Nobunaga Oda's Isekai Cultivation Experience

Chapter 28: Honesty

Chapter 28: Honesty

After failing to rendezvous with any patrol groups, Yui began guiding Nobu along animal trails until they found a large burrow. Everything from rabbits, shrews, minks, and foxes could evolve into Aura Beasts if they consumed a large quantify of medicinal herbs, so, if you knew where and how to look, it was surprisingly easy to find burrows large enough for human occupants.

Though it had resulted in a number of tragic events, it was hard to come across a group of children who hadn't converted at least one burrow into something like a secret hideout. Others became the dens of homeless vagabonds attempting to survive on the bounty of the land or elude capture by the Provincial Army. Thus, while it wasn't an ideal solution, seeking shelter in a burrow that already had numerous exits was a viable alternative to setting camp when traversing the wilderness.

Unfortunately, despite thinking it was pretty cool to have a secret bunker underground, the interior was so pungent that Nobu literally had to be dragged back inside after attempting to escape to the comparably fragrant forest air. This put him in a particularly foul mood, but, after Yui spontaneously asked if he would feel better if she gave him a blowjob, he bounced back pretty quickly.

Though he would probably vomit if he went down on a woman in his current condition, Nobu was surprised by Yui's ability to basically ignore his odor. He knew he had to smell bad after spending a total of sixteen days in a carriage without so much as rinsing his face, but, as if it didn't hinder her in the slightest, Yui managed to stupefy him with her intensity as technique. If she hadn't told him her dream was to become a warrior, he could have easily been convinced that her purpose in life was to suck dick...

Seeing the raven-haired beauty swallow his seed without even a hint of hesitation or disgust on her face, Nobu was able to ignore the burrow's odor long enough to remark, "Don't misunderstand me. I'm not trying to insult you when I ask this. I'm just genuinely curious how a virgin like you managed to get so good know..."

After swallowing several more times, Yui produced a waterskin to clear her throat before explaining in a disturbingly blas tone, "Since we're already nearing our destination, I suppose there's no harm in making you aware of a few things. My true name is Yoshitsune Yui, a daughter of the Yoshitsune Clan that has served the Oda for more than six-thousand-years. Due to a curse inflicted upon us by the Goddess Inari, we're a Clan comprised almost entirely of females and hermaphroditic males. As a result, we have had to adopt a unique set of skills to help us survive in a world that is traditionally unforgiving to females..."

Though she wouldn't have been affected by this statement in the past, Yui was surprised to find her thoughts wandering to the times Nobu had expressed outrage regarding the state and traditions of Nian. Despite this, she managed to appear calm and unflustered on the surface, adding, "My family specializes in the rearing and training of female assassins known as kunoichi. We are taught how to seduce men, satisfy their sexual urges, gather information, and, once everything is said and done, it is our duty to kill the enemies of the Oda Clan. Though there are other reasons, it was my desire to avoid this fate that led to me pursuing the path of a warrior. Unfortunately, while my selfishness has always been supported by my Grandmother, the only way I could pursue the path of a warrior was to simultaneously master the skills expected of a kunoichi..."

Without noticing it, Yui's voice became gradually lower as she neared the end of her explanation. Her gaze had also wandered away from Nobu, her obsidian-blue eyes reflecting a melancholy that managed to go unnoticed thanks to the low-light of the burrow. Even without this, however, Nobu was able to tell she was upset. He just didn't know what to say, as, prior to coming to this world, he had never had to deal with this kind of situation.

In the end, the only thing Nobu could think of was trying to cheer her up, his expression and tone awkward as he said, "That...really sucks. Now I know why you're so eager to complete this mission. You'll become an official warrior once this is over with, right?"

Seeing Yui turn towards him and nod, a wry smile spread across Nobu's face as he said, "Then it's pretty much settled. We just need to hurry back and you'll finally be able to live your life the way you want. Don't worry. So long as they don't try to string me up and turn me into a blood bag, I'll tell them you did a good job. I'm pretty good at bullshitting when I need to."

Surprised by Nobu's attempts to 'console' her, Yui found herself at a complete loss for words. She knew he wasn't a bad person but this was a level of 'benevolence' she hadn't expected. If she were to say these same words to another person, most women would express pity or envy while the vast majority of men would outright disdain or fear her. After all, with the exception of other cultivators, kunoichis were the leading cause of death for young and inexperienced Nobles. Each of the major Noble Clans had a branch that specialized in the rearing of Kunoichis, but, despite the role they had played throughout the entire history of Nian, they were despised by Nobles and commoners alike...

Though she didn't tear up, Yui's impression of Nobu had increased by leaps and bounds in a matter of seconds. He was unlike anyone she had ever met, and, rather than resent her for being a vile and despicable woman without any morals, he was more upset by the fact she had been forced against her will to become something she, like most sensible people, detested. In this regard, he was much stronger than her, as, despite understanding they didn't actually have a choice, Yui had grown to resent her 'sisters' for following the path that had been decided for them by fate and circumstance...

As that thought crossed her mind, a seedling of guilt had begun to sprout within Yui's heart. On the outside, however, she actually managed a sincere smile before bowing her head and saying, "You're a good man, Nanamori Nobu. Thank you..."

Unaccustomed to receiving gratitude, especially with his dick out, Nobu's skin began to crawl as he quickly pulled up his trousers and said, "Yeah...don't mention it..." in an awkward tone. A part of him even began to regret the fact he had let her suck his dick, but, having encountered a few prostitutes in equally shitty circumstances, he managed to get over it pretty quickly. His own life hadn't exactly been filled with fortune and favor, so, while he could empathize with her plight, Nobu had learned a long time ago that it was a waste of time to worry about things he couldn't change.

Amused by Nobu's surprisingly cute reaction, a marginally more prominent smile developed across Yui's face. She was even tempted to dedicate her sword to him once she officially became a warrior, but, until she understood what her Grandmother wanted with him, she couldn't make any promises. A warrior's vow wasn't to be taken for granted, and, while there were examples of capable warriors serving multiple Lords throughout the course of their inordinately long lives, most ended up serving the same Lord until death. Many even committed suicide after failing to protect their Lords against assassination, one of the many reasons kunoichi were universally hated.

For the first time in her life, Yui was tempted to tease someone, but, almost as soon as the urge had manifested, she quickly suppressed it. Nobu didn't exactly have a track record for reacting calmly in situations where he had been slighted, so, rather than risk ruining the moment, she whispered, "I'm going to get some sleep. You should try and do the same. If we continue at our current pace, there is a chance we'll reach Owari-Shuto by tomorrow evening. You've greatly exceeded my expectations since we separated from the caravan. I'm genuinely impressed by the resolve you have shown..."

Snorting in response to Yui's complimentary words, Nobu proceeded to recline against the burrow wall before muttering, "Whatever..." in a dismissive tone. This very nearly caused Yui to issue a light chuckle. Instead, she settled on moving next to him, unabashedly leaning against his shoulder with an amused yet contented smile on her face...




Though a more inexperienced kunoichi might attack the moment her quarry had cornered itself, the amber-eyed woman, Yoshitsune Yuriko, loosely translating to 'lily' and 'perfect at birth', honored her namesake by never underestimating her opponents. She had also sparred against Yui, quite literally, hundreds of times without securing a single victory. Thus, while her sisters had come to resent the former heiress quite a bit, Yuriko deeply respected Yui's strength.

Despite the fact they were born a mere three months apart, Yui had already reached Rank 3 Golden Warrior at the ripe age of eighteen. Yuriko, considered by many to be a genius, had only managed to achieve Rank 9 Silver Adept in that same amount of time. On paper, this implied that Yui was, at the very least, three times stronger than her. Her only advantage was that Golden Warriors, at least in the earlier stages, were actually weaker than high-ranking Silver Adepts. They struggled to adapt to the weight and malleability of their aura, so, as long as they played their cards right, it wasn't too difficult for a skilled Silver Adept to take out a low-ranking Golden Warrior.

Unfortunately, Yui wasn't just any Golden Warrior. She was a monster who had managed to secure her status before the age of twenty. Even talented individuals only achieved Golden Warrior around the age of twenty. Most were actually between the ages of 22-24, so, while 'logic' dictated they had the advantage in speed, offensive, and defensive capability; personal experience had taught Yuriko that Yui was a monster that defied common sense.

With this in mind, Yuriko turned towards the youthful duo patiently awaiting her orders, declaring, "We'll rest for the next four hours. The two of you will focus on recovering your reserves while I set traps in the surrounding area. There is a high possibility she is trying to bait us into attacking so we will focus on recuperating until the sun begins to set upon the horizon. If we fail to accomplish our mission before tomorrow morning, we'll have no choice but to retreat. Golden Warriors are stronger during the day."

Though it was common knowledge that Gold and Silver were more or less reactive depending on the cycles of the sun and moon, Shizune and Rynka weren't exactly the brightest among the current generation of Yoshitsune kunoichi. Their cultivation base wasn't terrible, Silver 4 and 5 respectively, but, like many of the girls riding the bandwagon of hate aimed at Yui, they were excuse-prone and lazy. This was a cause for concern among the older generation as it would jeopardize the survival of the Yoshitsune Clan if their kunoichi suddenly became inept, incompetent, and petty...

Demonstrating why there was cause for concern, Rynka adopted a defiant expression as she asked, "Why don't we just burn them out? Yui might be able to escape on her own but there's no way she can protect a normal civilian while fending off three kunoichi. Why are you so afraid of that useless wench? Her cultivation base might be decent but she would be nothing without the support of the Matriarch."

Since the 'older generation was prevented from sparring with the younger members of the Clan, primarily to prevent bullying and a breakdown of the existing hierarchy, most of the girls beneath the age of sixteen had never fought against Yui. This had allowed them to gossip without fear of retribution, as, due to her dual training, Yui simply didn't have the time to worry about what others had to say.

Suppressing a tired sigh, Yuriko adopted a threatening glower as she asked, "Are you refusing to obey your superior's order, Trainee Rynka? I don't believe I asked you for your opinion so why are you speaking?"

Paling under the pressure releasing by her senior, Rynka hastily lowered her head, saying, "I meant no offense..." in an apologetic and slightly reverent tone. This was the mission to determine whether or not she and Shizune would be officially recognized as kunoichi. Yurko wasn't merely their senior, she was the proctor evaluating their worth. All it took was a single disparaging report from the ink-haired beauty and her official duty would become seducing some no-name merchant. After that, it would be nigh-impossible to obtain any high-priority missions, so, while she resented every fiber of Yui's existence, Rynka understood it would be ill-advised to allow her personal feelings to interfere with her mission.

Though she wasn't particularly fond of the brash trainee, Yuriko still nodded her head in approval of Rynka's response. One of the most essential qualities of a kunoichi was the ability to quickly assume a servile posture. They needed to be able to convincingly dupe their target into believing they were in a powerless position. This was paramount to lowering the guard of powerful cultivators, so, while Rynka was lacking in other departments, Yuriko couldn't help but admit she had mastered the art of groveling...




(A/N: I'm starting to like this Yuriko chick...)


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