No More Pain For This Villain.

Chapter 29 Easy Peasy.

[A/N: This is a bonus chapter for those stubborn readers who keep nagging about frequent releases, this last time I am doing this...,Maybe not....hmph]


"Am I supposed to ride that thing?" I asked, and truth be told, I am hesitant to ride something that looks so

' broom-like'   I thought, "How is that weak-looking stick supposed to handle our weight?"

'What if it breaks in the middle of the sky?' Blaze said that inside my mind, he is just increasing more reasons to not ride that thing, and I know that he's teasing me; I can clearly imagine his laughing face.

Nod nod 

Marylin nodded to affirm me. She tilted the broom horizontally and sat on the saddle. her eyes settled on me like inviting me,

"Is there no other way around?" "Maybe we can walk to that place you have in mind." I said, "It's not like we can't reach that place on foot, right?"


"Nope, we have to ride this beauty." Marylin said she calls this thing "beauty."


Seeing that there was no place for rebuttal, I accepted my defeat and walked towards her, slowly raising my right foot off the ground and placing it like getting on a bike.

I adjusted myself on the broomstick by sitting behind Marylin. It somehow made me feel embarrassed to sit like this.

'Her back looks small." I thought, compared to the past, I've grown quite a lot, so it's natural, but when I observe from this angle, it really makes me feel like I am a giant compared to her.

"Where am I supposed to place my hand?" I was in a stupor. When this "beauty" takes off in the sky, how am I supposed to balance myself?

"Pfffft," Marylin said, pressing her hand on her mouth to suppress her laughter; she even placed her other hand on her stomach.

"Huh? Why are you laughing?" I asked,

"Nothing just made me realise how awkward Ruu can be in these kinds of situations," Marylin said after calming herself, still grinning.

"N-no!! Not like that, I just meant if you are fine with me placing my hand on your shoulder." I tried to explain myself. The blood rushed to my ear, and my face was starting to heat up.

"Don't worry, just make sure you stick tightly close to me, and you'd be fine," said Marylin. She pushed raw mana into the broom, and slowly, the runes on its surface started to emit a dim glow.

"Let's go, at the count of three." Marylin informed. The winds around us started to move. It's good that she's giving me some time to prepare myself, or so I thought, but,

"Three,Go!!" Marylin stomped her left foot on the ground, and then,


"Whoaaaaaaaaa!!!!!!" I screamed at the top of my lungs; I had no way to form some proper words as we shot directly up in the sky. It's like she's a rocket pilot.

Slightly tears started to form at the corner on the eyes because of the gust of wind, I closed my eyes.

A few seconds later, my surroundings calmed down a bit as I opened my eyes again and the scenery unfolded in front of me simply,

"Beautiful." A genuine compliment made its way out of my mouth unconsciously.

"Right, I knew that you'd love it." Marylin said,

It's 5 or 6 a.m. in the morning, and everything's still quiet. The air still smells like nighttime; it's fresh and sends shivers a bit. The first rays of the two suns peak over the edge of the earth, and everything is bathed in a foggy, golden light, and we just gazed at it from above. Watching the earth awaken is soothing.

"Wow!"I was mesmerised by the moment. Down there, the whole Sephra was enveloped in golden warmth.





"Just here," Marylin said as she descended.

We flew across the whole town and landed near the border. 

"it's huge." I said as I looked upwards: "The huge walls were built around the whole of Sephra, and the reason for this is the place on the other side of the walls."

"Why are we here?" I asked, "There is no way border guards are going to let us practise here." I observed Marylin in anticipation of the answer,

"We are going to the other side of the wall," said Marylin as she made her way towards the huge gate. It's like she was taking a stroll.

"Are we going to Balcker Forest?" I asked as I kept following behind her,

I wasn't opposed to it; if so, I'd say I was curious about that place. It wasn't actually mentioned in the game but was only described as a mysterious forest and nothing more.

"Nah, only to the open fields on the outskirts," Marylin said without looking back. much to my disappointment, but I think it's fine since I can explore it later.

We soon reached one of the gates; it was somewhere around thirty metres tall and twenty metres wide with an arched structure made of sturdy-looking stone.

Many town folks were going in and out of the gate, and most of them had hunting gear with them.

'probably adventurers.' I thought, most of them were going to complete their daily quests at Balcker Forest since it's brimming full of Mana beasts.

"Wait here for a minute; I'll get permission from the guards." Marylin said, "She turned around and left."

A few minutes later, Marylin returned,

"All clear, let's go." Marylin said as she grabbed my hand and pulled me along with her.

Since I am not signed up with the adventure guild, I have to get permission before leaving the town, and more so if I am leaving in the direction of Balcker Forest. because of safety rules and regulations.

'Smokeball, remind me later that I have to get a guild card.' I sent a mental note to Blaze, and he probably read it since he grumbled slightly.



Outside the border wall,

"So this is how it is outside the town, huh?" I said, "There was a large patch of grass all over the earth; it's like a grazing field. I can see a forest far away from us."

After walking a little, we were at a place where there were no people around.

"Now let's start with some light training," Marylin rubbed on her spatial ring, and three human-sized targets stood in front of me. "You have three chances for each target,that says you can attack nine times only, use fireball." Marylin said.

"Don't overdo yourself; it's fine if you miss it at first." Marylin said as she backed down a little,

'Have I been slacking too much for her to underestimate me so much?' I thought,

'Yep, you've only been eating since coming here.' Blaze answered my query, but in his own style, making me feel irritated.

"Fine." I said, as I looked ahead of me, that targets were placed about fifteen metres away from me.


I took a deep breath and closed my eyes. Mana rushing out of my core at tremendous speed, I brought my right palm in front of me and supported it with my left palm gripping on the wrist.

Opening my eyes, I focused on the targets and,




The same sound reverberated through my ears as I positioned my hands in their original position.

"I pass,right?" I asked as I pointed my finger in the direction of the tarnished dummy target.


Awkward silence enveloped the atmosphere. Marylin didn't respond to me as she kept looking at me with a straight expression, but I could see the corner of her lips twitching a bit.

After what seemed like a long time, Marylin said,

"Where the hell did you learn that?" Marylin's voice was not something you'd expect from a proper lady like herself; it was just loud.

'was it somehow worth mentioning? it's as easy as killing someone, right Smokeball?' I thought,it would have been more easy with a gun but as long as i can get the head to burst it's fine.

'hey master, I take back my words.'blaze said as he squirmed a little,why is he calling me master?


[A/N: As easy as killing someone.]


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