Omniscient First-Person’s Viewpoint

Chapter 157: Daily Life of the Military State's Citizens

Chapter 157: Daily Life of the Military State's Citizens

Daily Life of the Military States Citizens

After the invention of clothing packets, the purpose of fitting rooms changed to merely providing privacy while changing into these packets. Once a symbol of luxury in the kingdom era, fitting rooms had now become smaller and darker, barely fitting one person.  

The Captain opened the door and emerged cautiously from the fitting room after changing.

Question. Is this really everyday wear?

For everyday clothes, it was a well-crafted design, The top made by adding color to the shirt and the pleated skirt with fabric added gave off the feel of a well-dressed upper-class citizen.

The Captain kept glancing at her body, seemingly unaccustomed to her clothes.

How is it? Feels different from what you used to wear, right? This is the taste of a custom-made product that you cant get from mass-produced go.

The clothes dont constrict my body. Its like wearing nothing at all.

Excuse me?

What in the world was that supposed to mean? Like wearing nothing at all? It was a bit weird to call it a compliment, wasnt it?

So, you mean the clothes are comfortable, right?

Negative. They are uncomfortable. The clothes dont wrap around my body, soThe stiffness islacking.

The sensation of holding me tightly is nonexistent. It feels like everything in the world has let go of me! Im anxious!

Thats the problem? So, she means the clothes are uncomfortably comfortable?

What kind of life have you lived so far, Captain Abbey?

While I was dumbfounded, Smen was assaulted with emotions even beyond that, feeling absolutely disgraced for not being able to satisfy a customer. 

You seem to like slightly tight clothes. My fault. It is my fault.

No, its not that the Captain likes tight clothes; she just feels secure in uncomfortable clothes and restrictive situations. Basically, it means shes been raised wrong.

With a serious expression full of resolve, Smen took out another clothing packet and headed towards an Arch-Avatar in the corner.

I made a mistake. In the past, I used to directly measure and ask customers about their preferences. Since the development of clothing packets, I have neglected personal preferences. Working with the Arch-Avatar is easy and fits everyone, after all. 

Arch-Avatar. A magical mannequin modeled after the human body.

The clothing packet, one of the Seven Major Inventions of the Military State, could only be made with the existence of the Arch-Avatar. When a garment is made with alchemical fabric on the Arch-Avatar and turned into a packet, the clothes were formed exactly like the avatar entered in the persons bio-receptor when the packet was attached.

I shall reduce part of the size here. When the packet is attached, it will fit a bit tighter.

Smen tinkered with the clothes on the Arch-Avatar and returned the packet. The Captain, receiving the new one, went straight into the fitting room to change and came out.

Ah. It is much more comfortable!

Speaking far more brightly than before, the Captains clothes were practically as tight as a uniform. I gripped my forehead in exasperation, but Smen was actually pleased to have found the owner of the constricting clothes.

Getting carried away, Smen handed over dresses, everyday wear, and even pajamas. The Captain, receiving the packet, extended her hand towards me and rummaged her pockets.

I shall pay for it.  

But before the Captain could take out her money, Smen graciously bowed and refused.

How can I possibly take money from a guest of Mr. Hughes? Its enough that you wear them. 

Negative. Then I would be accepting a bribe. I cannot accept financial compensation from anyone, including you.

The Captains attitude was firm. Smen sighed slightly and bowed even lower.

Then, it cant be helped. Please just give me 50 alkeis.

Even the most basic factory-made shirt costed 50 alkeis. As such, three handmade clothing packets for 50 alkeis was no different from free.

If the Captain knew a little about the market, she would have questioned it. However

I havent used anything other than rations and supplies, so I dont know the market value well But 50 alkeis, you say? It feels less than my salary?

Of course, Smen had given her an absolute steal. However, I pretended to be shocked and made a fuss so that the Captain would not suspect. 

What, 50 alkeis? Smen, youve become quite the businessman! How rich do you plan to get?!

What? Businessman? Aha. I see what you mean.

I see she still gets instinctively worked up at such words. But still, Smen was a veteran tailor who had catered to nobility, not just in clothing but also in pleasing them.

Smen kept his composure and went along with my act.

Please understand. Even if you are Mr. Hughes guest, this old man would starve without money.

It cant be helped. But its okay! A Captains salary must be much more than this!

Shouldnt we charge such a person more? If, somehow, it is too burdensome of a cost even with a Captains salary, you do not need to pay.

It was said that three people gathered together could even make up a tiger that didnt exist. As such, two people were enough to deceive a Captain who knew nothing about the market, nor of worldly matters.

To be honest, I could have just done it myself. Even two people were excessive.

Confirmed. I will pay.

Oh, the irony of a signaller knowing Level 4 Classified Information but not the market prices.

Smen, considering the Captains ignorance as innocence, smiled warmly. Then, as if remembering something, he suddenly gave me a clothing packet as well.

Ah, and Mr. Hughes. This is the clothes you always wore.

Thank you. How much is it?

Just take it.

It was the answer I expected, but I pretended not to have known.

Is that okay?

Smen nodded without an ounce of hesitation.

When I couldnt let go of my old-fashioned stubbornness about clothes, didnt you teach me about clothing packet technology yourself? You helped me make a new start, so this much is nothing.

Well, if you say so.  

I was treated like a benefactor just for sharing knowledge I had gleaned through Mind Reading. Keke. This was why it was more convenient to be kind to those who repaid favors. The debt of gratitude always followed.

Unlike the Captain, I had a positive view of bribes directed at me, so I didnt refuse the free clothes. As I was collecting the clothing packet, Smen whispered in my ear.

And about a week ago, the Lady came looking for you.

Her? Why?

I didnt ask. I just told her I hadnt seen you recently.

Tsk. I dont really want to be involved with her, though. Yep, thats right. Lets pretend I dont know for now. If its urgent, shell contact me first or something. 

After finishing my business, I waved at Smen.

Anyway, thank you. Ill be going now.

Take care.

I left with the still perplexed Captain in tow. 

The newly adjusted clothes were so natural that they looked as if they were made that way from the start. The Captain, wearing slightly tight clothes, clearly showed her body line.

I didnt really know whether to call it open or conservative. Tight clothes meant accepting discomfort to make ones presence known to the world, after all.


Well then, now that we have changed clothes, shall we go eat?

Are you talking about a meal?

At my suggestion, the Captain looked around for a moment. After checking the time on a clock in the alley, she firmly declined.

Reject. It is not my permitted mealtime.

So if its not mealtime, you wont eat?

? What do you mean? Isnt it common sense to eat at mealtime?

What the hell was she saying? You eat when youre hungry.

Our gazes met, both tilting our heads in confusion.

Bbey. Is there perhaps a rule that says you can only eat at set times?

A signaller has a duty to adhere to mealtimes. Senseless eating or overeating can cause various problems. For example, it can lead to sluggishness or a shortage of supplies, requiring a request for additional provisions.

It is confidential.

She seemed quite well-trained. She still adhered to confidentiality, just in case she mistakenly revealed information related to signallers.

At any rate, I roughly got the gist. There was a way to handle this type of person.

Bbey, after such a long journey, you need to eat well because of the large energy expenditure.

I do not disagree. However, I believe it is sufficient to eat at my designated times. Theres no need to break the schedule. 

Being diligent at work is most important. Rules exist for better performance. If you get hungry and neglect your duty, thats a bigger problem, right?

A little hunger will not lead me to neglect my duties.

Though the Captain stated this confidently

Braised beans, bean stew, steamed meat and beans.

Slurp. Eup!

Her saliva reflexively flowed at my provocation. The Captain quickly wiped the drool from her mouth.

Her body had ridden the Meta Conveyor Belt in the cold without even eating properly. There was no way she wasnt hungry.

The hunger of someone who moved outside was something a shut-in would never understand.

Just the sound of the word beans is making your mouth water, though? Are you sure youre okay?

N-Negative. There is no problem. Just a little drool.

Are you going to perform your mission like that? Im sure youll work oh so well when youre drooling at just the sound of food! You should be thinking of eating well in order to work harder instead!


Answer me! Affirmative or negative?

When I proceeded to browbeat her, the Captain bowed her head and indicated an affirmative.


Conveniently, there was a place akin to a restaurant in the market street. I took the Captain to a bustling stall.

In one corner of the restaurant, people were densely packed at straight tables. They were chatting loudly and eating something indescribable from the bowls in front of them. I found a spot in the corner without people and banged on the table. 

Anna, give one of todays special.

As I did so, peoples gazes turned towards me. Some recognized and greeted me.


What the. I thought he died since he suddenly disappeared.

Theres no way that fucker would die so easily, you know?

I smiled back at each of them and called out to the person busily frying and boiling something in the griddle.

Auntie! Im hungry!  

As soon as I mentioned being hungry, the owner finally reacted and turned around.

She was a middle-aged woman full of life. From the headscarf on her forehead to her rolled-up sleeve, her attire made her out to be an expert in life, if such a thing existed in the first place.

When she saw my face, she greeted me with a refreshing laugh.

Hughes, long time no see! Whos this beside you?

A new friend Ive made.

A friend? how suspicious, coming from you. Not a criminal, I hope?

Im thinking of turning her into one real soon.

?! Was that what you intended to do?!

The astonished Captain was horrified, but because she was overwhelmed by the attention focused on her, she couldnt retort Rebuttal!. Meanwhile, Anna rolled up her sleeves again.

That gloomy kid you always used to bring aroundWhat was his name again?

Are you talking about Anton?

Yes, that kid! Well, this gally lady is certainly better than Anton! Much nicer to look at, after all. Oh, look at me getting distracted. Just a moment, Ill fry up a dish for you.

Anna poured oil on the griddle and emptied out a can of pre-cooked beans. White steam rose in fluffy clouds and the cheers of people filled the air.

Swallowing saliva without she herself realizing, the Captain quickly turned her gaze away and looked at me.

Question. What is your identity, exactly? Why do so many people recognize you?

Oh boy. Seriously? You have such trivial questions. How could you be so suspicious just because people recognize me? 

I told you I used to live here. Naturally, Id be familiar with the people. Doesnt everyone have about a hundred friends?


The Captain internally weighed the attention being poured onto me and her, my fellow companion.

It appears you have considerable popularity. Question. How can a petty criminal who is as suspicious and untrustworthy as you gain such popularity from people?

What did you say, you brat?

What did you mean by that but just now?  

The Captain hesitated before responding.

It is confidential.

Dont be ridiculous!

This loner who was involuntarily confined in a boxWait, maybe shes a voluntary loner? A Military State-like loner? What should I even call this?

Sigh, forget it. I should just be patient and let it go. Shes a pitiful person, truly pitiful.

The Captain could call me a suspicious social misfit. She could browbeat and yell at me, calling me a petty criminal.

However, I could not tell the Captain that she was one of the biggest loners in the entire Military State. That would be too harsh, you know?

I sighed and just waited for the food to arrive.

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