North x Northwest

Chapter 321

Chapter 321

“It’s a pity it was cut short.”

Whereas Alain’s eyes were starting to become red, Jericho was already sobbing. The rough back of his hand wiped his wet eyes. Shortly after, Lil put her hat back on and motioned for them to go quickly, so they both turned around.

‘The sight of Alain’s back has become so familiar to me. Not long after I took over as captain of the Bell Rock, he always stood in my way to stop those who were arguing with the ship’s young, mixed race, captain.’

With Ed standing behind her and waiting patiently, Lil waved her hand for a long time towards the ship that was sailing away. When the distant ship eventually reached the horizon, leaving only a tail of white foam behind, Lil wrinkled her nose and looked back at Ed.

“I’m feeling heartbroken.”

“What you had with those guys was closer to camaraderie if anything. You shared life, death, and ups and downs for many years.”

“Really. I can’t even count the times we almost died…”


She turned towards the water again, taking in the humid sea breeze that blew gently. As if feeling unable to leave it all behind just now, Lil, leaning against the wooden railing of the dock, opened her mouth.

“One day…”

Nodding, Ed leaned in to hear her better. He then placed his elbow on the railing and rested his chin on his hand, eagerly waiting for Lil to tell her story…


Lil suddenly came to her senses and looked around. She hadn’t noticed the passage of time when she began to talk about the Bell Rock, so it was only now that she saw that the sun was already painting the sea yellow. The long body of sea birds crossed the sky, and the anchored boats rumbled every time the water gently shook. A trumpet could be heard, signalling that another ship was about to set sail.

Lil and Ed were sitting on a bench next to the railing with an empty bottle of wine rolling around next to them. Lil sipped the remaining wine in the glass she was holding.

“When did it become so late?”

“Time passed steadily.”

Ed was sitting facing Lil with his arm resting on the back of the bench. Of course, what was in his glass wasn’t alcohol, but grape juice. After all, apart from sleeping well, a patient could only drink juice for the time being. As he poured the remainder of the wine into her glass, Lil realised belatedly that Ed’s part in this long conversation was less than a few words.

At the realisation, Lil shook her head in bewilderment.

‘It has always been Ed who chased me around and chattered the ears of my head. But before I knew it, he was the one who listened so intently to my story that I ended up talking for so long without being able to tell the time?’

“I can’t believe I talked this much.”

“I think this will happen more often in the future.”

“How do you know?”

“I feel like you still have a lot left to say.”

Lil readily admitted.

He’s right.’

“It’s comfortable talking to you.”

“I’m honoured.”


‘…I’m enjoying my conversations with Ed because there are no obstacles. There is no need to argue or worry about anything.’

Ed turned his head towards the calm horizon to share the view with his partner whose gaze was fixed as if she were still looking at the ship that had left a long time ago.

“I’m glad things didn’t end too badly with Alain.”


“This way, I’ll be able to recall good memories of him with you. That will be convenient for you too.”

“Oh, I never knew you were thinking that far…”

“You become so affectionate whenever you share tales about your sailors, but I… am not nearly as close to them as you, so I was worried that you would be hesitant to talk about them in front of me.”

“When did you even think of that?”

“I was reflecting on your amicable relationship. But, truth to be told, I never expected them to turn up in the forest. That scenario bypassed all the possibilities I had anticipated.”

“Right? Those brainless bastards.”

“They showed amazing courage, especially Jericho, I thought he would be too scared.”

As Lil smiled proudly and nodded her head, Ed smiled upon seeing the feathers of her white hat fluttering in the wind.

“Is it like captain, like sailor?”

“You could say that.”

Her hat’s feathers began to flutter at a much greater angle. Ed looked at Lil, whose gaze was still focused on the sea.

“Don’t you want to go back to the South?”

“Well… First of all, the reason for my resignation was obvious… But now that the war is becoming more imminent, I don’t think it’s such a bad idea to have a former captain like me infiltrate the Empire. The Bell Rock can take care of the rest.”


Lil added, her complexion darkening a little.

“However… What I’m most worried about is what name that bastard Marenzio will use. I hope he’ll honour my legacy, but I wouldn’t be too surprised if he’s planning to use black chest hair or something like that as their flag…”

‘After all, Southern men have firm beauty standards related to body hair. Therefore, most of the league’s captains use names related to beards or hair as their nicknames. They’re so proud of their hair that they even think it strange that imperial nobles and servants often wear white wigs…’

As Lil was laughing to herself, Ed adjusted his jacket and asked.

“Do you truly think so?”


At that time, a man in civilian clothes approached. Lil put her hand to her waist out of habit, but Ed stopped her with his eyes.

“He’s an officer of the Visha.”

The young officer’s name was Julbert Long. Captain Long took out a letter from his pocket and bent his upper body toward Ed.

“Admiral. I waited so as not to disturb you, but time is running out… I apologise.”

The captain bowed his head to Lil as well, but Lil waved her hand to indicate that he didn’t need to. Ed took and quickly read the letter before he wrote a few more words himself and handed it back to the captain. After bowing again, the captain quickly disappeared into the alley.

Ed started explaining as if he had anticipated Lil’s questions.

“It’s about the smuggling ship, we’re tracking it based on the map we found on the floor of the hut, but it doesn’t seem to be that easy.”

“Are there only one or two forces involved? I guess everyone is busy trying to hide their tracks now.”

‘If we delay any longer, all the evidence will be destroyed.’

Lil suppressed her worry and got up from her seat.

As the sunset was getting darker, seagulls swarmed the coastal waters. Surrounding vendors began organising their carts and covering their materials with a thick cloth. Children carrying wooden carved swords chased each other through the alleys.

Lil and Ed started walking along the dock that was left quiet after the people left.

“It’s a shame.”

“I liked being the captain, but… in the end, he wasn’t the real me. I know it’s a paradox, but if I knew I had to live with the necklace until I die, I wouldn’t have started from the beginning.”


“I started knowing there would be an end…”

‘…Ah, there’s only one part that blocks my conversation with Ed. It’s when I’m about to mention Cesar, either directly or indirectly…’

Lil, who kept walking forward on purpose, glanced sideways at Ed. Ed, however, was already looking down at her as if he knew.

“Do you still think I’m jealous and unable to be generous?”

“…Well, am I mistaken? You said it yourself, that you aren’t generous*… and I think you’re right.”


“What’s wrong? I remember you saying something like that.”

“Yes, but this is the first time I’ve heard you think of me that way.”


Hearing his somewhat complaining tone, Lil found herself speechless.

‘Why is he upset when I’m just confirming what he said?’

“Have you thought of me that way since long ago?”


“…You thought of me as such a narrow-minded person?”

“No, no. When did I say that?”

Her rebuttal was so strong that the justaucorps resting on her shoulder shook. Now, Ed walked with his body completely turned against her. He looked conflicted for a moment, but then he smiled suspiciously as if he was trying to portray a generous man.

“Hmm, before we began planning the Gualtiero escape?”


“…Ah, but that was when you hated me the most. My mind was also a mess back then.”

“So, you’ve become more generous now?”

“Of course.”

‘…Of course, he says.’

Lil snorted to herself.

‘Even these days, Ed watches me with narrowed eyes whenever I’m talking to Shail or the guards. Then, after the conversation was over, he would wander around me, make me smile, or do cute things, all with a clear purpose: to charm me… It still hasn’t changed, so why is he bragging now? …His words aren’t really reliable, but if he says that this is the extent of his ‘generosity’, who am I to refute that?’

“Really? Okay, then.”

“You said that you’d rather fall with me than ever let go of my hand, so who else could I be jealous of anymore?”

Lil looked up at his smiling face.

“Who told you that?!”

– – – – –


“…You said it yourself, that you aren’t generous…” = Chapter 212 = Back in volume 6, when they were still planning for the Gualtiero escape. During one of their strategy meetings, Lil mentioned the identity guarantees she received from Cesar, causing her to admit that she met him during her outing. Hearing this, something breaks within Ed and he asks her if ‘sparing him wasn’t enough’, followed by “I’m not a generous person like you; I’m a lowly and narrow-minded man who has never forgiven anyone and has no intention to ever do so.” Thereby expressing the conflicted feelings he felt for having to keep someone alive who left him for dead.


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