch!"

Ignoring her, I focus on my treatment. I let go of her breasts when it is finished and observe them in curiosity as I wonder why the skin doesn't look like it belongs to a dead person. There is no way that my Spell has suddenly worked. To figure out what happened—now, don't judge me on this—I squeeze her breasts.


"Don't moan, bitch—don't make it weird! I am experimenting here."

It isn't after the third squeeze does something happen. A white liquid comes out of her mammary glands. I am not sure if it is milk, so I dodge it before it hits me. The stupid me still let some of it spill on my finger, though. I am about to wash it off but the weird scent that it lets off stops me from doing it.

"Hey, this smells like poison. It smells exactly like Prickling Lips—the Spell that cuts your connection with your body in seconds. I wonder if it will make my lips feel prickling but I won't try it. I won't risk getting paralyzed," I mumble to myself.

Flicking the white liquid off my finger, I wash it with water that I conjure with Magic afterward. I hum as I look at Brianna whose lower body part's skin looks like it belongs to a dead person, and muse how I created a human Monster with my Healing Spell.

I don't quite know what to think about it. On the one hand, I am glad that my self-made Spell has such a fascinating effect; but on the other hand, I am saddened that it turns something normal into a cursed new existence.

Shaking my head, I turn to Luxia. "Luxia, do you still have the energy to create some clothes?"

"Of course. Why did you even ask?" Luxia responds.

"Teanosvera has been healed splendidly, so I thought you were exhausted."

"It is not exhausting healing a Spirit. Spirits heal naturally at a rate that is unthinkable to any race. That is because of Nature Energy. So, I honestly didn't do much."

As she finished her explanation, Luxia gives me the clothes that she has created from patching up gigantic leaves. The roots that she controls let go of Brianna afterward, prompting me to throw the clothes to Brianna.

The bewildered Holy Maiden looks up at me in bewilderment. She wants to say something but the words are caught in her throat.

"I've told you, haven't I? I am your benefactor."

"Are you…are you going to—"

"Now, don't be stupid." I put up my hand. "I have another thing prepared for you."

Scoffing immediately, Brianna exclaims, "Do you think I won't be able to get away? Have you forgotten who I am?"

"Don't get so worked up, you braindead. Your God would have helped you if he wanted to. Do you think this Sub-Dimension is enough to stop him? Laughable."

Brianna tenses up, bringing a cruel smile to my face.

"He has abandoned you just like how he does the others. You are not special," I say as I stroke her cheeks with my fingers, making her shudder in terror. "Now, put on your clothes. I want to go home."

Brianna quickly puts on her clothes in her panic. Being completely sure that her life is in my hands now, which is extremely late, she doesn't want to make me upset. When she is done, I tell Teanosvera to give me the Relic that Brianna previously held. I immediately crush it, bringing us back to the outside world.

The bloody Millonia and Eliseus greet me with a bemused look as we appear before them. They glance at Brianna from time to time, probably wondering why I let the harlot live.

To be honest, I don't know myself. I still hate her but I don't think I want to kill her. Have I forgiven her? Absolutely, not—the notion itself is ridiculous. It is conflicting, so I will let her live in agony for a few days—maybe years—longer. I want to know myself better during that time and figure out what I want.


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