Nobunaga Oda's Isekai Cultivation Experience

Chapter 13: Passion, Indifference, and Intrigue

Chapter 13: Passion, Indifference, and Intrigue

Feeling a familiar, pleasant, and wholly unexpected sensation, Nobu's awareness was dragged away from the darkness and forced to face reality. He could feel intense pressure and heat coiling around his member like a living creature desperate to wring every last drop of fluid from his body. It was an extremely pleasurable sensation that caused him to seriously consider going with the flow and just pretending to be asleep.

Unfortunately, now that he had gained consciousness, Nobu quickly became aware of the ridiculous heat that had permeated his entire body. He felt like he was being cooked from the inside out, and, to make matters even worse, it was like someone was pumping a tremendous amount of adrenaline and caffeine into his veins. As a result, his body was trembling from more than just pleasure, almost as if it was 'demanding' he move.


Snapping his eyes open, Nobu took no time to appreciate the captivating sight of a raven-haired beauty skillfully straddling his hips in a Reverse Cowgirl position. Instead, he lunged forward, eyes bloodshot as he forced the woman to her hands and knees. Then, suppressing his urge to grab her twin-tails, his hands instinctually grabbed her hips, palms resting on her surprisingly pliant yet firm bottom. From there, things escalated 'very' quickly, yet, no matter how intense his movements, the girl who had tormented him since his arrival in this world made no effort to resist...




After god knows how many hours, Nobu's body trembled in ecstasy as he released himself for the umpteenth time into the woman pressed beneath him. He had attempted to pull out at one point, but, the moment he tried, the raven-haired beauty screamed, "If you don't want to die, do it inside!"

Though he wasn't fond of being threatened in such a manner, Nobu had already been on the verge of ejaculation at that point, so, without any real hesitation, he released his baby batter to cover her insides. This introduced him to a completely new sensation, as, rather than a single large discharge, followed by a few secondary releases, he felt like his penis had turned into a hose. Something other than semen was flowing from his body, and, along with it, the fire burning him from the insides had become noticeably weaker.

From that moment onward, Nobu didn't hesitate. He released his seed into the unnamed woman's body an inhuman number of times, as, no matter how much he discharged, his balls never seemed to deplete. Instead, they tingled something fierce, and, from what he could tell, they had swollen to an almost unnerving amount.

Fortunately, with this final release, the flames in Nobu's body had completely extinguished. This was followed by feelings of extreme relief and exhaustion, but, before he could even consider sprawling out on the cold stone floor, the woman who had been cooperating with him for the past few hours promptly pulled shoved him away, saying, "Don't misunderstand...I did this to save your life. We are not lovers. Consider my debts repaid..."

With that said, Yui made her way over to the pool with the intent to wash her body. Nobu followed this movement with his eyes, a bewildered expression on his face as he found himself at a complete loss for words. He knew she was the cold and temperamental type, but, seeing her behave this way after they had effectively fucked like rabbits just felt 'wrong'. Sure, he might not love her, but, after their almost unworldly session of love-making, he would be lying if he said he felt nothing.

Frowning, Nobu resisted the urge to ask what the woman's problem was. Instead, he picked up his tired body before making his way over to the pool. This earned him a glare from the raven-haired beauty, but, without paying her any mind, he entered the crystal clear waters and reclined against the embankment. The water was surprisingly warm, so, after getting comfortable, he shut his eyes in an effort to relax.

"You're an idiot..."

Opening his eyes, Nobu shifted his attention towards the woman, a lazy expression on his face as he replied, "Pot, meet kettle..."

Blinking in confusion, Yui attempted to make sense of Nobu's words before quickly dismissing them to explain, "Though I've removed the source, this water still contains the medicinal properties of the Dragon's Vigor. Do you expect me to help you if you experience another overdose?"

Though he had no idea what Dragon's Vigor was, the name, alone, was enough to give Nobu an idea of what it did. After all, even if he pushed himself, he would only be able to cum twice, maybe three times, back on Earth. Here, a plant gave him the vigor of an eroge protagonist, and, though he hadn't been keeping count, he knew he had ejaculated somewhere between ten and fifty times. He honestly didn't know where his body got the resources to produce the volume of semen he had used to redecorate the woman's insides...

As that thought crossed his mind, Nobu's expression turned into a deadpan as he answered, "After these last couple of days, I honestly couldn't care less. I now have enough scars to make a map of the constellations and my right arm is basically fucked beyond repair...?

With his words trailing off, Nobu raised his right hand and began to flex his fingers. It had escaped his attention previously, but, now that he looked back on it, he recalled he had no issues using his hand whilst having sex. Thus, after a moment of hesitation, he removed the linen around his arm to inspect its condition.

"Holy shit..."

Though it was far from fully healed, evident by the many sunken patches where he had previously gouged away his own flesh, even a toddler would be able to see that it was regenerating extremely rapidly.

Unable to contain his excitement, Nobu channeled energy he didn't know he had, jumping up as he shouted, "Hell yeah! This is awesome! Hahahaha-!?"

Interrupting his celebration, Yui tackled Nobu like an oncilla pouncing on a baby mouse, a serious expression on her face as she covered his mouth and softly yet sharply hissed, "Are you trying to get us killed!? The formation on this place might conceal our presence, but it's far from perfect! If you attract the attention of an Aura Beast while I'm in my weakened state, we're as good as dead! Do you understand, you incomparable oaf...!?"

Though he was briefly distracted by his anger and the familiar heat spreading through his body, Nobu managed a slow and deliberate nod. This caused her to release her hold on his mouth, but, instead of moving away, she continued to straddle his hips, a venomous expression on her face as she plainly stated, "You're hard..."

Like a child who had just gotten caught in the midst of a prank, Nobu averted his eyes to the side without answering the accusation. His body had reacted naturally the moment she pounced on him, and, though she was far from his type, she was still a remarkably beautiful woman. She didn't even wear makeup, yet, in spite of this, her skin was fair, unblemished, and smooth to the touch. Her hair also possessed the kind of sheen you would only expect after years of care and conditioning, yet, as far as he knew, shampoo and soap were luxury goods. As for conditioner, it simply didn't exist...

Exhaling a sigh, Yui's cold expression turned into one resembling apathy as she extended her hand beneath the surface of the water and said, "This is the last time. However, don't think I'm doing this for you. Yang Energy is a powerful supplement for female cultivators. My Yin Energy is equally good for your body so this is merely a medical procedure. Nothing more."

Finished with her explanation, Yui guided Nobu's member into her depths without so much as a single change in expression. In reality, his size caused her to feel a tremendous amount of pressure, but, even if she were to be violently tortured as part of an interrogation, she would never reveal her emotions. Such things were reserved for the person she loved. Towards Nobu, the only sentiments she experienced were disdain, exasperation, helplessness, and, most importantly, duty...

Sensing what he could only describe as contempt within the woman's obsidian-blue eyes, Nobu's expression gradually morphed into a severe deadpan. He was still feeling a tremendous amount of pleasure, especially when she began twisting her hips in a figure-eight motion, after her words, any affections he might have begun harboring towards the woman vanished into thin air. As a result, he decided to just leave everything to her, reclining backward as he pulled out his invisible stone tablet and began tapping...




After a session of lovemaking that could have easily shattered the records back on Earth, Nobu and Yui spent the better part of two days effectively ignoring each other. The former passed this period by completely clearing out his stockpile, and, as a result, his point total had increased to 713. As for Yui, who still hadn't revealed her name, she would venture out during the day to gather fruit, herbs, and berries. When asked why she didn't bring back any meat, she, once again, designated him as an idiot before explaining that the smell of cooked meat would attract Aura Beasts.

Since she would insult him virtually every time he tried making conversation, Nobu eventually gave up trying. Instead, he just let Yui take care of his needs while the woman in question, unbeknownst to Nobu, closely observed his absolutely ridiculous progress. She wasn't a particularly skilled sensor, but, whenever Nobu fell asleep, she could channel her Aura into his body to get a crude estimate of his growth.

While Nobu's growth might not compare to her own, the simple fact of the matter was that she was a Rank 2 Golden Warrior. By scholarly estimates, this placed her Aura between 200-300,000. So long as she was healthy, this number would increase by a few hundred every day. If she trained hard, ate three meals a day, mediated, and got plenty of rest, she could even exceed a thousand. This was the benefit of having a high cultivation base, and, the stronger your foundation, the faster your growth.

Nobu, as far as she could tell, had very little cultivation base to work with. He was still working on his foundation even after nineteen years so it didn't make sense for him to be able to increase his Aura by several hundred in a short period of time. He didn't even seem to train. Instead, he spent most of his day just lounging about, fidgeting like an undisciplined child.

This phenomenon could have been explained if they were Dual Cultivating, but, as that required an emotional connection, Yui could confidently dismiss that as the cause. Most of his growth seemed to occurred during the day, as, even after watching him for an entire night, the density of his Aura hadn't changed in the slightest. This was completely abnormal, as, alongside meditation, sleep was the period in which a person's Aura converged and solidified.

Simply put, Nobu was a complete and utter anomaly as far as cultivation was concerned. His growth defied common sense, and, according to her mission briefing, he was supposed to be a cripple who relied on others just to survive. Instead, he spoke without any difficulty, and, while his behavior was certainly crude, it was a far cry from the catatonia reported in the mission briefing. There were times when he even radiated an aura of confidence, almost like he had absolutely no concerns...

"Just what the hell are you, Nanamori Nobu...?"




(A/N: Well, this certainly escalated quickly. Poor Nobu has no idea that his body is being inspected as he sleeps. Now, it seems like his clicking habit and his desire to grow stronger are about to bite him in the ass...)


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