Number One Under Heaven

Chapter 4: Misunderstanding?

Chapter 4: Misunderstanding?

The people around them turned quiet for a minute, then started to talk among themselves.

What kind of thing did he feed to that poor cub? It turned old in an instant!

Aio! He turned that cute thing into such a savage looking thing.

I feel bad for that cub tiger

Everybody was talking about the injustice being done to the cute cub. Even Min Li looked like she wanted to cry and said with watery eyes, I-I petted such a thing? I dirtied my hands!

Lao Bais face turned sour and felt wronged. This was the appearance he was proud of and chose!

Eh? No, no, no. This is just a fake appearance; you do not have to worry about it. He is still a child inside. Tian Yi lied to calm Min Li down.

But still To choose that kind of appearance, you might as well of made him look like a kid. Even Min Qiu had a weird face.

Hey, aside from that, what kind of pill did you just feed him? I dont remember any pills that can change a beast into a human. Min Lian was interested in the pill instead.

Its just an appearance changing pill, except enhanced a few times. Tian Yi replied.

Her eyes lit up when she heard that and asked, Could it be you who enhanced it? Are you a Pill Master?

No way, I had a Pill Master in my family do it. It is too boring for me to sit in front of a cauldron for days.

Oh Too bad.

She was disappointed. Pill Masters are rare nowadays. They can make pills to prolong your Beauty, Strength and most importantly, Longevity. Who didnt want somebody that can make them live longer or be stronger?

But Pill Masters are hard to raise and train if not, the big sect and clans would not fight for them. Nowadays, it is more difficult to recruit a good Pill Master than to pick up a magic weapon on the sidewalk. What small family like them didnt want a Pill Master for themselves?

* * * * *

Tian Yi chatted with the Min Family for a few hours until the surroundings turned noisy.

Look! Its the Three Sacred Hero! The Eldest Son from the Long Family, Long Huo. Water Gods Sword Sects Sect Masters personal Disciple, Wang Shui and the Five Sense Illusion Sects Fairy, Mei Mingzhu! A passerby pointed to the sky to three people flying towards Xian Chengshi.

Aaaahhh! Young Master Huo is as handsome as ever! A girl screamed.

Long Huo, Eldest Son of one of the Biggest Clan in the Immortal Realm. 21 years old, with long blonde hair, sharp eyebrows, and green eyes.

Fellow Daoist Shui is not losing in appearance either! Cried another girl.

Wang Shui, a direct disciple of Water Gods Sword Sects Sect Master, one of the Four Ancient Land in the Immortal Realm. 20 years old, short black hair, thick eyebrows, and prideful looking blue eyes.

What a peerless beauty, if only I can have a wife like Fairy Mingzhu. Someone said in a longing tone.

Are you crazy?! Dont let any Young Master hear you say that, or they will cook you alive for saying something like that! A young man warned.

Mei Mingzhu, also addressed as Fairy Mingzhu, was a peerless beauty known as one of the most beautiful women in the Immortal Realm. Her Black hair was flowing down till it almost reached her knees, clear dark eyes, curved eyebrows, small pink lips and a pair of perfectly shaped breast.

All men in the Immortal Realm would fall heads over heel for her.

But be it the son of an Emperor or the Emperor himself, they all tried to court her with no success.

While all the men were adoring Mei Mingzhu, Tian Yi was staring at the male with the blonde hair with a frown and asked, Who is that male with the the blonde hair?

Min Lian frowned and said, Do you live in a cave or a rats hole? How can you not know Young Master Huo, one of the Three Sacred Hero and the Eldest Son of the Long Family who rules Xian Chengshi? Not only is he a genius within geniuses, but he is also one of the most righteous men in the Immortal Realm! Aaaah, I want to have his babies. She accidentally voiced out her inner thoughts.

Tian Yis face turned cold upon hearing that. The most righteous man in the Immortal Realm? With a pure black soul crying in agony like that, he dares to proclaim himself as righteous?! I am surprised that he did not get struck by a Heavens Tribulation yet! What is my father doing? Is he now too old to see this trash?

If one is cultivating towards the path of a Devil, their soul will turn black, and when the soul is completely black like the one Long Huo currently has, they will face Heavens Wrath, the Heavens Tribulation.

This Heavens Tribulation is different from the ones people face when breaking through. The main purpose is to eradicate the Devils who is rebelling against Heaven.

Tian Yi started getting angrier by the second hearing the cries for help from that poor soul. Good! If you think my Heaven cannot judge you and you can hide forever with that trash Cultivation Technique of yours, I, Tian Yi, will represent the Heaven, my father and punish you personally!

This is the first time he has ever gotten this angry, and he did not like this dark feeling one bit. All Devil Cultivator rebels against Heaven, who is pretty much his father, the Celestial Emperor, who controls Heaven itself.

If you think Tian Yi will be killing every evildoer he comes across, you would be dead wrong. Even if he wanted to, he simply cant.

In a world where killing happens regularly, and the strong eats the weak, almost everybody in this world has done at least one or two evil things, be it stealing or murder.

If Tian Yi had to kill every evildoer, he would need to kill nearly everybody in this world, including himself! Since he can go around killing people in the name of justice, why cant others? Just because he is the son of the Celestial Emperor? Bullshit!

But if he cant clean out all evildoers, then he, as the son of the Celestial Emperor, with authority, can represent the Heaven and slay these Heaven cant! Tian Yi now had another purpose for coming down.

He, as the Son of the Celestial Emperor, with responsibilities to protect these who are innocent, will slay the Devil causing harm to these he had to protect!

Lao Bai felt cold all of sudden and looked around in confusion.

But when he saw Young Master Shu with a calm face, yet leaking murderous intents, he accidentally leaked a drop between his legs. Oh, my Heavens! Why does he have the face of someone who just saw his mother get smacked! Who did it?! Who offended him?! He looked at the direction Tian Yi was looking at. Its them? Does Young Master Shu have a grudge with them? Is that why he is using a fake name? But that does not sound right. With his Cultivation, who in this Realm can threaten him to hide? Lao Bai was even more confused now.

* * * * *


Up in the air where the three were flying towards Xian Chengshi

Junior Sister Mingzhi, we are almost at my Xian Chengshi, was this trip to your liking? Long Huo asked with a handsome smile.

Yes, it was not bad for my first time traveling without the Seniors guarding my four directions. Mei Mingzhu said in a lovely voice.

Hey, Long Huo, how high do you think you can climb the Stairway to Heaven this time? I am aiming for the peak, the tenth floor! Wang Shui said with a proud voice.

Tenth? Hahaha. All three of us went limp after half way on the 7th floor last time, and you want to step on the tenth floor, where nobody but that legendary Tian Qiang did ten million years ago? Keep dreaming! Long Huo laughed.

Senior Brother Huo, I also want to aim for the tenth floor, are you also laughing at me? Mei Mingzhu asked with a calm face.

Long Huos face changed and said, Of course not. Junior sister Mingzhu, your Innate Talent is better than both of us; you can definitely achieve it. No, nobody but junior sister Mingzhi can do it! Long Huo flattered his junior sister Mingzhu with a bright smile that can make girls blush.

Wang Shui looked at Long Huo with a frown and thought, Pei! What better than us? The world recognized all three of us as equal,  since when did junior sister Mingzhu change her Innate Talent? A fake will always be fake.

Although many people did not know about the real Long Huo, how could Wang Shui, who had always been his rival, not know about Long Huo's evil doing? He would secretly kill innocent people to steal their treasures, frame innocent people of crimes they did not commit and lure young girls with that fake smile with the purpose of ruining them. Righteous my ass! You fucking disgusting thing! I will protect junior sister Mingzhu from your dirty hands even if I have to die! And I hope to god Heaven will judge you someday, if not, I will personally slay you! Wang Shui cursed Long Huo in his mind while swearing to protect his Junior Sister Mingzhu.

And right when he finished cursing, he saw Long Huo, who was smiling side to side, cry out and spat a mouthful of blood.

Eh?! Both him and Mei Mingzhu were shocked and didnt know what was happening.

Senior Brother Huo! Are you okay?! Mei Mingzhu asked with a worried expression.

Long Huo gasped for air and said with a shaking voice, Y-yes, I am He was both scared and bewildered. He was fine a moment ago, but then out of nowhere, he felt an unfathomable power slam into his body, almost crippling his Cultivation!

Senior Brother Huo, heres a 6th layered Enhanced High-Grade Restoration Pill, take this and heal. Mei Mingzhi took out a green pill from her Storage Pouch.

Thank you Junior Sister Mingzhu, I, Long Huo, swear I will repay this graceful favor one day. Long Huo reached out for the Pill.

But before he could even touch the Pill, Spirit Pressure slammed down on him and slapped his whole body down back to earth, unable to even move a finger.

*Bang* The floor cracked with fissures, and Long Huo spat another mouthful of blood staining the dirt blood red.

Ah! Senior Brother Huo! Who is it! Who is doing this! Mei Mingzhu also started to feel scared and searched around with her Divine Sense. But all she could see was her shocked Senior Brother Shui and the thousands of shocked faces staring right at them.

Long Huo, who was barely conscious screamed with an unclear voice, Who may this Senior be?! How did this Junior offend you?! I am the Eldest Son of the Long Family! You must have mistaken me for someone else! But after he said that with great difficulty, not only did the Spirit Pressure lessen, it even got stronger!

Aaaaah! Long Huo screamed in pain and coughed up another mouth full of blood.

Senior! Please release Senior Brother Huo. I think you have gotten the wrong person. Mei Mingzhu looked at her Senior Brother Shui and said, Senior Brother Shui, you say something too!

Wang Shui, who was frozen from shock finally came back alive. But he did not do anything, nor did he say a word. He only looked at the pitiful looking Long Huo on the ground.

His eyes lit up and said coldly, Junior Sister Mingzhu, he deserves it. His wish had actually become true! If he didnt use this opportunity to deal with Long Huo given by the Heaven, he would be an idiot!

What did you just say? Mei Mingzhu couldnt believe what she was hearing.

I said, he deserves it! You may not know, but he is actually a very cruel man. He frames and kills innocents, ruin young girls and does many other evil deeds. He probably kicked a steel plate this time. We can not do anything for him. Wang Shui said with a serious face.

T-that She was shocked to the core and didnt know what to say.

Then suddenly, a ripple spread across the sky and a voice that sounded like a male, yet a female, young, also old, said, Mistaken? Is that right.

Another ripple swam across the sky, So, you are telling me that you did not kill my beloved disciple Jiaer?!

Long Huos eyes went wide, mind reeled and screamed, SENIOR! I DID NO SUCH THING! I HAVE NEVER EVEN HEARD OF THIS GIRL NAMED JIA! I SWEAR ON MY NAME, LONG HUO! Long Huo felt his heart jumping out of his throat.

He remembers all of the girl's name, but he did not remember one called Jia! He even checked their backgrounds before moving, so how did he dig this hole?!

*Ripple* So, youre saying that I am framing you? Is your name not Long Huo?! Ahhh, my beloved disciple, Jiaer, that I treated like my own daughter! You dared to soil her with your rotten rod! If I dont kill you today, I wont have the face to be called her Master!

WAIT, WAIT, WAIT, WAIT!!!! I SWEAR ITS NOT ME!!! SOMEONE IS FRAMING ME! I AM INNOCENT! Long Huo was begging like a dog. He now knows what it felt like to be the other party when being framed. But it was too late now.

Hold! A few figures appeared on top of Long Huo and fought back the Spirit Pressure on him.

Father! Elders! Long Huo felt the Spirit Power disappear and cried happily. His family came to save him! Hes safe!

A bulky middle-aged man with short blonde hair and fierce green eyes stepped forward and said, Fellow Daoist, please stay your hands. I am this kids father, Long Zhen. I think there has been a misunderstanding. I can assure you that Huoer is a righteous man. I hope we can solve this peacefully.

*Ripple* Hmph, misunderstanding? How could I be mistaken? Your Long Hua is guilty! the voice declared.

Long Zhen frowned and said, Fellow Daoist, do you have any evidence? If you do not, I will not stand here and let you bully my Long Family. Our family is not so easily bullied.

Long Huo couldnt hold back his anger from being framed and shouted, My father is right! Wheres your evidence?! If you dont give us a good explanation, my Long Family will not let this go! Do you not know what my Long Family represents?!

Shut up! Long Zhen glared at his son. Was he beaten dumb? Can he even read the situation they are in? They didnt even know the voices background! If the voice knew his background and still acted, he must have a stronger backer than them!Ne/w novel chaptš¯’†rs are p/u/blished on no/vel(/bin(.)c/o/m

*Ripple* Evidence? Not let me go? Good Hahahaha. The voice started laughing.

Long Zhen shivered from top to bottom hearing that laughter, then felt something was not right and took a defensive stance, activating his Peak Golden Immortal Realm Spirit Power.

*Ripple* You want my evidence right? Good, heres your evidence


*BOOOOM* A monstrous Spirit Pressure rained down on Long Zhen along with the elders, like a holy mountain, pressed them flat on the ground.

Long Zhen and the company face turned pale and cried, Senior! This junior was wrong and had eyes but dont recognize Mount Tai! Long Zhen knew his son had kicked an iron plate this time.

But not just any regular iron plate. It was one made from a Senior above the Immortal Realm with powers that even their ancestor at the Peak of Ancient Immortal Realm would need to bow before.


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