Nurturing the Hero to Avoid Death

Chapter 16.1: Four Years and Two Weeks Later

The year is drawing to a close.

Ornaments of every sort adorn the surrounding trees, the handiwork of the villagers. They remind me of the Christmas trees from my original world. Many people walk briskly through the roads, likely preparing for the New Year celebrations. At least, that’s my impression.

Just two more weeks and the new year will arrive.

But before that, there is still one more story event to complete.

The ’Fencing School Match’, a tournament using real swords, which will be our last lesson before graduation.

I make a fist pump inside my heart.

Finally. Finally I’ve reached this point.

I’ll be able to graduate next spring.

In order to keep winning against Alfred, I’ve been practising the sword under that stern tutor (That guy is definitely a sadist!) of mine. I’ve also been practicing hard in the magic department, so that I’ll beat Alfred as the top of the intermediate magic class. All this while fighting my incessant headache! Although I wish it’s not necessary to research techniques in magic negation and magic conservation to deal with Alfred, while studying and practising, it can’t be helped anyway.

I can’t slack off now. I need to keep pushing forward, to prepare for when that tragic night comes. I must increase my chances of survival.

However, this doesn’t mean I need to win the fencing tournament. I’m just trying to extend the period in which I’m still better than Alfred. Yeah. Thinking like this brings me relief.

The best thing about this event is that I can take it easy.

Because I just have to lose!

I only need to make it look convincing, and it’ll be done. No preparation required.

Since the fencing event will occur as a tournament, I’ll have to make it to the final round. But I’m not too worried about that. As long as I’m not careless, I should be fine.

On the other hand, the so-called swordsmanship of the other students is merely at the level of swinging swords for amusement.

Aside from Alfred and I, no one else has the spirit and ability to fight in tense battles where one small mistake can instantly decide victory and defeat. Just like in our matches. I can even bet all of my snacks today, the chocolate chip scone and royal flush tea.

Ahh, this sense of freedom is really nice.

But every time I think about the incoming event in two years, I’ll feel depressed. My stomach will hurt, and my heart will palpitate. That said, my plans are also progressing steadily. After all, the journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.

Best of all, I’ve thought of a good idea.

I really want to scold myself silly for not thinking of it until now.

I should just hire the future hero!!

His ridiculous magic power and physical strength are begging to be put to use.

That guy is surprisingly serious and diligent at work. He will accept everything, from housework to manual labour, as long as it fits in his schedule.

There are two years left. Whether I like it or not, the time frame has already been decided.

Knowing about the incoming disaster, I can’t find the heart to care about appearances anymore.

I’ve decided to brutally train the future hero!

Since the goddess still hasn’t contacted me, I won’t be penalized. Right?

Speaking of which, why hasn’t she contacted me…? Could my prediction be correct? Did something happen to her? That’d be bad… Stop thinking, Lian! I beg you!

If I get stomach ulcers from stress, I’ll definitely ask her for worker’s compensation! Seriously.

Anyway, I previously asked Alfred to charge another fifty medium-sized and thirty large ‘Magic Origin Stones.’ He’s been completing this task during his free time, delivering the product to me a little at a time.

With the stones, I can make a more powerful version of the ‘Alarm’ series, as well as improve the barrier at the evacuation site. Above all, I can also make a ’Fence’, among the numerous other ideas I’ve previously abandoned due to my lack of ‘Magic Origin Stones.’

When I say ‘Fence’, I mean a fortress spanning the entire field that can repel the wild beasts. One that gives off an electric shock upon contact with a moving object I want to make a stronger version that can repel demons.

Thanks to the future hero, I finally resolved the energy problems that had been plaguing my thoughts for a while.


Thank you very much, Alfred! I won’t waste your magic power.

I don’t have enough to charge many large ‘Magic Origin Stones.’ To finish just one will take me several days, and to the point of collapse.

But buying ones that are already charged would put a hole in my wallet.

There are places that sell ’Magic Origin Stones’ and other ’Magic Products.’ But they’re super expensive. For this reason, you will rarely see them used in average households.

It is like praising someone who replaced their oil lamp with a magic lamp using three months’ worth of wages.

And if the battery, I mean magic power starts to run out, a person can either recharge the stone themselves, or pay someone to do it, though the latter option is expensive.

Most will generally choose to buy ordinary products, products devoid of magic. I mean, just look at the number of students taking the intermediate magic class. Even in that class, very few are capable of charging stones on their own.

Although those with high magic power reserves can enter that industry, charging magic stones too frequently ran a high risk of bodily harm. Then there’s the risk of exploitative companies. Not only are their wages low, they will squeeze you for all you’re worth. Until your body breaks down. And there’s no guarantee of getting into a respectable company.

…Or at least, that’s the hearsay around town. Which is why most people don’t really recommend such a career.

I guess no matter the world, exploitative companies exist.

Ugh. I want to crush them to bits!

There are numerous magic lamps in the Owen family mansion. There’s also a self-heating pot, where just adding water for three minutes would yield boiled water.

Even though it makes my life easier, I feel awfully bad.

After all, I am originally a commoner. I don’t want to get used to luxury. Money comes and goes. One shouldn’t think that one will be rich forever… do you understand, Lian’s mother? You purchased more insanely expensive dresses and accessories from the royal capital, didn’t you? How wasteful! Go return all of them within the return period!

Without even realizing it, I exasperated myself.

Let’s go back on topic with a cool head.

In my private research and development room, I unfurl my ‘Map of Western Leis Village,’ the one I personally drew after studying my sketches of Leis Village.

The Owen family also has a map of Leis Village, but since it was made fifty-years ago, it’s outdated. Please update it, Lian’s father. I mean, the people and structures definitely changed!

For this reason, I have remade the map.

The map will be extremely crucial when I start installing the defense against the demons’ strike. After all, I don’t want to be setting up the defensive elements in places the demons won’t even pass through.

I drew the sketches in my free time. I went to measure the land and drew the topography, fixing any errors once I returned home.

It was a straightforward and time consuming task. But I finished it in the end.

Amazing, huh? I really want to praise myself.

Leis Village occupied a large territory, with the western region especially massive. Therefore, sketching the western region took longer than I expected. It’s slightly disappointing.

If I expend a lot of energy, I can also try to complete the maps of the northern and southern regions of Leis Village. However, my time limit of two years will most likely be up before I can finish them.

So I’ve decided to take a bet.

But it doesn’t mean I’m being reckless.

After calculating until my head hurts, I bet on the method with the greatest success rate.

After all, I can’t afford to lose this bet.

The troublesome large country that will summon the Demon King is to the far west of Leis Village.

At the heart of that country was the starting point of the Demon King’s supreme magic power. As well as the starting point of the miasma, which threw demons into a berserk state.

The miasma would slowly spread, its path mimicking an ever-growing circle, tainting any and everything before it.

In other words, the horde of demons should come from the western side of Leis Village.

As such I will add several layers of defense on that particular side of the village. Not to mention the grand fortress I will place there.

Despite the want to cover the entire village with an impenetrable defense, it’s basically impossible considering the materials, time, and manpower required.

But even if it’s just the western border of the village, it’s still a large area protected.

I’m thinking of placing the ‘Electric Shock’ series of the demon-repelling fences there. They’re currently under mass production.

And that’s where the future hero comes in.

For him, installing a fence is a walk in the park. Quick and easy. He’s a person with too much stamina and strength anyway. If he helps, the progress will be faster.

I plan to make as many parts as possible for the ‘Electric Shock’ series of demon-repelling fences. After graduating from school, I can start focusing on their construction.

I also plan to stay in the village to help Lian’s father and brother with work.That way, I can make my defense plan part of the tasks they give to me.

I will try to recommend the installation of the fences to Lian’s father, using the excuse that demons who recently moved into the western forest are damaging the village’s fields and harming its livestock.

He’ll definitely agree if I tell him the benefits. For example, the gain of the villagers’ trust, which will make them more compliant to the yearly taxes. Not to mention, he will be praised for his good work in the end-of-year meeting. Additionally, his boss will have a better impression of him. The standards and method of motivation of Lian’s father are simple. Basically wealth, prestige and promotion.

Once I get permission, I’ll be able to openly gather the labor force.

The only problem now is the workalic Alfred, who fills his whole time table with part-time jobs.

Unless I book him early, he likely won’t be able to accept the job in case of emergencies.

There’s also the chance he may need to quit his other part-time jobs to have the time for mine, so I should ask him as early as possible.

And there’s another merit in hiring that guy.

If I’m together with Alfred, I can go deeper into the woods without worry, and test the alarm and barrier with mid-sized demons.

He is the future hero after all! There is no one better at protection than him.

Besides, this can be an exercise in battle training for him. So I’m hitting two birds with one stone.

Yes, I must secure him immediately.

Let’s quickly try to negotiate with Alfred after he comes home this evening.

I need to strike while the iron is hot.

As I resume checking the latest version of the map, a smile slides across my lips.



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