Not Your Typical Villianess

Chapter 138: A missed opportunity 3

Chapter 138: A missed opportunity 3

The polo ground.

The next two levels after the thrones were occupied by the members of the haram, the princesses and princes. The next level only the last tree that was contained fewer seats was packed with tables and chairs. Only first and second-ranked consorts were allowed to attend public social functions.

Presently there were only eight high ranked consorts, including Imperial Consort Shi and Imperial concubine Sheng in the Emperor's harem. Among these consorts were the few that had given the Emperor a child. However only three had sons that were still alive, the rest had daughters.

The Emperor and Empress were yet to arrive, so everyone moved around and socialised with each other. The guests came up to greet each other including the consorts, who were already seated in their tables by rank. However, none of the guests neared the table of Imperial Consort Shi. She was let there like an outcast, everyone passed by her table without looking down at her. 

The number of people at the sixth prince's table was fewer than usual, unlike during the last royal banquet. Only three young men spoke with the sixth prince, two is who were fifth rank officials with daughters in his haram and as such, they didn't count. 

The Shi family's fall from grace brought a lot is disadvantages to the mother and sin air as expected. The sixth prince faction suffered a lot of losses thanks to the execution of the entire Shu family. The Usually arrogant and showy Imperial consort Shi was more subdued and low key, she didn't even wait to come in with the Emperor and Empress as she usually did.

Neither was she dressed as grandly as in the past, Su Liya observed that she had noticeably lost weight. She looked pale and frail like she could drop any moment, Su Liya felt that even if she did faint no one but the sixth prince would pay her any mind. 

Imperial Consort Shi ruffled a lot of favours while in favour of her actions. She was not a crowd favourite and acted above her station which was a big no-no in high society. There were a lot of protocols and rules in the Palace, rules that even the Empress, the most powerful woman in Northern Wei followed. That she in her stupidity failed to observe, which earned her a lot of hate from the women of high society.

Her fall from grace offered them the best opportunity to put her in her place. Imperial Consort Shi felt destitute as she sat there like an unappreciated calligraphy painting. It was a feeling relatively new to her, she had gotten used to the attention she received from everyone that she could not process how to handle the change in her condition. Even when she wasn't that favoured, she was never treated this way.

If she had her way, she wouldn't be here. It was like she was on full display and not in a good way. She balled up her fist under the table as she saw the mocking looks thrown her way by the consorts and other guests.

'Idiots! They dare to look down on me' she thought, her gaze moving from the other imperial concubines and the members of the Imperial family. Her gaze stopped at her son, her proud beautiful little boy was being snubbed by these fools. 'These officials are shameless, their two-faced nature was something else. They flocked to her son not long ago, showering him with praises but as soon as we lost favour, they all disappeared'.

She moved her gaze and fell on the tables that received a lot of attention. One belonged to the Crown Prince while the other belonged to Duke Wu, Lu Yingjie and General Lu. She frowned at them and looked away immediately. "it wasn't enough that I lost my father thanks to them. Now they were intimidating my son, Lu Yaozhu! You wait, I will make you pay with blood for my family's death she thought balling up her fist tightly.

Su Liya looked away from the imperial comforts present and returned her gaze to the wall opposite her table. A small crowd of ministers surrounded Lu Yaozhu's half of the table, Su Liya nodded replied to the greetings of the ministers. She faced forward, she noticed a heated gaze on her coming from her right-hand side.

She locked eyes with the Crown Princess consort, Xia Ying. This was her first time meeting her since her marriage, Xia Ying was one of the most memorable side characters in the original novel. She was the perfect morally grey character that would do anything and everything to protect her loved ones.

Su Liya liked this woman a lot when she read the novel but not so much now that she was living it and was at the receiving end of her wrath. To her, Xia Ying was an unplanned enemy. Xia Ying nodded in greeting when their eyes met briefly. Su Liya returned the greeting and looked away. She didn't want to interact with someone like Xia Ying. Although Xia Ying had smiled at her, it was obvious that the smile didn't reach her eyes.

Su Liya also couldn't let down her guard against some like Xia Ying who threatened her life just because of Lu Yaozhu. Who knows what someone like that would do again. She saw a tall older woman dressed in a dark blue wide sleeve Palace gown approach her table with two younger ladies equally grandly dressed following behind her.

She wasn't familiar with this face, she glanced at Baozhai, who whispered in her eyes, "Mistress that is the wife of the late General Jiang, A subordinate of the late Duke Wu and the mother of Lu Yong's Fiancee".

Su Liya was taken aback at the mention of the third Son's fiancee. There wasn't any mention of a fiancee for the youngest Lu brother in the novel. This was her first time hearing of that, Lu Yong wasn't frequently mentioned in the original novel. She quickly schooled her expression as the three women got closer and smiled softly at them


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