Nurturing the Hero to Avoid Death

Chapter 27.54

translator: mii

editors: sleepchaser, ASplashofMusic

We make our way to the southwestern region of the village as fast as we can on horseback, pushing our mounts to their limits.

Unlike the inhabited part of the village, which is situated on relatively flat land, the southwestern area is located in a valley surrounded by mountains. The terrain contains many steep slopes.

Because of this, many of the village’s farmers have transformed this area into terraced fields or orchards.

Along the way, we encounter some young men from the village asking for directions. Turns out they’re also heading to the mountain to help search for Mite. So after exchanging information, we bring them along with us.

When we arrive at the base of the mountain where Mite was abducted, we catch sight of four villagers returning from the mountain.

It seems that after communicating with the farmers working near the base of the mountain and sharing their findings with one another, they’ve decided to cease their search and return to the village.

Shadows cloud their faces.

Their search doesn’t seem to have gone well.

The moment they see us, they run toward us, the picture of relief. Between pants, they brief us on the situation.

According to them, no one has seen either Mite or Moot so far. Or even any of those two demons.

And as they were making their way down the mountain, they encountered Cheddar-san, Gouda-san, and several members of the village’s search team, all working together as a group. After sharing the results of their search to them, the four parted ways with the group, who planned on exploring further.

“So they explored further, huh…”

A premonition arises within me.

I turn my head toward a different mountain, the one located behind the mountain we’re currently standing and almost black in color. It’s filled with all sorts of wild trees, plants and shrubbery, more so than the mountain we will climb.

Black Shadow Mountain. That’s what people call it. Although the mountain has a gentle slope, it’s always dark on it, regardless of the time of day. Thus, people consider it a dangerous mountain to traverse. The villagers rarely step foot onto it.

I’ve never been on it myself, but I’ve heard that the mountain’s dense trees and plants akin to ivy cover up the sky, preventing sunlight from reaching the ground. And due to the stagnant waters and atmosphere, several swamps have formed on the mountain.

Another thing: many demons dislike bright and open spaces, preferring to inhabit dark places where the air and the ambient magic power remain stagnant.

One such location is Black Shadow Mountain.

Naturally, nobody will dare enter this mountain, which is potentially swarming with monsters.


Everyone is also staring at the black mountain, possessing similarly grim countenances.

Has everyone arrived at the same idea as me?

Lian’s complexion is especially terrible.

His face, already rather pale under normal circumstances, has turned as white as a sheet, as if drained of blood. He looks to be in a deep state of thought as he fixes his gaze onto Black Shadow Mountain. After a while, he stares at the ground. “Is this… an event…?” he mutters, seemingly to himself, eyes sliding shut.

I didn’t catch his words. So, I try asking, “Lian?”

But I don’t receive any reply.

In a deceivingly calm state, Lian opens his eyes and turns to me. However, I can see the cloudiness in his usually-bright orbs.

Then he narrows them, the action appearing somewhat pained.

What happened to him?

For some reason, I feel like… he wants to tell me something.

But just as I’m about to take the initiative to speak, Lian shifts his gaze toward a group of villagers climbing down the mountain.

“You haven’t found Mite and Moot yet, right?”

“Y-yes, you’re right. We had all the men search for them, but… we didn’t manage to find any clues…”

This evokes a sigh out of me.

My hunch is probably right.

No, not probably. I’m absolutely certain that it’s right.

…Even though I still continue to wish that it isn’t.

“Lian,” I call out.

Lian sends me a sidelong glance, face still grim.

“…If we still haven’t found them after searching this mountain for so long, then the demons who abducted Mite have… most likely gone to the mountain behind this one, right?”

Just the mention of that mountain causes the villagers to yelp. Their gazes slide toward me, and they gulp, appearing on the brink of tears. “T-the mountain behind his one…” They then exchange looks and take a step back out of hesitation.

It’s not like I don’t understand their reaction.

The bloodclaw bear’s appearance signifies the likely existence of many other demons in Black Shadow Mountain.

If we’re going to search for Mite there, we may not only have to fight the bears. We may have to face other demons too.

“This is just my guess, but I think Cheddar-san’s team had the same idea as me and went there to search for Mite.”

Turning around, Lian angles his neck to look up at me.

I continue, saying, “If that’s really where they went, then… the situation has worsened. Though Cheddar-san’s team is undeniably strong in combat, they may have to fight the other demons on that mountain, not just the two bloodclaw bears that kidnapped Mite. We’ve got no clue just how many demons reside on that mountain, but there are probably more than two bloodclaw bears. Their team is in a dangerous situation right now, so I want to go assist them and bring everyone back safely.”

“But… Alfred…”

“Please let me go. I beg you.”

With those two brothers’ personalities, they’re probably confident in their ability to roam around that mountain, until they find Mite and descend it in one piece.

Also, I don’t want to think about this, but—

It’s been more than half a day since Mite was taken.

From a rational perspective, it’s unlikely for the bears to keep their prey alive for such a long time.

I’m sure Cheddar-san and Gouda-san have considered this possibility too.

Perhaps in their heads, even if the worst case scenario does happen, they need to at least find her corpse. And avenge her.

However, we neither know what kind of demons reside on that mountain nor their numbers.

Moreover, we will also have to guard ourselves against attacks from wild beasts.

The thought of losing not only Mite but also those two… I absolutely don’t want that to happen.

If they die, then everything’s over.

The end.

I feel bad for Mite, but… I don’t want the investigation team to take this risk with me. I want to ensure the safety of all the people who are still alive.

“Lian, please let me go.”

Lian’s dark eyes flash.

Swirling within their depths are hesitation… frustration, uneasiness, confusion, and fear.

I don’t understand.

What’s up with Lian today?

He hasn’t talked much since this morning, constantly immersed in his thoughts.

And despite my countless attempts to ask what is wrong, he doesn’t answer me.


“If we hurry now, we might make it in time… but…” Lian droops his head and closes his eyes, turning silent.

Though I can only see his side profile right now, it’s pale enough to worry me.

After a while, he heaves a long sigh, slowly reopens his eyes, and stares at me.

The dark shadow clouding his gaze has disappeared.

“I don’t know what the butterfly effect will be if I intervene in a situation I’m not supposed to,” he grumbles in a soft voice, as if talking to himself. “But… but if there exists a possibility that Mite’s still alive, then…”

Unable to comprehend the meaning of Lian’s words, I can’t help but tilt my head to the side. But this only causes Lian to flash me a troubled smile.

Lian touches the longsword hanging from his waist, then his ring, a magic aid that can hasten the activation of spells, as if making sure that he has them. Following that, he walks forward, stopping right before the entrance to the mountain.

Then he turns around, his gaze sweeping over me, the knights, and the guards. “Everybody, Alfred, please listen to me.” He pauses. “I have a… guess as to where Mite and Moot were taken to. That’s why, I’d like to ask whether you’re willing to follow me. I know the shortest route to that place. I can head there as fast as I can, but… the destination I’m talking about is within the mountain located behind this one. It’s a dangerous place filled with wandering demons, so I won’t force you to come with me. If you don’t wish to go, then you can choose to stay. Don’t be afraid to tell me the truth.”

He has a guess?

Lian once again stares at me. I return it. Then he says, “Alfred. Cheddar-san’s team is likely heading deeper into the mountain in their search for Mite. If we do the same, we should… be able to meet them somewhere along the way.”

It happened again.

For some reason, Lian’s manner of speaking today is weird… like he knows something.

If someone asks me where Mite and Moot are, I won’t be able to name a location so surely. And yet…

It’s difficult to describe in words, but this discomfort and unrest in the depths of my heart is vaguely familiar.

It’s just like how I felt after listening to that star reader’s baseless and confusing, yet confidently-spoken words.

I let out a sigh.

…Even if I ask Lian about it, he’s still not going to answer me.

That’s definite.

The other thing I’m sure of is this: Lian isn’t the type to say something like this on a whim.

He’s a compassionate guy who hates putting other people at risk.

If he’s asking everyone to follow him to such a dangerous place, then… he must be convinced that Mite and Moot are truly there.

And since he says we can meet Cheddar-san’s team along the way, then it’s very likely that we will meet them.

Since Lian has already said all this…

“…I understand. I’ll follow you.”

A relieved smile slides across Lian’s lips. “Thank you, Alfred. How about everyone else? You don’t have to hesitate in expressing your true feelings. Everyone is scared of demons. I won’t blame you for choosing to stay.”

The escorts and knights exchange glances with one another. In the end, they nod toward Lian, a silent gesture of their willingness to go.

After talking among themselves for a while, the villagers, previously scared out of their wits, also nod with determined expressions.

A bit of surprise paints Lian’s features, before he breaks into a smile, equal parts happy and apologetic, and nods in return. “Thank you, everyone. Our top priorities are to join Cheddar-san and Gouda-san’s search team and rescue Mite. We will also need to subjugate the two bloodclaw bears,” he announces. “While we’re on the mountain, please don’t do anything reckless. Don’t give chase to any beasts or demons, and escape as a group if you sense danger. Don’t act on your own. I want you all to follow these rules.”

After ensuring that we all understand his instructions, he lifts his gaze to Black Shadow Mountain. “Because it’s incredibly dark there, don’t stray from the group. Be vigilant of your surroundings until we descend the mountain, and don’t get distracted by anything. If you notice something, report it to me at once.” He once again scans our faces. “Now then, let’s go.”

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