Not Your Typical Villianess

Chapter 136: A missed opportunity

Chapter 136: A missed opportunity

The next day, Duke of Wu's mansion.

Su Liya walked through a bend at her right on her way back to her courtyard from madam Lu's courtyard. She had gone over there to pay her respect to her mother-in-law, it was her first visit since she returned to the capital. After enquiring about her health and that of Lu Yaozhu, Madam Lu informed her of the Empress's upcoming birthday banquet.

After instructing her to prepare a desirable gift for her adopted mother, madam Lu ordered her maids to serve her a small desert before she was dismissed. Su Liya walked back to her room silently, she thought of a good gift to give the Empress. Rong Rong noticed her mistress's troubled expression and decided to break the mood. 

"The Empress's birthday party is in six days, should we call over the manager from Ruyi shop to come over with a catalogue of their premium goods for you to look through? Their products are always unique, they are one of the palace's main jade supplies. A lot of attention will be on you and the gift you present to her as her highness's adopted daughter during the banquet. Time is short mistress we had better start now"

Su Liya stood walking and bit her lip, eyes gazed at the ground for minutes the modded "You made a good suggestion, Rong Rong. Set over a request as soon as possible".

"Yes, Your Highness" Rong Rong replied with a bow. 

Su Liya resumed walking, her steps slow. The maids sweeping her courtyard bowed respectfully as she walked in. She nodded to them before going in, she felt a little stuffy in her present gown, she had on and needed to change into something more comfortable. She looked out a sky blue handkerchief and wiped her face gently. 

Although it was gradually getting colder, the effect of the summer heat could still be felt. The weather changes were obvious to all as they gradually went into autumn. She took a quick step back, ere wide as she walked into the main room.

"G-G-General! How cons you are here!"

Lu Yaozhu grinned, he glanced at the two lady's maids behind his wife. They were as shocked as his wife, the stood at the door mouth opened slightly like fishes. They recovered a lot quicker than their mistress and gave him a salute, "this servant greets, General Lu".

He held Su Liya's gaze as he replied, "rise, you don't need to stand her anymore. Leave us!"

Maintaining their previous bow, Baozhai and Rong Rong replied "Yes" and left the room.

He watched them leave until they were out is sight and walked closer to her. Her heart beat faster as he got closer, she bit her lip and looked down at her hand avoiding eye contact with him. She has avoided him since their interrupted make out sea, it had been so unexpected and she didn't know what to me of it. 

Lu Yaozhu stopped a few inches away from him and took her hand in his. Her face immediately got red and she loved eyes on the ground. He carefully held her chin up, careful not to injure her without nails and said in a low tone, "You cannot avoid me forever Ya Ya! You look a little pale, come and have a seat". He led her to a seat and sat next to her.

Su Liya felt a little nauseous as her mouth grew were but she didn't let her unease show. However, Lu Yaozhu was observant enough to notice that but pretended otherwise. " Do you want sine water?" He asked softly.

"No, I am good. Is there a reason you came to find me?" She asked calmly 

"Yes, I have something for you. That and we need to talk"

Her breath quicken and let out a nervous laugh. She didn't know what to expect, she had thought that by avoiding him. She wouldn't have to face this but it seemed to be impossible. She cannot avoid him forever, that was impossible considering their proximity to each other. She nodded, head bowed.

Lu Yaozhu still held her hand in his, her hands felt a little cold to feel. He took out a small hand warmer from his left sleeve and gave it to her. Su Liya was shocked to see a hand warmer in his hands in this weather. Carrying hand warmers was something only common in winter.

"It gets cold at night in the palace around this time, the banquet would go on till late in the night", he gestured to the hand warmer in her hand, "that will help warm you up while you are there".

"Thanks," she said holding the hand warmer tighter. 

"Mother must have told you about Imperial Aunt's upcoming birthday banquet. Don't bother preparing a gift for her, I already have something adequate preparation for the occasion. No need to stress yourself, you are still new at all this. I can take care of this year's gift, I am sure you could handle it by next year" 

"I_ thanks. I made you worry, I apologise" she said looking down at her hands.

"Don't mention, we are husband and wife. It is normal to help each other out. It is time to take my medicine, I will take my leave" he stood

"Is that all you have to say?"

"Yes, is there anything else we have to talk about?" He asked grinning.

"No!" She looked away quickly, blushing heavily.

Lu Yaozhu glanced at her reddened face and smiled. He came here intending to bring up their kiss but after seeing how nervous she was, he decided against that. After staying a few months together, he now understood her personality. Su Liya was confident and strong in everything else except when it concerned her emotions. 

If he borough it up like that, he might spook her and make her hide deeply. In just a few days she had reverted to how she was when they first got married. She avoided him and wasn't as free as she was previously. He didn't like this cautious version of her, not after getting a taste of her when she was unrestrained. 

The next few days, Lu Yaozhu acted normally with her and did not bring up their kiss. By the third day, Su Liya gradually led down her guard. On the day of the Empress's birthday, banquet Su Liya and Lu Yaozhu rode together in a carriage.

The Empress Birthday Party was held at Fuyuang hall, the party was divided into two main events. The first event was a polo match held in the Royal fields, while the second was an indoor banquet held at Fuyuang hall that was scheduled to begin at 3 pm and go on till late in the night. The banquet was arranged by the minister of Rites under the direction of Emperor Zhong in honour of Empress Lu.

Empress Lu liked polo matches, it was her favourite sport after Conju. She was popular for her superior skills when she was younger but had to give it up after becoming Empress. The polo field in the palace was constructed by Emperor Zhong after inheriting the throne. In the early years of Emperor Zhong's rule, he frequently held polo matches just for her during the summer. 

Every year on the Empress's birthday, the Emperor made a huge show of everything, he even hosted a horse race. However, after their falling out the Empress Birthday wasn't as largely celebrated as it was until this year. The effort put into planning the banquet this year was obvious to everyone. 

Lu Yaozhu got down from the carriage when they arrived at the palace. He held out his hand up to her and helped her down the step. They presented their invitation and family barge to the guard at the gates before going into the palace. He held Su Liya's hands as a young eunuch led them to the fields.

He led them to their reserved seat with the other imperial-in-law then retreated. They were seated with the rest of the Lu family at a set of seats at the Empress right. All eyes were on them since this was their first outing since they were released from the prison. 

Based on their seating arrangement it was easy to see that the Lu family had regained the Emperor's favour. Now, that the Empress was back in the Emperor's good graces, her paternal family also received some graces. 

After their arrest, a lot of their political allies and family friends distance themselves from them for fear of getting implicated. Many now regretted their decisions and tried to get closer to them. While the Lu family never called them out on their initial behaviour. They remained cold to each of these families that abandoned them.

Su Liya noticed a lot of new faces present in the banquet, especially among the royal relatives. A few of the new faces went around and greeted each guest. She was surprised when a richly dressed tall older woman and two young girls appeared in front of her table and curtsied to her.

"This officials wife, Fu Mian greets, your highness Princess Qin"


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