Not Your Typical Villianess

Chapter 142: Sweet Dreams

Chapter 142: Sweet Dreams

That same night, at the Crown Prince's mansion.

Zhu Fenfang sat on a cautioned seat at the balcony facing the front of the courtyard, head bent over a rolled out book. She had picked up reading books after getting married. It was a popular romance story published and sold at the capital. Her ladies maid Xiao Chu stood behind her, she glanced up at the night clouds with a furrowed brow.

It was getting colder but her mistress stubbornly refused to get inside, she bit her lip thoughtfully and glanced towards the gates. Her gaze landed on her mistress's half nearly empty cup of tea, she walked forward, picked up the dark brown hot kettle of tea on the small lit tea stove and refilled the teacup by her mistress's right.

She pushed the teacup within Zhu Fenfang's hand reach and stepped back to her previous position standing at Zhu Fenfeng left-hand side. Zhu Fenfang felt a slight pain at her right knee and raised herself, straightened her knee and bent it to the side such that she sat on her left-hand side. She felt more comfortable in that position and relaxed.

The lamp was a little out of sight, Xiao Chu cams forward to reposition the lamp. As she did that, she saw Zhu Fenfang feel around for her cup of tea. Xiao Chu picked up the cup of tea and placed it in her mistress's hands.

"Thanks", Zhu Fenfang whispered.

Xiao Chu looks at her mistress's paling lips and sighed, "it is getting late mistress, why don't we get inside".

Zhu Fenfang never looked up from her book, "why? Are you bored of keeping me company or is it that you don't want to serve me anymore? Is it hard for you as a servant, so you want to get an easier life?"

Xiao Chu's face pales immediately and she fell to her knees. "Mistress! I was wrong! Please don't misunderstand, that is not what I meant. It_ it is just that_ I am worried about your health mistress! You have been waiting here for hours, it is getting colder. I am scared that you might catch a cold if you stay any longer!"

Zhu Fenfang smiled, without looking away from the book. She brought the cup of tea to her lips and took a sip before returning the cup to the saucer.

"It would be good if I caught a cold, that way his highness will pity me since I got sick waiting for him. He would feel touched and think of me often. Xiao Chu, after following me for so long. How come you cannot see something so obvious? Do you think I have been seated at this spot for the last four hours for nothing? All this is a strategy to get a full grip on his heart.

"A man's affection is fleeting, I want to get deeper in his heart. Until only I occupy one section of his heart, the fastest way to do that is by appearing frail and fickle to him. Men like women that made them feel strong, I intend to feed on his pride. If I appear weak, he would like to protect me better"

"But_but mistress, your health?"

"All these are sacrifices, I must make to win his Highness's, full heart. It will be worth it in the end!"

"I am not comfortable with watching you take this risk, Mistress. What with small madam He says if she sees you from heaven right now. I am ashamed to meet her on the other side, I fear that she would punish me!"

"I don't have a strong family backing me Xiao Chu! In this place, I am all alone. I must do this to survive, this is the Imperial family and I am here as a mere concubine. I am not even a senior concubine! I need to win his highness's heart and then get pregnant. If I get pregnant without getting any support from his Highness_ I might end up in shambles!" 

"But mistress, you have been sitting out here for hours already. What of his highness never comes_"

"He will! Even if he doesn't, someone will report this to him. Why do you think, I am seated this out in the open! That sl*t, Su Liya dared to make fun of me! I can't let her off! I will show her that I am not to be underestimated by anyone most of all her!"

Xiao Chu bit her lips worriedly, "it is not a good idea to stay out here this late today! Not when you will have to go to the east courtyard to pay your respects to the Crown Princess consort! You might end yo waking late or be too tired and her highness might deliberately make things difficult for you!"

"She wouldn't, don't worry. If she did, it would destroy all the false facade, she had put on since now. That would also be good, she would play into my hands. Xia Ying, that bitch is very sly. I know that she is pretending to be that kind, I pet that this is her play. She is pretending to be kind to win his highness's heart, well at least she is smart. I could consider being friends with her if she wasn't a rival.

"Too bad we are not in the same team, I would be more irritated if I didn't find her witty. At least she is not a blockhead like Zhu Feifei, although it would have been easier if she was. I won't have to think much, she would just foolishly play into my hand. No matter how cunning she is, I will make her show her hand one of these days. Once she did, I will take her down".

Xiao Chu saw a reflection of light a short distance from the gates and looked towards the gate. She saw a stunt male figure walking over with a lamp. "is that Ji Yang?" She say stretching her neck to get a glimpse of who was coming over. She let out a loud sigh when the face of the person who came over become clearer. She smiled, "mistress! It is Ji Yang, his highness must be back!"

Zhu Fenfang felt a weight raised off her back, she placed the book on the table and looked up as he got closer. "Finally!"

Xiao Chu walked back into position and stood gracefully behind Zhu Fenfang.


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