NPC Code: Red Riding Hood

Chapter 117 - Softening Heart

A blasting thud reverberated inside the tunnel as soon as we all landed on the ground. As I finished checking everyone's condition, I raised my hand and pointed at the hole. It was the only entrance inviting us over inside. If the cavern had torches at each side, I doubt the pavement would still be frightening.

"Now that nobody died, we should get going. It would be troublesome to stay around here," I suggested, and pressed forward, with Match tagging behind me.

I would not give a damn to these people, except for Snow White. So, before I could even proceed, I glanced around and waited for the dwarf girl. If it were not for her, I would have left these two players on their own.

Although Wolf and the ranger could handle their own ground, they were still reckless boys. Their gifts were the only thing that protected them throughout their journey.

"Wait up, Red!" Wolf cried, and issued Snow White and Ryoshi to follow my lead.

As soon as we entered the cave, Match and Ryoshi activated their spells and illuminated the place. However, Ryoshi announced to limit the spell's usage while underground. He explained that the smoke created by the fire would suffocate us and eventually kill everyone inside.

Match heeded his advice and activated her spell within the minimum range instructed by Wolf. The ranger did the same and generated a spark on the tip of his enchanted arrow. That blaze was enough to light our surroundings and illuminate our path forward.

The five of us traversed inside the cave for fifteen minutes, seeing nothing at all. We did not even come across any enemies along the road. It even almost felt like we were walking in circles because of the limited visuals in this place.

Wolf kept complaining about how his skills won't work in this cave. He wanted to use his ability [wolf walk], but the walls stopped Wolf from activating. Wolf also claimed that the walls absorb immense energy and use it to create natural disasters.

However, that restriction did not apply to Match's spells. Since Match used the minimum output of magic, the cave did not see her as a threat. That was my initial guess. I had no evidence to support my claims since it was all mere speculations in my head.

And that topic came to life as the hunter tapped Wolf's shoulders.

"But how come that little girl could still use her flames inside this cave, Wolf?" the ranger asked.

Although I disliked joining the two player's conversations, I listened to every word they said. I wanted to know more about this world.

"Whatever you're thinking, Red, you're right about that. It's like what I mentioned before. These walls are eating all the excess arcane wandering inside this place. It only has a certain threshold that the cave could maintain. If our magic exceeded that number, the cave could destroy us all," Wolf narrated, while scratching his head. "Now I know why the dwarves chose this place as their hideout. No wonder players refused to enter this place… Those players would burst their way through the open door rather than walking inside this tunnel."

It was what Wolf had mentioned. When I checked the walls using my system, the notification described everything. The stones that greeted our eyes had runes imbued on the surface. Those texts appeared invisible in our eyes. However, if a skilled person tracked the arcane, they would know the meanings behind the magic.

The only guess that came into mind was…. someone could have placed these traps. And it surprised me that Snow White knew nothing about these set-ups.

Every time I gazed at her face, Snow White would prepare her sword, aiming at the dark space. After a few seconds of realization, Snow White would continue monitoring the place with her sword still gripped in her hands.

The dwarves used this underground as their emergency exit inside and outside the kingdom. Those midget creatures were the only ones to access this place. However, if the queen did not know the ropes of this environment, blaming the dwarves became a pipe dream.

"If worse comes to worst, we have to make our way through the surface," Wolf confessed, while looking at the ceiling.

That phrase alone also disrupted my clouded mind, thinking about all aspects of our situation. I stood back on my feet and carried on with our adventurer, only to greet the sounds of swords clashing against each other. There were also screams coming from the northern side.

And those sounds came from humans or players from what I remembered.

"Okami!" Ryoshi called out

"I know!" Wolf shouted back.

When I first heard the name "Okami" I thought these two players talked about someone else. However, when Wolf replied, I knew he was Okami.

And if I had to guess it right, Okami was Wolf's real name. These "Wolf" and "Hunter" were all just made up names to… make them look cool.

I rested my exhausted face on my extended palms as I concluded my thought. Now that I knew the identity of Wolf and Hunter, I could use that information to my advantage. Okami told me earlier that the players were continuously hunting them down to the world's end. That information about their name might become a valuable treasure that I could use against them.

But for now, I wanted to lie low and wait for the perfect opportunity to strike. A lion does not charge straight for its food. Those animals wait for their prey before taking their leap.

All of us hurried towards the sound's origin. Since the road continued up ahead, we had no choice but to push forward and meet with the clashing players.

As soon as we arrived at the site, five players battled against an underground worm. That creeping creature had armour made of stone, enveloping its mucus-like body. Those five players desperately raised their weapons and discharged their spells.

However, those two players met their inevitable doom as they received the entire blow of the worm's tail. Wolf tried to stop the creature's assault, but it was already too late.

"You idiots! Why are you fighting against the-!" Wolf screamed, but he did not continue his sentence.

As I followed Wolf's gaze, our surroundings became a gravestone for the fallen players apart from the three survivors in front of us. And now that the two instantly died from the worm, we had the choice to help these two from killing themselves.

I, who knew nothing about them, backed away. I dragged Match's hands and retreated from the place, far from the site that spelt danger from every angle.

Okami and his friend wanted to help the players fighting against that worm. And since these two were also humans from a different world, they did not want to let these players die in vain.

Snow White vowed to stay by Wolf's side, so she planned on joining the clash. With these three clashing against that monster, I doubt they would lose that fight.

However, before I could even take my feet forward, my hand got pulled back to the opposite side. As I glanced behind, Match wailing eye's greeted my sight, with her hands shivering in despair.

"A-Are we not going to help them?" Match asked.

It was the event that I had feared the most. I knew that the time would come where Match would save everyone in sight. And that time came right now.

"Yes, Match. Okami and Ryoshi… those two will save them. And Snow White. Our job is to find the entrance, so all of us could escape out of here," I answered.

It was a white lie to save Match from all the troubles in front of us. I might endanger Match for inviting her to that fight. Since we would be up against a worm, that fight would exhaust us. And I cannot imagine Match getting injured from this monster... or anything in this world.

"We have to go, Match!" I repeated, hoping she would listen to me.

Match reluctantly allowed herself to get dragged by my hand. But as soon as we moved forward, Match tugged the ends of my clothes. Her eyes still gazed into mine when I finally turned around.

"As long as you're not lying to me… I will believe everything you say, Red."

Match flashed me a faint smile after saying her fill. She was just a kid that knew nothing about the hardships of life. And I kept pushing her away from all the danger of this world… Everything I did was for her sake.

However, with that look on her eye… I couldn't say no. Match became the entire world to me. And I cannot stand the disappointment carved on her face.

"Do you want to help them?" I asked.

I knew that Wolf, that fucking hunter, and Snow White would be fine on their own. But how could I deny a kid asking me for something she wanted? And besides, those people would have me, after all.


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