Not Your Typical Villianess

Chapter 148: A very awkward family dinner 3

Chapter 148: A very awkward family dinner 3

The Duke's mansion 

"The Lu family does not keep concubines, madam Jiang. If you are so concerned about your niece's future, you can marry her to A'Yong. That way you can be at ease and her future can be set. Your daughter had the supportive Fu and Jiang family behind her, if you are gone nobody can bully her" 

"Wha_what, I don't understand"

Madam Jiang never expected such a response from Madam Lu, her breath hitched when she heard that. She placed at her daughter, Jiang Hua looked back at her with a gradually paling face and bulging eyes. She bit her lips gently and stole glances at the three married women in the Lu family luckily the young miss wasn't her to experience her embarrassment.

Madam Lu was running short of patience when it came to this in-law of hers. Her first interaction with madam Jiang was when she was still an unmarried Young lady. Back then she was still the eldest miss of the He family, back then madam Jiang's Fu family was very influential. She was irritated by the level of arrogance this Fu family processed. That arrogance fueled her dislike of madam Jiang.

However, she was forced to relate with her since their husbands were close, if it was left to her, the engagement between the two families would never stand. Back then, she had been against the union but her husband had insisted. The Jiang family just lost their bedrock and needed a form of protection. Protection that he sought to give them until they could stand on their own.

Madam Lu sighed when she remembered the promise, she made her husband before he had gone on his last battle. No matter how much Madam Jiang irritated her, she would still honour her husband's decisions. 

"What is there not to understand. Madam Jiang, I will pretend that I never heard any of this." She brought her hand to her temple, "it is getting late and I am feeling a little tired_."

Madam Jiang didn't allow her completes her sentence, there was no need for that since she understood what Madam Lu was aiming at. She needed to leave before she lost what little was left of her pride. She stood with a forced smile, her daughter and niece both stood as she did. She glanced at Madam Lu and replied in a hurried tone, 

"I have kept you here for too long. It is almost time for morning court to be adjourned for the day. I should better get home before Er'san gets home"

Madam Lu nodded, "Mm, I won't see you off".

"Thanks for having us," Madam Jiang said owing and turning around. She had only taken a step forward when a male steward rushed inside and bowing at Madam Lu reported, 

"Madam, the second young master is standing outside. He asks to come in".

Madam Lu pulsed her lips, she glanced at the three Jiang women and rubbed her temple gently with her index finger. There was no point in keeping Lu Yaozhu from Madam Jiang and her party of two. If she stopped him from coming in, it could be seen the wrong way. She wasn't about to feed the gossip rags with detrimental information about her family.

"Let him in", her eyes widened as if she had suddenly remembered something and continued, "Instruct the kitchen to send over some refreshments for Xiao Zhu."

"Yes," her steward said and rushed out.

Su Liya paid no mind to any interactions between her mother-in-law and madam Jiang. She had a lot in her mind, She had never felt the need to properly evaluate her emotions until now. She was, however, drawn out of her thoughts when the main focus of her thoughts walked in. 

Su Liya wasn't the only one affected by Lu Yaozhu's arrival, so was Madam Jiang. Madam Jiang never expected to receive such a response from Madam Lu. It took her by surprise was on her way out, Stars appeared in her eyes as she heard the servants outside chorus greetings at the General. 

It was like she had hit jackpot, her ill feelings towards madam Lu fell away as there was still a way for her to succeed. She stood by the side to wait for Lu Yaozhu to come in. Although Chen Yao didn't possess the flamboyant beauty of Su Liya, she was still quite attractive. Her beauty was gentler and innocent-looking, as opposed to Su Liya's bold beauty.

She had the kind of face that touched men hearts, General Lu was a gently born man and as such his taste would be similar to that of most noblemen of his class. Noblemen married Gentile and soft beauties, those were the types you were such of their loyalties.

They unlike the bold beauties were believed to be faithful and honest, which was why noblemen took gentle beauties as main wives and exotic beauties were better suited as concubines. Madam Jiang pulled her niece closer to stand by her side so that she would be in the General's eyes.

The wheels in her head were already moving, she was prepared to put her niece in his eyes. Hopefully, she would catch the general's eyes. 

Lu Yaozhu stood by the door facing the flower bed beside the balcony, waiting patiently for the steward to come back with his mother's response. He had been informed by the maids outside the courtyard that his mother was receiving some guests in the main room. 

The steward rushed back out not minutes later and said, "Second young master, madam is ready to see you".

He turned around when he heard the steward call him, he nodded and went in without saying a word. The Steward waited for a few seconds after he walked in before heading to the kitchen. 

Lu Yaozhu looked around the room until his eyes fell on Su Liya. She looked up as he did and their eyes met, he noticed her darker pupil and wrinkled brow. Which spoke of her growing anger, he hadn't seen this level of anger in her since he had informed her of the identity of the woman that ordered her assassination.

He looked away from her and glanced at the other women present in the room. Apart from his mother and Sister-in-law, there were three new faces present. "They looked like a mother and her daughters, no they are a mother and child. Well at least one of the girls and the older woman who looked to be about my mother's age had similar features' he thought eyes sweeping past the strangers.

He stood a short distance away from the top seat where his mother sat, stretched out his hand, held both hands together and bowed. "Good day mother!"

Madam Lu broke into a wide smile as he walked in, his arrival uplifted her spirit. "You are back early! Have a seat, the sun must be hot outside. I have asked the kitchen to get you something, just sear tight", madam Lu said gesturing to the seat next to her.

Lu Yaozhu walked forward and sat next to his mother. The rest of the women present, Su Liya included stood and saluted him.

Madam Jiang rushed forward, while pulling her niece with her and bowed, "Welcome Home, General".

She wanted to use the opportunity to push her niece into his sight. Lu Yaozhu noticed her small actions and didn't spare her a glance. He was impressed by her audacity to push a woman at him, in his wife's presence. He side-eyed Su Liya and as expected, she did not look pleased. Even though she plastered an unassuming smile, he wasn't fooled.

The shameless woman ignored his obvious set down and came forward and introduced herself and her daughter.

"It is such a pleasant surprise running into you right now, General. I am Madam Jiang and this is my daughter Jiang Hua and my Neice Chen Yao".

He frowned when he heard her mention her daughter's name, 'isn't third's fiancee name Jiang Hua' he thought, glancing at his mother to get a confirmation. Which he later didn't need because Madam Jiang went on to give him a small family history.

Madam Jiang made sure to explain a few of Chen Hua's family backgrounds, she was expecting him to give her a response but was surprised when she received only a standard reply and was promptly dismissed by Lu Yaozhu. She stood there mouth opened agape, while thinking 'this was not what I expected. It was like he does not even see her niece'.

She stood there awkwardly, bee face was flustered and she kept stealing glanced at Su Liya and Zhu Fengyin. The two women didn't pay her any mind, after some minutes, she made a superficial excuse and left quickly.

Twenty minutes later Su Liya took an excuse from madam Lu and after being permitted. She left her mother-in-law's courtyard and walked back to her courtyard. She left after Madam Jiang went was led out by the maid. She needed to clear her head and think properly without any constraints.

Her thoughts on the way to her room were centred fully on her past interactions with Lu Yaozhu. After thinking for a while, she had gradually come to accept her growing feelings for Lu Yaozhu. However, realising her feelings and acting on them were two different things. That realisation brought out a sudden fear for the future, she was only here on borrowed time and was scared to take such a risk.

One question came up in her mind and walked to her courtyard "Should I act on my feelings or not?"


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