No More Pain For This Villain.

Chapter 15 What Kind Of Material?

" Mrs Marilyn I am breaking my engagement with your daughter." I said since i wanted to keep short and clear of her to understand.

"What do you mean by breaking off the engagement?" She asked, still in daze.

"Yeah, Mary- well she doesn't like me and it feels like I am some bad guy forcing her in this. so breaking this is the only way. I have already consulted with my parents and they are ready, so if you could also agree to it." I softened my voice and looked at her.

' just say ' yes' and I'll leave your daughter alone.' I was praying inside for her to understand.

At first she didn't reply and stared at my face looking for something but i kept my face straight and devoid of any emotions, when she didn't find anything she stopped staring and just opened her mouth.

"You know I expected this to happen but not now." Aunt Marylin said and now it's my turn to be shocked.

"Sorry, what?" I blurted out.

"I knew that this would happen but not this soon." she repeated herself.

"So is that a yes?" I needed to clear this death flag and be on my way.

" I don't have any right to say no, since i know how that stupid girl treats you and that hurts me." What? Why does it hurt you? And why are you calling your daughter 'stupid'.

" So you agree,right?" I asked again to confirm.

" I do but is there any way to reconcile " she asked, this time staring deep into my eyes.

"There is not, but why are you saying stuff like this? Mary would be much happier without me in her life and she is one who wants it to happen." She nodded and replied,

" Yeah she says that but she is confused about her own feelings, she doesn't understand your importance in her life." Aunty said some stuff that i wasn't able to understand.

"Hmm, are you sure that there is no other way?" she asked me again.

"No" i kept my answer short since i was getting annoyed at Mary's mothers persistence.


"Haa, looks like you've made up your mind. Then fine I'll consider this is the end of your engagement with my daughter." Marylin sighed deeply and declared.

" I will take my leave then, I hope that you tell her this good news soon." I said,

" There is nothing good in this news." Marylin said while pressing her temples with fingers.

' she looks depressed because of this whole thing.' I thought, then I got up from my chair and was about to leave,

" Hey ruu." Marylin stopped me, I waited for her to speak.

" even your relationship with Mary has ended, you know that I always treated you as my own son so can you keep coming to visit me here every now and then." Marylin asked,

Marylin's words were true indeed, whenever Mary spoke harshly to me or when i was feeling down because of her rejection Marylin was there to comfort me and she always treated me as her own.

Mary is going to the Imperial Academy of Hestia empire next month so I think it's going to be lonely for her so i reassured her saying,

" Yes, I'll do that " i said and soon Marilyn's expressions brightened.

" I should get going, bye" i decided to leave but,

" Hey STOP!" Marylin yelled and i stopped in my tracks.

"What happened Mrs Marilyn." I asked,

She took a deep breath and said,

" Just follow me, there is something i wanted to show you." She said, she got up from her seat and grabbed my arm, then pulled me out of the living room.

"Whoa!" I yelped since i didn't expect her to be this strong, i couldn't even resist her strength.

' she's strong, i think these are the pros of being an adventurer.' i thought,




Soon we were in a room full of weird -no unique things.

" In this room, i keep my and Roberts stuff that we collected during our prime " saying this she loosened her grip around my arm.

' my arm feels numb.' i thought, I looked around the whole room. The room wasn't too big but it was full of unique things.

' why is there a locker that big in here.' i thought but kept my mouth shut.

" And why are we here?" I asked,

" There's something in here and i think you should have it, at first I wanted to give it to your father but he refused, so i am giving it to you." She said like it was obvious for her to give me a present.

" I can't accept it because-"

Marylin cut me off before I could complete my sentence.

" This is a penalty for breaking up with my daughter, you can't refuse if you do then i can't accept your decision about annulling the engagement." She said this,

'can't accept? That's a big no' ,I thought and decided to accept the present.

" Fine" I said, well i am also interested to see what she has in her bag.

"Great!" Marilyn exclaimed, she then turned and took a step near the wall and placed her fingers on the surface of the wall and drew some kind of symbol there.

Click clack.


Suddenly the wall started to shake, while bricks began to shift their places. There was a black wooden trunk inside the wall. The trunk was sealed with multiple locks on it and had very strange engravings on it.


Marylin stepped forward and pulled the trunk out of the wall and stepped back, then she flicked her fingers and the whole wall returned to its previous form.

" That's Amazing!" These words slipped out of my mouth since i never expected this kind of development. to do this kind of magic she is at least a seven-star mage or higher. Mages above six-star are not common in the Grav kingdom and are treated as an important existence.

In the game, there was no detailed information about the person named Marilyn Kleine. She was just known as the mother of Mary, and there was no such thing like her being a mage above six-star.


" Fufu I'll take that as a compliment, now Ruu ~ the thing that i wanted to give to you is inside this trunk." Saying this Marilyn placed the trunk in the nearby table.

Marylin slowly placed her index finger on the trunk's upper surface and pushed her mana through it. The mana flowed through the alien engravings and one by one all locked were unlocked.


Marylin opened the trunk, inside the trunk was a dark brown leather scabbard, it was as big as my forearm. Marylin picked up the scabbard and threw the trunk inside her spatial ring.

' i need to get one of those.' The special ring is a tool that can store a certain number of things in it. It costs around a thousand gold coins to buy one.

Marylin was holding the scabbard in her hand.

' maybe it's a short word or something.' I thought,since there's no way a normal sword is about that size.

" Take this, this is a dagger." Marylin said and held the scabbard towards me.

" Thanks, are you a six-star mage?" I asked since seeing her use all that spatial magic was shocking for me.

" If you want to know, then you have to marry my daughter and then I'll tell you." Marilyn said teasingly but i can sense she was serious about this.

"No, I'll have to decline." I said this and took the dagger from her hands.

' it's heavy.' I thought, it was much heavier than expected.

"Well,that's a bummer." Marylin said,

" Sorry for letting you down." Saying this i unsheathed the dagger and to my surprise,

" It's super light." While the scabbard was heavy as f*ck but the actual blade was as light as a feather, the dagger had a slightly curved blade and handle shaped like a dragon head. The whole dagger was clean white and its blade was blunt.

' maybe it's made from the bone or some type of stone.' I thought, it's unusual to see a dagger made of bone or anything other than metal.

" It's light because of the material it's made from." Marilyn said,

"What kind of material." I asked and kept staring at the dagger , there is something different to it .

' it feels like it's attracting me towards itself.' there's an unexplainable feeling growing inside me as I was holding this dagger.

" Do you wanna know? Then say ' please '." Marilyn said mischievously,

' sometimes she's like a little kid.' i thought,

" Mrs Marilyn, can you please tell me what kind of material this dagger is made from." I asked, but i couldn't not believe the next words that came out of her mouth.

" It's made from a dragon bone."

" Huh"

" "

" What did you just say?" I asked,

" A dragon bone," she repeated herself and looked at me innocently.



[A/N: hmm]


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