Oh My, I Messed Up the Story

Chapter 28: Unmotivated

Chapter 28: Unmotivated

I was at a loss for words. How was I supposed to motivate someone so utterly defeated? I had only taken one abnormal psychology class in college but it was glaringly obvious that the male lead of this novel was depressed.

I had no room to judge. Being shunted to the side and isolated the way he had would be more than enough to damage the psyche of a child.

His natural tendency to give up and run away without trying, on top of his overall apathy, were the clearest signs based on what I had read. I wasn't cut out for this.

"Only because you let him," I said firmly.

Buck up, buttercup! You're the hero of this story! The Alpheus in the novel was far more capable than he originally believed.

"You aren't the only one who doesn't like Sigmund. If enough people worked together, there's no way he would be able to get what he wants."

Al seemed surprised by my words. "I thought you didn't want to be involved in palace politics."

That was Plan A. Since I had been forcefully dragged into them anyway I had to make this guy start acting like a main character. Plan B was fully underway.

"I didn't, but since I'm here I may as well do something. Wouldn't you rest easier once we leave knowing the kingdom is in better hands than Sigmund's?"

"It doesn't matter to me."

There was that apathy again. What had Marcy done to snap him out of it? I wracked my brains and couldn't remember a thing.

Clearly I couldn't replicate whatever she did. I needed the woman herself.

With a sigh, I took him by the hand and led him out of the paddock. "Come on, I want cream puffs. We're raiding the kitchen."

"Sounds exciting," he said with more feeling than he had expressed since the subject turned toward his brothers.

So he cared more about dessert than he did the affairs of his own kingdom. Al could be a real piece of work too. Was there anyone actually reliable in this novel?

We had to sneak by quite a few people who would realize I had ditched my bridal lessons, including Madame Chalaise.

It took me back to those spy games Abby and I used to play where we would have to get past our mom in the kitchen in order to swipe bacon or cookies or whatever delicious treat we weren't supposed to have at the time.

What I wouldn't give to see Abby right now. She had always been better with people than me. If anybody would know how to fix this mess, she would.

After yet another close call where we ducked behind a suit of armor, my heart was racing. Al had an indulgent grin on his face.

"Are cream puffs really worth all of this? You can always request them during afternoon tea."

I could, but that wasn't the objective here. I needed to get this fool into the kitchens for a shot of Marcy Motivation.

"Where's the fun in that?"

"You have the oddest idea of fun. But I suppose that is fun in and of itself."

"Don't tell me you never snuck into the kitchen before?" I asked in disbelief.

What kid didn't try to poach snacks that would supposedly spoil their dinner? Oh yeah. He's a prince. All he had to do was ask and just about anything would be delivered to him on a silver platter.

"I'm afraid not. Your childhood appears to have been much more colorful than mine," he said with a slight air of glumness.

Right. Childhood-related topics were taboo.

"Well, you're experiencing it now and that's what matters," I said brightly before checking to see if the coast was clear and gesturing for him to take the lead. Obviously he knew the castle better than I did.

When we arrived dinner preparations were already underway. The heavenly smell of roast lamb wafted down the hall and I felt myself salivating. Focus! We were here for Marcy and Marcy alone.

There was quite a bit of steam emanated from various pots so I had to squint around trying to find her. She was filling cream puffs at that very moment. What a perfect opportunity.

"Al, the target is in sight," I whispered seriously while nudging him in the direction of his destined lover.

He decided to humor me and gave me a dramatic salute. "Allow me to acquire it for you, my lady."

I couldn't hold back a giggle. What a cheeseball. I planned to stand back and let the two leads interact on their own; having the meeting they were supposed to have the day Al first saw me. So far it looked promising.

Marcy had a bit of cream on her cheek that somehow enhanced her loveliness and when Al approached her, she gave him a smile that could melt icebergs.

Unfortunately, good things aren't meant to last. Having obtained his plate of cream puffs, Al was ready to take them and go. I couldn't let that happen so I hurried over to them as quickly as my dress and heels would allow.

He scrunched up his face in confusion. "Katie, I was just about to come to you."

"I know," I blurted out. "But I wanted to meet the famous pastry chef for myself. Could you introduce me?"

It was a terrible excuse but he bought it, going as far as smacking his forehead with the heel of his hand.

"Right, how could I forget? Miss, my fiance is one of your biggest fans."

I wanted to smack him for calling me his fiance right in front of the girl who was supposed to be his love interest, but what could I do? He didn't know better. Technically he hadn't done anything wrong.

I wracked my brains trying to think of a way to turn this situation around. At the very least, I needed to get the two of them on friendly terms. Marcy couldn't be just another nameless servant to him if the story was going to progress.

"May I have the pleasure of knowing the name of the one responsible for the best treats in the kingdom?" I asked.

She flushed, pleased by the compliment. "You are too kind, Your Highness! My name is Marcy Grandin."

"It is an honor to meet you, Marcy! I love everything of yours that I have eaten; I don't think I could pick a favorite if I tried."

I wanted to butter her up in front of Al so he could see her good points. How could he not notice how cute she was with her hair in a messy braid and flour all over her apron?

He liked lively people, didn't he? You couldn't get livelier than Marcy!

"And here I thought the raspberry tarts were your favorite because of how desperately you wanted one in the middle of being dragged away from the bakery," Al teased with a mischievous gleam in his eye as he leaned against a counter.

Marcy snorted so hard that she lost control of the piping bag and a dollop of whipped cream ended up spurting onto her hand.

"That was you?"

Instantly she realized her mistake and apologized profusely, curtsying so low her nose practically touched the ground.

"Forgive my impertinence Your Highness, I was caught off guard and meant no offense."

If only she knew that I wasn't someone worth worrying about. I didn't care about formalities one bit!

"Relax, I'm not offended."

"Katie is a very casual person," Al said reassuringly with a cheeky grin.

For some reason this rubbed me the wrong way. If anyone was being too casual right now it was him!

"This coming from the guy who introduced himself to me as 'Al' at the debutante ball?"

I was too engrossed in the moment to notice that Marcy was watching our exchange as if it were a rather intense tennis match.


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