Omniscient First-Person’s Viewpoint

Chapter 175: Extremity of Seamless Cloths

Chapter 175: Extremity of Seamless Cloths

Extremity of Seamless Cloths

Military State District 1.

Everything that should exist in the capital was present in that place.

There was Defense Command, which controlled everything to protect the capital, constructed entirely of high-level alchemic steel, presenting an otherworldly hardness even amidst the concrete city.

The Communication Headquarters appeared to be covered with vines of World Tree. Outer walls were covered with antennas resembling flower buds and mana conductive lines that mimicked vines.

The Amitengrad Government Complex was built with remarkable efficiency in a neat and square manner and oversaw the myriad affairs of Amitengrad, both significant and minor. 

District 1 was the central District of Military State and only Level 2 citizens were allowed to enter.

If one were to think of the Military State as a giant monster, this District would be a part, tightly packed with its internal organs.

Amidst this dense forest of buildings, there was one particularly peculiar structure, which could only be described as if the building itself were wearing clothes.

The Captain, riding in a carriage pulled by real horses, murmured as she passed through the main gate adorned with flags instead of steel doors.

Seamless Cloths Holdings.

The five private companies, pillars of the Military State. 

Even the Military State, which governs everything, allowed these five technology owners autonomous operation because the nation itself couldnt keep up with their technological prowess.

Among them, there was someone who directly influenced the daily lives of the citizens in the Military State. She stood as the exclusive creator of the clothing packet technology and the sole individual capable of crafting new Arch-Avatars.

She was the Weaver Sephier Bakiya, the 3rd President of Seamless Cloths Holdings. 

The Captain looked at me and asked in a trembling voice.

How is it that you?

Ill explain slowly, Captain.


Our story may not be something to share with others. Wouldnt it be better to comfortably talk inside without worrying about someone overhearing? 

Sephis voice was soft yet stern. To put it positively, it was like a parent scolding a child, and negatively, it was a way of overwhelming the other using an advantageous position. 

Since her intentions were clear, the Captain couldnt say anything more. The carriage had arrived in front of the mansion during that time. 

Stepping out of the carriage, I muttered while looking at the horse with its flowing mane.

Nice horse.

Its a Lion Horse. It is also called a fire horse because it has red manes that flutter in the wind, and when it runs, it looks like flames engulfing the field.

Youve got something so rare. It probably wont even be listed as a luxury item.

To raise a horse, you need a spacious yard and numerous staff to manage it. In other words, its practically impossible in a place like Amitengrad, where its cramped and hard to acquire land. 

However, for the richest person in the Military State, practically impossible was just a fake impossibility. With enough money, she could make a fake impossibility into a reality. 

Its not a luxury item. This Lion Horse is more of an experimental item.


Yes, Master. Recently, Ive been researching how to make patterns for animals. 

Making a pattern meant creating an Arch-Avatar that could be also used for an animal. It was probably a project commissioned by the military regime.

If an Arch-Avatar for a horse could be created, even the wretched horses of the Military State would become somewhat useful.

Master, if you need it, Ill give it to you right away of course.

Wow! Really?

Sephi received my words with doubt. 

Have I ever acted stingy toward you, Master? I never hesitate to spend money on my people.

Until now, youve readily accepted everything Ive given you. Yet, you still have the habit of pretending to decline once even if you dont mean it, dont you?

Does she have a lot of resentment piled up while I wasnt around? I keep reading such negative thoughts.

Just to be sure, I asked again.

Can I really take it?

Sephi willingly answered without a hint of hesitation.

Take it on your way back. Ill also provide a saddle and whip for you. Dont forget enough fodder for a horse. If you need anything else, just contact me. Ill arrange a delivery of all the items you need.

I hope you wont sell it to make money. What kind of concept is it to casually take what you want, and then sell it to a junk dealer? Do you know how I feel about paying extra to buy back the items youve taken from me? Id rather you ask for money directly.

Well, I wont take it. Not because I care about her latent discontent.

I just didnt have confidence in raising it properly. Its pitiful to raise a horse in such a narrow room.

Its a bit burdensome for me. Ill pass today. 

What a wise judgment! Managing a horse is too much for you, Master. Since Im taking good care of it, feel free to borrow it whenever you need it.

For someone like you who cant even handle yourself properly, raising a horse properly sounds like complete nonsense. Hell probably sell it somewhere. Its better to call him to the mansion under the pretext of needing the horse. At least, I can regularly check if hes alive.

Do you really think that little of me? 

I believe Im diligent enough, dont you think? Instead of asking for money when times are tough, I prefer to earn it with my own hands.

Thank you for your consideration.

Please dont mention it. Shall we go inside, now?

When Sephi snapped her fingers, the crimson-painted door of the mansion swung open by itself. The strained Captain stuck close behind me, following me with heavy feet.

This mansion stood out, not nestled in the midst of a gray concrete city but rather exhibiting a unique charm that looked as if it wore clothes. It would be challenging to find a similar structure anywhere on the continent.

Just focusing on the architectural style, it resembled a large tent often used by the Prairie Tribe, except for the fact that it was three stories high with a square-shaped duplex structure.

The lining was delicately woven with soft and warm fabric, while the outer was made with high-level alchemic threads, capable of repelling even cannon shots. 

It was possible because of the strong and sturdy threads and cloth that were more robust than ordinary steel and reinforced concrete. A castle was literally built with fabric.

Welcome to my mansion, Master. And Ms. New Disciple. I welcome you to my accommodations, as well as my atelier. The Castle of Fabrics.

The floor was wooden planks covered with a carpet. Thanks to the carpet that absorbed sound, the footsteps didnt make any noise even if we rolled our feet heavily. The warm-toned inner walls were as comforting as the color itself.

If I may ask, Lady, isnt your mansion supposed to be a secure area?

If you have my permission, its fine. This is my residence, after all. If theres any issue, I can issue a temporary pass under my authority.

Sephi, who cut off the Captains words in one breath, led us to the dining room.

As she unveiled the jet-black curtain, a dining area revealed itself. Inside, a dedicated chef was bringing out dishes. Three plates were neatly arranged, clearly anticipating our arrival.

Upon lifting the lids, a perfectly cooked steak, incomparable to any restaurant, appeared. Sephi gestured towards the plates.

Please, enjoy. Since I invited you to my home, you should be treated as honored guests.

There was mana in the browned steak that made my mouth instinctively water. On top of it, a sauce made from bone broth was drizzled, accompanied by various-colored spices and roasted vegetables as side dishes.

Meanwhile, the Captain, eyeing a small green bean on her plate, narrowed her eyes.

What is this?

Observing the small beans which looked like a reduced model of Chimeric Beans, the Captains expression resembled that of someone encountering a dwarf for the first time.

Sephi remained silent, and I answered for her.

Ah, these are newly cropped beans! You know, its quite rare to find anything other than chimeric beans in the Military State, where did you manage to get these?

Sephi, skillfully cutting the steak with a knife, answered.

Master, you mentioned wanting to taste beans made in an olden style last time.

Did I? My memory is fading.

Oops, did I say something wrong? I subtly observed Sephis complexion. Without a change in expression, she thoughtfully considered my words.

Because of that one comment, I went through a lot to get fresh beans, but you dont even remember. Is this why they say not to bother with beasts that have poor memory?

Yeah, my bad. Its been a while since Ive seen you, so its taking me some time to get used to it.

Meanwhile, the Captain scooped up the beans with a spoon and put them in her mouth. After the soft and bouncy beans stuck to the inside of her mouth, the Captains eyes widened, and she seemed surprised, as if lightning had struck in her mind.

These beans?! How can they taste like this! Theyre definitely beans, but!

She seemed like a bean connoisseur. I tapped the Captains plate.

Looks like you enjoyed it.

Affirmative! Its my first-time tasting beans, but its a familiar yet astonishing flavor!

Because theyre newly cropped. These are not some genetically modified chimera bean developed for fertilizer, but a natural product. Want some more beans?

No problem. Chef, more beans, please.

You keep giving what I prepared for you to someone else. Its like filling a leaky bottom. No matter how much I pour in, it never piles up. Tsk tsk, I somehow met with such an insolent master

Awkwardly cutting the steak, the Captain put down the knife upon seeing the additional beans. I pointed to the steak she had left and asked.

How about the taste of the steak?

It is delicious, but the texture is strange. It is akin to chewing on fabric.

When canned meat soaked in water was cooked, it lost the unique texture of meat and became squishy. However, it was advantageous because the quantity increased. The Captain, who had been eating canned meat all along, felt an unfamiliar texture in raw meat. 

Does this kid even know the taste of meat?

Im starting to understand now.


Sephi, who noisily put down the knife, elegantly wiped her mouth with a handkerchief. Without a single stain on her luxurious suit, she finished the meal neatly. As soon as the chef took away her plate, Sephi clasped her hands. Immediately afterward, all the doors surrounding the restaurant closed, transforming it into a perfect secret room.

Captain, you are such a pitiful person. Now I know why Master chose you.

The Captain twitched.

Although she wanted to retort, her counterpart was the President of the holding company with deep ties to the Quartermaster Corps. While not directly affiliated with the military, due to her extensive influence she was a Level 5 civilian.

If Sephi disappeared immediately, the production of the Arch-Avatar, essential for making clothing packets, would cease. Additionally, there would be problems with the special weapons of the military and the performance enhancement of military gear.

The Captain, unsure how to handle Sephi, who wielded powerful influence in both the military and civilian sectors, grumbled.

I sighed softly and pointed out her attitude.

Its rude calling someone a pitiful person, Sephi.

Im truly sorry for that. However, putting aside my attitude. Isnt that the reason you chose her?

Seffi sharply questioned.

I came along with this Captain because we became connected by chance, not by my choice. Tsk. I dont really have anything I can say to retort. In fact, I accompanied her as if taking care of an unfortunate neighbor.

See? Despite you also thinking of her like that, you constantly criticize my attitude only. You are the one whos done wrong. Rather than me, who pointed it out, isnt it more disrespectful for you to drag her all the way here out of some ill-placed sympathy?

Has she become excessively sensitive after experiencing a military regime? Or is it because shes too used to hanging out with the State now?

Sephi spoke as if penetrating my thoughts.

Master, you have always sought out someone who has lost something or lacks something. Anton, who wanted recognition, was like that, and so were the residents of the fallen kingdom who had lost the brilliance of their country.

While speaking, Sephi lightly touched her left wrist. Then, her outerwear and scarf turned into blue alchemic threads, before getting sucked into her bio-receptor. After a smooth, effortless transformation, she returned with a red shirt and continued talking.

My childhood self was a typical case of that, too. Now, even a Captain of the State is getting pitied by you. How hypocritical can you be? It is quite incomprehensible. I feel it is unfair to be criticized for morality by someone like you.

Isnt it too harsh to say such things to a master? Your words and thoughts seem a bit reversed, though.

Considering that you came back from the Abyss Hopefully, you didnt get involved in something ridiculous while you were stuck there. I cant even imagine how far you, Master, who throws everything into chaos, agitated those in the Abyss.

Oh no. Her thoughts are much harsher than words, as expected. I apologize for suspecting otherwise.

By the way, why does she suddenly bring up the Abyss? I had nothing to do with it.

Could it be possible that those who came out of the Abyss chased after Master all the way to Amitengrad? I guess even Master couldnt have dealt with the monsters inside there but I still cant discard my suspicion. Not being able to confirm that is the most frightening part to me. What on earth did I choose as my master?

What do you mean What? Dont treat me like Im some plague.

Wait What the? Did those from the Abyss come all the way to Amitengrad, the capital of the Military State?

Why? It cant be just to find me. Are they planning to overthrow the military regime?

Is the Military State doomed this time? Is the country finally ending?

Shit, then the attempt to clean up the Shadow is meaningless then. How can I possibly have the time to deal with the Shadow or whatever when those guys could ruin the whole country?

I cant just let this be.

Sephi. Wait a moment. Can I use something here?

Of course. Anything here is Masters. Treat this place as if it is no different from your own.

Is this another attempt to use my property as if it were your own? Well, it cant be helped But can I at least expect a single word of thanks this time?

The disparity between thoughts and words of her start to give me the creeps. I remember her being quite honest a while ago. What on earth made her like this?

If she really wants it, I can at least oblige to that much.

Although a good conversation might cut through the Gordian knot, words were intangible assets and their value fluctuated. So I had better repay them whenever I could, even if it was only little by little.

Thank you, Sephi. I really do have a good eye when it comes to choosing my disciples.

Though it was a simple compliment, Sephis slight smile and the lift of the corner of her mouth indicated satisfaction. 

It seems theres some reward even in dealing with a tricky situation. Its really not easy trying to understand how you tick, you know?

Sephi nodded approvingly, at the same time she extended a finger from her black-gloved hand.

However, may I ask one small favor, Master?

A request? Well, okay.

She had provided me with a place to live and financial support. What goes around comes around. Its fair to entertain a reasonable request.

What is it?

Please allow me to make a pattern of you, Master.

Make a pattern? What does that entail?

Entering a mold made of malleable alloy and enduring one minute of extreme heat. But, mentioning it now might make you hesitant. Somehow, I need to convince you to stand in front of the mold. Then, I can obtain a body avatar faithfully replicating your Arch-Avatar. With that toy, I can have some fun dressing it up.

I cant take this lying down. Theres no way Ill let that happen to me. I may not be some extraordinary being, but this compromises my dignity way too much.

Haha. Youre going too far with your joke. Surely, the Sephi I taught wouldnt make such a peculiar request.

Hehe. Youre quite sharp, Master. Its impressive that you can so easily see through my jests Tsk.

Oho? Swallow back that sound. Dont click your tongue, okay?

As I subtly declined, Sephi pointed towards the Captain with her black-gloved hand instead. The Captain, pointed at, flinched.

Then, would you mind lending me this person instead?

Why? Are you going to make a pattern of her?

  I dont have such intentions, but if I feel like it, then I guess I could.

Pattern? Did she say shes going to make a pattern of myself? What on earth does that mean?

Youll know once it happens. By the way, I hope you tell me your impressions after experiencing it. 

I happily agreed.

Ill lend her as much as you want. You can even hug her to sleep today if you wish.

?! What is that supposed to imply?!

If thats the case, negotiations are concluded. A bit disappointing, but it was a satisfying negotiation, Master.

Oh, well. If its such a request, Ill fulfill it as many times as you want.

Are you perhaps thinking of selling me multiple times! Warning! My free will is not being considered in this negotiation!

It seems like these days, signallers are trying to express their free will, huh. And even machine parts are talking back.

Please use her well and return her.

Theres no doubt about it. She is Masters belongings, after all.

Negative! I am a soldier of the Military State, not someones property!

Leaving the frightened Captain behind, I drew open the curtain surrounding the dining hall. As the jet-black curtain, which swallowed the sound and even the smell, closed behind, the scream-like sound from the Captain abruptly stopped.

Now, shall we begin?

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