Not Your Typical Villianess

Chapter 158: The first wave of war 1

Chapter 158: The first wave of war 1

The Duke's mansion 

Su Liya was silent all through the journey back to the Duke's mansion. She tried to process the jaw-dropping news that was reported to the Empress. Murdering any member of the Imperial family meant death more so now that it was the Emperor's grandson that was killed. Zhu Feifei was in deep trouble, even her influential father can't save her.

She committed a serious offence, saving her would mean sacrificing not just his position but the lives of everyone in the Zhu family. Zhu Feifei was a goner, even if she somehow kept her life, there is no way she would be allowed to keep her position. For someone like her who values position and wealth as much as she did, losing her position was akin to losing her life.

There was an awkward silence throughout the ride back with Su Liya looking out the window and completely ignoring Lu Yaozhu who sat next to her. The very awkward conversation between Lu Yaozhu and Madam the female fertility expert just kept replaying in her head. When her last attempt at forgetting the awkwardness failed, Su Liya turned away from the window and sighed.

She glared at the smiling Lu Yaozhu, she wished that she could slap that smile off his face. 'Men just has all the luck, the two of us were both present at the Empress's audience hall. How come all those fertility experts were focused on me like I was suddenly the only determining factor in having a child' she thought glaring at him. 

As soon as the carriage arrived at the Duke's mansion, she slapped away the hand, held out by Lu Yaozhu and jumped down from the carriage barely casting a gaze on him. Lu Yaozhu's lips tugged up, curving up endearingly as she stumped out of the carriage and walked briskly inside. He found the little pout she had cute and laughed softly.

Their exchange was open to the servants and guards around but they pretended to notice nothing. Even the Lu Yaozhu ran after her in an attempt to calm her down, they held in their smiles as they watched their hardened General try to find her hands multiple times. Only for the young madam to pull her hands away, even when he tried to make her stop by holding her shoulder. 

Which resulted in her hitting him twice on the shoulder, he pretended to be hurt but they could tell that it was just acting. Not that she fell for his attempt at gaining pity, she just glared at him and continued forward. Lu Yaozhu seeing that she didn't fall for his little games, frown. He tilted his head to his side for a few seconds as he thought of a new plan. His eye brightened up like bulbed, he straight A's his leg increasing his steps and hugged her from behind.

She gasped and held his hand clamped at her waist, she never expected this trickster to make such a bold move in public. Not that it surprised her especially when she remembered that he had all but carried her in hands at the last palace banquet they had attended. She looked around and as expected, his little act attracted a lot of eyes.

The servants quietly went about their duties such as trimming the grasses and flowers, sweeping and even carrying things around all turned to look at them for a few seconds before quickly facing elsewhere. 

Although the servant in the Duke's mansion as well trained as they are knew not to show interest in actions like this and quickly looked away. It did nothing to reduce the heavy embarrassment Su Liya currently felt. She slapped his hand and whispered "let go" teeth clenched as she tried to maintain a calm expression. Her outward calm and confident expression was a far cry from the tsunami she felt inside 

'Jeez, is today embarrass Liya day. Why does this knucklehead keep doing things like this? I am tempted to knock him over the head with his sword. Maybe that would knock some sense into him, she thought glaring up at him. 

Lu Yaozhu just smiled and whispered, "only if you promise to behave and not hit me. Just let me hold your hands until we get to your room, you can hit me all you like once we are behind closed doors. At least try to make coaxing you possible chasing after you as you fume isn't fun".

"You!" She nodded "alright, no problem. I can do that, just let go first".

"you won't hit me", he said narrowing his eyes on her. 

"Yes I promise", she held her hands up. 

Lu Yaozhu unhooked his hands around her waist and pulled back smiling. He stretched out his hand to her expectantly. Su Liya straightened out her clothes and looked around discreetly before placing her hands in his. They walked quietly to her Pavillion, as soon as they got into her main room she dismissed her makes and Yu Tao. 

Once they were alone, Su Liya turned and kicked him the chin, "Silly" she muttered and walked forward. She sat on the top seat and glared at the tall man holding on to his throwing chin, she snorted when she caught Lu Yaozhu's hurt expression. Her expression said, "why are you looking at me that way?"

She smiled smugly and said, "Didn't you permit me to hit you once we are behind closed doors well I just making goon on the promise. Don't act like you lost your country or something". The last sentence she muttered and looked away.

"Hey! Can you not be so vengeful. Why are you taking out your anger on me, I am not one of the fertility specialists".

"How can I not be angry when they all treated you like the golden child while all the heat was placed on me!"

He smiled, walked forward, placed his hands around her and pulled her closer. "Don't be mad, next time that happens don't worry. I will set them straight and pull all the fire in me"

He thought that would calm her anger but it did the opposite. She just glared at him, "they better not be a next time or else you will be sleeping on the balcony for days".

"that is also alright, as far as I am still close to you. I don't mind sleeping in the dump if we are together. "

Her heart softened and her cheek heated up. Her lips twitched a little but she quickly held in the smile. They held each other gaze but a sudden knock on the door made them look towards the door. Yu Tao stood at the door, eyebrows drawn together, lips pursed.

He looked rather grim which was a sharp contrast from his amused expression a few minutes earlier as he walked out of the room with her maids. Lu Yaozhu's smile paused, "What is it?" He asked eyes narrowed on the folded paper Yu Tao held in his hands.

"We have a situation, General" he held the missive delivered from their homes in the various borders"You need to see this".

Lu Yaozhu took the letter from him and quickly read through, his expression darkening as he did. Su Liya who stood at the side watching was surprised at the quick change, "what is it Yaozhu?"

"Zhu Feifei's murder case is no longer the most pressing problem. We have more bugger worries, my spies report that over 250, 000 troops from the Droko tribe, Chu state and Yan state has surrounded us. They are well armed Liya, I fear war is imminent" He folded the letter and put it in his sleeve.

"Did you say that they all surrounded us, how is that? even possible. Why hasn't the border patrol sent word? My spies report that they attacked the outstation of the border patrol. They are very co-ordinated, they came prepared".

"I fear that it might be an inside job, Yaozhu."

"As do I, if it is then we are in bigger trouble because they are a lot of suspects. The Emperor must be informed, a war council meeting should be held this night before they get closer to our borders." He took her hands in his, "don't wait up for me, I might not get back this night or tomorrow morning. Don't forget to cover up properly when sleeping, you dare not fall sick. I will get back as soon as I can".

She nodded and placed her hands on his cheeks, "okay, I will inform mother and sister-in-law".

"Alright, I trust you" he pulled her close and kissed her deeply before leaving the room. She watched him leave while praying on her heart that the Emperor doesn't try anything funny. A few minutes later she breathed in and out deeply then walked out of the room. Her maids both fell in step as she walked to her mother-in-law's courtyard. She glanced at her left, "Rong Rong, go call Fengyin and Eldest miss over".

"Yes," she replied and ran off. Meanwhile, Su Liya continued walking to Madam Lu's room. When she arrived, She stood at the door while a maid went in to announce her presence. A few seconds later she was invited inside. 


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