North x Northwest

Chapter 301

Chapter 301


Anyway, we had to deal with a few smugglers while wondering how to get to Roahn. But who wouldve thought we would meet the Captain here?

This was absolutely reckless of you. Roahn is famous for having the tightest security among all imperial cities.

So we noticed But what could we do? If you truly were dead, the least we wanted to do was to retrieve your body

What nonsense

When we were in prison, that was what bothered me the most. We thought that our Captain had been beheaded and your body wasnt given proper burial. After all, those damn imperial bastards staked our heads in the South, so what would be stopping them from doing the same here in the Empire Demons On that damp floor, every night, every time I fell asleep, I had the same nightmare. I saw the Captains face, skewered through the teeth, looking at me

Glancing at Lil, Jericho muttered.

Thats right What does it matter whether the Captain is a woman or not? Whats the big deal? Youre alive and well like this

The fact that you keep commenting on it, makes it sound to me that it is a big deal.

Oh, no.

Jericho, who was scratching the back of his head in embarrassment, asked.

But why, why did you trick us?

For the very reason youre making such a big deal out of it.

No, I never thought that

I guess we should stop talking about my identity. Your Captain was Lil Schweiz, not some random guy.

Alain tapped Jericho on the shoulder. In fact, Alain didnt look very confident either, but Jericho lowered his head as if he was being pushed away.

That was rude of me.

Along with the burning firewood, other sounds rose in the dawning silence; The sound of the wind seeping through the leaves, the sound of birds leaping from tree branches, and the sound of water flowing somewhere in the distance.

Lil spoke in the humid forest air.

Just to tell you in advance, Im not going back. I have work to do here.

Whats going on?

Regardless of the damages, the Navy has become furious and will turn the Ingres Sea upside down at any given time. War is on the horizon, but Im trying to drag it out as long as possible.

How can the Captain alone achieve such an incredible undertaking?

I have the Admiral, so what cant I do? I have to try everything.


Alain mustve noticed her prevarication and narrowed his eyes at her.

I cant do it alone. But because there are people who think like me, I could start from there.

Lil honestly thought that was true.

Me alone might not be anything special. But like Levi or Marie, there are people I could never have imagined existing in my previous life in the Empire. Maybe I lost hope too quickly in the past because I was young and narrow-minded. I thought that what I saw and experienced was everything that this damned world had to offer

So Lil couldnt help but let herself be optimistic about the flow of time now.

The future doesnt need to start out big. After all, didnt Ed tell me that the farmers seed sprouted such a small will that one couldnt have expected results in this huge Empire?

I cant believe it, too, because actually, its also strange for me. Im a really pessimistic person, but when I allow myself to say things like this, I feel as happy as a child

Dont mention it. Through the years, we all just agreed that the Captains personality would always be gloomy, like dark clouds without any rays of light.

Its a shame we dont have glasses. In times like this, we really could use a drink.

Alain nodded and pretended to make a toast.

To the Bell Rock and everyone who would gladly toast to that filthy character of yours.

The three laughed at the same time.

Stories about the past flowed naturally. Alain, eventually, spoke with a red face even though he hadnt had a single drop of alcohol and Jerichos stories, on the other hand, were so exaggerated that the night wasnt long enough to hear the end of it


Lil forcefully woke up from her deep slumber. It was because Alain grabbed her arm and shook it.

Its dangerous here now that the day has come. You never know when the smugglers will break into an empty cabin. If the doctor is in good health, we should start moving and since our lives are on the line, it truly would be better for us to get going.

Being blinded, Lil turned away from the sunlight pouring in from the shutters that Alain had opened. She stood up unsteadily, rubbing her tired eyes.

Where do you think we should go? Reinforcements are on the way. It normally wont take a day, but its a forest, so the paths may diverge This is the cabin closest to the beach, right?

Alain nodded his head.

Thats right. In that case, its better to stay here than to wander outside.

Jericho asked, wiping his nose.

Captain. Do you have any cash?

Are you kidding me? Didnt I tell you I fell off a cliff?

I asked just in case No matter who we meet, we cant negotiate.

Okay, then we should quickly come up with another idea It would be best if someone stood watch on the roof, though.

Alain nodded and pointed at the ceiling before raising his index and middle finger.

If you go up there, you will see two paths, one on the left and one on the right.

Lil, who remembered the paths from when she first looked around the cabin, got up from her seat.

Alain, stay to see if Ed wakes up and Jericho watch the sea from the door. Ill guard the two paths from the roof.

Lil accepted Alains gun.

But Captain, how did you guys get wounded like this?

Are you now curious about that?

Well, seeing the doctors condition, it will be best to minimise our injuries. Thats why I cant help but be curious about how this all happened.

Well, we got hurt somehow.

Did you accidentally fall off the cliff?

Lil nodded half-heartedly and opened the front door.

The sea was visible between the sparse tree trunks, while the wind was calm and the sky was clear without a cloud. Despite the tranquil scenery, her mind was growing impatient. Lil quickly climbed the wall to get onto the roof, feeling the curves of the intertwined logs under her sole. After reaching the top, she lay down in a stable position for sniping.

The wind ruffled her hair. And although her forehead itched, she didnt dare to move. She couldnt afford the luxury as she had to stay focused


Ed opened his eyes with a terrible thirst. The first thing he noticed was the sparse darkness, followed by the burning fireplace.

Im sorry, Doctor. Its quite dark, isnt it? I had to close the shutters.


Dont be surprised. Its me, Alain.

Alerted by those words, Ed tried to turn his head. Of course, it didnt rotate the way he wanted.

Where is Liloa? And how is Alain here?

He forced his dry vocal cords to move.

Lil You wouldnt have killed Lil

Just drink some water.

Alain, who supported Eds head, poured water into his mouth.

You still have a fever. I guess I should hurry and find those herbs

Ed hoped that Alain would start explaining their current situation on his own without him having to say anything more. Luckily, Alain saw Eds twitching lips and gave him the answer he wanted.

The Captain is on the roof. Well never know when the smugglers will strike. This forest No, you would know better


Ed asked with his eyes.

As the Admiral.

His throat fell dry again.

Why did Liloa think it was a good idea to leave me here alone with Alain?

Ed tried to raise his upper body even if it was too much for him. He thought that would be better for his sanity. Unfortunately, the damp log hit his back again.

Alain spoke, supporting Ed.

Dont worry. Me and Jericho are only repaying our debt.

After you sent us off like that I have never felt at ease. The only thing I thought about was to rescue our Captain and ensure he No, she was safe.

Ed asked, trying to catch his breath.

Was the Bell Rock shipwrecked? Why are you here?

Our mission was to retrieve the body if the Captain had died. At the Devito Harbour, you said it yourself, that the people who attacked the Captain were people even you dont know.

You and Jericho?

Thats right. There were more than a hundred men who wanted to follow, but how could we possibly risk ourselves getting mobbed and killed in droves? So, in the end, only me and Jericho went back.

Alain was about to wipe Eds face with a clean cloth. Ed, however, instinctively avoided the touch and was handed the cloth instead.


This is what I got from going back and forth to other cabins a few times. Weve only seen smugglers once or twice, and they dont move goods as systematically as we thought. Even though its imperial land, I never expected the system to be more shabby than Amiaeng.

Ed struggled to wipe his face and neck without answering, it didnt go as easily as he hoped. He then lifted the cloth that covered him like a blanket, the condition of his legs was no different.

As he looked around, he saw dusty furniture and a floor covered with dried grass. The shutters were closed, but his eyes were already accustomed to the darkness enough for him to know that he was in an environment in which it wouldnt be strange if he were to become infected and die soon.

Damn it.

So, how did you end up like this?

Didnt the Captain explain?

I only heard you got hurt because of an accident.

I guess she skipped that part. Well, she wouldnt have been able to say that her brother caused all of this.

Ed answered vaguely.

Its not much different from what happened on the Bell Rock.

Speaking of on the Bell Rock, Admiral, why on earth were you on our ship?

I can only tell you that it was completely unrelated to the Navy. Will you believe me this time?*

Honestly, its hard to believe, but I trust the Captain.


Will you believe me this time? = Chapter 135 = When Ed was imprisoned on the Bell Rock, he pleaded to Alain that he was innocent and needed to speak to the Captain. Alain, however, didnt believe him and refused to call Lil.


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