North x Northwest

Chapter 311

Chapter 311


Thats why Im looking after Edgar as if Im taking care of a five-year-old child with everything I can.

Thank you for your hard work. Please continue to look after him.

You wont take over from now on?

Im sorry, but I dont want to


Linhardt looked at Lil in genuine surprise. In fact, for a while now, whenever Linhardt looked at her, a shocked face appeared to have become his default expression.

At this point, I figured that Levi had filled him in But judging from his reaction, she clearly didnt she probably assumed I kept my identity hidden for a good reason and chose to be oblivious to matters related to me

Because of this, Lil addressed Linhardts surprise unprepared.

Are you serious? Look at me. A few years after leaving home, my brother came after me to drag me back. Who can I take care of? Im too preoccupied with my own matters as it is.

Oh, so you ran away from home too

It seemed like Linhardt truly was clueless based on his immediate response, so Lil decided to let it slide. For a moment she did think she heard him mutter something along the lines of; No wonder that these two people got along. They fit so well together. Regardless if he said it or not, Lil quickly finished her main course and decided to see Maxwell.


The backyard of the officials residence was full of bandits sitting on the ground tied with ropes. Considering the fact that there was no prison in a small town like this, this was actually the best they could do. Surrounding the backyard, the Imperial Army and the Roahn Guards were standing guard, their faces shaded in light and dark under the bright autumn sunlight.

As soon as Lil entered following the guidance of Shail, most of the tied-up men lifted their eyes and looked at her. The eyes of some were sharp, trying not to miss any clues about what may happen to their fates. Of course, those guys were a minority, and the rest were either watching her with pure curiosity, looking around trying to escape, looking scared and shaking or even sleeping peacefully. Among all the different groups, there was one man who stood out alone and aloof.

Lils eyes glided over the wall and eventually reached the side of the man sitting diagonally against it.

He once seemed infinitely dependable and strong I could never have expected to see him look so shabby years later

Lil shifted her gaze and noticed the tied hands behind his back.



Alarmed by the sudden tension tightening Maxwells back, Shail blocked the front of Lil, albeit slightly, and gripped the hilt of the sword. However, Maxwell just sat back.

As you can see Ive come back safely. Im assuming you figured out by now that the Marquess also made it out alive, right?

You mustve something to say.

I came to listen.

Still, Maxwell remained stubborn.

Ive expected this though. With the mercenaries around us watching, he has to save face in front of them.

I heard you moved with the mercenaries. Then theyre here too, right? Unfortunately for you, we can tell the difference between a band of bandits and mercenaries. I can let them go right now. I wonder what my brother has to say when they go claim their balance. And once my brother finds out that you are alive and that Ive caught you, things will truly become interesting.

Lil waited for his response out of consideration for their long friendship, but in the end, he was impertinent and made her wait too long.


At her call, Shail immediately moved and grabbed Maxwells shoulder. The latter rose obediently as if he knew that any form of resistance would be futile. When Lil faced Maxwell again, she noticed that his left cheek and cheekbone were swollen dark red. Upon further inspection, there were many small scratches scattered over his body; clear signs of being on the wrong side of a beating.

Shail, who noticed Lils gaze, elaborated.

Sir Linhardt couldnt contain his anger


Hes calmed down now. But he almost lost his mind on the cliff yesterday. Miss Levi barely managed to appease him, thereby saving this mans life.

No wonder. Who wouldnt lose their mind when their own flesh and blood fell from such a height, and the culprit was only a few feet away?

Nevertheless, Lil thought it fortunate that Linhardt had regained his senses.


In the officials residence, which occupied the entirety of the small three-story building, the drawing room was left empty for interrogations.

Its ridiculously cosy for questioning criminals.

Unsurprisingly, Shail looked distraught at the cushion embroidered with a light blue floral pattern. As Lil walked over to the simple but carved tea table, she guessed what a peaceful village this must be.

Shail sat Maxwell across from her. When Lil noticed Shail taking a stand behind Maxwell, she waved to him.

Tell them to bring some tea. And release him from the ropes.

Yes? But

Do you not want to bring us the tea or do you not want to untie the ropes?


Do both anyway.

This time, unable to talk back, he stepped closely behind Maxwell. He then untied the older man and called a servant to bring the tea. Lil watched Shails movements and spoke when the servant brought out the tea almost immediately.

Please give us the room.

Somehow, Shail never listens to anything I say at once. I warned him not to let me repeat myself thrice, yet he still seems to think its ok to push it for a second time.


Lil was only able to endure it twice because Shail was neither her subordinate nor her soldier. Meanwhile, Shail reluctantly took his steps only after Lil raised her eyebrows.

Ill wait outside

As they sat by the window, dense shadows of leaves swayed on the glass next to them

But even after a while, his pale, dry lips didnt seem to want to move at all.

What could he possibly be thinking? Despite the many witnesses, he exposed himself in order to kill Ed. Only someone prepared to die would be that reckless Thats why I didnt kill him and shot him in the arm instead of the head. Theres no use for him to die if hes my only piece of evidence.

Lets have some tea first.

Maxwell remained motionless with his hands folded in front of his teacup. But whereas Maxwells tightly clenched fists showed how difficult it was for him to handle the situation, Lil causally put her elbows on the table and rested her chin in her hands.

She then threw him a rather cruel comment in a light tone.

Oh, did you notice? That I actually had them put poison in your cup?


As if to check if she was telling the truth, Maxwell slowly raised his head.

After all, I promised my brother that I would take revenge on anyone who dared to touch Edgar.*

Maxwell remained sullen but opened his fists. His fingers, trembling in the air, grabbed the handle of his teacup.

Rattle. Rattle.

The pottery shook mercilessly and made a noise of friction against the base. Lil glanced down at his rough hands.

I guess you want to die more desperately than I thought..

Maxwell put the teacup down with a clicking sound. As his brooding eyes turned to Lil, she lifted her chin from where it was resting.

Finally, a voice flowed from his lips.

Dont mock me.

Seeing this as mockery means youre fully aware of the fact that you may actually die, right?


But now that it has come to this, what will you do?

I dont know.

Lil noticed his cracked voice as he spoke, and unknowingly offered the tea again.

Oh, just drink it.

Honestly, theres nothing in it. After all, its my loss if you die.

Maxwell, who was looking down at his teacup, laughed helplessly.


As he emptied the teacup in one go, tea water came out on the back of his hand as he wiped his lips.

Seeing him finally responsive, Lil decided to get straight to the point without further delay.

Was this why you came to see me at that alley in Roahn? To tell me that my brother was trying to kill Edgar?

Lil observed Maxwell as he looked back at the window for a moment while his breathing became increasingly heavy. He took a deep breath and spoke without looking back at her.

I definitely warned you.

That was just a warning? Cut the crap. Your mission was something you tried to avoid because you were afraid of what you were ordered to do. You tried to tell me that because you didnt want me or Edgar to get hurt.

Why are you doing this

Because I have decided who to love and who to be with. Dont you dare try to persuade me otherwise. Dont waste your time. If you go back to my brother and start talking to him about this, then this will be the last time I show you leniency. This is a warning to let you know in advance that you shouldnt make the wrong decision in front of me.

Still, Maxwells face showed only anger and despair. There was no hint of resolve or faith in her.

Somehow it appears that this isnt the only weight hes carrying

Lil vocalised the words that were just lingering on the tip of her tongue till now.

Is Venua perhaps holding your family hostage?


After all, I promised my brother that I would take revenge on anyone who dared to touch Edgar. = Chapter 239


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