Not Your Typical Villianess

Chapter 171: New Enemies 2

Chapter 171: New Enemies 2


Once the arrows stopped falling Lu Yaozhu shouted, "Attack!!"

The northern soldiers pulled their swords out of their sheath, while the archers drew their bows shooting arrows at the enemies. Everyone charged forward, including Yan state men. They met at the frozen Lake, swords were drawn as they battled it out. Soon the sound of war cried and a clash of metal on metal was heard.

The battle went on for hours, the Previously dark clouds were now bright and the full moon replaced by the bright morning sun. The Snow White snow had turned crimson, with motionless bodies lying about. The soldiered walked over the bodies as they fought for victory, Lu Yaozhu and the rest of his commanders had gotten involved at some point.

The battle seemed endless until a crack was heard as the ice broke at the centre of the frozen river. the crack was unexpected, the ice had gotten weak due to the weight. It wasn't until the ice gave in and the unfortunate soldiers standing at the first incident spot fell into the ice-cold water. Everyone immediately scrambled to get away as the ice began to crack. 

They all tried to pull their teammate out of the frozen water and ran to their different ends of the riverbank before the ice collapsed. The ice got more unstable as they ran finally collapsing some minutes later. The dead bodies lying around the ice fell in as it collapsed soon the once-solid bed of ice reverted to its original liquid state. 

The two armies watched each other from both ends of the lakes, the broken ice put an end to the fighting. The Yan state army couldn't continue to attack from this end, since the ice gave out. It was better to pause the fighting for some time, regroup and continue later. There were injured soldiers on both sides, this would allow everyone to recuperate.

The General on the other side glanced at Lu Yaozhu and the other Northern Wei soldiers. Everyone looked exhausted, it was better to end things here. "Retreat!?" He shouted turning his horse around and riding towards their military camp. The other soldiers followed behind him on foot and horseback. They carried their injures back on horses to be taken back for treatment.

Lu Yaozhu let out a loud breath as he watched them leave. He slowly caught his breath, when they were out of sight he glanced at his men. He checked for injured soldiers, grading their injuries in his mind. They didn't receive much damage luckily, which may be because the Narashi warriors sat out during this battle.

While that worked out in their favour because it gave them a good head start. It was better to start the battle in a good light because it helped improve the soldiers' morale but Lu Yaozhu feared that they might have gotten the short end of the stick because the Narashi warriors holding out on them failed to allow him to properly observe their capabilities. 

He looked toward the direction the enemy's soldiers left, with a slight frown. 'It was no use focusing on impossible situations like this' Lu Yaozhu thought and looked away from that end of the battlefield. He glanced at his men and said loudly "Return to camp!"

"Yes," his men chorused as they turned around and watched towards the camp. 

Lu Yaozhu followed slowly behind them. The other commanders fell in line with him. They waits to receive any additional orders but General Lu seemed to be deep in thoughts. They looked at exchanged gazes behind themselves as they tried to convince one of them to make a move and ask to be released by the general. They hasn't slept properly the last night and felt exhausted but none of them was bold enough to come forward.

Lu Yaozhu lips twitched when he noticed their little actions but he pretended otherwise. This wasn't his first battle with these men but their funny actions never got old. They always acted so comically, it was embarrassingly amusing. He pulled the reins of his horse and said, "You must be tired, go get some rest. Let's have a brief meeting in three hours".

Their face brightened up immediately as they heard that. They tried to pretend ti be selfless but he quickly put an end to that. Which resulted in then shamelessly showering him with praises.

"General Lu doesn't need to do this, we_," one of the Commanders said but Lu Yaozhu next words had him scared.

"Since you are all up to it, why don't we start the strategy meeting now?"

"NO!" They all exclaimed in unison. 

"There is no need for that!"

"We are okay with it!"

"Yes, no need, no need!"

"General is the best!"

"General Li is truly a jade general blessed by the gods themselves. I am struck speechless by his poise and grace!"

Lu Yaozhu rolled his eyes as he heard their nonsense. "This is about to get out of hand, please leave. Your flattery has me wanting to jump into the ice water lake".

"oh... Please don't!"

"Yes, think of sister in law even if you don't think of us"

"Yes General shouldn't think like that, you are so kind. If you do this, who knows how the next General his majesty sends will be"

Lu Yaozhu didn't reply. Instead, he shook his head, pulled the reins of his horse and quickly rode away.



The tent was very active with the military doctors and their helpers running around the room.

Quickly! Carry him into the room!" Su Liya instructed as two soldiers carried their injured teammate in a wooden stretcher. They each held month ends of the stretcher as they walked into the camp. The injured soldier was heavily injured, he hissed as the stretched shook. Blood dripped from his open wound leaving a long trail of blood from the war front to the camp.

Su Liya was seated in front of the medical tent, quietly taking in some early morning Sun when the soldiers began to come in with the injured soldiers. She stood as soon as the two men came into her sight just outside the gate. She ran her hand through her thigh, straightening the stained apron tight around her. 

Su Liya traded in her delicate soft silk long gowns and skirts for more work-friendly clothes. The right leg of the soldier on the makeshift stretcher was bent in an awkward direction. Su Liya immediately sent them into the tent to the doctor's station.


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