
Chapter 20: the mcallister family

Chapter 20: the mcallister family

ANTHEA looked at her friend. They were in his study, while the children and Felicia were lead to their rooms. She'd known Jaxon the same amount of time she'd known her husband. Dorian Blackbourne and Jaxon McAllister were both adventurers. They met in their youth, both reckless and seeking for adventure. Together with others they trust, they formed a small crew. A band of misfits sailing across the world, looking for undiscovered treasures. It was during one of those adventures she met them.

Anthea could still remember how much Dorian infuriated her. The two of them fought and bicker, but in the middle of all that, they fell in love. Just a year later, they got married and she became the new Duchess of Hanover. Remembering all those memories now gave a bittersweet pang in her heart. Because Dorian has been missing for eight years now. She refused to believe that he's dead just like what everyone else said. Because if she did, then she'd break into pieces. And her daughters doesn't need a broken mother.

She shook her head. This was not the time for her to feel melancholic. She returned her attention to Jaxon. The last time she saw him was eight years ago when the news about Dorian's death came out. Dorian was not the only one lost, a lot of their other friends also went with him on that last expedition. The only reason Jax didn't also disappear was because he had to take over the family business. He had to stop being an adventurer that year.

"I can't believe it's been eight years," Jaxon started. "The twins are all grown up. They're lovely, Thea. Argent certainly is the splitting image of Dorian."

"Yes. Argent was actually the one who suggested we go here. Saying that having their primary education here will help with their growth more than if they had it in one of the royal academies in Albion."

"And the boy is right." From what Jaxon could remember, Argent was a NoGift. It was hard for a powerless kid to grow up in a stiffling society like Albion. Even if that kid was a duke. "But how about Aurum? You told me about that incident three years ago. Has she already gotten control of her Gift?" Because from what he saw earlier, he didn't even feel the child's Mana. Which was weird, considering she's an SS level Gift. There should be at least a small spike. But there was completely nothing.

"No. Argent made a special bracelet that could stop the Mana flow in Aurum's body."

Jaxon was amazed by what he heard. A device that could stop the flow of Mana. He never heard of anything like that. And what's more remarkable was that it was made by a seven year old boy. "Did he made it alone, with no one's help?"


Jaxon whistled in admiration. "Then Thea, your son is a genius."

"About that, Argent is actually a girl," Anthea didn't hesitate to tell that important piece of information to Jax. If her twins would live with him for the next seven years, then he needed to know that. Besides, she knew she could trust Jax with that information. "My children are twin girls."

If Jaxon was amazed earlier, he was unbelievably surprised now. That boy was actually a girl? He - or he should say 'she' - acted with perfect calmness earlier. A calmness that any adult would envy. He couldn't believe it from a seven year old boy, much less from a girl. Not that he's being a chauvinist. Girls at that age just tended to be more emotional. Just look at his niece.

"Was there really a need for a masquerade?" he couldn't help but ask. Thea was not the type to subject her daughter to that kind of hardship.

"You know that the Hanover title can only be passed on to the male line. If I didn't pass one of them as a son, then the title would be given to some distant cousin. I know it's selfish of me to let one of my children bear so much at such a young age. But I wanted to keep the manor. It's where Dorian grew up. Every little trinket he found in his many adventures are there. That manor is him. I couldn't give it up. Not when he's missing. Not when I don't even know when I'll get him back."

Anthea took a deep breath. She forced herself to calm down before she broke down and cried rivers in front of Jax.

"I understand, Thea." He understood that kind of love more than anyone. "There are still no news about Dorian?"

Anthea shook her head. "You know one of the reasons Argent wanted to study here was because she believed I would be confident enough to leave them here so I could personally lead the search for their father. As if she could feel that's something I've been wanting to do."

That made Jaxon smile. "As I've said, she's a genius. And you could leave them here confidently under my guardianship, you know. I will look after them as if they're my own. Which was really not hard since they're yours and Dorian's children."

"Well, I do plan on doing that. But not before Argent and Aurum feel comfortable living here." Anthea would wait, even if it took a whole year for that to happen. "You said your nephew and niece are also living with you."

"Yes. I had to take care of my brother's children. You know what happened to him and his wife."

The former head of the McAllister family, Jaxon's brother, died nine years ago. He was travelling on a ship with his wife when it sank due to a strong thunderstorm. The sudden death of Jaxon's brother was the reason he stopped becoming an adventurer. Because he has to take responsibility for their family's huge business empire.

"Maybe you should've married a long time ago so someone could help you take care of the kids," she joked.

"You know I couldn't do that," he said, a bitter smile on his lips.

Anthea immediately understood what he meant. "Still waiting for her?"



Argent looked around the huge playroom. After one of the servants showed them to their rooms, he took them here while they wait for her mother and Jaxon McAllister to finish talking. Felicia was currently arranging their luggage. Another servant brought cold drinks and cakes.

She took a sit on a small couch while Aurum kept glancing around the toys around the room. And there's a lot of toys, all kinds too. Dolls, board games, play houses, there's probably even a magical toy around the room. But her mind was not on the toys. She was thinking about the wide scope of the McAllister's family business. Or businesses for that matter.

The McAllisters were one of the most prominent and wealthiest family in Amexem. They have a lot of businesses all over the country. They do trade with other powerful countries. It's not an exageration to say that they control the Amexem's economy. Now, she just had to think of a way to convince the head of that family to help her with her plan. Easy. Anyone with a head for business would agree to her. Especially if they wanted to make a lot of money.

Aurum lifted one of the dolls from the shelf. It reminded her of that particular doll she had three years ago. It was her favorite. That's why her mental control snapped when the doll was broken.

"What are you doing?" said a girl's voice from the doorway.

Both Argent and Aurum looked towards the doorway. They saw a girl probably two years older than them. She has wild flame red hair and a pair of big hazel eyes. And those eyes were now narrowed at Aurum. "Let go of my doll!"

She stormed inside the room but before she could reach Aurum, Argent stopped her from her track. "I apologize. But we were lead to believe that we're free to play with any of the toys here. So I don't think you, getting angry would be appropriate."

The girl looked at her. And stared. "Who are you?"

"We're guests of Mr. McAllister," she answered.

The girl harrumphed. "Fine. The girl could play with my doll but you have to play with me in return." She reached for her and tugged her arm.

"No!" Aurum shouted. It only took her a few steps before she reached them. Then she tugged Argent's other arm. "Let go of my brother!"

The girl looked at Aurum. "You play with my doll so it's only fair I get to play with him. So let go." Then she tugged Argent's arm again.

"You let go!"

Argent sighed. She couldn't believe that one day she'd become the rope in a tug-of-war between two children. She was about to tell them to stop when another voice spoke.

"What do we have here?" said a young boy's voice.

Argent looked towards the doorway and there standing was a ten, eleven year old boy. He has honey blond locks and a pair of emerald green eyes so similar to the head of the McAllister family. He has delicate features. If not for his voice and the way he was dressed, she might have mistaken him for a girl.

"Brother! Could you get that girl away from here?" said the girl.

The boy looked at Aurum, then at Argent. Then he looked at the girl. "You shouldn't really tug at him like that. Have you forgotten what Uncle told us last night? We'll have an aristocratic family from Albion visiting today. That's probably the duke you're holding." He said the word 'duke' in a voice full of mockery.

"You mean this is that thrash duke? No matter. He still makes a pretty plaything."

Argent forced her arm out of the girl's grasp. "Yes, I'm a duke. But sadly for the both of you, I'm no thrash. I assure you, my bloodline is quite noble. Far nobler than yours will ever be."

The boy frowned at her while the girl glared. And Argent could already tell that these two kids will be a problem.


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