North x Northwest

Chapter 296

Chapter 296


Lil unconsciously adjusted the crossbow slung over her shoulder, wrapping its rough body with her palm in a familiar way.

Ive been best suited for being stuck in this kind of mud this exhausting kind of life. I know that better than anyone else. So, why did I invite him into it? Despite knowing it would be dangerous, why couldnt I give him up?

The excuse that I had no idea Venua could do something this crazy is worthless. Of course, I knew that the Emperor and Ed werent on good terms and that Venua could use the failure of the southern expedition as an excuse to seek political retaliation, but I didnt expect that Venua would actually make an attempt on Eds life The way I downplayed Venuas determination is just a lazy excuse now.

Even though Lil initially managed to get out of the mud, she found herself trapped and unable to escape from danger again and out of the two people in this precarious cabin, she was the only one who could come to her senses.

What provoked Venua? What made him this reckless?

Judging by his crude behaviour, it appears Venua doesnt have much time. His impatience resulted in his recklessness. And this recklessness caused him to get his tail caught. I didnt kill Maxwell, so if Linhardt captures him in time, he will be able to interrogate him.

Lil muttered as she looked at Ed, who was covered with a shroud-like cloth.

Rather than being angry at you

The shadow of the fireplace flame flickered across Eds eyelids.

I cant forgive myself.

Lil saw the colour slowly returning to his lips.

I shouldve given you up, and now I can only regret it.

Im tired of my life going so predictably astray

Suddenly, the lips she had been looking at began to move.

In that case, Im the one who should be angry.


Eds green eyes wandered in search of Lil. He turned his head, but his darkened vision made it difficult for him to make out her shadowy figure. Nonetheless, he didnt bother to get up. As Lil was sitting on the floor, holding her crossbow, and Ed was still lying down, their eye contact was slanted.

Her eyes were darker than Eds because she was farther from the flames, warming her face and chest, but rendering her back cold. She heard his voice from the place with warmth.

Are you going to break your promise?

What promise?

You said you wouldnt leave.

Ed didnt sound angry or nervous as he was rather good at hiding his emotions and expressions. However, Lil noticed the subtle change in his tone. It wouldve been better if she was oblivious to it, but she couldnt help but be familiar with it.

You made your choice, so dont think about running away now.

How can you say something like that even after something like this has happened?

It was me who was too complacent. I shouldve known what was coming when I received his warning.

Only after saying those words did Ed lock his gaze with Lils. Lil quickly realised why he looked a bit nervous all of a sudden and asked slowly.


Eds eyes glanced past Lil and down to the floor.

The Prince Regent said he would kill me. But I didnt expect him to kill me in the dictionary sense

When? When did he tell you that?

The second time we met.

When you sought him out for the trial? Why didnt you tell me?

I thought it was just the usual clich statement someone would utter out of anger. Even you said at some point you would kill me

Now that I think about it, I guess he was sincere.

Lils face grew hot as Ed spoke so lightly about dying.

But to indeed commit it, he has to have a less political sense than me

Tell me more about it. This instant.

But you already know.

Lil spoke sternly this time, emphasising every word.

In. More. Detail.



Ed had a hunch that Venua would soon be released from the villa due to the number of nobles in Roahn who would willingly step forward if the Prince Regent of Auvergne asked them to guarantee his identity.

Ed deemed it useful in its own way if Venua secured an identity guarantee from someone, that was why he didnt mind stopping the one or two guards from sneaking out of Villa Somemei.

Apart from that, Ed had a desire to meet Venua personally. Ed knew him already as a loathsome man despite ever meeting him, but after seeing Lils swollen cheek, the hostility bordering on hatred solidified. If he had the chance, he would want to make Venuas life as miserable as possible.

However No matter how much Liloa hates her brother Venua, there might be a bond that she cannot sever because hes her family. I havent had the chance to discuss it in depth with her yet, so Im not sure But upon learning of the illness of the Archduke of Obernyu, she declared without hesitation that she wanted to see him on his deathbed. It seems shes more civil with her family than I initially thought

Above all, what Ed feared most was Lils resentment, so he decided to keep his personal hostility for himself.

It would be best not to strangle Venua hastily or lay a hand on his body.

Ed passed through the main gate of Villa Somemei thinking so. He arrived with a clear name, so no one dared to stop him like last time. Also, there had been no need to hide his identity anymore because he had returned to his duties at the naval outpost. His landing, however, automatically meant his required presence in Sesbron, but he would only have to stop by on his way to Obernyu along with Lil anyway.

Ed walked through the peaceful garden and stopped in front of the front door.

The royal guard, who had been beaten by Venua last time, took the lead as if he was also serving as a butler.

Apparently, his name is Maxwell and when they kidnapped Liloa, he was the one who strangled her

Knowing that made Eds fists shake, but he feigned calmness as he studied Maxwell.

Its easy for subordinates who are abused to convert, so he can be a good card to hold on to. Liloa herself fell victim to Maxwell, but instead of getting angry, she explained to me the benefits we would gain by accusing Venua and Maxwell together. I still cant fathom her cool-headedness. Considering carefully the gains shes been counting on, even after her life had been put at risk, ranging from Sagastar to this demoted royal guard. But what else can I do if Liloas personal decision is to not retaliate?

Ed learned, step by step, like a newborn child, that planning the next move together with someone was a tricky ordeal. And in order to faithfully carry out their agreement, the only thing Ed could do was quietly follow Maxwell up the stairs to the drawing room.

Sir. Admiral Retiro has come to visit.

A faint answer was heard through the door. Meanwhile, Ed couldnt read a single ounce of loyalty on the grim face of the soldier who opened the door.

As soon as Ed entered the room, he was engulfed by the strong odour of cigarette smoke. It was that bad despite the window being open and the wind blowing through the sunlit room. The light reached all the way across and reflected the empty spirit bottles above the fireplace.

Venua sat on a chair with ornate arms, hiding his slightly trembling hands. However, his attempt was in vain as Ed, who had seen countless patients, easily noticed.

Venua beckoned for the opposite seat. Ed sat down and stared at Venua as though he was examining him.

I felt it the other day too, but the Prince Regent isnt in good health. I dont know what kind of chronic illness hes suffering from yet, but drinking this much hard liquor and smoking this heavily can cause enough burden on his body alone. No surprise his demeanour is this harsh and sensitive

Ed could see at a glance that Venuas body couldnt hold out.

Venua smiled with a cigarette hanging from his lips.

I never thought youd show me that shameless face again.

Ed put up a brazen smile himself.

This is indeed me being shameless

You dare come back after behaving like that. Why, did you feel like apologising now?

Venua stroked his arrogantly raised chin and placed one of his shoe soles on his opposite knee. The man, leaning deeply in his chair, clearly seemed to enjoy authority. It was obvious that he thought that the other person had come to apologise, so Venua already basked in this preemptive victory.

Where do you want me to start?


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