Oh no! After I Reincarnated, My Moms Became Son-cons!

Book 1: Chapter 9

Book 1: Chapter 9

Lucia followed who was following behind me, saw me carrying parchment rolls. Confused, she asked: Your highness, what are we doing? Youve been in your room writing and drawing all day since last night. What are these things? Please forgive my ignorance, but I dont understand a thing youve drawn.

I smiled and replied: This isnt anything miraculous. Its just a blueprint of the ballista we mentioned yesterday. Mr Castell didnt provide us with a blueprint, so I drew one up myself.

Surprised, Lucia looked at me with admiration and said: You know how to operate machines?! You look unstoppable! Your drawings look so complicated. If you could draw all this up in one night, then the humans arent particularly skilled.

I silently chuckled to myself. This is one of the advantages I have coming from another world. I dont have the memories of the owner of this body, but my own memories are still intact. The humans are quite skilled. I dont know how powerful the magic of elves are, but I do know that human creativity knows no bounds. Every fantasy novel has this quote: Never underestimate humanity.

Lucia, who was walking side-by-side with me down the street asked: Are we going to the elders just to return the books? Mom is still in a deep slumber, but if she were to wake up, then itd be impossible for me to do the things I want. Mom, please forgive me for being so stubborn I will take care of you until you wake up afterwards.

Thats one reason.

I stood at the front of the elders large tree. Im still reluctant to admit that this tree is a house I knocked on the trunk and waited. The door opened not long after, and I was greeted with an old gloomy face. His eyes lit up when he saw me. He quickly greeted me and said: My, my, it is an honour to have your highness personally pay me a visit. May I ask if you are here to bring us good news? It would be nice if it were about us having to go to battle

I looked to the sides of the ancient tree. This fellow refuses to contribute, and yet he keeps asking me, hoping for the best. Ill bet hes already made preparations to go to battle. As I looked around, I noticed a shiny line-up of spears next to the tree. Was he drying them out or something?

No, Im here to return your books and pass on an order.

I placed the books in front of him, shook my head, smiled bitterly and said: However, this is not an order from her highness, but from me. Do I have the rights to order you as your prince?

I am just a decrepit skeleton. I would be willing to throw my life away for you, your highness, is what he said, but to me it sounded like Ive got one foot in the casket already, whether its one more job or less one job, its all the same to me. I smiled, passed him a sheet of paper and said: I want to create these things. Prepare the materials yourself. You are supposed to set out in five days. If you can create them and give them to me before then, then you wont have to go. Otherwise, you can take those spears, go out there and bring home some good news for us.

Shocked by what he had just heard, he quickly took the parchment from me. For me to be able to draw something on the level of engineers with a parchment this is incredible. I admire myself. I drew a ballista. Castell never told me how a ballista was made. To people of this era, a ballista should be considered advanced technology, but not for me, since I was a student in the mechanics department in the army. I learnt how to make weaponry and armour. I remember there was a blueprint for a ballista like this in class. From the standpoint of modern day people, this would be considered a mere toy.  But I must say, drawing it just based off my memory alone was a real chore.

Moreover, the design I came up with was no ordinary ballista. I added gears, chains and standard magazines to create an automatic ballista. I just need one of them to obliterate all the Earth Dragons.

Wh-what might this be?

Ah, dont worry about that. The theory behind it is written there, you just need to obtain the resources for me. You people should be able to create this with your wealth and man-power, right? I dont need many, just five will do. The arrows are important, so make sure to make the arrows out of steel. The more arrows you make, the better. Also, make sure theyre to keep the dimension consistent Ah, make them with dimensions similar to these spears.

He trembled and cried as he said to me: B-but, your highness, w-we cant possibly complete five of them within five days! Even if all eight of us elders went all out, we still wouldnt make it in time. Th-thats asking too much Even if we could produce high quality versions, we wouldnt make the arrows in time.

I shrugged and said: Divide up the work and youll be fine. One family work on the gears, another work on the crossbow, another on the magazine, and then just combine the parts together after. Itd be hard for you to make five ballistae in five days, but you could make tens of gears in five days, right? Problem solved, right? You guys

I suddenly remembered as I was mocking them that ballistae were new to people of this era. They dont yet understand the concept of a production line Fuck, what have I done?! Havent I just forcibly triggered the development of society here?!

I see! I see! Genius! Thats genius!! You live up to your title, your highness. You are as intelligent as the goddess! You truly are the son of her highness. A true genius! Leave it with us. Five days. We should be able to complete your request in five days! We wont be able to face the previous emperor, if we fail! May I also ask, does this mean we wont have to go to battle?

Ill personally lead the campaign after you complete them; you people just focus on providing me with what I need. Ill be waiting to hear from you. Oh, right, I almost forgot something even more important. Ill leave training men to operate the ballistae up to you as Ill be taking them with me. Goodbye.

I touched both sides of my head cloth to confirm that my ears werent revealed and then pushed the door open. To be honest, I dont know why mom always fusses over my ears. I thought the whole kingdom knew that I was a half-breed, but it looks like I was wrong.

After bidding the elder goodbye, Lucia and I returned to the street. Although I technically left the palace grounds last time, I basically got called back instantly, so I never got a chance to look around. Its only morning and yet there are so many people moving about and its bustling with noise like city regions in the modern day. The air was filled with the flower scent elves loved and the scent of food. Elves like meat, so I could smell the scent of grilled meat filling the air.

There are a lot of things I have to do now, but I want to take a stroll on the streets. Lucia had her head down as she followed me. After the incident last time, Lucia has been acting awkward around me. Perhaps shes afraid Im angry at her, and feels guilty about it since shes partly responsible for moms condition.

Her loyalty to her highness is absolute, even though mom tried to burn her alive. As soon as she regained conscious, she knelt by moms bed and never left. In fact, shes more loyal than I, her son  Just as importantly, I asked her to take care of mom while I was focused on drawing last night.

It looks like shes still suffering from the guilt. I keep saying that it wasnt anybodys fault, but thats just me being stubborn. Meanwhile, shes always running to moms side to accompany her. Before the doctor diagnosed mom last night, her magic went out of control but was brought under control after. Once she wakes up, she should be fine. I let out a sigh of relief. If something were to happen to mom and I got crowned emperor before learning to deal with diplomatic fights, Id be dumb-founded. Luckily, mom will be around for several hundred years.

I grabbed her hands, and she looked at me with a surprised look. I smiled and said: Theres nothing to do now and moms condition has stabilised, so lets go for a stroll.

Lucia looked at me and then looked away Her eyes didnt look like she was half-asleep this time, but embarrassed Oi, oi, oi, what are you shy about now? Didnt you already touch Pretend I never said anything. I mustnt think about that! Shes normally fine with holding hands or hugging so why is she acting like this today?

She just got burnt once

That said, she still held my hand tightly nevertheless.

I curiously looked left and right as we strolled down the street. The designs of elves make sense, at least that holds true for places close to the imperial palace. The homes of the elders fit with the characteristics of elves, but normal families live in wooden homes completely covered in green. It looks like elves really love the colour green.

The stone path was very well kept and neat. It wasnt messy like the human cities of the past. Elves like neatness and cleanliness. The elves on the streets might not wear expensive clothing, but theyre always clean and tidy. The clothing of elves resembles Western styles. Their clothing reveals their beautiful body lines, beautiful neck and moon-like breasts.

Even your ordinary female elf would have crystal clear eyes, their smiles pluck at my heartstrings and the way they carry themselves mesmerizes me.

Aahh~, elves are so beautiful

Lucia tried to hide herself using me, and said: Umm Your highness We shouldnt hold hands in public, because Im not supposed to reveal myself in public Everybody recognises you. If they catch you holding my hand, theyll give you grief And I belong to the Intel unit, so revealing myself Ah!

Look out!

A horse carriage zipped by and I pulled Lucia into my embrace with one arm.

Out of frustration, I said: That was close What was that guy thinking? Whats the rush? I looked down at Lucia who was clinging to my chest and asked: Are you alright, Lucia?


She nodded slightly and then looked up at me. She smiled bitterly and cried: Why? Why is it that no matter how hard I try, you always end up protecting me in the end In the past, and now Why? Why cant I protect you properly for once? Im already trying my best. Im giving it my absolute best So why? Why do I always bring you nothing but trouble?

Tears started to form in her beautiful emerald eyes. She grabbed my shoulders and cried on them whilst crying: Why? Why do I always cause people trouble? Her highness, you I I just want to help everyone Im not qualified to be your wife as I am now I Why?

I was caught off-guard and paused for a moment. I never thought she was worried about these things. Shes regretting and feeling guilty. Shes placed all responsibilities onto her shoulders. Lucia is a bodyguard. Shes the captain of the unit responsible for protecting us from the shadows, but she put my life in danger. Im so stupid for not figuring that out. I was stupidly trying to figure out what she was upset about. I never comforted her.

Im not qualified to become a ruler. I dont understand peoples hearts at all.

In my eyes, youre very strong, Lucia Regardless of what I ask of you, you successfully complete it. Youre always there by my side to protect me. I think youre great, Lucia Really

I rubbed my head, smiled bitterly and said: I cant use magic, but you can fly like a bird Youre amazing, Lucia. I feel safe with you by my side. I can sleep in peace at night because I know youre there to protect me If mom and you dont come and raid my room at night Im not strong. Im also depending on you, Lucia.

But But Im your fianc I cant always depend on you I want to protect you But I always put you in danger instead Tear droplets that resembled pearls rolled down her face, but I believe those tears were bitter as gall bladder. She wants to protect me and stay by my side. Lucias love is sincere. Lucia was suffering.

Easy! Since youre my fianc, we need to protect each other. Isnt it a mans responsibility to protect his wife? Dont hide, Lucia. You didnt do anything wrong. Youre my fianc. Ill have to announce it sooner or later, so why should we care about what others think now? Im honoured to always have you by my side!

Your highness!

She violently hugged me and squeezed me tightly, as she unleashed her cries on my shoulder. I helplessly smiled as I embraced her. If I was this strong and capable in past, I wouldnt have died single.

Oh, I get what she meant now.

That day, the prince of the elf races fianc was revealed to the public


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