Not Your Typical Villianess

Chapter 169: Everyone loves a dark horse 3

Chapter 169: Everyone loves a dark horse 3

The medical unit, Temporary military camp Ningzhuo, Northern Wei

Lu Yaozhu grabbed Su Liya's hands and led her back to his tent. 

He led her into the tent and shut the flap close, Su Liya leaned by the table and looked up at him. "Are going to war?" She asked.

He dropped his bow and arrow on the ground by the entrance of the tent and walked towards Su Liya. He unfolded the thick high-quality brown wolf fur coat and placed it on her shoulder. He pulled it closer and tried the knot holding it on her shoulder.

"Yes", he ran his palm down her shoulders, straightening the coat while reading her hair neatly by her shoulder. "Commander Du sent word of the enemies marching towards us. After the sudden attack earlier, we cannot put it off anymore. I will lead my men to push them back and protect our borders".

Su Liya looked I'm into his eye and nodded. "Don't worry while you protect the borders, I will keep watch of the injured soldiers down here". She placed both hands on either side of his shoulders, lips curved up. "Go give them hell".

He chuckled, "I will take care of yourself, my love". He pulled her into his hands and wrapped his hands around her, patting her back gently. 

Seconds later Su Liya said in a slightly muffled tone, "you should get going, it is getting late". She raised her head buried in his chest and tried to pull away from him but was pulled closer by Lu Yaozhu. Placing his hands on her chin, he raised her face and their lips met. He kissed her softly before pulling back, lips curved up.

"Got to go, I will be back. Don't worry!" he rubbed her cheeks gently with his thumb, smiling softly. He turned around, at walked to the entrance of the tent. When he felt a slight force push him forward, a soft feminine body hugged him from behind.

As Su Liya watched him walk to the table by the entrance to pick up his bow and quiver he kept by the table. She felt her heartbeat quicken, she suddenly felt like holding him close. Su Liya rush forward a hugged him tightly from behind, wrapping her smaller around him. 

He didn't expect such a response from her, a long line of emotions ran through him. From surprise to amazement before settling on love. He placed his hands in her hand hugged him tightly, lips curved up. They stayed that way for some seconds before she broke the silence.

"Don't go easy on then Yaozhu, just make them pay for every single drop of blood spilt earlier", she said, her voice sounding slightly muffled.

"I won't go easy on them, they must pay for everything" he replied.

"Okay" Su Liya walked closer and smiled, "go, I won't keep you from leaving" She pecked him on the cheek and stepped back. 

Lu Yaozhu picked up the quiver and hung it on his shoulder before picking up the arrow. He walked forward and opened the tent flaps, he looked back at her for a second before leaving the tent. Su Liya pulled her coat closer and walked out of the tent. She watched Lu Yaozhu climb up his horse for her position in front of the tent, she stood there until the last set of foot soldiers left and were out of sight.


Lu Yaozhu rode briskly with the soldiers until they arrived at the riverbank, he sat on horseback at the centre with the commanders and other generals while the soldiers arranged themselves into various levels. Commander Du and his team rode up to him and bowed before giving him a thorough rundown of the report.

The first four rolls of soldiers in front carried a heavy square-shaped metal shield. There formed a straight line waiting for his order. The archers stood in two long rolls behind them holding their bow in one hand, while carrying their quivers

The drummers and horn blowers stood at the sides. Lu Yaozhu looked to the other side of the lake and locked eyes with the chief commanding general of the enemy soldiers a beard stone-faced man. Based on his black fur armoured uniform and stature, he was one of the famous Narashi warriors.

The Narashi warriors were a group of legendary warriors, they were one of the most Elite of warriors well trained to battle under any harsh conditions by the Emperor of Wanzhau. This was Lu Yaozhu's first time meeting them on the battlefield but he had heard a few commendable things about them.

They were the ultimate warriors, known to push themselves to the edge to achieve their goals. Rumour was that they were half men half monsters because of the rituals carried out during their initiation process. Which wasn't all that far fetched considering the powerful spiritual powers citizens of Wanzhau possessed.

Lu Yaozhu had gone to Wanzhao twice and both times he left, he was shocked speechless at the capabilities of the citizens. Wanzhao was father than northern Wei, they lived in the mountains close to Yan state. Wanzhuo was a grey area for most states, while they didn't like the black magic practised by the Wanzhao people.

They all remained cordial with Wanzhau and even sent a few of their young nobles to train there for a few weeks as a show of good faith. Lu Yaozhu was chosen both times because the Emperor didn't want to send any of his beloved sons and out of all the other young nobles his age. He was the only noble that was close enough to be considered valuable to the royal family.

During both visits, Lu Yaozhu and the other nobles were kept as priced prisoners. Although treated with care and respect, it was obvious that they were not exactly free. Those two visits made him carry of Wanzhau, he had never seen a set of people more cutthroat than them. Even the members of their royal family didn't have it easy.

Lu Yaozhu ignored the smirk the leader of the Narashi warriors gave him and quickly surveyed the enemy in front of him. There weren't a large number of Narashi warriors, there were only over a thousand mixed in with the other soldiers. Lu Yaozhu refused to let down his guard or get cocky because of the small number of Narashi warriors. Thoughts like that could lead to his downfall, he looked away from the enemies and looked down at his me.

"Everyone get ready, we may not beat them numbers or skills but that doesn't matter. We are here to protect the lives of our fellow citizens. On this battleground there is no class, we are all one body with a singular goal to keep our borders safe! Let us join hands and push these invaders away or die trying!" He said firmly.

"Yess!!!" The soldiers shouted raising their swords. 

The loud cheers from the soldiers echoed to the other side of the lake, the leaders of the Narashi warriors frowned slightly as he heard their cheers. It felt completely unexpected to him, he had faced a lot of enemies on the battlefield in his life. During those battles, he was met by fear-filled soldiers and Generals.

This was the first time he met with opponents that were this motivated, he once again glance at the young General leading the army and smiled. His deputy on his left saw his commanders expression and followed his gaze. 

"You seem impressed by the young one when you haven't seen him fight yet. As admirable as his attempt to lift his men's fighting spirit is, I will reserve my judgement until he showcases any of the hidden talents he is rumoured to possess" the Deputy commander spoke in their native language.

The commander turned to his deputy and smiled, "Don't worry, I know my duties. I won't shrink from any of it, his Supreme highness has other plans for this general or he never would have sent us to such a pesky battle like this. We are here to observe at most, leave the fighting to the greedy fools" he glanced down at the soldiers of Yan state standing around him. 

He shared a brief look with his deputy before turning back to the army in front. "Archers Get ready!" He announced in a loud voice. The archers matched forward, they pulled arrows out if they quivers and liked the pointed ends with honey before putting them into the open fire. They pulled the arrow into their bows and got into position waiting for their commander's order.

Lu Yaozhu noticed their rapid actions and immediately took a counter-attacking action. "Get the shield up and get ready?" He instructed. A soldier rushed forward and beat the drum, while another blew the horns. This alerted the thousands of soldiers that the battle is about ti begin.

The announcers on such roll immediately related his announcement. The soldiers in front stepped forward and formed a barricade, a few seconds later the flaming arrows fell. The soldiers went down and braced themselves for the impact. 


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