No More Pain For This Villain.


Eric Lustre's POV

"Where am I?" I thought, "If I remember correctly, I was beheaded by that filthy old fart, but for some reason I don't think I am dead for now."

But that's impossible! Right?' I questioned myself,

I definitely died because I still remember the scene where that oldie (Boss) directed a slash towards my neck with that sharp-looking katana, and my consciousness faded away as the painful feeling still lingered around my neck.

"I am dead," right? Nobody was here to answer me.

"Then where am I?" Thinking about this, I immediately looked around to confirm my surroundings.

Shook shook,

I failed, since I can't see anything in this dark place.

Here, I keep drifting like I am in water, but I can't change the direction in which I am drifting.

"I am confused." This whole situation was more confusing than finding the hideouts of Opps.

"Noo, Eric, let's think logically." I said to myself. I always have to think clearly in rough situations like these.



First things first, I was definitely killed by that filthy old man. Then my consciousness faded away, so I am dead now, definitely, probably? Anyways.

Second thing, the moment I died, a missile connected to the device I planted inside my heart must have been activated the moment it stopped beating, which means that the old man is dead and the whole city is destroyed.

So my revenge is complete.

Yes, the revenge I was hoping for and the revenge I wanted were done; I killed all of them.

Then why do you feel empty? Well, that's not important.

Now again, where am I?

Since I am dead This means that this is some kind of afterlife, but why is this place so dark?

Ah, now I get it.

I committed so many sins in my previous life; this must be my punishment.

"There is no heaven or hell for people like me, I think."

I don't regret it, and if given another chance, I'd do the same things over and over again.

The only thing I regret is that I was not able to live my youth like everyone else and that I found my death at the hands of that old fart.

"Well, it looks like that was my fate for killing so many people."


I sighed and just kept drifting with the flow, hopelessly.



Flick flick

After what seemed like a long time, which seemed to be endless, something like light flickered at a distance.

'What's That?' I thought. I tried to get closer to that light while flapping my hand here and there, but my efforts were futile. I couldn't move my body out of this weird flow of energy.

In the first place, I can't even see my own body because of the darkness that this place has.

"It's useless." My efforts bore no fruit here. Letting my body get limp, I felt that there was an anonymous force that was forcing me to go near the light, like some suction cups.

"Whoah!" as I get close to the source of light.

I saw a self-illuminated light orb spinning at tremendous speed. For some unknown reason, I have an ominous feeling about that orb because the closer I get to it, the more I feel a very sinister negative aura.




Suddenly the orb of light stopped spinning, and immediately it exploded, sending a powerful shockwave into the darkened place.

Zed Zed

Slowly, some kind of particle started gathering around the place where the orb previously was, and soon they began to spin in a spiral manner, like creating some kind Of black hole-like structure. Maybe a portal would be the exact description of what I was seeing.


The portal soon began to suck everything inside it, including me and the darkness itself. I tried my best to retaliate against it, but I failed miserably.

"Sh*t!" I exclaimed. Right now, I feel pathetic.

When was the last time I felt this pathetic? I thought while the black hole kept sucking me inside it.

Yeah, it was then when everyone died,

when I wasn't able to save them. Even thinking about it makes me cry.

Anyway, since I can't run from this portal, I tried to take a look inside the portal. As I got closer to it, I heard something.


"rohka gen."

"gsbg jdjop."

I heard some faint chatter, but I can't make sense of it. I can feel the anger in the tone of voice, even from this side of the portal.


And then I was sucked into the black hole.



The moment I regained some composure, I was hit with something soft but hard across my cheek.


The scenery in front of me changed from a pitch-dark tunnel to a beautiful girl sitting on a chair opposite mine. She looked no more than sixteen or seventeen years old.

'A teenager?' I thought, why am I sitting with a teenager in my afterlife? I looked in front to get a good look at this girl.

She's beautiful. In short, this is my honest opinion.

The girl in front of me was beautiful in every aspect. She had long, gorgeous silver hair and a small, round face that was too red for some reason. Maybe she's embarrassed or, um, angry.

She was so pretty no matter how you looked at her, but the most striking feature was her eyes, which were the same shade as her hair.

For some reason, she was frowning; the girl was glaring at me with her magical eyes, and with the fact that she had an expression like she was seeing the most hateful creature that can exist, I concluded that she hates me, but why? I have no clue.

And the fact that I was slapped so hard on my right cheek was also true since it was throbbing like crazy, but I didn't do anything worthy of getting slapped by a girl.

I focused my mind on her.

I think she was saying something.

"Why do you keep following me? I already told you that I am not your fiance." She threw these words at me. What does she mean by fiance?

I didn't say anything, and I am sure that I have a good blank expression on my face. Seeing that I was not going to say anything, the girl continued her speech.

"-And our engagement is something our parents decided on their own." She took a pause in between the sentences, and her expression turned cold, and she said, "I refuse to accept their decision, and that-" The girl said that she was not going to accept her parents' decision, but I don't know what decision they made for her.

Before the girl could even complete her sentence, a strong rush of adrenaline was sent through my whole body to my brain, giving me a severe seizure.

"Shit fu*k ahhaaaaaaaaaaa," I cursed. My head started to throb like crazy. The pain was several times greater compared to the time when I got my head smashed by an iron rod.


I collapsed on the floor and started to roll on the floor because the pain was too great for me to handle.

"haa haa" My breathing was getting ragged, and it was making me somewhat anxious.



, a few minutes after rolling on the floor, the pain subsided, and I was able to breathe normally.

I got up with the support of the chair I was sitting on before collapsing.

Everyone in the tavern was looking towards me for obvious reasons, but the strange thing was that they looked like they were used to it.

"What?" The girl in front of me looked surprised. Then she suddenly got up from her chair and said, "It looks like you've finally gone crazy. Well, I don't care about it, but do you understand what I told you?" She asked me, is it something about not bothering her?

"?" I made a dumbfounded expression.

"I said, stop bothering me and don't ever show me your face again." She said, is she that bothered by me? I don't even know her.

"Fine." I said, I involuntarily spoke those words, but these are my honest thoughts.

"I knew you wouldn't accept--huh, what did you say?" She stopped what she was trying to say. Maybe she didn't hear me.

"I said it's fine." I repeated the same word.

"Are you kidding me?" The girl asked, and now she's getting on my nerves. Why do I have to explain myself to a teenage girl who slapped me for no reason?

"No, I am not kidding. I am not going to bother you." I said, I think I should stay calm until I get a good grasp of the whole situation.

She gave me a judgmental look for a split second, but quickly returned to her cold expression. "You are saying that you won't follow me around and will stop irritating me, right?" She is asking obvious things.

"Yeah." I kept my response short and sharp this time; if she doesn't understand it, I am out of here.

Suddenly the color of her face went pale, like she just saw a ghost, and she froze just like a statue. She was acting like she saw some kind of ghost.

"Y-you okay?" I asked, shit! I almost stuttered there.

"Promise me." She said something that I failed to hear, so I asked her.

"What?" I asked.

"Promise me that you won't trouble me anymore." She said.

"Oh, that's fine. I promise you that I won't trouble you any more than this." I said these words.


After I finished answering her, there was silence.

After a few seconds, she suddenly started to walk out of the tavern, saying something like, "I don't believe you, and I know that you won't keep your word and behave like a disgusting creature again." The girl said, she, for some reason, was cursing me.

"Truly despicable." After saying this, she walked out of my sight, and soon she was gone.

"Fuu." I took a deep breath and settled into the chair. That was too much to handle.

"Now again." I calmed myself and

What the hell just happened!!

I screamed inside my mind.



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