Omniscient First-Person’s Viewpoint

Chapter 122: Mother Earth Is Alongside Us All

༺ Mother Earth Is Alongside Us All ༻

In the Gaian Order, there wasn’t anything like a temple in their worship of Mother Earth. As believers stood on her body itself, bowing on their knees was their way of offering a greeting, and kissing the land was their baptism.

Well, they did have a great temple nestled halfway up the highest mountain in the lands, and some boulder-like thing claimed to be Mother Earth’s figure, but those were merely symbols.

To Mother Earth, only her believers held meaning. This was both the reason for the Gaian Order’s ascent and the cause of its decline. The freedom to embrace their faith allowed their religious influence to proliferate like weeds, yet it also exposed them to the unworthy who tarnished their name like venomous vines.

Nevertheless, the spirit of the faith endured despite the blasphemy of the foolish. Why? Because the worthy believers arduously labored to cleanse those blemishes. These were the few Gaians who resisted exaltation, silently carrying out their roles despite facing the world’s criticism, saving countless lives within their reach.

Deeply inspired by their noble deeds, people worldwide began to address esteemed Gaians as sages.

And in this age, the most renowned among these sages was…

“The Earth Sage! I can’t believe it!”

The instant I recognized who stood before me, I dashed forward to meet her.

“Am I really seeing this? Earth Sage! It’s truly you, isn’t it?!”

The Earth Sage, seeming accustomed to such reception, responded with a self-assured smile.

“I am undeserving, but some do address my humble self in that manner.”

“Wow! I never imagined I’d see the Earth Sage in my lifetime! Uh, it’s such an honor, but could we shake hands…?”

“Not a problem.”

The Earth Sage readily extended her hand, and I took it, starstruck. As I shook her hand up and down, I observed how it felt; like a still ancient tree, each finger brimming with strength, bearing wrinkles that resembled the annual rings of civil engineering history.

Azzy tilted her head by the side, confused by my friendly attitude.

“Woof? Someone you know?”

“Damn right I do, silly. Though of course, it’s just one-sided recognition on my part!”

Who wouldn’t recognize the legendary sage of the Gaian Order?

25 years ago, when the Military State defeated the kingdom and took power, many lives were lost, and even more were marked for death.

The Military State, reeling from the effects of war, had to optimize its remaining resources. Old-world elites, crooked merchants, knights and squires in cahoots with said merchants, and corrupt bureaucrats who turned a blind eye to everything while profiting.

Moreover, jobs had to be created for the lower classes, the victims of their plundering.

But the Military State delivered. They embarked on a massive civil engineering project, unparalleled in history. This grand venture, building the Military State from the ground up, addressed numerous issues.

And standing tall amidst this were the earthweavers. The project’s success was owed to the tremendous efforts and sacrifices of the Gaian disciples, these master sculptors of dirt and sand.

From that day onward, the Gaian faith rose to prominence, and the masses began to hold Mother Earth’s disciples in reverence. Their previous dismissal as folklore or even a cult was a thing of the past.

And the most famous among them was none other than…

“The Goddess of the Engineer Corps, Guardian of Digging, Reverse Undertaker, Terrastream, and the Unyielding!”

「Wait a moment. The Unyielding? Even that moniker spread in society?」

The Earth Sage displayed a subtle twitch at the corner of her eye, but regardless, I pressed on.

”The one who bears all these titles. The venerable Earth Sage!”

At the end of it, Azzy grew excited with me and started hopping around.

“Woof! Someone you know!”

“Rascal, what’re you getting worked up for when you don’t even know who the Earth Sage is? Do you know the history of the State’s civil engineering?”

“Woof! Hi! Hi!”

Tsk. My mistake for asking a mutt.

The Earth Sage took firm, unwavering steps into the light. Sensing the unusual shift in the air, Tyr waited perched on her coffin.

Tyr didn’t hide her wariness as she spoke to me.

“… Hu, are you acquainted?”

Before I could give an introduction, the Earth Sage took the initiative, gathering her hands in a gesture of greeting toward Tyr.

“Pleasure to meet you, venerable Progenitor. I have heard much of your deep connection with the earth. As a follower of Mother Earth, please allow me to offer my respects to the One Who Has Rested the Longest.”

“A disciple of Mother Earth, are we?”

Those words were enough to melt Tyr’s apprehension. Unlike Sanctum, always raring to wage war at every encounter instead of shaking hands, the inclusive Gaian Order didn’t shun vampires.

This wasn’t to say that they were allies, but to those surrounded by black, even shades of gray could seem bright.

“I have kept friendships with many a taoist in the past. They were honorable and upright, truly deserving of their titles.”

Tyr then lowered her voice before continuing.

“I admit to crossing blades with a few among them, but only because they struck first. Should you harbor no hostility toward me, expect the same in return.”

“If so, there shall be no quarrel between us.”

The Earth Sage replied with a bow, and Tyr flashed a satisfied smile.

“Quite the reasonable one you are. I feel our latest visitor will not be causing any incident.”

Haha. Well, I wonder about that.

As I inwardly expressed doubt, more voices joined us.

“Why! How has this come to be? We have a noble guest!”

Just in time, the undying and Callis, donning her officer’s uniform for the first time ever since she last took it off, came down and started making a fuss upon seeing the Earth Sage.

Callis’ reaction was especially pronounced. Pulling down her service cap, she presented a hasty salute accompanied by a strong greeting.

“Lieutenant Colonel Callis Kritz, at your service…! To what do we owe the honor, Brigadier General?”

“Brigadier General?”

The State’s military structure was intuitive. With the progression going from Major General, to Lieutenant General, to General, a Brigadier General was below all the other generals in rank.

With that in mind, the undying asked a question out of pure curiosity.

“A brigadier general? So, Earth Sage, does this mean you are below a lieutenant general?”

“Be still, Rasch! Brigadier General is an honorary rank. Although it doesn’t hold a place within the standard hierarchy, it is a gray star that is only awarded in recognition of power and contributions!”

Callis, momentarily forgetting her pretense of being injured, swiftly chided the undying, who scratched his head sheepishly.

“I can see without being told that she is a person of importance. I just wondered if the Military State was actually amazing enough to enlist someone like her!”

The Earth Sage picked up on that question.

“How could those who heed Mother Earth’s will choose to give rise to deaths? If I may humbly confess, my high rank was merely a tool to carry out my duty effectively.”

“Haha! So then, you are a general who does not fight! That is far more amazing! Pleased to meet you, Noble One!”

With a hearty burst of laughter, the undying curled a fist instead of proferring a hand, making a suggestion with gleaming eyes of anticipation.

“O Earth Sage! This must be fate. Might I propose a touch of the fist?”

To be clear, a “touch of the fist” wasn’t as casual as it sounded. It was a barbaric greeting where both sides smashed their fists together, testing both trust and strength. Due to its physical demands, even Gaian followers hesitated to engage in this ancient tradition.

The Earth Sage clearly shared those reservations, expressing it in her tone.

“Earthener, child who yearns to resemble Mother Earth. While our meeting may be guided by her hand, this land is not linked to her veins. I have no desire to exhaust you in such a manner.”

However, her reluctance stemmed from a different reason. Despite facing an undying, she had no desire to harm him.

Her statement carried overwhelming confidence and deep-set pride.

“Haha! A pity! It was a chance to experience your might!”

The undying showed no sign of taking offense even though he was treated as a lesser. The Earth Sage returned a smile at his easy attitude before turning to Callis.

“And, Lieutenant Colonel, did you say?”

“Lieutenant Colonel Callis Kritz, yes.”

“I humbly admit to receiving a high rank from the Military State, but I have not come here today as a brigadier general. I am here purely as a disciple following Mother Earth’s will. There is no need for State formalities.”

“Yes, understood…!”

Despite the Earth Sage’s words, Callis couldn’t help the soldier’s instincts ingrained in her and gave another sharp salute. The Earth Sage chuckled and looked around for someone she hadn’t yet greeted.



Her gaze met the Regressor’s, and her gentle countenance stiffened. The latter’s expression was that of mixed hostility.

The two stood apart, like elements that could never mix. Comparing them to water and oil would be too mild; these two things might not mix, but they coexisted more peacefully than anything else.

It would be more accurate to depict them as two predators encountering each other in their territory. They understood that a clash would lead to a deathmatch, which was why they didn’t dare to approach the other.

The first to speak up was the Earth Sage, the elder of the two. She spoke with respect, without taking her eyes off the regressor.

“…I have heard the rumors. That within the abyss, there is a swordsman of extraordinary ability.”

“I’ve also heard the tales. About an emissary of Mother Earth, stronger than any.”

Tension thickened the air amidst their formal exchange. Just as people could detect an impending storm on a clear day, everyone’s senses sharpened in response to the unusual atmosphere. But just then…

“I think we’ve had our guest stand around too long! Earth Sage! Please come in first! You must be weary from your journey. Why don’t we talk over a meal!”

I jumped in, tearing through the silence. With a soft smile and a look full of respect, I shifted my shoulder to gesture the way.

The Earth Sage soon withdrew her gaze from the regressor and nodded.

“I would appreciate that. The abyss is not a welcoming place for me either. I do feel depleted.”

“What? That’s terrible. I had so much to ask about your grand achievements, but if you’re tired, what to do… perhaps we should let you rest?”

The Earth Sage chuckled at my playful tone.

“Is even bragging considered a matter of importance nowadays? You flatter me. Talking is no problem. “

“Well! If you say so then! Let’s get right to business! Fair warning, it’s going to take a while!”

“Woof? Going to eat? Foood!”

“Goofball, learn when to give it a break! You poke in like a fang!”

Under my lead, the Earth Sage headed toward the prison building. Azzy rushed ahead, while Tyr followed closely by my side on her coffin. The undying and Callis trailed behind, gazing up at our guest with admiration.

“Oh? By the way, Callis. Are you all better now? You seem perfectly fine!”

Callis flinched.

“…I pushed myself a little. Since the Brigadier General came.”

“Haha! I suppose it is worth exerting yourself for such an esteemed guest!”

The commotion in the air made me question whether this place was a prison or an inn.

As I led the way, I got the sudden urge to look back and noticed the regressor standing motionless. She was silently watching the Earth Sage’s retreating figure without any intention of joining us.


Nabi softly padded her way over to stand by the solitary girl, grooming her paw. With her tail puffed up, Nabi glanced at us moving away.

It wasn’t long before they vanished from my view.


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