Nurturing the Hero to Avoid Death

Chapter 25.3

Translator: mii

Editors: sleepchaser, ASplashofMusic

Since all the main relatives have gathered, the parents and brothers of Luzé and I enter the reception hall in one group.

Though dreading what is ahead of me, I follow at the back.

And naturally, Alfred’s sword is confiscated⁠—I mean, placed under compulsory supervision at the entrance.

The doors open to a dazzling room, which looks just like a scene in those European movies. The grand chandelier hanging from the ceiling is so glaring that it’s painful to look at.

I recognize many celebrities… This world is too different from mine. Ah, my stomach pain’s flaring up again.

Lian’s brother slaps Alfred’s shoulder. “Hey, escort. Go keep watch by the wall,” he says, pointing to it.

“Brother, he’s⁠—”

“Lian, even though he’s your personal escort, you can’t have him walk beside you here. It’s an eyesore and inelegant.”

To verify his words, I scan my surroundings.

He is indeed telling the truth.

All the other escorts, their weapons left at the entrance like Alfred’s, are standing near the walls.

When I look up at Alfred, he returns a nod before pointing his thumb at the wall with a reassuring smile.

As if telling me that he’ll be watching from there.


“It’s okay. I will make sure to watch over you.” Then with a wave of his hand, he walks off. Just like that.

I want to tell him something, but the ladies next to me call out my name. According to etiquette, I have to entertain them for a while. So in the end, I’m unable to do so.

Eventually, I lose count of how many people I’ve talked with. I neither know who I’m currently talking to nor what they’re talking about.

This place feels stuffy. There are too many people here. Ah, I’m getting dizzy…

A familiar voice cuts through the haziness. “Hello there. Could you possibly be Lian-sama?”

I look behind me. “Yes?” Then I catch sight of two knights in blue cloaks, their faces also somehow familiar.

Then something clicks in my mind.

I remember now.


They’re the bespectacled captain and the tired-looking vice captain!

I get the feeling that my voice will come out strange, so I immediately cover my mouth to muffle my voice. “So the both of you are also here! Thank you once again for the matter before…”

“No, no. In fact, we should also thank Lian-sama.”

“That’s right! Whoaaa… Lian-sama, you look like a prince!”

“Ahh… this? My grandfather told me to wear this… I actually want to take everything off right now, but he won’t forgive me if I do so…”

“Take off… everything… now…”

The face of the tired-looking vice captain reddens. Why?

“Lian-sama. Please don’t say such extremely provocative words to an innocent youth like him.”

Huh? Which part is provocative? I don’t think I said anything of the sort.

In fact, don’t the women around us look much more provocative? Some are wearing backless dresses, while a few others have plunging necklines so low that their chests are mostly exposed.

“Ah, yes. How are things with the dispatched knights? Have they been working properly?”

“Yeah, they sure are. They’re all really good people. Just a few days before, they helped catch a herd of cows that had escaped the ranch. The villagers were all overjoyed.”

“Cows… Pft– Ah, pardon me. That’s good. I’m glad that they’ve been of use.You are welcome to work them hard. They have too much physical strength that they need to utilize.”

“Yes, thank you very much. Are many knights coming to the party?”

“That’s right. Aside from us, the knights who are off-duty and free today will also be attending. Count Violette invited us. He’s a very important sponsor of the Knights Order, so to humor him, it’s important that we atte—”

“S-s-senior!! Shhh! P-please be careful about what you say!”

“You’re the one saying something absurd. Everything I said is true, right?”

“B-but you could have worded it more properly!

“Hey look, there’s also—” The bespectacled captain’s eyes shift toward the wall.

Curious, I follow his gaze. “Ah…”

By the wall, Alfred is talking to a bald knight and another one with a scary, bear-like appearance, a multitude of scars marring the second knight’s body.

And next to him is… Luzé. Again.


“Lian-sama? Your complexion looks bad. Are you tired?”

“N-no, it’s nothing…”

That’s right. It’s not like I can do anything about her.

This is what Alfred wishes.

And it’s his freedom to choose whoever he wants. There’s nothing wrong with this situation. I will let him free. It’s good for him to do what he wants. This is all okay.

My throat suddenly grows dry, so I grab a glass of champagne from a server’s silver tray. Down it in one gulp.

…I can feel it burning my throat. It’s delicious, but there’s a bit too much alcohol in it.

“Woah! Lian-sama, you handle alcohol surprisingly well, huh?!”

“No, I don’t… O-only just as much as everyone else…”

My stomach heats up. I also feel very uncomfortable, worse than the flares of stomach pain from earlier. Drinking alcohol on an empty stomach… may not be such a good idea.

The bespectacled captain also takes a glass of champagne. As he drinks it, he looks around the venue, a breathy sound escaping him as if a little amazed.

“There sure is a great deal of people in attendance. As expected of Count Violette’s birthday party. I also see a considerable number of people with connections to royalty entering the hall.”

“Is that so…”

I also look around.

More and more people fill the venue.

On one side of the venue, a large crowd has gathered since who knows when. It’s Lian’s brother and Luzé’s brother, a horde of women encircling them.

In another area, Lian’s father is surrounded by several businessmen, his expression a little stiff. Do your best, Father.

And just a little farther away from where I stand, Lian’s mother is chatting with a few other wives as she snacks on sweets and sips on champagne.

Aside from them, numerous other people are engaged in conversation.

The conversations mix with the sound of the orchestra, the product a grand piece of music.

All of a sudden, I recallI the Goddess’ words.

That she made this world similar to the one in the game. Similar, but not identical.

Of course.

Of course they’re not the same.

After all, the people in this world are autonomous, fully-fleshed human beings. They think for themselves, act according to their own desires, and interact with all sorts of people..

I don’t think the Goddess, or even the God above her, has control over all that.

This world is real. Different from the game, whose setting is molded according to the whims of one scenario writer.

And in reality, the countless feelings and thoughts of countless people have to be taken into account. These complex connections are what allow the story to progress.

However, this twisted road will always end with sadness, according to the Goddess. No matter what.

What on earth is—whose feelings are being taken into account in this sad ending?

Who has such strong emotions to—

…Ah, this isn’t good.

When I try to think, my train of thought shakes and breaks at the end, leaving me unable to put the pieces together.

For some reason, the world is swaying.

As I thought, drinking alcohol on an empty stomach is a bad idea, huh? In the first place, I can’t hold my alcohol very well either—

Someone taps my shoulder.

As soon as I turn around, I see an unfamiliar man in a suit standing just behind me with a smile.

He says, “What happened to you? Are you feeling unwell?”

“N-no—” I try to back away from him only to stumble. I hold onto the table to regain balance.

The bespectacled captain takes a step forward in concern. “Lian-sama, are you alright?”

“Wahhh! L-Lian-sama?! A-are you okay?” says the vice captain, appearing slightly panicked.

Meanwhile, the stranger furrows his brows. “Oh no. This is bad. Should I take you back to your room?”

“No, it’s fine. Really…”

Despite my rejection, the stranger still rests his hand on my back.

“Lian,” someone familiar this time calls out.

I turn my head in the direction of the voice. Alfred. He seems to have walked up to us at some point and is currently standing right next to me.

“Alfred? Why…”

He should’ve been with Luzé by the wall.

“What happened? Are you feeling unwell?”

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