North x Northwest

Chapter 334

Chapter 334


The central entrance and main building were mainly used by civil servants and courtiers, meaning they were always crowded. Artists and scholars searching for patrons abounded, and merchants seeking to promote their businesses set up makeshift podiums to deliver their speeches. People dressed in court uniforms gathered in the hallways and galleries to debate and discuss policies. Even imperial citizens holding petitions could enter and exit the main building as long as they wore formal attire.

In this way, court was always open, but of course, only a select few could actually get close to the emperor. As a result, the lowest courtiers and the middle class naturally harboured a competitive desire to become closer to the emperor. If it had been impossible for anyone to approach the emperor at all, everyone would have given up on the idea long ago. But because they were made to believe that they too could have the potential, they begin to long for it. And to get into the depths of the royal court, one had no choice but to become excellent or make themself stand out.

The royal family, on the other hand, or those summoned by the imperial family, entered and exited through the transept, which was a much more private building. Therefore, it was rare for Lil to enter court through the centre entrance.

Naturally, the hallway connecting the entrance and banquet gallery was crowded. However, upon Annette’s entry, the crowd reflexively moved towards the sides and divided themselves into two. Lil followed, and Annette’s two maids followed behind Lil.

In the gallery, people, who appeared to have a unified agenda, gathered together, chanting slogans in one voice. At first glance, the group seemed to be a major trade route merchant association and a small merchant association.

A soldier standing in the wide open doorway struck the floor with his spear and shouted loudly.

“Her Majesty the Empress and the Grand Lady!”

Lil froze at the announcement of the unfamiliar title, one she hadn’t heard in a while.

The voices shouting out civil complaints as well as the voices busily chanting slogans quieted down in an instant. When the audience’s noise died, Annette began crossing the gallery. As she walked, the hem of her long dress spread, colouring the floor. She was as graceful as a fairy walking into the middle of a lake.

They passed the main building, entered the corridor, passed the central administrative palace, and finally reached the garden. By the time they entered the emperor’s palace, Lil became certain.

‘The reason Annette came to meet me today is because she wants to protect me.’

Before arriving at the throne room, Annette looked back at Lil in the small gallery and gave her a warning.

“His Majesty is very sensitive these days because of the problems regarding the treasury, banditry on the major trade routes, and the complaints of the small cooperatives. Be careful not to offend him unnecessarily.”

Shortly after, the door to the throne room opened. Compared to the rest of the palace, it was small in size as it was intended to welcome only private guests.

Lil had been here a few times in the past, but the carpet and curtains seemed to have changed since then. The huge carpet with a spring scene, as well as the brightly coloured curtains, gave a more comfortable impression to the tense guests. About twenty people, either ministers close to the emperor or nobles who were related, all recognized Lil and lamented.

Annette, who had walked up with Lil, eventually took the last few steps up to the emperor’s podium and sat down on the throne next to him.

Dozens of eyes scanned Lil.

It was assumed that a woman who had spent many years without belonging to any family had been crippled or damaged, so Lil straightened herself and looked directly at her audience, revealing that she was in good health.


The emperor held out his hand and smiled brightly. Lil approached Philip II and kissed his ring. After just the right amount of time, she backed away and took a stance in front of the podium again.

“I trust that Annette provided you with all the expected hospitality. She did not even get a wink of sleep because she was eagerly awaiting your arrival. I would swear she has never waited for me as anxiously as she has for you.”

“Oh, then Your Majesty, do you want me to cry and wait for you every night? How harsh.”

As Annette feigned tears while shrugging her shoulders, the Emperor placed his hand on the back of hers. His thick, plump palm completely covered the back of her delicate hand.

“Oh my, I should not have. I made a slip of the tongue.”

The emperor then chuckled and looked back at Lil.

“Raise your head.”

“Your Majesty.”

“You are still beautiful. It is like Henrietta herself deciding to pay me a visit.”


In reality, both Lil and Venua resembled their father, Joseph I, much more than they did Henrietta, but the emperor was particularly reluctant to admit that fact, especially when it came to Lil’s appearance.

The Emperor, who was sunk deep into his chair, placed his hand on his stomach and said.

“I am glad you came back. I am sure Annette has already given you a hug on my behalf, right?”

“Of course, Your Majesty.”

“Hehe, I want to hear everything that happened to you right now, but there is someone else dear to you who is waiting for you. We cannot be the only ones taking our time.”

The Emperor made eye contact with the Chamberlain, who then placed his hand on the wall next to the throne. The wall, depicting fairies playing harps in the garden, opened and Venua emerged.

Perhaps because of his dark green justaucorps or because of the distress he had been through, he looked more emaciated than he did in Roahn. Lil’s party may have experienced a delay in Kano due to Ed’s injury, it was clear that it had taken Venua extraordinary effort to reach Sesbron and therefore overtake Lil, who departed from Roahn first.

Lil only turned her head to pay her respect to him.


“Liloa, it has been so long.”

Annette sighed at the stiff reunion between the siblings.

“Should you not hug each other at times like this? Even though you are Joseph’s children, you are so… so cold to each other. I cannot believe what I am seeing.”

“It does not feel like it has been that long.”

Venua only raised an eyebrow at Lil’s insincere words. They both knew she had no direct evidence that Venua had stayed in Roahn unless Mireille himself spoke out, since it was Mireille who had taken Venua out by pledging his identity.

He walked next to Lil and bowed his head towards the Emperor.

“Your Majesty, Archduke Joseph I, who is in critical condition, wishes to see Liloa. Please bestow upon us your generosity by allowing me to take Liloa to Obernyu as soon as possible.”

“Ah yes, that is right. Joseph is ill. Did you know that, Liloa?”

“Yes, Your Majesty. I am on my way to Obernyu after hearing the news about my father, but I stopped by Sesbron first as a courtesy to Your Majesty and to wrap up some complicated matters.”

“What do you mean, complicated matters?”

As if to answer the emperor’s question instead, the chamberlain interrupted loudly.

“Your Majesty, the Duke of Mireille requests to see you.”


Venua snorted sarcastically.

“Oh please, do let him in. I am beyond curious about what he has to say…”

The emperor narrowed his eyes on Venua.

“I trust you will not argue in front of me.”

“Of course, Your Majesty.”

“Send him in.”

With Mireille placing himself in front of the podium, and therefore next to her, Lil was more than displeased. Especially as Venue remained on her other side.

In the end, she took a step back to express her dismay.

“René, do you remember the letter you sent me?”

“Yes, Your Majesty.”

“Venua just expressed his curiosity, so why do you not share the content with this audience?”

Mireille immediately moved as if he had been waiting for this moment.

“Your Majesty, please approve the annulment of my marriage to the current Duchess, Jeanne Mireille.”

Everyone gathered in the inner room gasped in agitation. Venua, unable to hide his anger, instantly glared at Mireille and rebuked.

“The Duke developed a relationship with Jeanne Malibrand and even sired his successor…”

“From the very beginning, I was meant to marry Liloa Obernyu. I had no choice but to go against fate, but now I have the opportunity to make things right again. My marriage to Jeanne Malibrand is invalid as its foundation was based on the false death of my fiancée. No one in Sebron can imagine the pain I felt in my heart every single day as I was living the lie.”

Mireille’s shoulders were visibly shaking, but to Lil, he looked more frustrated than sorrowful. She evaluated his performance with keen eyes.

‘He’s quite a sight.’

“I also felt uneasy after reading René’s letter. In Sesbron, except for Annette and me, only René commemorated the anniversary of Liloa’s death.”

Unable to remain still, Venua took a step forward and retorted.

“That is ridiculous, Your Majesty. In the first place, did the Duke of Mireille not force Liloa to live in the duke’s private residence during the engagement period? Is it not obvious that he did not take proper care of her? It is as clear as day that something too big to endure has happened to this poor woman’s body… Why else would Liloa run away from her so-called home?”

The crowd gasped again upon hearing the words ‘run away from home’. Their collective reaction resembled that of a play’s audience when their speculations were confirmed to be true. It was a matter that everyone had been avoiding till now.

However, Mireille refused to lose to Venua and stepped forward as well.

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