Oh no! After I Reincarnated, My Moms Became Son-cons!

Book 1: Chapter 7

Book 1: Chapter 7

Lucia somersaulted in through the window, crawled behind me and asked: Did you find out anything?

There were a bunch of books with years of history in them spread out in front of me. I was afraid Id damage them. I could understand the writing on them, so I think I inherited this bodys owners knowledge. Lucias small head came over from behind, as she looked at the words and said: I dont think any of these are useful.

I closed the book, nodded and said: They are indeed useless. These books only outline the living habits of Earth Dragons. I now understand their body structure and living habits, but I dont know how this is relevant to killing them

I sighed, and annoyed, pushed aside the books in front of me, and said: It looks like I cant help the elders because I have no idea how to slay Earth Dragons at this point. Why does this creature exist in this world? Scales which cant be penetrated by blades or magic, lifespans of hundreds of years Such a creature shouldnt exist.

Earth Dragons can be killed. Her highness will definitely intervene at the end. Her magic is on a completely different level compared to ours. She could definitely slay them.

Lucia was casually spread out on my bed. At night, Lucia is a capable warrior. She rolled over, pushed over a book and said: Magic isnt a skill, but a command to her highness. You saw how it took me a long time to gather the fire element energy in the air for the fire ball.  But her highness could gather all the fire element energy in the air at a single command instantly. That is her highnesss divine power. We need to gather energy, while her highness commands it.

Curious, I looked at Lucia and asked: Why doesnt mom just intervene herself then?

Lucia shrugged and said: Because of you. After you were born, she said she wanted to be a kind mother. Ive never seen her hurt anyone since then. She rarely even uses her magic. But she did participate in the last war over the prince.

Confused I asked again: The war over the prince?

There arent many reasons for wars to break out: water sources, land, resources or a quarrel. But what does A war over the prince mean? Were they fighting over a child? Are you telling me they went to war over a child?

Lucia frowned as she looked at me strangely, and said: How do you not know about it? You should be the one who never forgets it. That war started because of you. That was the most frightening war the humans waged on elves. Their goal was to take you.

Ah No, hang on, my brain cant keep up I closed my eyes, clutched my and shouted in my head: What the hell? The war over the prince was a war waged over the rights to me? Whats the point of having me? Do I have some sort of value for the humans? Would it have been necessary to start a large scale war for a hostage? If they could capture the prince of the other side, why do they still need a hostage?

Moreover, how am I related to the humans? Arent I an elf? Logically speaking, I cant be only part-elf if my mother is the queen of elves, right?

My ears!!

I suddenly remembered. My ear-shape is that of humans! In other words, its highly likely Im half-elf and half-human. Aahh~ now it makes sense. Perhaps the elf queen had a relationship with some influential human before, one with enough power to start a war If thats the case, then

Dont tell me its the king of humanity!!

No way! Although Im reluctant to admit it, its highly likely to be true. Logically speaking, the queen could only associate with the king of humans. Maybe they fell in love and mom gave birth to me after. But why did they separate? Mom returned to the city of elves and became the ruler, after which I was born. And then the humans mustve wanted to take me back and a war broke out because mom wasnt willing to hand me over

That explains that, but it doesnt explain The reason for waging that war sounds so stupid. Why doesnt mom let my father take me back to his place? They may have broken up, but he would want to see me if they met again, right? If the king of the humans fell in love with someone else, then why would he want to bring me back?

Aaahh What on Earth is what? Its now clear that the war revolved around me, but I have no idea what happened! Countless people died because of me, and the elves nearly went extinct. What were the reasons behind all this. I cant ask Lucia either, since I definitely knew the reason.

Allow me to greet you on behalf of her majesty


That human I met today said that he was greeting me on behalf of her majesty That means

The ruler of humans is a woman!!

And my ears indicate that Im not an elf, but a human!

Who knows, I mightve been kidnapped by the elves or switched places with another prince, the queen of elves adopted me, and then she developed motherly feelings towards me. And then the queen of the humans discovered the truth and tried to take me back, but the queen of elves refused, and then the queen of humans got angry and tried to take me back by force And my elf mother forbids me from going outside to prevent me from leaving and going back to my mother!

Now it makes sense Wait, no. I missed something important. How did I end up here with the elves? I know mom has an elder brother. Could it be that Im the son of her brother and the queen of humanity? And that the elves took me away after? Why would a man whos fleeing take his kid with him? Normally, only women would do that. Further, why would mom go through all the trouble of raising me? Its clear that were not related in any way.

I dont get it. I dont get it at all. Ive thought of all the possibilities, but I still dont get it. Hell, I still dont even know what race I belong to. I have the ears of humans, yet my body holds magic power. I have the characteristics of both elves and humans, so I can conclude Im a half-breed. But why am I a half breed? Why was there a war revolving around me? Who exactly is my father? Im lost.

Its time for me to go. It looks like we wont have to worry about the Earth Dragons, since her highness will deal with it. Goodnight, your highness.

Lucia bowed slightly and then jumped onto the window ledge. I put my head down and tried to figure out my identity, so I didnt pay much attention to her. Lucias going to jump down soon, so I dont have to worry.

I suddenly heard a whisper come from the window: Umm Troy. Please let me add something.

I turned my head, saw Lucia still crouching on the ledge. She tilted her head and asked: Whats wrong?

Uhm About the Earth Dragons Id like it if you could resolve the matter yourself.

She turned around, looked at me with her usual half-awake eyes which were now were round and dazzling, and mumbled: I dont want you to put yourself in danger, I know that theyre difficult to kill, and I know you had a near-death experience you never want to experience again, but Youre a ruler. Youre next in line to rule the elf race. You cant be more timid than others, you cant be weaker than others and you cant always depend on her highness So I hope you take care of it yourself.

Lucia raised her head and I could see her tears as she looked at me with determination. She was begging me. I dont know what happened between them in the past. Maybe I was depressed because I couldnt use magic. Maybe I wanted to become independent, but it was evident that Lucia wanted me to get back on my two feet.

Blades cant pierce Earth Dragons, and I cant use magic.

So how am I supposed to slay a horde of Earth Dragons? How do I go about it? I failed before and I dont even have the experience from last time.  Im just a normal guy who came from a different world. How do I take on a creature Ive never even heard about before?

There are no creatures which cant be killed in this world.

I squeezed the dragon scales Id been carrying with me for the last two days, grit my teeth and looked at Lucia. Earth Dragons can definitely be killed, theres definitely a way. I dont know what it is, but theres no doubt that theres a way, otherwise I wouldnt have these scales.

I raised my head and calmly said: Lucia

She wiped her tears and asked me in a shaky tone: What?

Where are Earth Dragon scales sold?

Normally, merchants in the markets would know

Lucia thought to herself for a moment and then said: But dont worry, were also an intel squad. Ask me anything you want, I promise well uncover just what you want to know.

I nodded. If thats the case, then this will be easy. Earth Dragons can definitely be killed otherwise their scales wouldnt be sold. Since there are sellers, there must be a way to get them from Earth Dragons. They mightve bought them from someone else, but we can say with certainty that the Earth Dragons dont just sprout out of the Earth. If we follow this lead, well find out who stripped the scales from these damned dragons.

I want you to find out who the Earth Dragon scale supplier is. Find out who the hunter or person is. Since he can obtain the scales, then clearly he can slay an Earth Dragon. Then Ill be able to kill Earth Dragons, Ill be able to kill those hordes of Earth Dragons and put an end to this disaster.

I gave Lucia the scale in my hand. She looked at me, nodded and before she leapt out, A familiar voice said: Didnt I tell you two not to go hunting Earth Dragons?! Why dont you two listen? Why are you trying to put him in danger when youre his fianc?! Must he die before youre satisfied?!

Lucia let out a painful shriek. Lucia was violently grabbed by some vine that came out of god-knows-where. I quickly turned around and saw mom angrily waving her arm. Vines from all sides encroached on Lucia and locked her in a cage made of vines before hanging her outside the window. The vines were set alight like in ancient times when people were locked in cages and burnt.

Lucia is still trapped inside!! Are you trying to burn her to death?!


Lucia was screaming painfully inside the vine cage which was aflame. Mom coldly watched her and angrily said: You took my son out of the palace today as well! You think you can do as you please because he loves you?! I wont let anyone put my son in danger! No one! The next time you endanger him, Ill kill you even if youre his wife!

Mom! Stop!

I rushed over and knocked mom over. The cage broke, and Lucias petite body rolled around in the cage. She lost conscious and rolled off as she began to free fall from high above. This time however, she was in no condition to glide. If she continued falling at that rate, shed fall to her death! My room is on the highest flower in the imperial palace. Below are flowers, but Lucia was in no condition to make the leap of faith.

I dont know if my brain short-circuited or what, but I stood up and sprinted towards the window, jumped out and pulled her petite body towards me without a second thought.

Yes, Im just a normal elf.

No, Im a half-breed.

I cant use magic.

I dont have wind elves supporting me either.

So why did I jump out after her?

I dont know!!

Even if I did time travel, newtons laws of physics still apply. I didnt think about the dangers or anything of the sort when I leapt out the window, I just jumped. Right now, we were nose-diving straight down. Lucia who was in my embrace was too weakened to open her eyes, so she was in no condition to protect me The wind whispered by my ear and I could feel death coming closer and closer. I was headed straight for the ground. None of the walls in the palace have any rails, theres Nothing.

I struggled in order to change my body position and position Lucia on top of me as we continued to free fall. But given how high up we are, I dont think this will help at all. I guess its better than nothing. My goal was to save Lucia, so even if Im powerless in the end, Ill die trying.

Goodbye! I want to be reincarnated again!


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