North x Northwest

Chapter 269

Chapter 269


Uh huh

I guess it has gotten your fancy?

Thats right To think I only came to see you

As Lils frank answer caught Ed by surprise, he spoke with a pleasant smile.

Your honesty comes when I least expect it

And just so you know I dont like to share whats mine.

Really? Thats new to me.

Ive been greedy since I was young. I wanted to do everything myself and have everything to myself. I just seemed to have forgotten about that as I grew and lived my life being thrown around here and there

Lils words trailed off as she remembered all the times she had been thrown around here and there. Thankfully, Ed didnt ask or pry as usual. He also didnt follow her sunken gaze. Instead, he merely remained still.

Lil decided to change the subject quickly.

Come here.

Ed, who had been sitting on the bed and tried to stand, was suddenly pushed by Lil and knocked over. The hat he wore rolled over his shoulder. Now that Ed was lying down, Lil intently stared at the man who returned her gaze with a surprised expression. Yellowish light shimmered over his smooth skin.

Ed muttered, tossing his hat somewhere overhead.

What made you push me like that after you told me to come to you

Placing one knee on the bed, Lil cupped his cheek to get him to look at her again.

When Im with you, I feel different. Its like Im going back to my old self From a long time ago when I was really young

Eds brows furrowed in confusion. He wasnt sure what to make of what she just said, so he asked while holding Lils hand against his cheek.

Is that good? Those were good times, I hope?

With you, I sleep well, I eat well, I laugh, I talk a lot more and Im becoming greedy again

Untying her waistband, Lil climbed onto Ed, allowing her loosened robe to flow down her body and onto the floor.

Sweeping the hair that fell in front of her out of the way, Lil asked.

Are you going back to sleep again?

It seems like youre not planning to let me go back to sleep

I will show you mercy if you beg me.

Lil played with the straps of her negligee without taking her eyes off him.

I wont beg.

Ed reached out as soon as Lils hands moved down and untied the front knot of her nightgown. Surprisingly, however, Lil swatted the mans hands away with the back of her hand, causing the hem of her dress to fall down her shoulders. Ed then tried to grab her exposed shoulders, but she restrained him from touching her this time as well. Finally understanding that he wasnt allowed to hold her, Ed obediently lowered his arms to the bed.

Lil initially pressed her lips lightly against his to soothe him, but when it seemed that he was about to say something whiny, she bit his lower lip and a short groan filled his mouth instead.

Lils mouth watered as if she was eating something delicious and became curious to taste a little more. So she traced Eds mouth with the tip of her tongue to savour it. A tingling sense of satisfaction washed over her as she bit into his soft fleshy tongue, and her fingers, bristling with pleasure, grabbed his hair in delight.

Their breaths bursting out and mixing, were hot.

Ed cupped her face, reflexively. His thumb pressed against her lower lip before moving down to her chin and neck.

Strangely, the more Lil sucked Ed in as to devour him, the stronger her hunger became.

Heat and moisture rose from the bodies that became more and more intertwined with each other. Ed then embraced Lil and skilfully switched positions, climbing on top of her. His breath wandering up her negligee stopped at her now exposed chest. The pleasure created by Eds tongue swiping above the hem of her nightgown pricked Lils toes like needles, causing chills to rush from everywhere on her body down to her feet.

When the back of Eds neck throbbed and his breathing became laboured, he pulled at the sleeves of his justaucorps behind his back and shook his arms as if shaking off something bothersome. At the same time, Lil tugged at the nape of his neck while he attempted to remove the rest of his coat.

With their lips ones more close enough to kiss, Lil suddenly ordered him.

Dont take it off.


Between their gasping breaths, she bit his upper lip before licking it to soft the sting. She then whispered.

I like it better that way


When youre wearing it

Taking advantage of Eds momentary pause, Lil took control again and rolled them over. She dug deeper into him, becoming increasingly impatient. Her hands traced Eds bulging veins along his neckline, undid his cravat, and unbuttoned his shirt. She then slipped her hand under the thin fabric and felt his heartbeat. The pulse she sensed beneath his strong muscles throbbed as if it were calling to her. In response to it, her fingertips pressed firmly against his skin till his sturdy body couldnt be crushed any further. Indulging herself with him, Lil felt the sexual sensations moisten her own skin as her touch travelled across his abdomen and beneath his navel

Ed grabbed her wrist.


His strained voice, crushed between patience and desire was barely audible. However, the clear conflict she heard in it actually stimulated Lils excitement.

She removed the hand that took hold of her wrist.

Its okay. I have some good news.


We can do it

Who told you that?

Ed tried to come to his senses by blinking his eyes several times. But, the way his forehead and ears glistened with sweat only gave Lil a sensual impulse, so she replied with a mischievous smile.


Eds lips twitched out of embarrassment. He didnt know what to feel. He wasnt sure if he should be shocked that Lil had asked Levi about this, hurt that Lil trusted Levi more than she trusted him, or confused that Levi somehow intervened in his personal life. Nonetheless, Lil believed Ed would also follow the advice from an expert and continued to lower her freed hand.

Wait a minute so, you two have become close enough to

Is that a problem?

No, its all good.

Hearing his answer, Lil decided that she no longer wanted to give him a chance to protest.

Still sitting on his lower abdomen, Lil wiggled her waist backwards, thereby grinding over his groin, causing Ed to hurriedly bite his lip. When she raised her hips a bit, she reached into his pants and gently moved her wrist.

Ah Liloa, wait wait a minute.

The moment Lil put some strength to her fingers, the sound of Eds suppressed groans persisted. Looking at his long, tilted neck made her want to tease him even more. So Lil lifted her thumb and rubbed the tip. She slowly drew circles on the smooth area until Eds frequent exhalations became increasingly irregular and intense.

Lil eventually lowered her hips again and carefully positioned herself on top of him, who was swollen tightly. As soon as her damp place made contact, her moisture mixed with his sticky substance.

Its hot

Fiery heat boiled up, almost melting her, while her running heartbeat rang in her ears as if it were going to burst.

Lil held out her hand, which she had initially rested on his lower abdomen.


Eds left hand held her, making it so that his hand and forearm, which were in contact with hers, would support her weight.

The bulky pressure between Lils legs gave her a premature sense of satisfaction. As her stomach throbbed from the thrilling anticipation, her wet inner walls opened smoothly

And Lil slowly swallowed Ed.

Feeling relieved and reassured that there was no foreign pain, she began to move her waist forward.

The only light they had was a dying lantern, but Lil could see Ed clearly. The more she moved her waist, the more he bent his head towards the end of the bed.

The curve of his tilted chin, the bridge of his nose, the nape of his neck glistening with sweat, the manner of his panting, and his sweaty chest and abdomen The man before me looks extremely handsome

The sensation of her fine downy hairs standing on edge added to her skins sensitivity.

Lil raised her hips till Ed was about to escape her body. Goosebumps run down her back, leaving a tingling trace. When she landed on him again, she clenched their interlocked fingers and dug her nails into the back of his hand. His tight thigh muscles wriggled beneath her and the sound of his legs sliding stiffly across the bed tickled her ears. They werent moaning yet, but the sound of their long, drawn-out breathing was already mesmerising and ecstatic.

Allured by her bodys response to such sensuality, Lils eyelids closed in a drowsy ecstasy and an exclamation flowed from her opened lips. When she tilted her head back, her hair fell from the nape of her neck and around her shoulders.

Lil soon figured out how to overlap her body with Eds to further heighten her pleasure. The tickling sensation inside her lower body teased and tormented her. Pressing down on her stomach, her legs supporting her body trembled until her back, which had been following the regular flow till now, gradually began collapsing forward. Startled, Lil grasped the sheets instead of Ed with her free hand.

As he entered her deeper and deeper, her body melted more and more away




January 16, 2024NxNW
  1. sithkazarJanuary 16, 2024 at 2:42 pm

    I have to say that Lil being so proactive is a breath of fresh air with a female MC.

    LikeLiked by 1 person


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