North x Northwest

Chapter 66.5 RECAP

Volume 2 Chapter 66.5 RECAP

Hi guys!

We wrote a recap for the past volume. We hope it helps to refresh your memories before we dive into volume 3.

For people who haven’t seen this one yet, we have a little surprise at the bottom of the chapter!

Happy reading and see you Friday!


Pru and Formidable

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Vol. 2

Volume 2 starts with the arrival of the Bell Rock in Marchand, base of the Southern Navy. After Ed managed to contact his fleet, he met up with a disguised Lil on the market and they became targets for the Western pirates. Their fight leads to the kidnapping of Ed and Lil, and the start of the western pirate arc. On the day of their execution, they manage to escape by jumping into the water, but not before Lil loses her necklace to one of the pirates.

The underwater scene that follows, ‘the kiss’, is a big turning point for Ed’s feelings toward Lil as he starts to see her as more than just a woman. Back on the ship, they split up, Lil goes searching for her necklace, whereas Ed makes his way to the captain’s cabin for his sword. Ed felt the need to change their plans when Lil’s location was about to be exposed and he ended up killing the captain and claiming control over the ship. This was received with mixed reactions from the crew and it was the start of a battle on board. Lil took this opportunity and tried to make her escape, where Ed eventually joined. Their plan failed and they were discovered.

Not much later was the arrival and bombing by the Bell Rock, Cesar managed to lead the ship to their location by eavesdropping on a conversation between naval sergeants. This led to a full-out battle between the two ships. When Lil, Ed and Cesar made their way through the mess, Lil found the guy that stole her necklace and went after him. She managed to get her necklace back, but Ed got shot in the process. With the guidance of Ed, it was up to Lil and Cesar to treat Ed’s wound, in the hope to save his life. This massive battle took a huge hit on the Bell Rock crew and they were forced to sail to Panichi, the base of the League.

In the meantime, we got a little peak at Cesar’s backstory. Even though they grew up with a deranged and abusive father, Cesar and his older brother Carl never stopped supporting each other. We also see that it wasn’t love at first sight for Cesar when he met Liloa and for a long time their relationship was purely platonic. As a conservative thinker, Liloa’s free spirit left a big impression on Cesar. That’s also why he was excited to meet her again when that opportunity occurred some years later. At that time, Liloa was engaged and in an abusive relationship with the Duke of Mireille. After seeing her doll-like state a few times, Cesar made the choice to ‘save’ her from the Duke.

When we go back to the main story, Ed wakes up from his coma and thinks he’s being abandoned on an island. After some fuss, it’s made clear that they were stuck on this island due to the lack of crew. Cesar takes this opportunity to talk about his ideas for the future where they leave the pirate life behind and in the current state of the sea and the ship, Lil can’t refute him. Even though she never saw this as a phase, but as her way of life.

With the help of a flashback, we learn a bit about Liloa’s past with her brother; which started as a typical sibling relationship, but ended in a mentally abusive one, whereas her brother found it necessary to teach Liloa the virtues of a woman, which she in his opinion lacks. This is also the part in the story where we get an explanation about Lil’s nightmares/hallucinations; since she was little she suffers from the illusion that Mortu, aka the god of death, haunts her. And we finally read Lil’s thoughts about her relationship with Cesar. She compares it to a princess unwillingly saved by a brave knight and afterwards feels obligated to love this knight. In other words, she does care a lot about Cesar, but it isn’t love that she feels.

This volume ends with an interesting conversation between Lil, Ed and a new character; Anunchio, who manages Panichi. Ed learns the real purpose of the League; saving and providing shelter for the slaves. Lil and Ed have a bonding moment over the story of the Mother of All Things and the origin of the central continent. Ed also takes the chance to thank Lil for meeting a person like her, saying he’s been wanting to say it to her for a long time.

Some quick important trivia:

– Cesar discovers that Ed is starting to develop feelings for Lil.

– Lil and Cesar contemplated killing Ed when he was in a coma. In the end they reasoned they couldn’t just kill someone like that when he saved Lil’s life.

– Lil cares a lot about the crew and the ship, whereas Cesar doesn’t. Cesar’s first priority is Lil’s safety and not that of the sailors.

– Rewards of the Bell Rock are used as funds for the island of Panichi.

– The League’s standpoint about the upcoming war is to lay low and don’t engage first.

– Marchand was seized by the Navy. This battle ended in a massacre and almost all the native inhabitants were either murdered or enslaved as an example for other islands.

New characters in this volume:


– Retired pirate captain, manager of Panichi and part of the League.

Carl Lemoine;

– Cesar’s brother. Other family members; Maribella, Ellen and Amelia (sister-in-law and nieces).


First Sergeant Sorola and Lieutenant Eme;

– Southern Navy, Legardon fleet



– Base of the Southern Navy, basically the capital of the South.


– Base of the Southern pirates.


Koud Bahn;

– Lil’s former horse.

Blue powder;

– Anesthetic drugs used by the western pirates.


– God of death in fairy tales

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We found this incredible art on Pinterest a couple of months ago. It was posted by an account that has dozens of mood boards filled with different webtoons. So, we concluded that this account isn’t the artist behind this art.

We would love to give credits to the original artist. But the information trail ended on Pinterest and we’re unable to find any information about the artist or the source of the picture.

But look at Ed and Cesar, aren’t they handsome? Whoever made this really succeeded in portraying the characters the way they are written. The easy going Ed and the stoic Cesar.


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