North x Northwest

Chapter 239

Chapter 239


Volume 7    

Wha what are you doing?

My brother still has the habit of grabbing people by the hair and keeping a gun on his waist.

What is this? Huh? What the hell are you thinking

Im pointing a gun at my brother while contemplating if I should kill him right here and now.

Lil gradually rose as Venua sank. She led him to his position by nudging the gun side to side while keeping it pointed under his chin. When Venua ended up kneeling on the floor, Lil took a step back to create some distance.

Who told you to do this? Did the Marquess instigate this?

Listen carefully, brother

Have you been brainwashed? Did he order you to kill me?

I know how to think for myself. Even if I kill my own brother, it will entirely be of my own accord. You may find it hard to believe, but just to let you know, this head of mine can think of such incredible things.

You cant do this. How can you point a gun at me?

The reason why we find ourselves in this situation, with this gun between us, is because you angered me. And without this piece of metal, you wouldnt listen to me. Do you get it now?

You misunderstood me. I was just correcting you. If you finally learn how to think properly in the future, Im sure you will be grateful to me. So, how can you

Keep your hands up.


The arms that gradually lowered quickly rose again.

It was strange for Lil to see Venuas pale face turn blue while trying not to lose its cool. But it was even stranger to see him exhibit such patience, even if he was in the presence of a gun. In spite of everything, patience was Lils sole possession. It wasnt in Venuas nature to tolerate anything in front of her.

Lil went on as she ran her hand through her messy hair.

Youve probably forgotten that Im a skilled markswoman. Remember Pontenbach? That insane seven-year war was brought to an end by my bullet. Im especially confident over long distances, and seeing how Ive never put down the gun even though Im out of the military, everything I say isnt without foundation. Can you imagine it now? My guns muzzle is aimed at my own brothers forehead from only one step away

You really are doing this Are you threatening me? Its terrible to see how much youve lived like a scumbag and clearly lack manners and civility

Whoever it is, if you try to lay a finger on anyone who is associated with me, you will need to face me.

Ha! You probably mean the Marquess you

Lowering her body, Lil pressed the barrel of her gun into Venuas knee. Venua, who had temporarily forgotten about his situation and raised his voice, gradually quieted down with her sudden action.

rolled bodies with

From now on, anytime, anywhere, a gun will be pointed at you from just a few morts away. Then one day, I will shoot the pottery next to you just to watch you lose your mind. And if I get bored some other time, I will blow off the leg of the chair youre sitting on. Then if you ever forget about my existence and think about living comfortably, Ill shoot you in the knee. That way, youll never forget that the muzzle of this gun is always pointed at you.


Whereas Venuas body trembled as he couldnt vent his rage, Lil merely stared down into his red-hot eyes and continued sharply.

Ill count down the days till your death and treat you as such until you wither away. Wasnt it my brother who always told me this? That Im a filthy bitch with nothing more than a body. Im sure you never even considered that you should be wary of bitches like me. I dont have an honour to lose because I have no status anyway.

Your delusions are becoming too much. I will throw that body of yours in a corner as soon as possible and keep you from ever getting out of the house.

How are you going to imprison me? This body will walk out of here soon.

How can you

Its simple. My dear brother will order Maxwell to clear the hallway.

Venua, who was looking up at her, burst into laughter. Lil, on the other hand, quietly listened to his laughter though, as if she knew it wouldnt last long.

Stupid bitch. Why should I listen to you? Once the royal guards subdue you again, this play will all be over.

Are you sure about that? Hmm, to tell the truth, I actually dont know what crazy things I would do if they burst in through the door But for example, I can always pull the trigger right now.

Can you, now?

Knowing that she had only 1 bullet, Lil took out a hairpin that had been tucked into the sleeve of her dress instead.

I dont know what makes you think I cant and wont do it. The moment my brother disappears, I will become the successor to Obernyu. Although I yearn for freedom, I have wanted to enjoy that glory ever since I was young. So, theres no reason to refuse when my turn comes. There truly is none.

Lil pointed the sharp ornament at Venuas left nape. More specifically, she aimed its tip just right below his ear. Her arms were shaking, probably from the beating she endured before, but she was dominated by the dangerous thought that it wouldnt matter if she missed or not.

If I really miss, it might as well end up in Venuas neck.

The tension in the other persons body was evident. However, seeing Venuas neck and shoulders twitching and stiffening reminded Lil of her younger self. Oddly, the feeling of standing in front of him like this wasnt something she enjoyed.

Didnt you scorn me as a child because you feared the likes of me?

Out of nowhere, the ornament shot past Venuas ear and pierced the sofa, triggering the man to scream and close his eyes from shock.

Taking a moment to pull himself together, Venua slowly rolled his eyes and found the pin stuck next to the nape of his neck. He pressed his lips. Although he felt humiliated due to the sound he made, it was nothing but momentary fury and embarrassment to him.

After all, Lil knew better than anyone that despite this being something he wasnt used to, he probably wouldnt experience it ever again.

Rather, Im the one experiencing my past pain through him. Venuas power is that hes completely unaware of this connection. Venua would never understand the gravity of my past, nor would he ever regret it even if I use violence to repay the violence Ive suffered myself

Lil was despondent by this helpless fact.

What do you think brother? After the royal guards run here because of the gunshot, will they serve a dead body or will they kneel before me?

Un unless the world has gone crazy, who would dare to name a woman as their heir?

Didnt we have a precedent named Madam Pondue?

You bitch

Brother, theres something Ive been wondering about. What on earth makes you so confident?


Lil was suddenly reminded of something she had heard through passing rumours.

It may not be true, but I have nothing to lose.

Especially, when I heard you havent produced a son yet.

Those words seemed to have touched something fatal. However, it only lasted a moment, and the look of embarrassment on his face quickly disappeared.

Successions, descendants and abdications. Everything related to being the heir is Venuas reason for living. He hasnt changed a bit since we were young.

Lil was even proud of herself for remembering it, albeit belatedly.

His pale, stiff lips loosened.

Max well.

So, will you listen to my orders?


Half an hour had passed since midnight, so it was time for the royal guards to return to their quarters. After confirming that her surroundings were sufficiently vacant, Lil gestured with the gun she aimed at Venua.

Take the lead.

Do you think youll get away with this?

Why, are you saying it will be safer if I stay here?

Lil let out a laugh like a cough.

Me? Here?

Although her stomach still hurt from the scuffle a little while ago, Lil laughed even harder as her opponents face contorted in contempt.

I wonder if there will ever be a day when you will understand this joke.

Whats with this frivolity? Is this also something youve learned from your time outside?

Lil, who had erased her smile in an instant, flicked the barrel of her gun again.

Take the lead.


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