Nurturing the Hero to Avoid Death

Chapter 30.4

Warning: NSFW

Right after his thighs touch my butt, Alfred finally stops moving.

It seems like he’s finally completely inside.

As he gets his rough breathing under control, Alfred showers my forehead and cheeks with light kisses.

He’s kissed me a lot today. Just like that night.

His kisses calm me down with how gentle his lips are. With how soothing they are. It’s like he’s showing his intention of taking care of me.

The feeling of his lips brushing against my skin is quite ticklish. Unable to endure it, I burst into chuckles/slight laughter.

When I look up again, I see Alfred laughing too, lips curved in a smile.

My vision is still blurry, so I can’t see him clearly. But I can sense that he’s happy.

Though I don’t really understand why he’s happy, I’m also infected by his mood. It’s like life has become easy-going and fun. I stretch out my heavy arms, circle them around Alfred’s neck, and pull him closer to me.

He obediently lets me bring his face closer. In return for his gentle kisses earlier, I kiss him on the nose and cheeks, just like what I did on that night.

Alfred has the same reaction as before too. His sky-blue eyes widen in surprise before narrowing and curving in happiness. His cheeks redden, and he breaks into a smile. “Can I move now?” he asks as he kisses my lips then my neck.

His dick inside me still feels burning hot, but I gradually get used to that uncomfortable feeling that’s making it hard to breathe.

Setting the physical discomfort aside, the feeling of being connected to him like this is really calming.

I can smell my favourite sunshine scent from the wide expanse of skin that’s pressed against my body.

Like this, I can also feel the warmth of his body.

And my stomach is full of Alfred. It’s a bit painful, but it leaves me reassured too.

I cling to his neck and take a breath.

Alfred seems a bit worried about my condition. “Lian?”

“…Somehow, this feels very… reassuring…”

Alfred’s breath stutters in surprise.

Then he circles his arms around my back and pulls me into a tight hug.

His arms are slightly trembling.

“…Me too. This makes me feel reassured,” he mutters.

After catching Alfred’s words, I feel relieved.

So it’s the same for him too.

Thank goodness.

I can’t help but chuckle once again, overjoyed at this.

Alfred joins me in laughter as well.

Then out of nowhere, he shakes his hips. I twitch from the sensation, moaning.

“Lian, can I move now?”

It seems Alfred has been holding himself back.

Resting a cheek on his sweaty neck, I close my eyes and nod.

Alfred first thrusts in from different angles, as though looking for something. Soon, he presses against something strange. I gasp, a wave of pleasure flowing through my body. That feels good. Afterward, seeming to have found what he was looking for, Alfred no longer changes angles, focusing on hitting that spot again and again.

All the pleasure has rendered me unable to speak. I can’t even muster the strength to cling to him any longer. The most I can do is just grab onto the sheets.

From time to time, he kisses me. Licks my skin. Even sinks his teeth into my skin in different places. Each bite stings a little.

Seriously, why’s he being such a beast?! Not to mention, he really likes biting me everywhere! He doesn’t deserve to be called a human. He’s simply a beast! Like an animal freely running around in the mountains, passing each day relying on its instincts!

Well, humans are technically animals too, according to science. But—

Alfred lightly bites the area underneath my ear before giving it a lick. Shivers run through my body, and I come again, though nothing’s coming out anymore, my whole body uncontrollably twitching.

“Ahh, you animal! You idiot! Ughh, stop biting there!”

But Alfred only smiles. Rests his hands against my back and pulls me up so that I’m sitting on his lap.

This change in position naturally causes Alfred’s hot cock to sink even deeper inside me. Another set of moans escape my mouth.

It’s filling me to the depths. It’s uncomfortable. It feels oppressive.

“Ahh, ahh, noo… Al, too deep! No!”

Alfred’s smile deepens, and he deliberately asks, “Is that also a lie?”

Is he holding a grudge or what?!

Just like I thought, he’s a little—no, not just a little. He’s very angry with what I said earlier, isn’t he?!

I groan. “I-I already said that I’m tired of lying, didn’t I?!” I say in a whiny tone as I continuously cry out without a care in the world. I raise my heavy arms until they’re resting on top of Alfred’s shoulders to prevent my unsteady body from falling back onto the bed.

“Then, you won’t say you hate me anymore?”


“Never again, okay?”

He holds the back of my knees and lifts me up.

Then he thrusts his hips upwards, penetrating me deeply. The sudden forceful thrust was so shocking that my breath hitches.

“Haaah, ah… I… I won’t say it ever again!”

“You promise?”

“Yes! Yes! No, too deep, scary! Stop, d-do it more normally, s-slowly… Al… plea—Huh?!”

All of a sudden, Alfred’s dick grows bigger. I stiffen.

My insides are really too stuffed now. It hurts. I want to move away. But I can’t.

No, this is impossible. I’m going to die.

“A-Al… You heartless…”

Alfred looks troubled and slightly apologetic. “…This is your fault.”

“What do you mean by th—”

Alfred resumes his deep thrusts again, and I can’t speak any further.

For quite a long time, he freely has his way with me, moving however he likes.

By the time he finally finishes deep inside me, I’m already out of breath. I can’t feel my fingertips that much either.

And yet, my senses are clear as usual.

I can even feel the wet sensation sliding along my skin as some of his cum trickles out of my ass despite Alfred’s cock still inside me. My brain numbs and my face heats up just from thinking that it’s Alfred’s. I whimper, and my body trembles.

“Lian…” he calls out, tone reminiscent of when the kids ask me for a favor, as he brings his face closer to mine. Out of reflex, I close my eyes and press my lips against his.

Getting used to this feels scary.

…Wait a minute.

Getting used… is he trying to get me used to this?!

Seriously?! This guy is dangerous. Just what has he done to me?

Hurriedly, I move my head back and open my eyes. In front of me, Alfred has a bright bright smile on his face.

“…One more,” says Alfred as he grows closer. But he stops right before his lips touch mine.

Does he want another kiss?

Well… we’ve already done this much anyway.

It’s too late to refuse after everything that has happened.

With that in mind, I kiss him on the lips.

It’s warm and somewhat comforting… And also very relieving.

He presses his tongue against my lips, so I open my mouth, accepting him.

After entering, he soon catches my tongue and licks it. For some reason, his tongue tastes very sweet to me, so I subconsciously lick back several times.

Ahh, damn. Just what is happening here? This is really bad.

It’s warm, sweet, and feels… good.

When I open my eyes, I see his delighted smile right before me. Alfred narrows his blue eyes, darkened in lust and desire, before pushing me down again so that my back is flat against the bed.

I let out a shout of surprise.

He then captures my lips in a deep kiss, as though wanting to steal my breath away for real.

“Mmm… mmph?!”

After releasing my lips, Alfred carefully laps up the saliva spilling from the edges of my mouth. He then licks his own lips before saying through ragged breathing, “Once more.”

Once more?

Is he asking for another kiss? What’s he really trying to say?!

“What do you mean by ‘once more’—huh? Huh?! No, no way, that’s the once… more you’re talking about?!”

Alfred pulls his cock, somehow still hard and searing, outward. But just when it’s almost completely out, he thrusts back in again.

The unexpected sensation makes me arch my back. I’m stunned.

“…Uhh, ah… ahhh!”

N-no way.

Streams of sweat flow from my forehead and temples. I can’t even tell whether it’s cold sweat or from the sweltering heat I’m feeling.

So this is what he meant by ‘once more!’

Is he really planning on going for another round without pulling it out?!

Too cruel!

Also, he’s already come once. So how is his dick already ready for another battle so soon?!

His stamina is scary! Say what you like, but he’s too greedy!

“Lian…” he whispers into my ear in his faintly sweet voice.

This sends quivers through my body. “Ugh… Ah… Ahh, ah, ughh…”

After a while, my cock starts to grow erect again. The searing hard length inside me persistently presses against that dangerous pleasure spot with every thrust.

“No, wait… A-Al, no, wa…”

“Impossible. It’s not enough at all.”

What’s impossible?!

And not enough what?! I’ve already had enough! No, it’s already too much for me at this point, okay?

Wait, no way. He’s really going for a second round in this state we’re in?


There’s no use arguing anymore. Alfred’s big, hot cock, still sheathed inside me, starts slowly moving in and out.

He also grabs my dick and rubs the tip with his hot thumb.

Even if I try to get my head straight, my mind’s practically drawing a complete blank right now. It’s like my mind’s fragmented. The only things that appear in my mind and leave my mouth are vowel sounds.

I want to stop all these noises from leaving my mouth, but they’re just freely flowing out without my permission. They’re so embarrassing that I want to block my ears.

That sweetly high-pitched voice making all sorts of sounds is too unpleasant to hear. I don’t want to hear it, but I can’t do anything to stop it.

I can feel drops of Alfred’s sweat falling onto my skin. His rough breathing tickling me. My body burns as though I’m surrounded by intensely raging flames, and I whimper at the onslaught of sensations.

I soon cry out, reaching my release from all the intense stimulation, both external and internal, front and back. I deeply regret kissing him “once more” just now.


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