North x Northwest

Chapter 308

Chapter 308


Now laying down, Levi tapped Eds shoulder.

Edgar. Edgar!

Seeing no reaction, Levi continued by checking his pupils and raising his uninjured knee. When she noticed the blood stains on the horse, she repositioned him.

Hes bleeding excessively and is barely conscious. Everyone, get out of the way. Shail, get a blanket.

Whereas Alain and Jericho backed away from Ed, Lil didnt. Meanwhile, Levi was about to touch his bandages when her hand paused.

Whats going on? Whats wrong with his shoulder?


Instead of answering, Levi quickly cut open Eds bandages and shirt. The area between his upper arm and shoulder was hollow as if the bone had been crushed. Levi muttered as she poured some disinfectant over it in order to stop the bleeding.

How did he endure horseback riding? Especially at that speed

Levi palpated a few more points and tilted her head.

His shoulder blade doesnt seem to be in good condition either. Do you know how he got this fracture?

It was the first time Lil heard such a cold voice coming from Levi. But thanks to that, she managed to calm herself down and catch her breath. Lil then bit her lip, recalling the time she fell from the tree.

I fell from a high place, but Ed caught me midair and we rolled on the ground with his arms wrapped around me.

How about you, are you hurt anywhere?

Im fine.

How is he?..

As soon as the battle was over Linhardt came and knelt beside Levi. After checking Eds condition, he asked with a worried face.

Levi answered.

He was bleeding from earlier injuries to begin with. With the addition of this new fracture, hes certainly in rough shape. He mustve sacrificed his already injured arm, not expecting it could lead to this and thinking that it would allow him to at least use one arm properly. The pain mustve been terrible Fortunately, all the major blood vessels were missed. We need to move him to a clean place first.

Levi finished stopping the bleeding from Eds leg and entrusted the stretcher to the surrounding soldiers. As she was about to follow the stretcher, her eyes fell on Alain and Jericho.

All patients follow me.


Lil nodded her head at Alain, whose eyes were unsure.

Tearing her eyes away from Levis back, Lil could finally let out the breath she had long been suppressing and the chilly air swirled around her chest.

Maxwell, where is he?

Linhardt answered her a beat later.

Levi saved him, but he wont open his mouth.

Who is he though? I get the impression you know.

Lil unfastened her rifle from her holster and felt devastated when she said it out loud.

A royal guard from Obernyu.

Obernyu? As in the Eastern Principality of Obernyu?

But they have nothing to do with him, do they? Or did Edgar do something crazy again? He said he went to the South, but what has that got to do with the East

The connection was through me this time.


Im from Obernyu.


Linhardt unintentionally blurted out in disbelief before shutting his mouth.

Then the reason why youre both heading to Obernyu

Lil just nodded and carried on, followed by Linhardt, who straightened up his posture as they tailed Levi. Even though Levi had always been a similar height as Linhardt, the latters larger build was big enough to cast a shadow over her head.

Lil looked over her shoulder at the scene being cleaned up.

There must be a reason why the Imperial Army was brought in, right?

Oh, we were late because I had to wait for those annoying guys. I apologise

It was a situation that Linhardt shouldnt be sorry for, so Lil looked up at him with much sincerity. Linhardt, however, was trying to make up for the situation by spewing nonsense at a rapid pace.

But it didnt look like he was dying, so thats a relief. Actually, judging by the way Edgar normally behaves, his condition is actually pretty good.

Why does Edgar act like he has ten bodies?

Hes been like that since he was ten years old. Im sure youve heard a lot about it by now, right? Levi even said it herself, that she was relieved. So its going to be okay.

If it came from Levi, then its indeed relieving.

Lil asked as she watched the imperial army tie up the prisoners who engaged them in a battle.

They arent your ordinary smugglers, are they?

The imperial nobles take detours through them, thats also the reason why were late. To be exact, we had to wait for imperial troops who werent involved.

So, theres rotting everywhere. Gualtiero was in a similar state. How is the Empire holding out like this?

Is His Majestys niece discussing the decline of the Empire?

It was a title she hadnt heard in years. Lil wrinkled the bridge of her nose and looked back at Linhardt.

Are you serious?

Obernyu is the closest to the Imperial family among the principalities near the Great Lakes, after all.

Its not that close to me.

Didnt you represent Obernyu in the Pontenbach war?

It seems like Shail told him about my participation, perhaps their conversation flowed that way when they discussed the possible backgrounds behind the attack I dont usually talk to Linhardt alone, but now he appears to have a lot of questions regarding me.

What questions have you been holding back on until now?

Rather than holding back, lets just say Im asking now that I have the chance. It has been amazing to see how much Edgar has changed in such a short period of time because of you. So it would be a lie if I didnt even wonder what kind of person you are.

Its been a long time since I entered the war as a carabiner, and I was forced to quit it anyway.

What an unpredictable career. In that case, what on earth happened in the South? I was suspicious when the guy who had ignored even His Majesty for years suddenly declared he was going to the South. I remember thinking that he mustve another purpose. From the very beginning, was it because of you

Its a long story.

Lil put it that way as it wasnt something she should be sharing in the middle of the forest. She then grabbed the reins of her horse to get going.

Is it because its dangerous?


If so, then I should know too.

Lil climbed onto the saddle of her horse without answering and turned her reins towards the rear of the retreating troops. Soon, Linhardt came alongside her again. The fog cleared and the forest poured out vivid greenery. Even though she breathed in much fresher air than before, the rain fog still filled her.

The one who instigated Maxwells attack was Venua Obernyu, the Prince Regent of Obernyu, and his goal, as everyone knows by now, is to get rid of Edgar.

Prince Regent? Then

My brother.

I dont know why hes acting like this. If I had known

No, declaring I wouldnt have stayed with Ed if I had known, is only in vain

Lil answered as honestly as she could.

Its just that, I wouldve been more careful.

Although Lil was looking ahead, she could feel Linhardts eyes on her. It was a gaze filled with a mixture of concerns about his blood relative, whose life had almost ended by meeting the wrong woman, and his doubts regarding Lil.

Linhardt, who seemed to be choosing his words carefully, finally opened his mouth.

I dont want to be rude, but

Immediately interrupting him, Lil turned to her side and added.

Dont worry. I wont let something like this happen again.

Honestly, its hard to believe. Hes my cousin and he lives on his own terms, so hes at a political disadvantage. Isnt Obernyu a monarchical family with a longer history in the Eastern Principality than the Empire? Your family mustve a lot of influence on Sesbron.

We didnt start this without knowing.

But you didnt know it was going to end up like that, did you?

Do you think Im happy about it? I know that. You wouldnt have been this angry if it was me who broke my arm. Would you like to hear me say the other way around? You dont have to press me for that. I mean, I too will save Edgars life even if it means risking myself being like that.

Linhardt, who looked ahead again, adjusted the reins for no reason.

Well, now that youve said it, not everyone has the guts to fall from a cliff together, especially when the chances of survival are uncertain

Lil reiterated as if she had made a commitment to herself.

Because I vowed to never let him go. Never again



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