Not Your Typical Villianess

Chapter 134: A little Sugar

Chapter 134: A little Sugar

The Duke's mansion.

Lu Yaozhu's Pavillion was a lot wider than hers and unlike her pavilion, the rooms were separated by curtains. The lack of doors separating each room made each room brighter and more spacious. The only room separated by a wall and door was the study which was at the side of the Pavillion. Lu Yaozhu's study had two separate doors, one used guests and servants that led outside by a wide door.

That door faced the wide courtyard outside, while the second door which was used mainly by Lu Yaozhu, family members and his closest guards led from a small hallway from the main room. When she didn't find him in the main room and bedroom, she went through the hallway and stopped by the screen door. She raised one hand signalling for Baozhai and Rong Rong to wait outside. 

They both nodded and stepped back to start by the wall at the right-hand side of the wall. Su Liya collected the small wooden square shaped tray containing the white small-sized bowl of medicine from Baozhai before walking forward and pulling the door to the side. She left the plate of sweets in Rong Rong's hands.

Lu Yaozhu sat by his desk reading a long wooden scroll, he looked up when the door was pushed open. His eyes widened for a split second before returning to normal, "Yaya! Didn't expect it to be you".

She smiled and walked over the door frame, "we haven't seen each other in days, it is almost like you are avoiding me. I decided to check up on you and see how your injuries are healing. I ran into Yu Tao on my way inside. I found out that he was headed to the kitchen to brew a bowl of medicine for you and decided to give him a hand. I brewed a bowl of medicine, just for you" she knelt by the table, placed the tray on the table. She picked up the bowl of medicine and placed it info of him.

"Here you go," she said picking up the tray and keeping it by her side. 

Lu Yaozhu looked from the tray to the hot bowl of brown liquid, "Is that all?"

She smiled, "Yes" when he kept looking intently at the bowl of medicine with wrinkled brows, she asked, "You keep looking at the bowl of medicine, what is wrong? Is one bowl not enough? Should I get you more?"

His face stiffen on hearing that, she noticed that he looked a little green. Her lips twitched a little when she notices his expression, it was amusing how he looked like he had lost his nation when faced with the prospect of taming the bitter medicine without any sweets. 

His hand under the table shook a little but his expression remained neutral. He swallowed and quickly replied in a low voice, as he felt like the breath was knocked out of his lungs. "Oh no, please don't" 

He picked up the bow and held it up. He frowned as the druggy smell got into his nose. His forehead wrinkled and he pulsed his lips. Su Liya noticed all those changes as she watched him closely curious to see his actions. "What are you waiting for General, drink up or is it too bitter for you? Don't tell me you need a sweet to take that"

"No I don't," he said quickly raising the bowl higher. His hand shook when it got closer to his face, he scrunched up his face and placed the bowl back on the table. 

'What a baby' she thought without looking away from him. She found his actions amusing, if not a little cute but continued to tease him.

"Why so quick, Yaozhu? The medicine would soon get cold, you must take it got for the drug to work. Be good and take your medicine" she said in a placating way.

Lu Yaozhu frowned as he picked up the small wide shaped spoon and scooped a spoon of tea and took a sip. His face quickly morphed into a yucky expression. The medicine was a lot more bitter than he had expected, he felt queasy. 

Su Liya laughed out loud when she saw his expression, "don't force yourself, Yaozhu. If you can not stand the bitter taste of Chinese medicine don't force yourself. All you need to do is to say the truth and I will get you some sweets".

His eyes narrowed on her, "why do I get the feeling that you are doing this deliberately?"

She frown, "no I am not, why would do that?".

"I don't know maybe because I made you take the body regenerative medicine".

'Oh, so you remember what you dud' she immediately thought but responded: "Do I look like the vindictive type to you!".

"Yes, as a matter of fact, you do!"

"Ha! You have got to be kidding me. Hey, crybaby take your medicine and stop looking for sweets. Are you honestly not going to take this medicine because there is no sweet. Be good and Just take your medicine. Don't be such a big baby, Elder brother always takes his medicine plain".

Lu Yaozhu looked offended when he replied loudly, "No he doesn't! Who did you hear that from?"

She didn't hear that from anyone, in particular, she had only said that to encourage him to take his medicine. She couldn't let him find out that she lied so she replied, "Zhu Fengyin did, she said that the last time we met".

"Then she is lying because my brother's fear of taking medication is a lot worse than mine because at least I agree to fake them with the right insensitive. Yingjie doesn't, he just refuses to take them!"

She tilted her head to the side, "are you trying to say that the irrational dislike of bitter medicine is hereditary in all Lu men. is that something to be proud of!" 

"Hey not all Lu men are like this. A'Yong doesn't have any problems with taking medicine".

"oh, so it is only apparent in you two? How amusing, isn't it funny how the powerful general with a high pain tolerance is scared of taking drugs. Tsk tsk tsk, what a baby!"


He picked up the bowl, it wasn't so hot. He downed the drug in one go and placed the bowl back on the table. "If you aren't going to give me any sweets, I guess I will just have to take it myself," he said watching her plump lips.

Su Liya got self-conscious when she felt his eyes on her, "wha-what do you mean?" She asked. 

Lu Yaozhu didn't reply, he just took and walked around the table to her side. She moved back when he knelt on one knee in front of her and said in a shaky voice "What are you up to", crawl back, "hey... You...don't do anything funny!"

Lu Yaozhu smile held up her chin and placed his lips on hers, her eyes widened, her shock gave him the opening he needed to deepen the kiss. Her heartbeat increase rapidly and she instantly felt hot. This was her first kiss, she didn't know what to do or how to react. She was on edge, Lu Yaozhu noticed it and bit her gently in the lip. It was unexpected that she shivered.

He placed his hand on her waist and pulled her closer deepening the kiss. She could taste the bitterness from the drug he had previously taken but that soon disappeared from her mind. She couldn't think of anything else but the sensations going on within her. It was like she was taking her first taste of chocolates, she moved closer to him and wrapped her head around his neck.

Lu Yaozhu's hands moved circles on at her slim raise. The sensation of soft silk on warm skin the movement of his hand gave her was unexplainable. It heated her, making her heart melt like cheese Lu Yaozhu leaned her down gently. He put his hand under her to keep her from making real contact with the cold ground. He broke the kiss gently, giving her feathered kisses on the side of her lips, her chin and down her neck.

Su Liya bent her right up at his lean hips as he kissed down her neck to her shoulder bone. She arched her back running her hand through bus hair. Meanwhile, the hand behind her pulled away and moved up her top, touching warm skin. He pulled her short jacket aside to give him better access. The hand in her shirt moved higher while she pulled at his jacket, rubbing her legs on his. 

Her skirt kicked up thanks to the movement of her legs but she didn't notice. Even if she did, she wouldn't mind. She didn't notice when his right hand moved to untie the belt of her jacket spread it aside. He was slowly trying to untie the tie at the top of her blouse when there was a knock at the door of his study. 

He paused for a second then continued, hoping that whoever that was would leave after noticing that he didn't answer. He had finally gotten the tie untied when the door was pushed opened from outside.


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