Omniscient First-Person’s Viewpoint

Chapter 96: - The Undying and the Vampire

༺ The Undying and the Vampire ༻

The undying relished the long-missed feeling of being satiated. After finishing a whole serving of canned beans by himself, he strolled toward the courtyard while smacking his lips.

“The canned beans here are awful, yet you managed to bring out such flavor in them! While eating delicious ingredients raw are delightful as they are, transforming the tasteless into something delectable is the true skill and essence of cooking! With such excellence in cooking, Major, you are sure to make a good bride!”

Despite his praise, the Military State officer Major Callis didn’t appear particularly pleased. She clicked her tongue in annoyance, retorting coldly.

Tsk. Going by that logic, the command sergeant major who can make a hundred dishes from canned food alone would be called the bride of the century. Cut the nonsense and assist my mission, trainee.”

“A hundred dishes! How tempting! Is this command sergeant major as beautiful as you, Major?”

“He’s a bald, bearded old man. Gained a granddaughter this year.”

“Hahaha! Then never mind! I will be content with your cooking, Major!”

The officer scowled, visible even beneath the deeply pulled visor of her cap.

“Do not expect me to cook for you every day, trainee. This is a singular, special occasion.”

The undying looked dismayed.

“But why?!”

“Let me rephrase your question. Why should I, as a warden, be responsible for a trainee’s meals?”

“You could do it as an aside! I have no talent for cooking, and this country lacks tasty ingredients! I apologize, but even if I want to appreciate this nation, the mere repulsive thought of canned beans stops me! But with you Major, things might be a bit better!”

As if irritated by the situation, the officer pressed her cap against her forehead as she replied.

“Finish your task first. Then I will consider it.”

“All right! Let’s see, you wanted to befriend Miss Dog, was it? You must be seriously shy, Major!”

“And enough with the nonsense!”

“Haha, all right. You made a promise as friends to cook for me. Don’t you forget it!”

The two conversed normally, intimately even, as they walked out of the main building of Tantalus.

At that moment, the undying noticed me and broke away from his talk, waving in greeting.

“Oh! Teacher! Long time no… Eh?!”

Just as he approached warmly, his right arm twitched uncontrollably, rising in a threatening manner as if to give me a smack. Even though we were still quite far apart, his menacing demeanor was evident, to both me and, of course, Tyr.

Startled, Tyr’s eyes glowed red.


Simultaneously, thousands of her soldiers rose within the darkness under her command.

In the abyss, where the sun never rose, everything was shrouded in shadows. This was why Tyr’s power over darkness extended in all directions, wherever the shadows were connected. And those very countless shadows existing in the abyss served as Tyr’s armory, barracks, and soldiers.

The darkness swarmed together to protect me as Tyr bellowed in rage.

“Earthener…! How dare you try to harm Hu!”

“Wait! This is not my will!”

Even the undying was surprised despite being the master of his body. He firmly grasped his right arm with his left, as if his mind was divided, before speaking… to none other than his own right arm.

“O Sacrificial Vessel! What enrages you so? Huh? Say that again?”

The undying talked to his right arm as if it were a separate being, then directed his voice beyond the army of shadows that had risen like a wall, addressing me with a puzzled look.

“Teacher. It seems my right arm desires to give you a smack! Did you happen to get into some conflict with it while I was unconscious?”


Upon briefly reading his thoughts, it appeared as though he had something of a conversation with his right arm.

So you could communicate with it? Fascinating.

But, moving on, a conflict? I just used that right arm like a rag to wipe away blood when I was fighting Tyr. If it got dirty in the middle, I’d clean it for reuse, and sometimes I’d even dig into it with my skewer and scatter its flesh around.

… If his right arm had a mind of its own, I suppose it would itch for a punch. Haha.

With an awkward laugh, I replied evasively.

“Ahaha. Well. It’s long to explain.”

“My right arm, obtained through offering my original limb to Mother Earth, is the great hand that symbolizes mercy! Yet it is so furious! I am curious to know what could have possibly happened!”

“I was, er, swinging that arm around, and it kind of caught a curse…”

“A curse? Hm. But it says that is not all? What, did you try to cook my arm, or offer it up as some sacrifice?”

Such good memory for a right arm. Feels like it remembers better than the regressor.

Having no confidence to deceive the arm, I answered honestly.

“A crazy vampire called Finlay was running amok, so I borrowed the power of that right arm. To take down many familiars made of blood and darkness gathered together.”

“Does that not sound like a sacrifice?”

“Ah, does it?”

As I scratched my head and chuckled, the undying laughed as well and made a generous proposal.

“Fine! Teacher, take just one hit!”

I declined immediately.

“Sorry, but no. It might kill me.”

“It shall be gentle! One hit, otherwise, I fear the anger of my right arm will not subside!”

“But isn’t it up to your arm? It’s not like you’ll be the one hitting. How can you do it gently?”

“Is that so? Haha! Then take it gently on your own!”

I was engaging in jovial banter with the undying, but Tyr took it seriously and burst out in anger.


Her dominion within the abyss was unparalleled. A mere utterance from her could shake the very earth, set the shadows astir, and plunge darkness into a foreboding frenzy.

As even the undying shut his mouth in fright, Tyr issued a warning, her voice resonating with the bottom of the abyss.

“Hu merely chose such means in order to save me! So if you wish to blame someone, blame me, Earthener.”

The legion of shadows parted before Tyr, their movements seemingly mirroring one another in perfect harmony, as she stepped forward, leaving her army behind. Her eyes, glowing like blood, fixated on the undying.

“If you must strike someone, strike me. I will take his place if it will bring relief. However, should you intend any harm to Hu… I will intervene no matter the means. Even if I must annihilate you.”

She was the walking legion, the Progenitor of all vampires —the Queen of Shadows. Her blood wielded the power of domination, and against the earthener, who sustained immortality by absorbing vital essence, it was practically a curse that inhibited his regeneration.

Facing the Tyrkanzyaka of legend, the undying scratched his head and laughed heartily.

“Haha! It was all to save a lover? Then I understand!”

Immediately afterward…


The vast energy in the atmosphere, poised to take over the abyss, vanished without a trace. The surging darkness calmed, and the trembling earth held its breath. The soldiers of shadow shared brief looks before beginning to collectively seep back into the ground, as if by a promise.

All that remained was a bewildered girl who didn’t know what to do. Amidst her crumbling legion, Tyr panicked like someone who had a burn, clenching and unclenching her hands repeatedly.

“W-what nonsense. H-Hu. Look at that frivolous earthener, listen to the, the peculiarity he spouts.”

While everyone else watched Tyr’s behavior incredulously, the undying gave a big nod and cried out.

“An adorable lover indeed! Very well! I shall address my right arm separately and settle the matter well! It will comprehend this much! What say you, my sacrificial vessel?”

His right hand, which had been rubbing his chin, formed a brief, displeased circle with its fingers before flopping down, falling silent.

The undying erupted with cheer.

“The right arm understands too! You are lucky, Teacher!”

I retorted apathetically.

“It’s your good luck. If it didn’t understand, Tyr would’ve physically instilled comprehension until it did.”

“Haha! You are not wrong!”

“Well, anyhow. That’s just how things ended up. Please tell your right arm I’m sorry for using it without even seeking permission.”

“It seems your apology is rather belated!”

“I didn’t expect the right arm would be the one to apologize to. I haven’t developed that level of separatist thinking yet.”

“Hahaha! I understand!”

The undying had no intention of hitting me, to begin with. He would’ve come charging at me if he were genuinely furious. As a mostly unkillable immortal, he was just that insensitive to harm.

To him, injuries such as sword cuts, skewer stabs, and even dismemberment were basically no different from skinship… in the sense that they involved physical contact but couldn’t kill him.

In essence, he was a benevolent soul who would lightly laugh off being struck or wounded. He’d be the safest person to be around in the world, as long as no one tarnished his and his tribe’s honor.

This was why he could be so pleasant around even the officer, and also why I awoke him.

“Now, as I have matters to tend to, I shall be on my way!”

“Goodbye. I hope whatever it is goes well.”

“Until we meet again! Enjoy your time together!”


The undying swung his arm in a wave before going back the way he came, to the officer who had kept out of sight all this while. He began speaking to her in a booming voice that reached the courtyard.

“Oh, I truly almost died just then! It appears passing through this way will pose a problem!”

Seeing his unaffected attitude, the officer growled at him with disapproving eyes.

“…Rasch. Are you incapable of even enduring a simple threat from the Progenitor?”

“Of course! The Progenitor is truly, outrageously powerful!”

“Should you be stating that so boldly?!”

「I didn’t expect him to be transcendentally powerful like the Progenitor or the Beast King, but I did think he would be of some help…!」

It was only natural, though. With the regressor, the Beast King, and the Vampire Progenitor around, being merely “undying” was pretty lackluster. In fact, upon closer examination, you’d find the others were all transcendental beings who each possessed their own form of immortality.

As someone who ended up abandoned just because of losing an arm, the undying didn’t quite measure up to their league.

But of course, the undying didn’t mind this fact much. Being less powerful than natural disasters wasn’t something to lose pride in, after all.

“Haha! Even for a friend’s request, what cannot be done, cannot be done! That beautiful girl may seem harmless at first glance, but she is the Progenitor of vampires! It is not possible for a mere warrior such as myself to best her in combat!”

Hearing his verbal confirmation of the facts, the officer clenched her trembling hands.

「I did suspect that would be the case, but that doesn’t mean I imagined him to back down so easily…! This is supposed to be a helper? At this rate, he won’t even serve as a minimal deterrent!」

“Well, if I put everything on the line, I might be able to tickle her somewhat! But then my body would be cursed to never come back alive again! Haha, it is best if we do not touch one another, if possible! Of course, this goes not just for me, but also for you, Major!”

The undying calmly spoke the truth, and eventually, the officer composed herself.

“…Nevermind. I never intended to go against the Progenitor in the first place. I wouldn’t have even approached that laborer either if I could.”

“Laborer? Are you referring to the teacher?”

“Teacher? A laborer is just a laborer, no? What do you mean?”

“Is he not a warden? That is what he introduced himself as. Then, is he not a teacher to me?”

“That bastard, so he even impersonated a warden…!”

I felt a sharp glare through the walls, the officer directed all kinds of curses my way even though she couldn’t see me.

「Despicable as he is, with the Progenitor being so protective, I have no way of touching him. Calm down, Callis. Don’t waste energy on pointless things.」

The vampire shield was as reliable as always. I knew I made the right connection.

The officer quickly pulled herself together and spoke to the undying.

“As I mentioned, our target is the Dog King. I trust you know of her?”

“Of course! That young dog lady!”

“Yes. It is not that the Dog King does not obey me… but for some reason, the Dog King immediately rushes to that laborer’s side if he calls for her. Regardless of the location at that.”

“Oho! The teacher has such an ability? Quite envious!”

“This is significantly important. If the Dog King maintains that attitude, the plan will be completely disrupted.”

The purpose of the Human Regime was to acquire the Beast Kings, and the officer had infiltrated Tantalus to secure the Dog King, Azzy.

A puny major—puny in strict comparison to the denizens of Tantalus—was deployed as a scout, and this was because the goal of securing the Dog King itself was incredibly easy. To coax the Dog King, who was loyal to humans, you only needed to know how to make eye contact and speak. That’s why Major Callis attempted to test this.

But then, she encountered a certain dilemma: me.

「In our plans, we never imagined the Dog King would resist. Being loyal to humans, she would’ve unquestionably followed us if we asked, especially after entering a covenant with the Military State. However… If that laborer continues hindering us to the end, we have no way forward.」

Imposing force to forcefully restrain and bring in a Beast King? Now that was unrealistic. If they possessed such power, why try to use the Beast Kings? They could simply go ahead and obtain the world. The reason for targeting the Dog King was because her great powers could be easily controlled.

But as a universal rule, if something’s easy to handle for one person, it’s just as easy for others.

“Then why not speak the truth to the teacher and ask for his cooperation? Explain the reasons why you need Miss Dog, and ask him to concede!”

If that could work, the Human Regime wouldn’t be a secret society.

As the officer closed her mouth, the undying nodded as if understanding.

“Hmm. So this means we must ultimately get past the teacher! I have always felt this, but being better than someone else is quite a hard task!”

“He’s nothing special. Yet, god knows why… Right now he has…”

Progenitor Tyrkanzyaka. The officer recalled her power, the authority she held over the encompassing darkness of this region—power enough on its own to physically sway a country.

「Getting rid of a mere laborer… that poses no difficulty. But the Progenitor standing behind him will never stand to negotiate. Yet fighting her is…」

The officer made her decision. Maybe things would be different if the Human Regime could exert all its power, but within the abyss…

「It’s impossible. There might be a chance on the surface where the sun rises, but going head to head against the Progenitor in this place is… suicidal.」

The officer’s jaw quivered, her teeth clattering. Her mission was doomed to fail… because I was going to get in her way. Azzy was already tamed by the chimes of my bell and the entertainment I provided. She wouldn’t answer the Human Regime’s beck and call. Despite this, they couldn’t eliminate me for fear of my backer, the Progenitor.

And if the officer reported the situation as it was, the Human Regime’s reaction to realizing the difficulty involved might be to…

「Consider me expendable… and withdraw from this matter.」

The officer’s relentless efforts enabled her to obtain her father’s legacy, which was on the brink of being lost. She joined the Human Regime and overcame numerous near-death situations to earn the merits they provided, and even two medals. In this way, Major Callis steadily built her life toward level 4 citizenship.

But now, with just a single stroke of ill fortune, everything was at risk of toppling.

The officer trembled. She tightened her service cap even more, gritting her teeth and chanting encouragement to herself.

「I won’t crumble here. I’ll find a way somehow. Even if all I have right now is an… unreliable helper.」

Firming her resolve, the officer slowly moved into action.


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