NPC Code: Red Riding Hood

Chapter 81 - Goldilocks (Ryoshi)

"Hey, watch where you shoot that! Quit it!"

It had not been too long when my best friend, Ryoshi, got to keep his life to himself with the help of this kid standing in front of him. But that boy looked old enough for his age with all those moustaches and flowy yet crazed hair covering his face. He wore ragged clothes and tattered pants, much as the villagers had in Code.

There was a barrier in front of the mysterious kid, blocking every bullet raining in their direction. Ryoshi, who thought that he would die right here and now, widened his eyes in amazement about the boy guarding his body.

I wanted to question the homeless-looking kid, but I had more foes to deal with in front of me. All the soldiers aimed their guns in my direction and pulled the trigger. My body moved from different angles, avoiding getting hit by those random bullets.

After a few seconds of dodging the player's attacks, they finally reloaded their weapon. It gave me the window to strike back.

And that was what I did.

I leapt from my ground and slashed at them, using my razor-sharp claws. Within a swipe of my hands, all the seven soldiers died in front of me. Their bodies became pixie dust, telling me they had logged out from the game. However, a bitter taste enveloped the surface of my mouth as I watched these players leave Code… I killed them, and I have to accept that.

It happened like a flash as I ended my battle.

I turned to my rear and followed the tracks of the remaining opponents in the forest. There were four of them attacking Ryoshi and the kid. But I did not need to worry about the two of them, since the shield protected their bodies. All I had to do was to grab that chance and take the soldiers down before they could!

I went to the sides and travelled through the boughs, waiting for a moment to strike. And that window appeared before me once again as the soldiers reloaded their magazines in unison.

I had the speed advantage in this game, while these players had the numbers. All these soldiers also underwent training in the real world. But I, who had more than enough experience playing this game, took them out like I threw my garbage in the bin.

As I dove from above, I slit their throat and ended the clash within seconds. After killing the four soldiers, I returned to the two and greeted them.

"Is anyone alright?" I asked, and stared at the kid that had a miraculous shield. "And who are you supposed to be?"

Although that kid saved Ryoshi, it did not mean I had to trust him. Players in this game do things for something in return. And I hated owing someone, especially when saving someone dear to me.

"Where are your manners, Wolf? I just saved your friend, Hunter, from his death. And this is how you repay me, hmm?"

I grabbed Ryoshi and jerked backwards, alarmed about the words the kid spoke. I readied my claws and even clipped my blade in my mouth, arming myself with everything I have.

"How do you know us?" I growled.

I would not bother if that boy knew the identity of Ryoshi, considering that he played this game over a month ago. However, I just created this smurf to save my best friend in this death game! And it had not been that long before leaving Nirvana and the swarming numbers of players in that place! If the world knew me, it would have taken them more time before spreading that news! And no NPC should know me without asking my name.

"I know everything in this world… including the game."

My eyes widened after hearing such words coming from the boy's mouth. My body moved further backwards, unsure about the uneasiness enveloping inside my brain. I could only think one thing, and that the boy was up to no good.

The boy was an NPC who discovered sentience without the help of anything or anyone. The only non-player that I know and achieved this mindset was the princess of Wonderland, Alice.

"My name is Rumpelstiltskin, owner of the Goldilocks house. The system told me I should wait here in the forest and meet the players that would change this game… It seems that I already met them, hmm?" Rumpelstiltskin exclaimed, while gazing into our eyes.

He had a stern look, like an old man watching our every move. It was as if Rumpelstiltskin was a snake that observed his prey from afar, waiting for a perfect chance to strike.

"Wait here for a second, Rumpelstiltskin. I just need to talk to my friend over here, okay?" Ryoshi dragged me to the back while motioning his hand.

Rumpelstiltskin gave us a nod and let us take the free time to talk about something in private. I raised an eyebrow at Ryoshi, since I did not know what was running inside his mind.

"Hey! What's the hold-up? And who is this Rumpelstiltskin, anyway? He seems like a dangerous person… we should prune him before that weirdo attacks us, Ryoshi." I grumbled.

Ryoshi shook my shoulders and retorted, "You idiot! That's why I told you to read books or fairy tales! That guy is Rumpelstiltskin! And we all know that he will offer us a deal! A very crooked deal! So don't fall for it at any cost, since he will use your weakness against you!"

"Ah, by the way, Wolf and Ryoshi. I'm inviting you to Goldilocks and have a brief break. We could eat some cookies and beverages to choose from. I'm very generous right now, so I will give you two wonderful pieces of news." The little guy caressed his moustache as he explained to us the details of the news.

"There are potions inside my cabinet that will grant you increased status points! It would be my pleasure to share those with you two since you're the ones I've been waiting for forever since staying in this forest. The other one would be a contract. Let's make a deal, hmm?" Rumpelstiltskin continued.

"Uh, you know, can you just shut up for a second? I'm not done talking yet." Ryoshi uttered.

"Oh… Okay, hmm…"

He dragged me further away from the eerie guy, hoping that Rumpelstiltskin would not hear our conversation. By the time we created some distance between the ragged kid, Ryoshi gasped for breath and continued where he had left his sentence.

"What does that Rumpel guy want from us? And is that the contract you've been talking about that I should be wary of, Ryoshi? I don't understand what's happening. And who is this Rumpelstiltskin guy, anyway? You know I don't have time to read those fairy tales now." I exclaimed, while folding both of my arms.

"And that's the main idea. You read nothing other than porn magazines! I told you to read something else, but all you bought are games that are… Nevermind that. The thing is, don't ever fall for Rumpelstiltskin's traps. Even if it sounds juicy, don't. Nothing good happens after taking that contract from Rumpelstiltskin. Got it?"

I did not know what he was saying, but it was my first time seeing Ryoshi this serious in my life. He concerned himself to pull me away from the site and led me here to tell me that. I gave my friend a nod and opened my mouth.

"Okay… I'll keep my eyes peeled. And don't tell Himari about the porn magazines, okay? She always throws them away… and I even saw her burn them once."

"If you're looking for porn magazines or sex, I know a brothel around the corner. Do you mind if I escort you there?"

The kid from before emerged in the middle of the bushes. It nearly surprised us, but I was always ready to strike back. I almost killed Rumpelstiltskin with my claws…

[First form deactivating…]

My system announced as I reverted to my usual self. The claws that I had vanished from my hands. All the strengths that I exhibited before diminished from my body. I remained a level 20 adventurer after killing those soldiers.

It was still not enough compared to my main account, Fenrir.

"So are we going now, hmm?" Rumpelstiltskin said, while looking at our eyes. "The village is close by. So before stopping at that place, pay a visit to my house. You won't regret it."

I know Ryoshi told me to doubt his words, but I had no choice but to follow Rumpel right now. And besides, I could kill that boy whenever I wanted to, especially when he was this defenceless in front of me.

We also had nowhere left to go, so following him would lead us closer to the town. Ryoshi heaved out a sigh and gave me his approval. We would feel lost if we had not met Rumpel on our way to the forest. So meeting this guy was a blessing in disguise… Or a curse, waiting for us at the end of the woodland.


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