NPC into Player: Let's Wreck This Game

Chapter 359: A Crisis!

Chapter 359: A Crisis!

Bloom was already stressed out for the upcoming battles and now he had a chance to release some of his steam. He didn't show any mercy to the loli he had within his arms and kept hammering her body hard until she knocked out.

"I told you," Bloom sat beside her on the bed while watching her helpless and powerless sweaty body, "you'll regret it."

She was in another world now and couldn't even move a finger. Bloom stood up and took a shower before he returned to think again about his plan.

"I have to start working with players," he muttered before gazing up at Luna. "She'll sleep for the rest of the day," he showed an evil expression with satisfaction before choosing to log out.

As he came outside in the real world, the sounds of chaos alarmed him. "Are they still attacking us?" he hurriedly moved away from his capsule to see a spectacular scene.

Large number of workers were now digging the ground and using big machines to lay down the foundations. He spotted many machines, even giant levers, to help and facilitate the building process around his destroyed mansion.

But at this moment his mansion didn't look that bad at all. The sun rose high in the sky now and told him it was midday already. At the distance he saw many big vehicles coming in and out, moving large amounts of materials needed to lay down the foundations and start the building process.

The scale of this operation seemed to be much bigger than he initially thought. At least he could estimate that it stretched out for a distance of twenty miles square at least.

And that was a big area without doubt!

"Antoan did a great job here," Bloom walked out from his half damaged hall and found his butler standing in the middle of Nara, Natalie, and Liza with many workers who wore a small plastic yellow helmets over their heads.

"They are discussing the blueprints," he noticed many white papers stretched over small tables around while they were discussing something on one of them.

He moved towards them and when he arrived, everyone noticed his presence.

"You are finally here," Natalie said before taking a few papers and showing them to him, "is this what you have in mind or what?"

He took the papers and there he saw large drawings of the general view of what the buildings here would look like after it got completed.

The place turned into what he had in mind and even much better.

The entire land wasn't covering twenty square miles, but thirty. The building would be over twenty only, in the form of a broad hill-like elevation from the ground by twenty meters.

It would be like a ground elevated than the rest of the world around. Then this place would be lined with mighty looking walls that had many defenses and towers watching over each corner of it.

Inside there would be another elevation in the middle which covered only five square miles. There it would contain the main residence buildings of his forces and also the capsules to enter the game.

"This is pretty much great," he said before adding in praise, "well done! I never thought you'd be able to come up with such an idea."

"It wasn't me," Natalie said in an annoyed tone.

"Antoan then?"

"It was me," at this moment, Liza came closer. It looked like something happened between the two girls, something Bloom didn't know or notice till now.

An obvious tension and friction occurred between the two without proper explanation. However Bloom didn't think too much about this. After all he would hear everything later from his butler.

"Anyway we have to discuss more important things," Bloom said before looking around. His mansion was getting repaired now. The effects of the brutal fighting from yesterday night were getting amended fast.

But he wanted a secluded place to speak in. and he couldn't find anything secured except for one.

"What do you want to discuss?" Natalie said before adding, "is it one more crazy idea of yours? Will we build another fort or what?"

"Not here," Bloom firmly said before turning to Liza and the nearby Nara, "you two should come as well."

"Why?" Natalie asked in an aggressive tone.

"You'll understand everything inside," Bloom mysteriously said while walking back to his mansion.

"Where?" Nara asked while holding the arm of her friend. Nara knew Bloom had no hand in the clash that happened between her and Liza earlier.

"In the game of course," Bloom simply said, "let's go inside and have a grand meeting together."

"Alright," Liza said while just speaking made Natalie go on her nerves. Bloom noticed the friction here but he chose to ignore it.

After all he needed all the help he could from the three of them. He wasn't a human after all and didn't know how players think or how to gather them around a single banner.

All he knew about players was that they were chaotic and repulsive. Their rebelling nature worked against fighting under one flag.

But he also heard a lot of stories about strong and mighty alliances in the game world. He never saw such a thing with his own eyes, but he was quite sure one of the three girls behind could help in this regard.

"Where are you now?" As the four of them reached the area of capsules, Nara asked.

"Inside Swor town," Bloom said, ``at a hotel right now."

"Cool, we also are at the town," Natalie hurriedly added, "we'll come to the hotel and meet together.

"What?!!" Bloom was shocked to hear that. After all he left the devastated Luna inside his room and she wasn't able to move a finger.

Also the room looked like a war just erupted inside! If he recalled Luna back inside the token, he would still have to explain what went wrong with the room.

"I also have a ticket to go there," Liza said, "I'll come and meet you all in the hotel."

'Dammit!' Bloom was feeling more pressured now that his worry about the upcoming battle. Forget about the war, he was having an imminent disaster that he had to deal with fast!

The Novel will be updated first on this website. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!


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