Observation Record of a Self-proclaimed Villainess' Fiance

Chapter 5: Bertia(12 Years Old)

Chapter 5: Bertia(12 Years Old)

“Your highness Cecil, We’ll be arriving to Marquis Nochesse’s mansion in a few moment.” (Zeno)

Inside the rocking carriage, Zeno slightly opened the curtain to peek outside.

“I understand”(Cecil)

While glancing at zeno, I could see the nostalgic scenery from the slight crevice between the curtain.

“Your highness, will lady bertia be alright?” (Zeno)

Even though the carriage is made to be sound proof, Zeno lowered his voice to ask for confirmation.

The “alright” that he mean, does it refer to physically or mentally?……. If he’s referring to her brain, I will refrain from making any comment though.

“Hmmm, Since I haven’t meet her directly I wouldn’t know. Well there would be a little bit of disarray, but it’s her we’re talking about, so it would be just[The usual]”(Cecil)

We both leaked a wry smile.

“That is certainly true…”(Zeno)

“But to prevent something like last time, it would be better to ask her in advance right?”

“Yeah, that was certainly troublesome”(Zeno)

“Well that was in a sense interestin…… cute in its own way, but my reputation is also at stake here”(Cecil)

Heaving a sight, Zeno laughed while murmuring [I think that your highness will only make that kind of face for lady Bertia]

To counter the teasing zeno,

“If something like that were to happen again, the one that have to help me to erase the rumor would be Zeno though” (Cecil)

I smiled from ear to ear when replying.

“Y-your highness! Isn’t baby-sitting lady Bertia one of your responsibility?! Please try to wrap things up peacefully like before. Of course with all you got. Do you know how hard it is to clear up all the rumor?!”(Zeno)

Hearing my words, Zeno’s face changed. To the zeno that’s frantically complaining, I laughed.

By the way, when did I change my job to a baby-sitter for lady Bertia?

If there are no discrepancy in my memories, I was supposed to be a crown prince right…?

Whatever, she’s my fiancée (toy) anyway, looking after (maintaining) her is also one of my duties.

Furthermore, It has been almost a year since I entered Halm Academy.

Being in a dorm based academy, besides sending letter, there is no other way to actually contact her. A daily life without meeting to chat with her or looking after her was incredibly boring.

“But still, I think it would be better to keep rampaging around to a certain degree you know?”(Cecil)

While murmuring that, I heaved a sigh while remembering what drives me to visit marquis Nochesse’s mansion today, and the things that happened because of her rampage over the past few months.


It is about half a year after entering Halm academy.

I had finished all of the curriculum there.

I did attend the class but having learned everything there, I only took the pose of taking down notes and there was no other things to do.

…… There was once an incident where I tried to discuss the Teacher’s theory. Although the teacher started speaking with a sparkling eyes, the students around could not follow our discussion and spend the whole hour with their mouth opened. After that I restrained myself from repeating that.

By the way, not pointing out the mistake made by the teachers is one of my kindness to him.

There was no need to purposely pursue the connections that I’m supposed to make while in this academy by myself, since the people around would approach me by themselves. The only thing I need to do was to inspect their personality, motives, checking if they would bring good / bad influence to the country, and try to put them in my palm.

After entering the school and observing the situation, I managed to find a few people that seems interesting and let them enjoy their peaceful school life, while slowly training…… befriended them.

Thus without me noticing, there are a lot of talented with some habits around me…… But in the end it’s just a talented noble’s kid.

There was no one that are as interesting as lady bertia.

That’s why to me, the student life here is a little bit lacking.

I can only look forward to lady Bertia’s periodic letter.

To capture all the villain that lady bertia mentioned, seeing the undercover marquis Nochesse, she happily wrote,[Finally my father has awakened to the dark side!!]. While thinking [her naivety is so cute], I replied with [It seems marquis Nochesse is working hard for his cute daughter.]

[But somehow as father entered the dark side, mother would also miss the breakfast with us. Could it be, mother didn’t like the father that’s entering the dark side and is trying to reduce the occasion to meet him? But on the evening when father returned early, she would happily welcome him and they looked like they get along. How strange…] Of course I wouldn’t have 1 mm idea of what happened, and replied [I think in a married relationship there are things that are unknown to other people…… Maybe if we grow up and were maried to each other we could understand what’s happening] while feeling [I’m sorry, but I’m happy that you look very delighted] to marchioness Nochesse.

That became one of my moment of tranquility.

As if to show her emotion when writing the letter, the handwritings are a little bit disarrayed and shaken. It also seems like she rewrote the letter a few times. Thinking what was her emotion when writing the letter makes me feel happy.

Then one day.

“Your highness Cecil!!!”( bertia)

The voice that shake the surrounding, I thought that was only my imagination.

If possible I would like it to be my imagination.

Because there’s no way she would be there.

Because here is the front of Halm academy’s boy’s dorm.

Being a no-entry zone for female students, it’s a place where she shouldn’t come as she please.

While feeling unease, and convincing myself that a royalty shouldn’t be flustered over little things, I made a smile and turned back…… There as expected stood my fiancée, lady Bertia.

Furthermore in her hands, she hold the kuro the fox cum scarf on her hand.

In a great momentum, she started running to me. In front of the dorm’s main gate, her made could only bow down with a wry smile that seems to say [We can only enter until here, please take care of her]

…… As Expected, Nochesse family’s maid are spoiling her.

No to be precise it’s more like [ since I’m here, they’ll just leaving everything to me].

From what I heard, when I’m not there, they act as her stopper.

I really need to have a talk with them soon.

“Lady bertia, what brings you to a place like this?” (Cecil)

“Your highness, what should I do…”(Bertia)

“Please calm down. I’ll hear you out, but first we should change our location. You’re technically an outsider and to boot it up you’re also in a no female allowed area infront of the male dorm” (Cecil)

“Your highness, what should I do??? The child is going to be born soon!”(Bertia)

Without giving a heed to my suggestion to change our location, She jumped into my chest and started crying as soon as she saw my face.

Kuro still in between was looking troubled but this is not the time to care about that.

Hearing she screamed “The child is going to be born”, all the students that happen to be there looked shocked and stared at me, Zeno also whistled behind me.

Could the please stop looking here with their glittering eyes looks like— we should just ignore whats happening here but even if a carnage is scary, we still want to know whats happening.

Even Zeno started to look at me with doubting eyes.

No matter how you think it’s weird right?

Of course I’m at the age where child making is possible, and lady Bertia that grows up especially quick between her peers thus it was not exactly impossible.

But no matter how you think about it it’s still too early for us you know?

Also, being a royalty, no, as a gentleman, I wouldn’t lay a hand on my fiancée as long as we’re not officially married.

Hey, you, yeah you two don’t whisper something like [As expected that’s a bit…] and [No, but if it’s that prince cecil you know it might be possible].

I heard it from here alright?

A certain relative among the nobles also looked at me in respect and said [A man amongst man].

That’s something before [A man amongst man] you know, it breaks the gentleman code.

It might become a big scandal for the royal family.

……… From the day I was born, this is the first time I ever felt [Super flustered].

It makes me feel that I would look at my father—that’s trying to make mother jealous by flirting with a young lady but unfortunately pissed mother off and got kicked out of the bedroom while saying [I want a divorce] as he cling to the door while being flustered. – with a kind eyes.

It’s [feel that I would] though.

While thinking unrelated happenings, the people around us started to smile. I ignored all of them and started to console lady Bertia by caressing her back.

While getting caressed that she kept saying things that would bring more misunderstanding like [Sorry to cause trouble to you, your highness],[ It should be a very happy occasion but I just can’t be happy about it.],[Worrying from what might happen from now on, what should I do……].

I think I really should stop her right now.

How do I describe this, it feels my processing speed has become slower than usual.

Ahh… this must be what people say by [my mind getting blank]

If so, the sweat that I feel on my back even if the weather is cool must be what people said as having a cold sweat.

Wait this is not the time to think about those things.

“Lady Bertia, may I ask who was pregnant with whose child?” (Cecil)

As much as possible, I voiced it out with a gentle voice and a smile.

In truth I want to change our location even if it’s a little bit forceful, but I think that’s not the best course of action in this situation.

At least, I need to clear up all the misunderstanding made by all the students here. If not as soon as I took my eyes of them, all the school no the world will start rumoring about [ I made miss Bertia pregnant]

If that happened after I was married that’s a great news.

But now it’s really bad. A 13 years old prince made his 11 years old fiancée pregnant. That’s nothing but bad news.

In here, I would need to clear up the misunderstanding straight from lady Bertia’s mouth, changing the location can wait after that.

Unable to reply as she cried, I kept calling her name.

But even with that all that came out was sobbing sound thus I keep consoling her with [No need to worry]or [I’m here with you]. I also give a threating gaze to the surrounding people that seems to say [Don’t you dare to move from this place until you hear everything that happened] [If you dare to spread this rumor without knowing the truth…… you know what would happen right?].

Seeming to understand that I’m being very serious, as I meet their eyes, their face started turning pale and nodded hurriedly.

“Lady Bertia, Please tell me what happened. Without knowing, I couldn’t tell you the best course of action, and I also don’t want my fiancée to be crying” (Cecil)

On the nth time, lady bertia finally looked at my eyes with her teary eyes.

That looks is somehow cute and alluring.. the surrounding students let out a small gasp.

While keeping an eye on them on the corner or my vision, I tilted my head and peeked at lady Bertia so that I can quickly take her out of this place.

“Ah …… I apologize. I got really flustered and somehow did a very rude things to your highness” (Bertia)

Realizing she was looking at my face at a very close distance, she looked away and her face started to turn red.

“Don’t mind it. So, who made who pregnant?”(Cecil)

Finally calmed down, I started to repeat my questions to her.

If she didn’t clearly speak it out here, I fear that the misunderstanding towards me won’t be cleared. That is the most important thing here.

“eh? Of course it would be mother that was pregnant with father’s child. Who else could it……… Ah, No It’s a misunderstanding. It’s not me you know, I haven’t even kissed yet…… wait that’s not it. Please don’t misunderstand!!” (Bertia)

With a baffled face and wry smile I slightly replied her with [That kind of thing is a given right]. She seems to realize the looks from the surrounding and started to shake her head while getting away from me.

Finally having cleared all the misunderstanding towards me, the student around still look baffled and said[ eh, the children from their parents? It’s just have having a siblings right? Why is she so flustered then].

Lady bertia who was surrounded by the gaze and thought that the misunderstanding still hasn’t cleared up started crying with her face beet red while saying [It’s a misunderstanding].

“Don’t worry, I’m sure everyone knows it.”(Cecil)

I reached my hand before she started crying again.

“But it’s still not a good idea to speak here, should we change our location? Oh yeah do you want me to send you back with a carriage? We can also talk about this leisurely on the carriage”(Cecil)

She took my hands by reflex. I then pulled our joined hand to my free hand to escort her out forcefully.

Before leaving the place, just in case I also smiled to the students around and gave them the [Don’t you dare to start a weird rumor. Understand? ] gaze.

Giving a glance to Zeno, he started to note down all the student’s name that was there, and gave order to one of his subordinates to start preparing the carriage.

“eh, umm, don’t worry about preparing the carriage since I rode one here. This place is located on the outskirt of the city so marathoning…… taking a walk here is too far. That’s why… umm “ (Bertia)

Still embarrassed, she replied to my forceful invitation with her eyes still squirming around.

I think she looks very cute now but… Even considering to take a walk here seems a little bit too weird you know?

Halm academy is in the outskirt of the town. With a carriage or horse, you could easily reach it within 1 – 2 hours.

Since it’s a academy with all student dorm policy, all the student need to stay within the school premises. But in truth if they have a mansion on the capital, it’s not a distance that they can’t cover going back and forth everyday.

But that is of course if they have a horse or a carriage.

At the very least it’s not a distance where a normal daughter of marquis would say as [just about there].

“Please don’t say that and let me escort you back. Don’t make me look like I’m a useless guy that would refuse to meet his fiancée and sent her back.” (Cecil)

I playfully gave her a wink, somehow her face turned even redder.

“I am very happy with the thought but, if I stay with you any longer, I fear that I might be embarrassed to death.”(Bertia)

She whose body is turning red is very interesting…… I mean cute.

The [worrying things] that she wanted to discuss with me seems to have lost to her [embarrassment] thus she forgot all her purpose of coming, and she looks very cute for not realizing that.

Looking at this fiancée (toy), don’t you have the urge to tease her?

“don’t worry, I’ll make sure to do it until your[ first kiss]”(Cecil)

Moving closer to her ears, I spoke in a soft voice so that it could only be heard by her and breathed air to her ears

“…………………” (Bertia)

My fiancée that’s as red as a ripe tomato is opening her mouth like a gold fish.

She seems to put too much power on her other hand that’s holding kuro. Kuro seems to be hurt and started tapping her hand.

“Hmm? What happened?”(Cecil)


I feigned ignorance and tilted my head while seeking her reply.


It seems to be useless so I tried calling her name without honorific.

It’s usually unforgivable for a normal daughter of a noble, but since she’s my fiancée it should be okay right?


“Eh, wait a second, Bertia?”(Cecil)

I seems to have overdone it…… she overloaded.

She seemed to be unable to turn any redder than this thus to refuse my escort, she started running away in full speed.

“[myaaa…] bertia, have you became a cat…?”(Cecil)

To her that’s slowly leaving my sight, I laughed.

“………Your highness?”(Zeno)

Zeno looked at me with a white eye while preparing the carriage.

“Sorry, She’s too cute and I unintentionally teased her…”(Cecil)

I assure you it’s not because I was paying her back for her unreasonable rampage that made me feel flustered.

It’s because she’s just too interesting…… cute that I couldn’t help it.

“Now then, should we start to follow her?”(Cecil)

Is it because she ran everyday to keep her body fit? She ran in a magnificent way that you couldn’t think that it’s a daughter of a marquis that’s running at the moment. I couldn’t even see her back anymore.

But, since her maid was left here, I don’t think that she left by the Nochesse family’s carriage.

Besides, in the stables where their horse at, there should also be my subordinates preparing my carriage.

Since they know that I’m sending her home, they would of course try to stop her from leaving first.

“Don’t you both have to chase after bertia?”(Cecil)

Leisurely going out from the male dorm, I sent her maids a glance as they waited for me to pass while bowing their head.

“It is embarrassing but, with our current abilities, we couldn’t catch up with young lady anymore. There are other people that is chasing after her.” (Maids)

“hmmm I see”(Cecil)

Looking at the trees that’s on the edge of my vision, I focused my sight.

There is someone strange there but as I expect it’s her bodyguards.

Since I didn’t feel any ill intent I let her be, but from now on it would be best to remember [her] presence.

……… By the way bertia, what are you trying to achieve by training until your maids couldn’t catch up with you anymore.

Recently I also got a report that she’s moving her body beyond mere dieting.

If possible please keep it contained… A macho crown princess is a little bit…

“Alright lets chase after her.”

Behind me, Zeno and the maids followed.

It would be great if she could calm down a little by the time we reached the stables

In the end after that, I managed to send Bertia home. She was too embarrassed to have a proper conversation though, so I couldn’t have a thorough talk with her.

From what I understand from what she told me, Originaly marchioness Nochesse was already dead at this time, thus there should be no way that a she would have a brother. But since now she is pregnant with him, there will be a big change to the [scenario].

Thus that made her very worried about the future.

“I told her that there is a possibility of it being another daughter… a male heir is splendidly born. It should be a happy occasion but because of that Bertia’s anxiety reached it’s climax.”(Cecil)

“I’m pretty sure she’s crying herself to sleep right now” (Zeno)

“Well it’s bertia we’re talking about you know. It might take time but let’s hear her out. Who knows just listening to her might clear up her anxiety too.

“Did lady bertia didn’t mention anything about it in the letter she sent to you?”(Zeno)

“She did write something there, but her explanation revolves around [conquerable target],[event],[cool-dere],[flags]… It doesn’t make any sense right? Nevertheless, since I can’t make any moves since I don’t know the gender of the soon to be born baby, I put off writing anything important by telling her [I’ll be visiting you soon, let’s talk when we meet]. If I wrote something bad and she rampaged again it won’t be funny you know?

When the letter announcing that the baby boy was born from the Nochesse family, A new letter from bertia came. It seems she is perplexed because she was happy and worried at the same time.

To be honest, deciphering it was a real pain. Rather than writing a reply to ask her about things that doesn’t make sense, I thought it would be better to visit her using my status as a fiancée to congratulate the new born nochessse heir as a pretense.

………… it’s also to prevent her from rushing into the boy’s dorm again.

The matter that time was somehow forcefully settled by emphasizing that we are a lovey-dovy engaged couple and she rampages there because she was too happy that she will get a sibling soon.

If she repeatedly does that, there would be a very big trouble.

Furthermore, what put me off the most is the people that surrounds me usually would give me [what a passionate lover] looks and I want to prevent that if possible.

“Observing her is fun, though her unpredictable actions do bring troubles here and there”(Cecil)

“Oh… I thought you liked it very much?”(Zeno)

“Only as a means to pass time though”(Cecil)

Heaving a sight, I can see Zeno smiling.

Right at this moment, the carriage stop, signaling that we have arrived in Nochesse mansion.

“Your highness Cecil, thank you for coming all this way to congratulate the birth of our son”(douglas)

Marquis Nochesse, having been prior informed of our arrival greeted us. After giving the gift, I finally met my future brother in law Arnest and marchioness Nochesse.

Marchioness Nochesse, like Bertia has a crimson red and she looked like a very gentle woman. Having just giving childbirth, she apologizes for her misproper dress and light makeup, but she is still a very pretty lady.

And in Bertia’s unaccustomed hand was the new born baby —- arnest he’s a [normal] cute baby.

It’s not my first time to look at a baby since I have siblings.

I don’t hate kids, and I think they’re very cute.

But, witnessing bertia’s rampage all this time, made me think that the new born baby was not a normal boy.

If I think about it carefully, he being born is because bertia made changes to the [scenario].

In the first place, I still don’t know how much I should believe that the [scenario] actually exist.

The epidemic certainly did happen, but with just a little work it was easily neutralized.

Maybe this time it’s the same as that time, and I felt that she shouldn’t worry about it too much.

“Your highness, this is my brother arnest. He’s cute isn’t it? His cheeks is plump and his hand is also soft. If I just touch him a bit he’ll hold on to me you know? He’s really cute……… what should I do?”(Bertia)

Being considerate to the sleepy brother, bertia spoke in a voice gentler than usual and dote on her brother.

She looks happy while looking at him with a warm gaze.

But the warm gaze that looked happy, soon turned to a pleading eyes that ask for help.

Maybe it’s because she’s infront of her brother so she didn’t cry like zeno predicted her, but I’m pretty sure her heart is full of anxiety now

……… It can’t be helping.

“Miss bertia, isn’t it about time for your brother to be resting?”(Cecil)

Hinting that his eyes are slowly closing, marchioness Nochesse gently took over the baby.

The marquis stands at the side while smiling happily.

“emm, then do you want to have tea while arnest is still sleeping your highness?”(Bertia)

Understanding my hints, bertia passes her brother to the marchiness and invited me to a tea.

“Yeah, lets have a tea on our proud garden…” (Douglas)

“Father, could you please don’t interrupt my long awaited meeting with my fiancé? How unbecoming”(Bertia)

The marquis who wanted to have tea together with us was quickly turned down by Bertia.

I feel sorry for the marquis but the talk wouldn’t proceed if there are other people.

Startled by bertia’s word, the marquis was stunned. Without realizing, kuro went beside him and hit his feet with it’s tail as if to tell him [Can’t you read the mood?].

“But still…”(Douglas)

He looked at me with a reluctant gaze and shook his head to regain his composure.

Even by pretense, I did came to [congratulate the Nochesse family for their new born heir]

By right it should be marquis Nochesse himself that accommodate the guest as the head of the family. Even if bertia is my fiancée, leaving it all to her gives him a bad taste.

“I also haven’t talked with lady Bertia in a long time, Can I have a little time for just the two of us?” (Cecil)

Since I gave marquis Nochesse the approval, he felt relieved and nodded his head.

Leaving a young boy-girl that has done their social debut is bad usually, but since we are engaged and there is her maid and zeno behind us, there should be no problem. Not to forget kuro is also there with us.

Also marquis and I also talked a lot about bertia, thus he should have trust on me. If I gave him the approval there is no reason for him to refuse.

“Then, lets heed to my room” (Bertia)

“Bertia, the door” (Douglas)

“I’ll make sure to leave some openings” (Bertia)

Looking startled at bertia crossing arm with me, marquis nochesse’s expression stiffened and gave her a warning. She seemed annoyed by it and brought me to her room.

Marquis nochesse, there is a feeling of trust between us right? It’s not like you’re doubting me right?

And bertia, why don’t you doubt me a little as a man?

Suddenly inviting to your room, a teenager…… even a child growing up, as a lady that finishes her social debut, it is still somewhat inappropriate you know?

Even if you’re inviting, try to show a little bit of wary.

Well I’m quite interested at your room and since you gave me the permission I’ll come inside though……

Bertia’s room has that cute atmosphere in it, and it is tidy contrary to my expectations.

The light yellow paint on the wall and the white laced curtain.

The dark blue carpet that looks like a night sky.

The furniture that’s mixed between white and dark brown color are somehow balanced perfectly

There are lots of cute dolls and statues with laces and it made you think that it’s a girl’s room.

Come to think of it, Bertia likes to wear light yellow or dark blue clothes, does she like this color?

…… There’s no way that it’s because it’s my color right?

The possibilities that unintentionally came at the back of my head made me unable to look at her directly.

“Your highness, I’m really sorry about my brother” (Bertia)

Bertia bows her head deep after her maid prepared tea and left the place.

But, I don’t remember she doing something that she should apologize for.

“Bertia, please raise your head. I don’t understand why you’re apologizing. That’s why first please tell me what’s worrying you.”(Cecil)

“your highness”(Bertia)

Raising her head, with tears that slightly appear on her face, she began to talk.

I asked a lot of questions while she tak to confirm the details and finally I could [Understand] her story.

…… In the end I could only [understand], there are a lots of place where I want to retort.

“In short, in the original [scenario], only having one daughter and having no chance to have a heir, the marquis selected a talented person from the branch family and adopted him. That guy is one of the [conquerable target] but since now your mother gave birth to a son, the [scenario] is completely broken

“That’s right. Originaly, gulgan.dress.nochesse should have been adopted by our family. Having the support of nobles as backing, he couldn’t run away and was abused by father in the name of education. And he would then with your highness attend the halm academy as a second year. He is also incredibly gifted and would serve you as one of your close aides.

I see, since a heir has been born, the chance of him being adopted to this family would be 0.

Thus, even if he’s from the branch family of nochesse, without a proper rank in court and monetary problems, there is no way he would enter Halm academy.

If he is really as talented as she speak him to be, it would be such a waste.

“Then if we proceed as the [scenario] goes, mr. Gulgan would eventually fall in love with the [heroine]. But being educated to be the heir of the nochesse family, he inherited some of the dark side. The serious him couldn’t defy fathers order because his family was taken as hostage. Being conflicted and not knowing what to do, the least he could do is to let go of the pure [heroine] that he admire as to not let her get corrupted too.” (Bertia)

“I see…… By the way bertia, last time you said that I’m the one who’s going to be tied the [heroine] right? Why is there another [heroine] tied [conquering target] appearing now?”(Cecil)

A single woman being tied with 2 guys.

What a weird situation.

If it’s the opposite though, if it’s a royalty trying to preserve his blood line, it should be easily approved.

“oh.. it’s my mistake. Did I forgot to mention that there are multiple [conquerable targets] and the [heroine] would be tied to the one she’s closest with?”(Bertia)

“……… yeah, I haven’t heard it at all. But wait, then if so there’s no need for you to be a [villainess] and for me to [break our engagement] right? She should just choose other people”(Cecil)

How could you ever forgot such an important things.

“I-i won’t allow it! Since nochesse family would also fall to ruin in other routes, if that’s the case, I wanted to make my fiancé, you at least be happy by my sacrifice. That is the pride of a first class flowers of veil!”(Bertia)

I think a normal flowers of evil, would never choose to sacrifice herself for the sake of her fiancé though.

“Besides if that didn’t go like that…”(Bertia)


“No there is nothing!! A-Anyways, you need to become better than everyone else, surpass every other conquerable target and be happy with the [heroine]. I hate reverse harem so if possible I wanted to avoid that at any cost!” (Bertia)

Just now she averted her eyes right…?

What is she trying to hide? Is it something that she doesn’t want to say? Then I shouldn’t pry too deep into it…… but I’m very curious.

“Fuunn, so I should just surpass all my other rival and go out with that [heroine] right?”(Cecil)

Honestly speaking, I don’t have any interest to other woman after having bertia as my fiancée.

I don’t want to be such un-loyal man you know bertia.

But if I tell her that here, I bet she will rampage around again…… Thus I’ll just refrain from saying anything and try to change the topic.

“Then, who else is the conquerable targets?”(Cecil)

“All of your loyal retainers”(Bertia)


“Yeah, all. If I have to give names, then it would be the heir of the current knight captain, Bard Nokins, The second son of duke Charles Leonel, The heir of the current ministry of affairs nert gram, then at the end was the prime minister’s son gulgan. Then including your brother, the second prince Shaun turquoise(?) alfostor.” (Bertia)

I was a little bit surprised.

Other than gulgan who has the same age with miss bertia and haven’t entered the school and my brother Shaun, the others were all the people I’m close with at the Halm academy.

“In this case it’s because [scenario]’s [compelling force] created [proper path], when the time comes, there will be a forced [event] and all of you would admire the [heroine]. “(Bertia)

Slightly excited, bertia started talking about unknown things again.

“but.. but… the route for gulgan, deteriorate into unfixable situation and the [ scenario] would also break. If the [compelling force], forces him to enter our house as an adopted son, then I fear something bad would happen to arnest”(Bertia)

Her tension lowered, her body started to shake and beads tears started appearing in her eyes.

In no time, she started to cry.

“If the [compelling force] didn’t activate, then in your highness’s route and the reverse harem route, you would lose your talented [shadow] that would help you uncover the corruption made by nochesse family.”(Bertia)

Leaving aside her brother arnest that may have something bad happened to him, and me losing my talented [shadow] – someone who provides information. Isn’t [helping my family fall into ruins] is far a tad grieving situation?

No but, if what she says about the role is all true, then I could use this……

“Bertia, in short, as long as that gul-whatever guy to enter the halm academy and become one of my close aides, then there would be no problem right?”(Cecil)

“eeh? I think that should be the case…… it’s only a possibility though”(Bertia)

“I see, then I have a great plan”(Cecil)


“To sum it up, we should just let him be adopted by other family and enter the halm academy. He becoming my close aides would depends on his abilities. But if he is as talented as you say he is, then there should be no problem.”(Cecil)

“That might be possible, but…” (Bertia)

“I have an good idea, just leave it to me” (Cecil)


“Yeah so please stop crying.”(Cecil)

“Your highness”(Bertia)

There is coincidently a good candidate.

One of the family that was the target of the spy activity of marquis nochesse have been communicating with a troublesome ones.

That house, as far as I know, shouldn’t have any heir at the moment. I should just request marquis Nochesse to adopt him to the family as a spy cum bodyguard and have him infiltrate the house.

To make sure that there is no real harm to his family, I could even order the royal families spies to pose as their family or assign a guard to them or have marquis nochesse took them as a hostage to protect them.

At that time I should just improvise in accordance to his wish.

To be our spies as a condition of course we would support him, and if he is really talented [shadow] I will reward him appropriately.

Nevertheless it’s still if he and his family wishes for it. I want to make this a good relationship with him just in case this works perfectly.

Yeah that should solve everything.

“By the way bertia, I’ve been wondering since earlier. What is [Reverse harem]?”(cecil

After reaching a solution to her problems, I started asking about the word that I’ve been ignoring since the start of our conversation.

“[Reverse harem] is a situation where a single girl with a number of guys…… having a relationship at the same time.”(Bertia)

“That’s how it is, for me I think that loving a single person wholeheartedly has that kind of beauty so I don’t really like it, but there is certainly a [route] that leads to that.”(Bertia)


To have a single girl having relationship with multiple guys and further to share it between them is just impossible.

Furthermore if all of the people sharing, is my close aides—the one that would govern the country from in the future.

If there is such a thing, all kinds and scandals, and succession problems would come like a wave.

In the first place, having relationship with other people after entering the court as the king or crown prince’s partner…… That in itself is already lese majeste.

In the worst case, the next crown prince won’t have the royal bloodline anymore.

Besides, counting 100 steps back, I don’t like that kind of loose woman.

There is not even a shred of loyalty within her.

Don’t even mention as the queen, the thought of having her as the concubine is already preposterous.

“Including me, I don’t think all of my friends would have a good impression on girl that would have multiple relationship at the same time.” (Cecil)

“Even so, because they loved each other and can’t bear to separate, thus choose to share it between them. That kind of [routes] also existed.” (Bertia)

“That’s why I said that’s impossible. We are not that idiotic.”(Cecil)

“hmmm at this kind settings there usually are some cases where [charm magic had been used], but it’s impossible. If so, then it should be that the [heroine]’s charm is too strong and you can’t defy it? In reality, you won’t know until you have already experienced it.”(Bertia)

“[Charming magic]?”(Cecil)

“It’s a mental interference type of magic. It has the effect of increasing the individual’s charms. But that kind of thing doesn’t exist in this world so there is no way the she could use it.”(Bertia)

“Eh?? But magic exist you know?”(Cecil)

“I know right, there is no way it exist”(Bertia)

“That’s what I’ve been saying, it exist you know?”(Cecil)

“What exactly exist?” (Bertia)

“Magic exist… well to be exact it’s borrowing the power of the spirit, you could do something similar to the magic you see in the books. But since the spirits always do as they pleases, it’s a rare case that they would make a contract with anyone. Usually they would just make mimicry of things or turn invisible, even being able to be able to look at their figures are very rare and only happens to a small amount of people. That’s why to prevent needless disorder and also to prevent idiots from catching spirits to be able to use magic, only a small amount of high ranked nobles knew about the existence of a spirit. Oh by the way, marquis nochesse also knew about it.”

Hearing me, bertia stood there and opened her eyes widely.

……… From my point of view, bertia not knowing the existence of the spirits are far more shocking though.

“Hm… but it’s the magic that makes people admires you. How many elements of the spirits would one need to have to be able to do that?”(Cecil)

“Please wait a moment. I , my brain still couldn’t process all of this…”(Bertia)

“Mental interference…… ah. The light attribute spirit should be able to do something similar to that.”(Cecil)

“Errr.. your highness…”(Bertia)

“A higher rank of light spirit would be able to use [Healing light], since that give a holy presence that would cleanse the impurities, it should give people nearby a sense of euphoria. I see now, that’s why when you’re nearby that girl people would be able to feel euphoria endlessly. After a long time, that kind of feelings became a given and you would be extremely terrified if you were to leave her side. That makes people’s reliance to that girl became higher, and even if there are other partner of that girl, they are reluctant to leave her.”(Cecil)

“Wait… Don’t call people as if they are a walking narcotics(ma-yaku).”(Bertia)

“hmm…? It’s not [narcotics] (ma yaku) you know? It’s a [Magic] (maryoku) that could be used by human after they have made a contract with a spirit. Although their effects are also pretty similar.”(Cecil)

“NOOOO!! That kind on unrealistic talk, I wouldn’t believe it. In the first place I haven’t even fully believed about magic and spirits, more like it’s impossible to just believe it!”(Bertia)

She shaked her head in a great momentum, I unintentionally leaked a wry smile.

I thought she should have noticed it by now, but it seems like she hasn’t realized it at all

“What are you even saying? You and I have already contracted with a spirit you know?” (Cecil)


Having no idea on what I’m talking about, she keep looking around for the spirit.

Being dense to this degree…… I’m amazed.

Thus I stood up from my seat and pick up the black fox that has been sleeping around her legs.

“here, this is your contract spirit. It’s a high ranked dark element spirit [Kuro]. Since a contract with a spirit involves giving it a name and offering a blood, this spirit is without a doubt your partner.” (Cecil)

Kuro started using it’s tail to hit my hand as if to say, [Wait, don’t go touching me without permission if you’re not my master]. Kuro then went back to it’s usual position above bertia’s tight.

“Eh? Huh? What are you talking about? Kuro is just a black fox…”(Bertia)

“That is just it’s mimicry. A normal black fox wouldn’t be able to be half floating while posing obediently as a scarf and circle around one neck, and also it couldn’t make people not acknowledged by it’s owner to see it’s true self you know?”(Cecil)

“What… that’s impossible, did kuro even did such a feat?” (Bertia)

Bertia hold up kuro with an up-up away pose and started shaking it back and forth.

Ah kuro started panicking and used its tail to hit her hand, but it seems she didn’t notice it at all.


From my point of view I really would like to ask [How did you not notice it after all of this time?]

“By the way, zeno is my contracted spirit you know? He is in a sense a hybrid that inherits the spirit king’s blood. His main element is water and it’s secondary element is wind. But if it’s until intermediate level magic, he could use all the other elements. Usually he would use mimicry as my butler so I didn’t allow him to use any magic though.

“T-That’s a lie…”(Bertia)

“Of course it’s a lie”(Cecil)

Although it might be interesting to see her reactions and stayed silent, I don’t want to lie anymore about this matter.

“that is…. But isn’t dark element makes me look like a villainess? “ (Bertia)

“Ah even if it’s dark element, it’s more like the image it brings. A dark spirit would usually be able to interfere with spaces, and it’s an element most suitable for defense.”(Cecil)

“D-defense? It’s such unlike a villainess”(Bertia)

…… first, why don’t we leave aside on what basis are she placing the standard to be villain like.

“But you see having a high ranked dark element’s defense magic, you could cancel out a light spirits interference you know?”

“What do you mean by that?”( Bertia)

“Hm…? In short, if you try your best with kuro, you could almost make the possibility of her making a [reverse harem] to almost 0 percent.” (Cecil)


“It’s great isn’t it, now 2 of the problem has been settled.”(Cecil)


“Ah, if possible could you please learn magic to a certain degree before you enter the academy? If you discuss with marquis nochesse I’m sure he will give you all the required materials” (Cecil)

Smiling with a feeling of [Do your best], I pat both of her shoulders


Reacting to the voice that reverberated in the mansion, it didn’t took a few minutes for marquis nochesse to come here.

It was also a few minutes later that marquis Nochesse is baffled on the fact that Bertia had only just noticed that kuro is actually a spirit and let out a heavy sigh.


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