Omniscient First-Person’s Viewpoint

Chapter 113: - Clearing the Aftermath - 2

༺ Clearing the Aftermath – 2 ༻

The first condition for rock-paper-scissors to become a psychological battle: when someone initiates strategic mind play.

The regressor paused briefly, assessing my intention.

「What’s this? Trying mind games? Hmph, how unremarkable.」

“Then I should just go with paper.”

“I figured you’d say that. Just as vague as expected.”


I swiftly raised my voice before the regressor could get worked up.

“Alright, here we go! The match that determines whether Nabi lives or dies! Let’s see how it unfolds!”

The second condition: when the stakes are incredibly high.

The fusion of mind play and urgency alters the very genre of rock-paper-scissors.

「Dogs and cats are on the line here, the creatures closest to humans who also possess the highest number of beastkin. Once these two are in stable condition, the future calamity will be much weaker.」

The regressor widened her eyes to focus on this match, but I sneered inwardly. Her defeat was set in stone from the moment she started thinking.

I loudly commenced the game.

“You play or you lose! Now, rock!”

「He declared his choice as rock, so I should choose paper… no, this could be a bait to let him go scissors. Then I’ll… pretend to throw scissors, and switch back to paper!」

I knew she’d get lost in the moment. She even made the uncertain choice of going with paper. Tut-tut. I would’ve beaten her even without mind reading.

I hoped she wouldn’t blame me too much. The outcome was already decided from the moment she accepted the challenge against someone of my ability.


「Huh? Wait a second. Isn’t it impossible that he’d compete properly? Why did I assume he’d engage in a fair fight?」

That prompted a mad giggle inside me. Of course it wasn’t a fair fight, and it was too late to realize that now. In rock-paper-scissors, victory was certain with my advantage as a mind—


「I almost got caught up again! Alright. Don’t fight on his terms! I’ll show paper first and then switch based on his play!」

Eh? What’d you? Hold up, you nutjob of a regressor. Why are you changing the fundamental premise of the game? This isn’t just altering the genre, you’re outright transforming it into a reaction contest!

「Heavenly Counter Domain, Adaptive Kata! I’ll take the action that counters his move!」

She’d even use Qi Art? And of all arts, it was the Heavenly Counter Domain, which reproduced ingrained movements reflexively. The gap between perception and response was tiny thanks to the use of Qi coursing through the body, capturing the opponents’ motions.

I’d lose at this rate. I had to stop… but we had already revealed our hands.

Damn it. Since she’s intending to start with paper, I’ll slightly change my move midway and throw sci—


Fine. Just have your win then.

The outcome of the rock-paper-scissors match: I chose scissors, while the regressor opted for rock. According to the great laws of the game, I was defeated. And a particularly bitter defeat it was, given my belief in victory.

I cursed inwardly. How could I lose? And of all things, in a game of rock-paper-scissors?

I wouldn’t have felt so indignant if it were just a whimsical switch, but the match was supposed to be mine before that cheating regressor overturned the game itself!

The regressor checked the result and grew wide-eyed.

“… Eh? What? I won?”

“So you did. Wow. It’s Mr. Shei’s victory. Looks like Nabi’s life is saved thanks to you.”

「Huh. So he didn’t use any tricks? He was really trying to play an ordinary game of rock-paper-scissors?」

Where in the world could anyone find an ordinary game of rock-paper-scissors? It was just rock-paper-scissors. Why did such a simple game need the adjective “ordinary” attached?

I shot a resentful gaze toward the dastardly regressor who stole my victory by forcing the match into a physical contest.

The nasty girl reveled in my glare, smirking with delight.

“Heheh. I won? Huh. You said men are all about rock, yet you played scissors?”

“So it seems. Turns out I fall far short of the true man that you are, Mr. Shei. I admit defeat. Your manliness is beyond me.”

「…Wait. None of this feels remotely satisfying somehow.」

While the regressor tilted her head confusedly for a moment, Tyr, observing the fight from afar, sent me a quiet signal. Her blood-red eyes glimmered with a warmth reserved solely for me.

“Hu… If, perhaps, you wish it…”

She was offering to deal with Nabi even if it meant enduring conflict with the regressor, if that’s what I wanted. However, I immediately shook my head.

“No. Rock-paper-scissors is a sacred duel. We should abide by the outcome.”

This was the most peaceful promise humans devised to settle minor disputes. Though I had lost, the sanctity of the promise held.

A winning gambler had to be willing to acknowledge an occasional loss, as this further elevated the value of victory.

That being the case, there was one thing left for me to do. I had to ensure that junkie Nabi became safe enough to go wandering about.

Ugh, destined to suffer I am.

“Azzy girl, lick that one for me would you?”

“Woof? That one?”

She shot me a confused look, then let out a low grow in Nabi’s direction. I heaved a sigh and patted her head.

“No way around it. Since we’re saving her, we ought to at least start treating her now.”

“Woof… Don’t wanna. She’s annoying.”

“It’s okay, we won’t let her attack anyone. And if she doesn’t attack, she’ll become your good friend.”


Despite her dissatisfied barks, Azzy eventually gave way to my persuasion, albeit reluctantly. As she stood beside Nabi, the latter mewled in fright.

Azzy briefly gazed at the cat submissively pleading for mercy, then bent over with a short woof and began to lick her wounds. Nabi had curled up, anticipating a bite, but upon realizing that it was no attack, she accepted the grooming without resistance.


Azzy’s little tongue steadily began its work from Nabi’s ankle. The Azzy’s bite marks started to fade at a slow but visible speed.

“Looks like she didn’t get rabies. Well, Azzy’s licking probably fixed that.”

It only made sense that her saliva would be the cure to the curse inflicted by her fangs. I doubted Nabi would fully recover from this, but her condition wouldn’t worsen further.

Once Azzy finished cleaning Nabi’s calf wounds, she gradually moved up towards the thighs. Even one thigh took quite an effort to groom due to her small tongue.

I worried about her smelling too much blood, though. I debated asking Tyr to clear off just the blood with her bloodcraft… but then I wondered if it would work on Beast Kings, given their divine nature.


That’s when Tyr called out to me.


As I turned around, Tyr grasped my sleeve, seeming antsy about something, and began to lead me out of the classroom.



The strength of her pulling was formidable, and I was dragged off helplessly.

“It is an improper sight, is it not? You must not look. Quickly now.”

“I mean, that’s just grooming.”

“…Must I resort to force?”

“But the air in this room feels strangely heavy. I should go outside for a walk.”

Coincidentally, Callis was continuing her assault maneuver in the warden’s office at the corridor’s end. Since I had nothing to gain from staying in a place where I could sense the undying’s distress, I decided to withdraw.

The regressor sneered at my predicament.

“Hmph. Now you also get it, don’t you? I’m not weird. You’re the odd one for accepting this scene so nonchalant—”

“Shut up and come with, Strong Fist Shei.”

“W-what? Why… Ah!”

「Right! I’m cross-dressing!」

I wish she’d get a grip. What’s she even trying to accomplish with that mindset? Tsk.

Then again, her bad acting made me glad. Would she have maintained sanity throughout those regressions if her ego were weak? Yes, it was a relief to have her as the regressor instead of anyone else.

“Don’t we have something to do? Come out quickly. I’ll teach you how to roll a mana cigar.”

“I don’t smoke those.”

Her firm declination came so reflexively that I wondered if she had employed her Heavenly Counter Domain.

「Relying on something like that will break my will each time I regress.」

Well, wasn’t she a soul of integrity.

“They’re not for you to smoke, so just come along for now.”

I discreetly shifted my gaze and found Tyr had conjured a fog of darkness. She stared in my direction, as if to keep me in check. Her red eyes remained fixed, even though it was too dark for me to see anything anyway.

I mean, did she have to be so defensive? How seriously unfair. They were just animals in the end, even if they were in human form…

“…What are you eyeing? Hurry up.”

Those blood-red eyes that radiated warmth solely for me now held nothing but sternness.

Admitting that there was no real reason to watch a couple of beasts grooming, I left the classroom as if driven out.

Gah, this sucks. May as well vent on the regressor.

I started talking while leading her to my room.

“You heard the gist of the story, yes? The Cat King is currently addicted to drugs. Specifically, special mana cigars made from catnip and world tree leaves.”

“Uh-huh. I never thought that would be the way to control the Cat King.”

“What was your solution in mind, considering it’s impossible to procure mana herbs in the abyss?”

“…Can’t you just quit using them?”

“So you had zero ideas. I hear you crystal clear.”

「Argh…! Okay, so I didn’t exactly have a plan…! But still!」

The regressor shamelessly tried to justify herself.

“You can’t find medicine here anyway, so there’s no choice but to endure, right?”

“Think rationally. Would an addict just sit still when their stash runs dry?”

“We could control her by force if necessary…”

“Is there any difference between you and the Human Regime? Whatever, just come along.”

Crestfallen, the regressor pressed her lips shut and followed behind me.

As I walked, I took out the mana cigars I had collected. They were the catnip-infused versions custom-made for Nabi, acquired from searching the lieutenant general and the colonel.

“Six Nabi-exclusive mana cigars, obtained from the colonel and the lieutenant general. If I simply handed these to Nabi, how many days would they last?”

“There are six, so if we use them very sparingly, say one every three days… 18 days?”

“One day. It’s an addict’s nature to consume everything they have in a single day, regardless of quantity.”

How could someone who never indulged in drugs comprehend?

With that lamenting thought, I entered my room and opened a drawer. There, I found the 11 mana cigars Callis had supplied, still unused. Arranging them on the table in my room, I continued in a serious tone.

“No matter how sparingly we ration them, it’ll be hard to use less than one per day. So what should we do about this?”

The cigar wrappings were composed of leaves from the imperial juniper tree, known for absorbing scents. I tore the outer layer of a mana cigar, releasing a crisp, refreshing aroma that woke my senses. The faint mana within me responded to the stimulus, beginning to course through my veins.

I explained further while savoring the cool sensation akin to opening a window in my head.

“The answer is… to increase the number of mana cigars.”

“Is that possible?”

“Nothing in the world is impossible. Higher-quality mana cigars, in particular, are easier to replicate. More precisely, we can subtly infuse its fragrance to give the illusion of a premium product. And since these Nabi-exclusive cigars contain world tree leaves, albeit in small amounts…”

At this moment, I felt like I was the famous Saintess of Origin from the bibles of Sanctum, who was said to have performed the miracle of feeding a thousand with a single sheep.

I unfolded a piece of paper and sprinkled some withered mana herb from a standard mana cigar. Next, I added a coating of the special catnip and world tree leaf blend to the standard base. After that, I rolled up the paper and folded the ends slightly to seal them.

Once I was done distributing them…

“Tada. After some mixing and portioning of two standard mana cigars and one Nabi-exclusive version—can you believe it—we have five Nabi-exclusive mana cigars! How about that!”

Now this was what I called magic and a miracle; the cigars had increased as if they had children. Feeling proud, I brought one of them to my lips.

“Hey. What are you thinking, smoking it yourself?”

“Ack. My body just did it on its own.”

Darn it. I would’ve made at least 100 alkeis a piece if I sold these outside, yet I had to give them to a cat?

My hands trembled violently, and my fingers kept trying to stick to the cigar. I barely managed to peel them off.

As I proceeded to tear more mana cigars to continue my work, the regressor momentarily stared at the newly crafted goods before making a suggestion.

“Could you make more if I provided world tree leaves?”

“You have more of those leaves?”


“Just one or two won’t do. How many?”

The regressor promptly tore open a rift in midair and plunged her right arm into that dimensional pocket. With a furrowed brow, she moved her arm around a few times before pulling it out, holding a lush branch of a maidenhair tree.

It was a world tree branch. With a bunch of leaves on it.

“About this much?”

I just, I couldn’t believe this. The guardians of the world trees might sell leaves, but they never parted with branches. How the heck had she managed this?

“What on earth do you carry around in there?”

“When it comes to necessities? Pretty much everything.”

“Come on, we’re talking about a whole branch, not just leaves…”

“Here, take it.”

The regressor readily handed the thing over. I couldn’t tell if her sense of money was skewed or if she just didn’t care because she was going to regress.

World tree leaves were saturated with vital essence itself, and when properly blended, they could amplify the efficacy of any herb. Completely without side effects.

In other words, when combined with mana cigars, they produced cigars of manifold potency compared to before.

World tree leaves didn’t dry out through conventional means, so it was necessary to cast Aqus to extract all the moisture.

As I tore the dried leaves into long strips, I tilted my head, wondering aloud.

“Doesn’t this mean I’m not making the cheap stuff…?”

As someone who’d use cheap fillings for profit, using more expensive ingredients felt way off. Was this the mindset of the wealthy? Had I lived too much like a commoner?

In the end, I had a total of 60 mana cigars. Forget addiction, I had a feeling smoking these would only promote health.

“Mana cigars made from world tree leaves… Uh, could I try just one of these?”

Each one was a precious item that could prevent Nabi from going berserk, but the temptation was irresistible for a cigar enthusiast like me. Holding back meant I couldn’t consider myself a true mana cigar smoker anywhere.

The only obstacle was the regressor, but…

“Go for it.”

To my surprise, she easily gave permission. That made me wonder what had come over her.

I swiftly picked up a cigar before warning her.

“I’m going to smoke this, so step outside.”

“Mm? Why? Just smoke it.”

“I don’t want to blow smoke in front of a kid. Come on.”

“Excuse me? Kid?”

The all-brawn brat flared up at my remark and picked up one of the cigars on the table, shouting.

“I can smoke something like this too! How about it, wanna see?”

Ugh, well of course.

I placed the cigar down again. It was my fault for wanting to smoke these in this isolated place. Besides, they were expensive, and each one was practically worth the Cat King’s life. Even if I kept any, I’d have to return them when Nabi’s supply ran out.

It was a shame, but I decided to let go of my inner smoker for the time being. If any remained after we escaped, I’d steal one for myself then.

“Ah, forget it. Adults should set a good example.”

“Smoke it already!”

Leaving behind the shrieking regressor, I plodded my way outside.

* * *

‘I came here with the intention of discarding this cycle, at the cost of setting other matters aside… but I can’t abandon it now. We have the Cat King, the Dog King’s fine, and even Tyrkanzyaka’s condition is normal. Moreover, we’ve foiled the Human Regime’s scheme. I’m still not sure what exactly changed from the previous cycle… but now, I have to make sure. See how far this lifetime can continue, and confirm the progress that can be made.’


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