
Chapter 22: starlight academy

Chapter 22: starlight academy

ARGENT came down the carriage and stared at the building in front of her. It looked like a medieval European building, with all the turrets and spires. This was probably the first building she saw here in Warrshaw that used a European design. Aurum came down followed by their mother.

"So this is it, huh," Aurum said beside her.

"Yes." She looked at her sister. "Remember what we talked about."

"I know, Brother." A bright smile crossed Aurum's face. "Is this smile sweet enough for you?"

The corners of her mouth tipped upward. "Yes, you look very lovely."

"Thank you."

"Come on, kids. Let's go," Anthea said, urging them to move forward.

They started walking. Argent looked around. There weren't many students walking about. Not really surprising since they came here pretty early. But those who saw them couldn't help but stare. She couldn't blame them, really. After all, the three of them together do make a great visual impact.

Argent stared again at the building of the Starlight Academy. She chose this school because of its comprehensive education. Especially regarding Mana control and manipulation. The people here could teach Aurum how to control her Gift. Argent hoped that after seven years of primary education here, Aurum would be able to take off the bracelet without killing anyone. That way, she could at least protect herself.

A short, balding man with a pot belly greeted them at the entrance. He introduced himself as the vice-chairman. "Your Grace, my lord, my lady, welcome to Starlight Academy." Anthea nodded to him. "I'll lead you first to the faculty room to meet your homeroom teacher."

"You should've not bothered, Mr. Smith," Anthea said.

Mr. Smith snorted inside. He was only doing this because of the very sizable donation the Duchess made to their school. And having high ranking nobilities from Albion be their students was an added bonus. Not to mention, one of them has an SS level Gift. Those were rare in the world. That's why SS level students enrolled in their academy were given special treatments. Because any honor they receive once they graduate would be an honor for the academy as well.

"It's not a bother, Your Grace," Mr. Smith said before turning to the two kids. "I take it, my lord, my lady, you already have a copy of your schedule?"

"Yes," Argent answered.

Every grade in Starlight Academy only has three classes. Both she and Aurum belonged to the same class. Their subjects were pretty rudimentary since they're only in their first grade. They have three subjects in the morning; World History, Mathematics, and Language and Vocabulary. And two subjects in the afternoon; Mana Study, for her it was her chosen elective course, while for Aurum, it was advanced Mana class.

They have different last subjects because Aurum has an SS level Gift. Every student with that level of Gift was required to attend an advanced Mana class. They were so few that they only have one class. As for Argent, she chose an elective course just like any other student. The elective she chose was swordsmanship.

Being a NoGift, it would be bad for her to remain a weak chicken in this world full of people with abilities. She had to learn how to defend and protect herself. She thought of a number of ways she could protect herself. Learning some kind of martial art was one. But she thought better of it. Her physique just wouldn't allow her to advance in that direction. She might be posing as a boy but she's still a girl. It would be hard for her to change her muscle mass and physical strength. It would take a very rigorous, over-the-top training for that to happen. And she just doesn't have the time for that. So she chose to use a weapon.

Bows and arrows were too burdensome. Spears equally more so. Guns were out of the question. Aside from the fact that they didn't exist in this world, Argent had no plan on making one. Introducing weapons of mass destruction in this world would only lead to the same ending she had in her original world - countries clamoring for her to make weapons for them. No. She wouldn't put herself in that situation again. Besides, making some kind of weapon that would just attract unwarranted attention was not part of her plan. So she chose a sword.

She could make a special sword without people thinking they could kidnap her for making one. In fact, she already has all the materials she needed before they traveled here in Amexem. The design of the sword was long finished. Last week, on the first night they arrived, she started to make the sword. And she's been on it every night since. It would probably take another three weeks before she could finish it.

Now what Argent needed was the knowledge on how to use the sword. At first, she thought of hiring a swordsmaster to teach her. She had no doubt that Amexem didn't lack capable swordsmen. But then she found out that she could learn swordsmanship here in Starlight Academy as an elective. She thought, why not give it a try? And if the teacher turned out to be useless, then she'd just revert to her original plan - hire someone to teach her.

Mr. Smith lead them to the faculty room. Once inside, the teachers there immediately looked in their direction.

"Miss James," the vice-chairman called one of the female teachers.

A woman who looked to be in her early twenties walked over to them. She was petite with dark brown hair tied in a messy bun and a pair of chocolate brown eyes behind large spectacles. She was wearing a bright floral dress. "Yes, sir."

"Your Grace, this is Miss Sara James. She's going to be the homeroom teacher of my lord and my lady. She's also in-charge of the World History class. Miss James these are your new students, Lord Argent Blackbourne and Lady Aurum Blackbourne."

Argent made a slight bow and Aurum curtsied.

"It's nice to meet you, Teacher," Aurum said, smiling.

Sara stared at the two children in front of her. She had never seen a lovelier pair of children. And they were lovely. The boy with his silver hair and purple eyes and the girl with her long golden hair and amber eyes. Anyone who saw them together couldn't help but stare. She couldn't help the smile that appeared on her face. "It's nice to meet you too."

"Miss James, I leave my children in your care," Anthea said.

"Yes, Your Grace. You can leave them to me."

"Now that's settled." Mr. Smith turned to Anthea. "Your Grace, the Chairman would very much like to meet you. He's not here the last time you came to visit. He would be saddened if he miss you again this time."

"Of course." Anthea looked at her daughters. "I'll come back later this afternoon to fetch you. Be good okay, you two."

"Yes, Mother," Argent and Aurum said almost at the same time.

After Anthea and the vice-chairman left, the twins turned to their new teacher.

"Ahm, should I call you Lord Argent and Lady Aurum?" Sara asked, tentatively.

"No. You're our teacher. If you treat us differently from others then that would only backfire on us," Argent said.

"Oh, yes. That's right." Sara was startled by how calm Argent was. According to the information the vice-chairman gave her, this little boy was a NoGift. And yet she couldn't sense any insecurity in him. She was a C level empath. Not strong enough to control others through emotion but enough to feel others' emotion. It was a perfect Gift for a teacher. And right now, she couldn't feel anything at all from this boy. The only reason she could think of was because he's not projecting any kind of emotion right now. His twin, on the other hand, has her emotions all jumbled up. She cleared her throat. "Class is about to start. Let's go and meet your new classmates."

They went out the faculty room and followed the teacher. They reached a classroom. Miss James entered first and the twins followed. Argent saw sixteen kids sitting inside. All of them stared at her and Aurum when they entered.

"Good morning everyone. We have new friends who will be joining us from today onwards." Sara turned to the twins. "Please introduce yourselves."

"Argent Blackbourne," Argent simply said.

"Hi everyone! I'm Aurum Blackbourne. I and my brother will be in your care from now on. I hope we could all get along," Aurum said, smiling brightly at everyone in front of them.

Argent raised one of her brows. Looks like her sister was taking her advice pretty seriously. This was the first time she saw her with such a blinding smile. And based on the awed expression of the kids in front of them, it's working.

There were ten desk in the room, arranged in two columns. Five desk in each. Two students were seated in each desk. Because they transfered here mid-school year, the only available seats were the last two desk on the back. They sat on one of the empty desks.

"Okay, let's start the class," Miss James said once the both of them were seated.



Most of the students in the room - almost all of them girls - surrounded the twin's desk once the morning classes ended. They kept asking questions after questions. Aurum did her best to answer all of it, smiling like an angel all the while she does it.

"We all probably should go to lunch," Aurum said, cutting short all the questioning. "Could someone guide us to the cafeteria? My brother and I doesn't really know where it is."

"You could eat lunch with us. We're also eating there," one of the girls said.

"Yes, we don't mind," another girl said rather too enthusiastically while sneaking glances at Argent.

"Hey, we also want to eat lunch with them," another one said.

"That's right!"

"It's okay everyone. We could all just eat together. You don't have to fight," Aurum said, gently smiling. It made all the kids surrounding them sighed in admiration. "You don't mind, right, Brother?"

Argent just shrugged. "It's fine."

"Great. Let's go then." Aurum smiled and held her brother's hand. Truth to be told, the muscles on her face were starting to hurt because of all this smiling. But she has to follow what her brother taught her. And it worked. This was the first time that so many kids her age fawned over her. It's not really that bad of a feeling, honestly.

With the guidance of their classmates, they made their way to the cafeteria. Many students were already there. Once again, they attracted a lot of attention. There weren't many available tables that could accomodate the twins and their classmates. So at the end, they decided to just separate. Three girls ended up sitting with the twins.

A waiter soon approached their table and took their order. According to the girls with them, the shool's cafeteria functions like a restaurant. The only difference was they don't have to pay since paying for food was part of their tuition. While waiting for their orders, the three girls with them kept talking to Aurum while sneaking glances at Argent. Argent just ignored them. Good thing Aurum seemed to be rather natural in this acting all sweet and kind thing. It greatly allowed her to not force herself to socialize.

Their food just arrived when a familiar voice called Argent's name. She sighed because she already knew who it was. Just like she thought, Ruby came marching towards their table, two girls flanking her sides. Argent almost forgot that Ruby and her brother, Finn, also went to this school.

"Argent, here you are. I've been looking for you," Ruby said.

"Ruby, is he the one you told us about?" one of the girl said, staring at Argent with ardent eyes.

"Wow. You're right, Ruby. He's so pretty," the other girl said, putting her face close to Argent's.

"Hey, don't get too close. He's mine," Ruby said pulling her friend away. "Anyway, Argent, come eat with us." She glared at the three girls seating with Argent and then sneered at the silent Aurum.

"I rather eat with my sister," Argent said not even looking at Ruby.

"And I want to eat with you. So, come on." Ruby started pulling Argent's arm.

Aurum forced herself not to be pissed off. But it was hard. Especially since it involves her brother and the ever annoying Ruby. Then a devilish idea came to her mind. She looked at Ruby, making sure no hate would appear on her face. She put her hand on Ruby's hand that's holding her brother's arm. "Ruby, please, you don't have to drag Brother. You and your friends could just join us here," she said softly.

Ruby furrowed her brows. What's wrong with this annoying idiot? She has no patience, especially not with this girl. So she forcefully retracted her hand that Aurum was touching. "Don't touch me!"

The moment Ruby did that, Aurum acted as if she pushed her. She deliberately fell down her chair. "I-I'm sorry," she stuttered as if afraid. She made sure that she will appear weak and that she was forcing herself not to cry.

Argent immediately went beside Aurum, helping her stand up. Everyone in the cafeteria witnessed what happened. Without closer inspection, all people could see was Ruby being unreasonable and bullying the much younger Aurum.

Argent turned to Ruby. "Leave," she said coldly.

With Argent's cold reception and the whispering of the students around, Ruby huffed and stomped away with her two lackeys.

"Are you okay?" asked one of the girls sitting with them.

"I can't believe she did that. I know her family is very rich but that doesn't give her the right to just push people like that," said another indignantly.

"It's okay. I'm sure she didn't mean it," Aurum said with a weak smile. "Let's just continue eating."

Once they all sat down again, Argent lean towards her sister. "Good job," she whispered.

Aurum smiled and whispered back, "I know."


-Afternoon class, last subject-

"Are you sure you're fine looking for the classroom of the advanced Mana class on your own?" Argent asked her sister once Mana study was done.

"I'll be fine, Brother. They did give us a map. And besides, if you go with me then you'll be late in your own class," Aurum answered. Though she was really tempted to ask her brother to go with her. But she stopped herself. She didn't want to be her brother's deadweight.

"Okay then. I'll immediately go to your classroom once I'm finished with my class."

"Okay. I'll wait for you."

They separated once they went out of the classroom.

Argent looked down at the small map in her hand. Her elective course was being held in the small gymnasium located way back the academy's main building. Based on the map, it was near the forest at the back of the academy. She walked and soon she reached the small gymnasium. She tried to open the door but it wouldn't budge. She knocked but no one came to answer. Her brows furrowed at that.

She was just about to walk back towards the faculty room to ask a teacher why the door to the gymnasium was closed when she heard a man's voice. "What are you doing there, kid?"

Argent looked around and then a man suddenly jumped down from a nearby tree. He was tall and lanky. His long black hair was messy and tied in a ponytail. His eyes were droopy and there were stubbles on his face, giving him a lazy look. He was wearing something that resembles a Yukata - some kind of informal Kimono that people from Japan in her original world wore.

"I have a class here," Argent answered the man.

"Oh so you're that transfer student." The man walked towards her. "Just so you know, no one's taking this class. I heard the instructor is quite the demon. It's better for you if you choose another elective."

"I'll be the judge of that."

"Well, don't complain that I didn't warn you." He walked to the door of the gymnasium and easily opened it. He walked inside and then he turned around to face her. "Then I would like to welcome you, kid."

"Welcome me? Why?" she asked, though she already have an idea in her mind.

"Because I'm your sword instructor, Hattori Shingen." The man grinned at her. "Please to meet you, kid."


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