No More Pain For This Villain.

Chapter 13 I Am Home

I slowly opened my eyes, taking in my surroundings.

"So, I'm still here, huh?" I muttered to myself, realizing I was lying on the ground in front of the tavern.

"Well, time to head home then." I got up, brushing off the dirt from my clothes, and began walking in a strangely familiar direction.

"It must be because of the memory transfer," I thought to myself. Despite retaining clear memories of my past life and the previous world, I didn't feel like a stranger in this new body and surroundings.

"It's an indescribable feeling," I mused. It felt as though I had been in this world for a long time, even though I knew I didn't belong here.

The neighborhood was peacefully asleep in the midnight hour as I walked through it like a homeless wanderer.

"Let's go back home," I resolved, picking up the pace and sprinting towards my house.


Reaching home took longer than expected, perhaps due to my jumbled memories.

"Maybe it's because of my cluttered memories," I pondered as my house finally came into view.

It was an unremarkable two-story building, much like the other houses in the neighborhood. Yet, this house held a peculiar sense of familiarity and comfort for me.

"I have to go inside," I muttered to myself, taking a step forward and knocking on the front door a few times.

"Coming~" a sweet voice responded from inside.

"Is that you, Ruu~?" The voice called out, a mix of concern and annoyance evident.

"Y-yeah," I stammered, aware of what was to come next.

"Do you know what time it is? We were getting worried about you. It was nighttime, and you didn't return home," a beautiful lady scolded me as she opened the door. Despite her firm words, it was clear that...

She was worried.

I stepped forward and embraced her tightly, hoping to ease her anxiety and the guilt weighing on my heart.

"I'm sorry, Mom. It won't happen again," I whispered, my voice filled with remorse.

She looked surprised for a moment, but her expression softened.

"I love you too, sweetie. Now, come inside," she said, and with that, she entered the house, leaving me standing there.

"Yep," I nodded to myself and followed her inside.

As I stepped into the hallway, I noticed a man with bright red hair sitting on the couch. He wore an aloof expression as he regarded me with contempt.

"So, you finally found your way home, son," my father remarked, his tone laced with slight mockery.

"Dad, I'm sorry. This won't happen again," I apologized, feeling a pang of shock as I prepared to kneel before him. However, before I could do so, he firmly grasped my shoulder.

"What happened to you? Are you alright?" he asked, his voice filled with concern. "Why are you apologizing? It was my fault for being hard on you. I'm a disgrace as a father-"

His frightened expression and self-blame caught me off guard. It was as if...

He genuinely cared.

With a mixture of relief and gratitude, I stood up and reassured him, "No, Dad. It's not your fault. I fought with her."

"Again? Well, as long as it's just that," he replied, seemingly accustomed to mine and Mary's disagreements.

My mother observed the scene and interjected, "Chris, I told you to be stricter with him."

"How can I be strict when he comes home looking like this, ready to apologize and kneel?" my father retorted, defending his leniency.

"Don't worry,He fought with her again." Mom said.

"Is that so,then that's fine." Father laughed it off.

they are too used to my and Mary's fights, I thought, a wry smile forming on my lips.

My mother turned her attention back to me and asked, "Ruu, have you eaten anything?"

"No," I replied honestly.

"Then go and take a shower. I'll heat up the food," she instructed, her voice filled with warmth and care.

"Okay," I nodded, grateful for her concern.

I made my way to the bathroom, removing my clothes and placing them in a basket. As I stood in front of the mirror, preparing to take a shower, I couldn't help but notice the considerable amount of dirt on my scalp.

"That's a lot of dirt," I murmured, reaching for a bottle of shampoo. Knowing it was my mother's favorite, I hesitated for a moment before deciding to use it anyway.

After thoroughly washing myself and enjoying a brief soak in the bathtub, I felt refreshed and rejuvenated. Stepping out of the bathroom, I took a moment to admire my reflection in the mirror.

In stark contrast to the creepy stalker character depicted in the game with long hair, the reflection in the mirror presented a completely different image. The young man before me had lustrous, dark hair flowing down to his shoulders, complementing his fair complexion that radiated like jade. His face boasted a defined jawline, enhancing his overall attractiveness.

But what captivated me the most were his striking golden eyes, shimmering with an otherworldly brilliance. They held a depth and intensity that seemed to pierce through my very soul, leaving me mesmerized by their beauty. The combination of his long dark hair, fair complexion, and those enchanting golden eyes made him truly extraordinary to behold.

"What am I going to do from here on?" I pondered, gripping the hairdryer and drying my hair. I knew there were a few things I needed to address.

"The first one is to cut off all ties with Mary Kleine," I resolved firmly, remembering the humiliation of her slap. "Next time she humiliates me, I'll make her pay for it."

"Secondly, I have to become strong," I declared, recognizing the harsh reality that only the powerful thrive while the weak suffer. "Weaklings can't survive."

Drawing from my past life experiences, I knew there were ways to grow stronger, and I was determined to pursue them.

After styling my hair into a bun, I left the bathroom, ready to face the next chapter of my life.


As we sat around the dinner table, all three of us--my mother, father, and I--exchanged glances filled with curiosity and intrigue.

"Is there something on my face?" I asked, breaking the silence and attempting to ease the tension.

My father glanced at my mother before turning his gaze back to me. "Nothing, that hairstyle suits you, Ren," he remarked, a hint of pride in his voice.

"I agree with your father," my mother chimed in, a gentle smile gracing her lips.

After finishing our meal, I summoned both my parents to the living room. Sensing the seriousness in my tone, they obliged, sitting down with expectant expressions.

"Mom, Dad, I have something important to tell you," I began, taking a deep breath to steady my nerves.

"You ain't getting your pocket money in advance," my mother joked, attempting to lighten the mood.

"No, Mom, it's different," I replied, my voice earnest.

"What is it then?"Curiosity etched on their faces, they urged me to continue.

"I want to end my engagement with Mary," I revealed, a mix of determination and relief coursing through me.

"Huh? Huhhhhhhhhhnn!" they both exclaimed in surprise, it's going to be tough explaining them.


[A/N: End this engagement!]


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