No Game No Life

Vol 1 3

Chapter 3


Part 1

Evening— King City, Elchea. The hall.

At the time when the majority of the crowd had already believed that the selection of the king

was coming to a conclusion.

In front of the throne, a small table and two chairs facing opposite sides around it were placed.

The spectators that packed the hall focused their attention on one of the seated people.

—Leaning against the table, expressionlessly crossing her arms, wearing a black veil draped over

her head, resembling a mourning shawl, exuding an aura as if she were dead, was a tall black

haired girl—

Yes........the one who cheated to eliminate Steph— that girl.

An old man whose appearance matched that of a high ranking official said.

"—Then, this person— Kurami Zell remains victorious in the election...........are there any other

challengers?" Although there was lots of noise and clattering in the hall, evidently there was no

one with the look of a challenger. That was normal— a girl who had won all the games so far—


By now, those who believed that someone could still defeat her didn’t exist anymore.

Kurami closed her eyes to this fact, and added a non-emotional feeling to her original deadpan

expression. Since it was like this, the old man added.

"—Then, complying with the late king’s last words, Kurami-sama— will become the new king of

Elchea. If you have any objections, please stand up. Otherwise, remain silent—"

"Ah, yes, yes. Objection! Objection, we have an objection~!"

The phrase resounded throughout the hall, interrupting the old man. The black-haired girl—

Kurami, opened her eyes.

All eyes in the noisy hall converged at the direction from which the sound came from.

A butler, along with a white-haired girl— Sora and s.h.i.+ro, stood up and raised their hands. "Yes,

yes. I have an objection, we both have an objection."


"........Who’s that?"

With her blank expression, Kurami’s line of sight fell behind the two people. "—Stephanie


Standing behind those two was Stephanie, whose shoulders were shaking. Still devoid of

expression, yet with a slightly mocking tone, she said.

"—Since you lost to me and aren’t be eligible for the election, you sent your servants? What a

shameful act, isn’t it........."

However, towards Kurami who sent an undisguised look of contempt. Sora only smiled and

replied while walking to her.

"Ahahaha, that sentence, you’re not in any position to say that." "—What do you mean, eh."

"Well, to tell you the truth, I don’t really give a d.a.m.n for this troublesome selection for the king’s

throne, it’s not really my cup of tea, you know."

Sora scratched his head, saying the same things that could be known as annoying. Kurami

narrowed her eyes.

"..........In that case, can you please disappear? This is not a place where you can play around

with children."

Sora started laughing— with a "But...", he narrowed his eyes.

"It’s neither a position you can give to someone who ’cheats by borrowing the strength from other

countries’ right?" The city interior started stirring up due to this sentence.

— Strength from other countries? — what is that? However, those chattering were filtered out.

With sound audible only to s.h.i.+ro, Sora whispered.

"—Is it there?"

What was in s.h.i.+ro’s hand was the phone Sora used to shoot yesterday at the bar.

Identifying the photo displayed on the screen, there were people who were recognizable in this

hall. ".........Four people"

s.h.i.+ro answered.

"Aside from that— the guy who hid his ears?" "One person."

"Bingo. Then point her out with this current opportunity." ".......Un."

Steph leaned forward and asked the siblings who were currently discussing. "Hey.............this,

what is going on? What thing about another country’s strength?" Steph quietly whispered in

Sora’s ear, and Sora replied to her clueless expression, "You still don’t get it? Well, for example?

For example—"

It turned loud.

"Conspiring with elves, using magic to achieve total victory to become the next king, and

finis.h.i.+ng this country once and for all!"

Fear started to mingle with the commotion in the hall.

Gazing at this scene, Sora confirmed that no one had really noticed this truth.

"...............But then, if such a major problem wasn’t even noticed, perhaps the defeat of the

human race is a natural outcome."

"—Hey, you."

Kurami stood up while saying that and walked towards Sora.

The expressionless face that was concealed by the veil exuded out a unique sense of coercion.

"Are you trying to say that I used magic to cheat?"

"Don’t be like that; didn’t I say ’For example’? Or did I really hit the mark?" However, that sense

of coercion wasn’t even acknowledged in the slightest.

Sora carefreely ignored that kind of pressure, and still carried a very blatant provocation. This

should be based on what he has absolute confidence in.

"—Fine. Since you have an objection, I’ll take it as you want to play a game now?" "Fineeee~.

It’s a great help for you to do that~♪ But—"

Then, Sora interrupted Kurami who was just about preparing the poker cards.

"Since it is a poker game— wouldn’t it be better if you first dismissed your partner over there?"

Afterwards, as if responding to Sora’s smile, s.h.i.+ro stretched her fingers.

The commotion suddenly calmed down, and the attention of the crowd became concentrated on

the direction of that finger.

Kurami— and the man pointed, started twitching in their faces.

That small and relative change— was easily seen as a sufficient lethal point. "— What are you

talking about, eh?"

"Ah, really? Then, could someone take down that guy’s hat?"

Even though the accused man took a step back, the surrounding audience eventually removed his

hat. Two ears were exposed.

—Often seen in fantasy stories— yes, the long ears of elves. Is, Isn’t that guy from the elf race?

Chatter chatter.

Hey hey........then, it really was exactly what that guy said— Chatter chatter.

That b.i.t.c.h, used magic to cheat!?

"Aye aye, this glamorous and beautiful fraud master, won’t you go and a.s.sist your friend?"

Ridiculed by Sora, Kurami’s expression remained undaunted.

"—Don’t make me repeat it over and over again, I don’t understand what you are trying to say."

"Ah~really. Then throwing him out would create no problems right?"

Grinning, Sora waved his hands with a ’Hush hush’ as if trying to drive out that elf-like man.

After that, he turned to face Kurami again, and retrieved out another one— s.h.i.+ro’s phone. "Okay,

then we should start playing the poker match, no problems right?"

While holding the cellphone to use, Sora laughed and said.

—A few seconds of silence

Kurami with her usual deadpan, shut her eyes and said.

"I see... So you conspired with that Elf to make me look as an Enemy of humanity that cheated

with magic............ Am I right?"

"Ah, a splendid excuse. Or, did you prepare it beforehand?" Kurami, upon hearing the further

provocation from Sora, "Either way, I also have dignity."

Remaining in her unreadable expressionless face, she cast a sight from beneath her veil, as if to

penetrate through Sora.

"If you wish, you may chase off that Elf to wherever you like. Then— we won’t let any cheats

intervene, and demonstrate our true strength by deciding a showdown using games."

But that proposal was exactly what Sora had envisioned, so he smiled frivolously and said.

"Well~ Article 5 of ’Ten Oaths’ , the challenged party has the right to decide the contents of the

game—however, why do you have to give up on poker this time, and I’m being really gentle for

not getting to the bottom of that♥" Saying that, he aimed the phone’s camera at Kurami, taking a

picture with a ’Kacha’

"Hmm, you really aren’t photogenic, huh? It would be lovelier if you could smile a little."

Finis.h.i.+ng, Sora showed the display screen to Kurami.

What he got back was a glare filled with killing intent, but Sora merely made eye contact with

her without faltering.

—An observant eye that could see through anything.

Kurami, felt faint chills circulating in her body—.

Part 2

Kurami suggested the most suitable game to be brought from her house that could demonstrate

one’s true strength. She simply said "Please wait a moment", before abruptly leaving King city.

On the other hand, Sora and the others were in the castle’s atrium, waiting while being bathed in

sunset. Sitting on a bench, both Sora and s.h.i.+ro fiddled with their phones while awaiting.

Glancing around from time to time.

Confirming that there was no one in the vicinity, Steph excitedly inquired Sora. "—The, then, I, I

was being cheated with magic right!?"

".......Your, voice, too loud."

Steph was carrying an "I did not understand" kind of expression.

—But, she finally understood the truth behind the cheat that defeated her.

Moreover, the cheat had some involvement with magic, so towards this point, it was

comprehensible to her. However, Sora who was considering something else, replied absently.

"Yeah, yeah.......but to be more accurate, it was the magic of her Elf partner." "Wha- what kind

of magic was it?"

In the end, what kind of magic was used,

In addition, the only human who saw through that facade was Sora.

Moreover, the two were constantly concerned about the tools they were manipulating. Tools

from a different world— maybe it could detect the usage of magic?

Waiting for the answer with expectant eyes, the reply Sora gave to Steph was. "Who knows? I

have absolutely no clue."

—This answer that completely did not live up to her expectations. Ignoring the dismayed and

silent Steph, Sora dismissively replied.

"This was indeed a clever cheat. Back in the pub, I noticed that during the battle with that guy,

the hand that she collected was just too obvious. s.h.i.+ro and I immediately spotted that out."

"......Was s.h.i.+ro, who noticed that."

"What a fussy little sister eh...........but it doesn’t matter."

—Yesterday, on the first floor of the hotel/tavern.

Outside the tavern, in the midst of the poker game between Steph and Kurami.

Coincidentally playing poker too, similarly using cheats, Sora was convinced of his a.s.sertions

towards the game inside.


"If you want to ask me how that happened, I certainly have no reason to know. After all, I know

nothing about things related to magic."


Listening to the casual remark from Sora, Steph’s half-opened mouth was frozen.

"Ahh, magic is really powerful eh. If ’Memory tampering’ or ’Rewriting the fold’ can’t be proven,

then winning is impossible. If humans can’t perceive magic, then they can only be aware of it

when it comes down to their gut feeling."


Resurrecting from the petrochemical state, Steph shook her head and asked. "Wait a moment,

then how are we going to win!"

"Huh? It’s impossible to win."

Facing Sora who would rather a.s.sert, Steph became speechless once again.

"It will be weird if you could win when dueling with those kinds of opponents. The words are

merely ’Doomed to failure’ — won’t even have a chance to win in one in a million."

But, Steph recovered again and started shouting, with Sora adding more words in. "So that’s why

we have to avoid it."


Steering his body to face Steph, Sora continued.

"Listen carefully, I am going to describe it as simply as possible." "Guuu, okay...."

"Firstly, regarding this take turns in fighting one opponent to tire him out kind of king election,

the winner will be the representative of the human race."


"But this kind of proposal is flawed. Because there will be lots of leeway for other countries."

"—Guu. Indeed that’s the case ....."

Being pointed something that Steph didn’t even realize, she unwillingly set her gaze away.

—Yes. Using an unconditional method like ’take turns in fighting one opponent to tire him out’ to

determine the electoral law.

If other countries help humans who can’t sense magic to win, a puppetry government would be

completed. Humans would completely lose and eventually perish.

Full of loopholes, a folly solution.

"—Which also means this is not an individual battle. But a national, diplomatic war. OK?" "Ah,

so it’s like that.......I get it."

"So, it is the Elf......right? Although those group of guys want a human puppet to be elected as

king— but to be able to think so complicatedly to this degree, you don’t think that the Elves are

the only race involved right?"


"The other countries are considering the same thing, whether the first implementation has been

taken in account, we won’t know, but it is a very high probability."


"We will from this point onwards, will change their mindset, making them think that we are

’Also the same as humans’."

Playing with his cellphone, Sora let out a mischievous smile.

"Owning equipment that humans can’t possibly have, looking as if the device was used to detect

the magic, naturally the person will be instantly disqualified if magic was debunked.

Furthermore, the key performer has already been suspected and driven out—"

"The, then— suggesting a battle without the influence of cheats, right!"

A smiling face started appearing on Steph, but Sora only furrowed his brows, before drooping

his shoulders and saying.

"—You ah, to what degree is your naivety." "Wh, why am I suddenly lectured!?’

"Did you hear what I said? Involvement from other countries is within their expected range.

Which is to say, they would naturally take into account the sudden emergence of people like me



Then, with his thoughts back to the place where he originally premeditated, Sora said.

"—It’s safe to a.s.sume that the enemy is prepared. Preparing something that even in this case, can

also implement the smooth use of cheats."


Suddenly, because of Steph’s words, Sora acted as if he thought of something and quickly added.

"Steph, do you remember that the human race can’t use magic, but can play with ’Magic-driven

games’ right?" "Ah, yeah..."

As if pondering on the answer, Sora exposed a candid expression.

"You also said that the ’Elf are the most adept at using magic’, right? So you might never have

guessed that in response to other countries compet.i.tions that have technologies able to detect

magic, they will embedded an even more complex and less to be discovered magic into a

game— I’m afraid that she is going to get ’That’ ."

However, that sentence dulled down Steph’s expression.

".......Then, if that happens. Wouldn’t it make things much more difficult for you?" "—Huh?


"Eh? Because if it was a complex magic—"

This question has been repeated a couple of times already, Sora sighed yet again.

"I said— towards us humans who are too pure, ’Memory tampering’ and ’Visual reading’ those

kinds of pure magic are humans greatest threat, after all, there is no way to detect it. But if you

are going to use a game that is the same as gambling for the country, that kind of magic won’t be


Which also means, a game that appears on the ’Surface’.

But the fact is that it is included with an overwhelming advantage for the user.

And being unable to perceive it— interference won’t be made from the outside party. Most

likely, an absolutely beneficial cheat will be set up.

But, the constant ’Victory’ like when challenging Steph will cease to exist. In order to allow them

to come up with that plan.

For that purpose, the phone was used.

Now, everything was going according to their ways. ".......Bu, but."

Suddenly, as if understanding, Steph uttered the right opinion.

"Even so—you can’t change the ’Overwhelming disadvantage’, can you?" "Ah, of course not. Is

there a problem with that?"

Sora answered without a care, sitting on the bench while hugging s.h.i.+ro, he replied. "As long as it

is a game that can be won in theory, for 『 』 , losing is impossible."


Just when s.h.i.+ro had won against the chess application installed in her phone set in the highest

difficulty, she endorsed by nodding.

.....—At this time.

As if noticing something, s.h.i.+ro turned her head.

From the approaching silhouette— It was Kurami who had spent a considerable amount of time

making them wait. "........No good, did she overhear our conversation just now?"

Sora murmured to s.h.i.+ro in a voice audible to her only, in which she responded by nodding her

head. ’Don’t worry’, was what it was implied to be.

As if affirming her answer, the first word that Kurami spoke out was, "—I’ll be straightforward

and ask. You spies, where are you from?"

Sora felt relief in his heart, but prevented it from showing on his face, merely laughing as he

replied her.

"Ah, yes, in fact, we are from another country— Hey, do you really think I would say that? Are

you an idiot?" "—I will not hand over this country."

"I already know. Because you want to give it to the Elves right~~" "...Wrong."

Sora laughed while throwing out provocations, but Kurami’s serious expression was in strong

denial. "I won’t hand it to anyone. Imanity’s country, belongs to Imanity alone."


For an ’Oh, what an unexpected answer’, Sora urged her to continue speaking, to which Kurami

complies by a.s.serting.

"Using the Elf’s strength is to ensure the survival circle of Mankind—although you can’t possibly

imagine what a complex contract I had to exchange to achieve this motive........and to when it is

necessary to hand over the territory— I will sever all ties with the Elves."


Even if it’s Sora, he can’t help it but have a mood as if embracing his head.

With a wry smile, she said words that came from her heart

"Exposing your plan to someone you suspect as a spy, are you an idiot? Do you want to die?"

But, the confidence conveyed through Kurami’s eyes could be seen through the veil, staring at

Sora. ".............No matter which country’s spy you are from, you will never win against me, you

know?" "Oh......... you really are overconfident."

"I’m just telling the truth. This world’s biggest country Elvengard —an impenetrable fortress that

not a single race can win against. Precisely because of this, it is known as the Largest country,

having a head-on fight with them is an irrefutable defeat."


".........Since you are a human—"

Relaxing her serious gaze, Kurami said while looking at Sora’s eyes.

"I’ll advise you, if you still have some feelings for this country, for the sake of Imanity, I hope

you will give up on your spy task and surrender. I swear that I am definitely not the puppet of the



Facing the words which sounded like a plea, Sora did not utter a word.

"—Unable to use magic, even perceiving it is impossible— for us humans."

Her face covered by the black veil, Kurami hinted out an expression of unwillingness.

"If you want to survive in this world—it can be achieved by living under the shelter of a country

and obtaining

Rights to live , then refusing any match and closing up. You understand, right?"


Complying to the ten oaths, the challenged party has the right to decide the contents of the game.

Indeed, borrowing strength from the strongest race could certainly get a territory.

Rejecting all games and practicing isolation is the most efficient strategy. Able to obtain nothing

else, but at the same time, able to keep everything else. It’s just like chess, where the strongest

line up is on hold.

However, towards these words—

"............Hmm, so that’s how it really’s definitely not a bad plan. I have known this

already......" "Then, you will surrender......?"

As if in grat.i.tude, Kurami closed her eyes— "However,

"I refuse!"

Blurting out these words caused her eyes to widen in response. "Could you...... tell me your


"Hehe, that’s because....."

Sora hugged his little sister who was watching with an expression that could not be discerned.

"One of our most favorite things for 『 』 is—"

""Standing in a position where the opponent has an advantage and denying it with a ’NO’ !""

Like a chorus, both Sora and s.h.i.+ro combined together.

Originally unclear of the plot, Steph and Kurami could not arrange this reasoning properly. Only

looking at the excited siblings while feeling stunned.

"Wahaha! ’I always wanted to try and say the number four lines[19] ’ —and I really said it out!"

".......Nii, nice, good job."

Seeing the siblings raising a thumbs up, Kurami’s shoulders started to tremble. Was it a

provocation, or simply no room for any more negotiation.

"—Looks like I have wasted my time. I will beat you down with the power you so desire to

fight...........I’ll be waiting in the hall."

"Yes~~yes~~. Go and prepare ’the borrowed power that people fawn over ’ " While watching her

leave, Sora deliberately threw out some offensive words. "Is, is that alright? What she said, I

think there is some truth in it......" "—About that, I think it’s time for you to ’suspect others’


Sora said while putting up his finger.

"One, where is the basis for the verified claims she is saying." "Ah...."

Feeling slightly embarra.s.sed as she understands it, Steph shyly lowered her ear. Ignoring her

actions, Sora put up his second finger and continued.

"Two, if she really has the means to win, then why did she bother coming here to persuade us

into abandoning our match?"


Probably noticing the key points, Steph raised her head.

"To lessen the chance of losing............. In other words, she can’t guarantee her victory!?" That is

to say— the expected result Sora had thought.

Getting a rare answer that was correct from Steph, Sora smiled while putting up his third and

fourth fingers.

"Three, even if what she said was true, we can’t trust someone who discloses that sort of

information to people who are suspected to be spies from another country. And lastly, we are

finished if they figured out our playing cards, ok?" Widely opening her mouth, Steph could not

help but nod excessively.

"So, so careful consideration was put in before saying those words eh......."

.......Of course Steph wouldn’t know about the plot.

Gazing at Sora with candor, she realized her cheeks were flushed and shook her head, panicking.

However, Sora was staring at the direction where Kurami left— the pa.s.sage that leads straight to

the hall of King City.

"......Still, that’s not all. That girl, is like you." s.h.i.+fting his gaze to s.h.i.+ro.

With a nod, s.h.i.+ro took steps to move forward. "She underestimates us, the human race."

Part 3

Returning to the hall.

What greeted their eyes was a large audience filling the hall, who had probably been waiting the

whole time. And then in front of the throne there stood a small table, and a pair of chairs.

On top of the table was— "A chessboard...?"

This time—the one confused was Sora. An unfair game infused with the Elves’ magic... He had

considered many possibilities but—chess was outside of his imagination. After all—how exactly

do you cheat in chess? Sora was concerned about this being slightly out of his expectation.

However Kurami sat in one of the chairs, and in a monotonous voice explained.

"Yes, chess. But this is not just normal chess."

Saying this she took out a small box, and scattered the pieces on the board.


The 32 pieces, 16 each of black and white, each moved into position by themselves, as if sliding

on the board. It was as if—

"That’s right, this is chess where ’the pieces have their own wills’." As if reading Sora’s thoughts,

Kurami answered.

"The pieces move automatically. Just give a command, and the pieces will move according to the

command." "...I see. That’s how it’ll be, huh."

—She brought a troublesome game.

Sora thought through the possible ways she could cheat in his mind, and clicked his tongue.

"...What do we do, s.h.i.+ro."

If it were regular chess, then s.h.i.+ro would definitely win. But that was only if it were regular


Not to mention that the opponent had definitely put in some magic, intending to cheat. "...Don’t

worry, if it’s chess... I can’t lose."

Saying this, s.h.i.+ro boldly walked forward.

—But, before that, Sora confirmed.

"Hey, it’s fine if we switch in the middle right?" ""—?""

The ones surprised were Kurami, as well as s.h.i.+ro.

"Unfortunately, the two of us here are one player. Also, that seems to be a game that only one

side is familiar with.

It’s to even the playing field, right?"

While playing with his cellphone Sora said. As if trying to read his intentions, Kurami stared into

Sora’s eyes. However, it didn’t seem like she managed to learn anything from Sora’s eyes.

—Someone like that won’t ever be equal to even one of 『 』 ’s wings. "—Do as you please."

Concerned about the cellphone in Sora’s hands, or is it that she was alert since she couldn’t read

anything from him. Kurami said, as if spitting out the words—but.

"...Nii, do you think, s.h.i.+ro will...?"

Unexpectedly protesting—was what was supposed to be the other wing, his sister.

"s.h.i.+ro, you’re being too hotheaded. If it were regular chess then there’s not even a 10000 to 1

chance that you’d lose." "...Nn."

s.h.i.+ro nodded as if that was obvious.

Sora, too, was as serious as could be. There was no way she would lose.


"This is not just normal chess—it’s as she says." "..."

"Don’t forget. The two of us are one, the two of us are 『 』 . Okay?" "...So...rry. I’ll be...


"All right! Then let’s do this!"

He said, then patted s.h.i.+ro’s head—and then whispered beside her ear. "—Until I see through

their cheating and come up with a plan, go win this." Nodding in confirmation, s.h.i.+ro slowly

approached the table.

"Are you done talking?—Then let’s start, you can have the first move." "...—"

Towards this obvious challenge, s.h.i.+ro frowned for a moment. Chess was ’no different from tictac-

toe’, was what s.h.i.+ro had said. What she said was no less than giving up the win.

Because chess is a game where if both players played optimally, then theoretically ’the first

player wins’.

For someone moving second, it would require the opponent to make at least one mistake to even

start thinking about a ’tie’.

"...b2 p.a.w.n, b4."

With a slightly spoiled mood, s.h.i.+ro said, and the match started.

Not by moving with their hands, but by issuing voice commands, the chessboard where the

pieces automatically move.

Following the rules, limited to the first move, the p.a.w.n moved forward 2 squares.

—But, Kurami had said.

’The pieces have their own wills’.

There was no way that was referring to just moving automatically—. While Sora was immersed

in thought, Kurami quietly muttered. "p.a.w.n number 7, ’forward’."

Instantly—the commanded p.a.w.n.

——Moved forward 3 squares. """—Huh!?"""

The people who raised their voice were Sora as well as the audience. "These are ’pieces with

their own wills’—didn’t I say so?"

A light smile appearing on her face, Kurami spoke.

"The pieces reflect the player’s ’charisma’, ’commanding ability’, ’guiding ability’, ’right to be

king’, and move according to that—don’t you think it’s a suitable game for deciding the king?"


Sora clicked his tongue—but there was no need to panic. "...d2 p.a.w.n, d3."

Simply and calmly, s.h.i.+ro continued to play. "Ara, is that okay, to be playing so leisurely?"

...However, provocations have no use against s.h.i.+ro once she starts playing.

Also, there was the brother in reserve. s.h.i.+ro’s overwhelming concentration. Can even destroy


...And then. In reality.

Unfazed by Kurami’s pieces continuously moving against the rules. Not even falling into danger

once, s.h.i.+ro continued moving her pieces—

"...I see."

Fearing a certain thing, Sora.

If it was as Kurami said, and in this game the ’pieces with their own wills’ were the key, then—

that fear was very soon brought to reality.

"p.a.w.n 5, forward."

The commanded piece—.

Did not move.


For the first time since coming here, s.h.i.+ro showed a confused expression. Similarly, Steph and

the audience had the same confusion.

"—As I thought, it’s like that huh."

Clicking his tongue because his prediction came true, Sora. In other words. The key to this chess

game being that with charisma then the pieces will move ignoring the rules—was wrong. ’That

the pieces won’t move without enough charisma’ was the real key. If the pieces were real

’soldiers’ then first of all a strategy that could not be used normally— that was,

"We can’t ’sacrifice pieces’, huh."

—For the sake of the war, happily giving up their lives, such soldiers normally didn’t exist. The

thorough commands, orders—combined with the madness that was the initial burst of morale had

made this strategy possible in the beginning. But now that ’sacrificing pieces’ had been sealed—


s.h.i.+ro bit her nails, and for the first time entered a long thought.

...That’s right—the tactics available were mostly limited. However the soldiers of the lightly

smiling Kurami were, without any disorder, continuing to move...It was the first time they were

pus.h.i.+ng back against s.h.i.+ro, who had an advantage, but it didn’t take long.

—The situation quickly worsened. With their morale diminished the pieces started ignoring

commands more often, and s.h.i.+ro was growing increasingly frustrated. The frustration of the

commander transmitted to the soldiers, making the situation even worse—...If this continues,

then there was no hope.


She probably realized it herself—that there was no longer any way for s.h.i.+ro to win. However—

it was enough.

s.h.i.+ro held the match, which allowed Sora to observe.

With the eyes like a zombie, filled with self-scorn, no matter how you look at it there was no

sign of anything like charisma. The movement of Kurami’s pieces told him 120% of the real

form of the cheating.

—Placing his hand on his sister’s shoulder, Sora said. "s.h.i.+ro, let’s switch."


His sister’s downcast eyes were hidden by the long white hair. But, he could tell that she

probably hid a thin layer of tears.

—That was to be expected. 『 』 does not permit any losses. Especially in chess—which his

sister had not once lost in.

"......Nii... So...rry."

"—What’s wrong."

".........I... lost...... so... rr... y."

Saying this, s.h.i.+ro buried her face in her brother’s chest. But, hugging that head, Sora said.

"Huh? What are you saying, we haven’t lost yet." "......"

"—The two of us together are 『 』 —until I lose too, it doesn’t count as a loss."

s.h.i.+ro looked up at Sora, who said this. The expression that he showed was his usual arrogance—

that it was impossible to lose, confidence.

"Also, this isn’t chess—in this game, you have not beaten me even once."


"Well, just watch—this game is in my field of responsibility." Sniff, sniff, then.

Rubbing the tears from his sister’s eyes, covered by her bangs, Sora. He couldn’t tell her

expression from her lowered head, but he could tell she was still down. The sister started getting

up from the chair as urged—but Sora stopped her.

"A crybaby, huh. A child that leaves in the middle of a match, and a naive brother that thinks he

can make a comeback at this point... it does seem like the two of you have the qualifications to

be King. That is, the qualifications to be a joke of a king."

Ignoring those words by Kurami. Lifting the body of his sister off the ground, Sora. "...?"

s.h.i.+ro’s body stiffened due to suddenly being carried.

—Raising the overly light, even if she was only eleven, sister. Reached the table and sat her on

his knees, Sora.


"Didn’t I say, the two of us are 『 』 . We are here. And, if I lose my calm then please give me a

hand." To the speechless sister, Sora said.

With a smile, but with a bottomless eeriness, Sora spoke towards Kurami. "Whew, what a


"—Was that... said towards me?"

"In this cheating game that you got from the elves by selling this hole or that hole, I’m gonna

beat you, so you better start thinking about apologies—the price for making my sister cry is high,

you prost.i.tute."

Kurami’s face twitched, but he ignored that.

Facing towards the board, Sora. Taking a big breath of air—and then.


Including the sister sitting on his lap. Everyone in the hall covered their ears, in a voice that

shook the walls, he yelled.





Suddenly, a silence like the bottom of the sea wrapped around the castle. What the silence

signified was—confusion, contempt, amazement. But, not caring about this, Sora continued.

"Furthermore! All of you soldiers who fight on the front line, after this battle is won you will be

freed from further military service, and from the responsibilities to pay tax for life! The country

will guarantee you veteran benefits! Therefore—don’t you die a virgin! Also, those with family

or loved ones waiting—you must all return alive!"

Due to the exceedingly vulgar speech, once again the castle replied with silence.

—However. From the chess board. "UwooooOOOOHHHHHHHHHHHHHhHHHH!!"

—A war cry resounded.

A strict contrast to what was going on inside the castle. But the speech had not ended.

"To my army, to my men! Lend your ears to my words! This battle is ours—Alkia’s, mankind’s!

It’s a battle to decide who rules this city, our last fort, and thus one that decides the fate of

mankind! Listen well! Open your eyes and look, at the king of that country—"

Then, suddenly, at his opponent—Kurami, he pointed and yelled.

"Leaving it to this zombie-like idiot, this b.i.t.c.h lacking in intelligence, are you really okay with

that!" "Wha—"

Then, ignoring the stunned Kurami, he grabbed his dejected sister’s drooping head.

Sweeping away her bangs, exposing her face. Peeking out from behind the pure white, albino

long hair was a skin white like snow. Also revealed were her beautiful ruby-like eyes, filled with

a redness that seemed to suck one in—but they were dyed with sadness.

"If we achieve victory, then she will be the queen! That’s right, think about what happened back

then! To guide us to victory she closed her heart and commanded you, but each of you dismissed

her as ’ruthless’ and caused her to cry! I’ll only ask once—"


Then, immediately, he gave an order to a p.a.w.n.

"To the seventh p.a.w.n squadron! The enemy is invading our front lines! If we just wait in this

stalemate, then we’ll be hit from the sides ’rush and flank them!’—secure the initiative!"

Then, as if responding to that shout. The p.a.w.n moved forward 2 squares, then continued and

flanked the enemy p.a.w.n—destroying it.


Towards the bewildered Kurami, Sora spoke with a huge grin.

"Hmm? It’s something that you’ve done too, is there something to be surprised about?" "—


But, the sister on Sora’s lap muttered.

"...If this was a real battle... then with this the soldier should be tired... and can’t move for a


"Yeah, it’s as you say, but—second cavalry team! Don’t let go of the opportunity that the seventh

p.a.w.n squadron opened! No matter what protect the ’heroes’ that cut open the path!"

Then, without waiting for the opponent’s turn, he continued.

"And then the king and queen over there! In other words you are the two of us but hurry and

move towards the front lines."

—At these commands that were impossible according to chess’s rules, the audience, and even

s.h.i.+ro, opened their eyes wide.

Well—in the first place.

"H, hey! What are you doing ignoring my turns—!"

—Kurami complained, but with a look like pitying a wild dog, Sora said.

"Huh? Are you an idiot? Is there anyone who waits for their opponent’s turn in a real war?"

In the first place, the pieces were moving. In other words, they were processing the commands.

"If you’re worried about your turn, then why don’t you give commands before I do, stupid♥"

If you have a problem then say it to the chessboard, is what he left it with. In one breath,

throwing out absurd arguments one after another like they made sense, Sora. But—the reality is

that the pieces moved. Which means that there was nothing wrong with this. In that case—

"Guuuu—p.a.w.ns, advance in order! Build a defense wall!!"

Urgently throwing out counter-commands, Kurami.

Immediately, Sora found a flaw.

"Hah! Look, their troops are hiding themselves behind walls, look at their cowardly form!" With

an exaggerated wave of his hand, in perfect acting, he yelled.

"Leaving the soldiers to fight in the front lines and waiting in the back, what kind of king, what

kind of queen are you! The king and the queen—the rulers, are the ones who should guide the

citizens —To everyone we continue, the proud knights, bishops, and rooks! Now is the time to

work according to your t.i.tles! Protect the infantry and ’prove yourself’!"

—Slandering the opponent’s tactics, though underhanded, it raised morale. Encouraged by the

speech which would’ve been called ’propaganda tactics’ in the real world, the pieces hurriedly

moved. Then, once again towards Kurami—and also towards the pieces that she led, he said.

"Hmpf—using the elves’ magic to forcefully raise the morale of your own troops—it could be

said in a real battle that—this would be called ’brainwas.h.i.+ng magic’, huh?"


Kurami’s expression distorted slightly.

If you think that wouldn’t have been enough for him to realize he hit the bull’s-eye, then you’d be

way underestimating the boy named Sora.

"I see, it would be hard to prove, and would bring a crus.h.i.+ng advantage in this game. Even if the

opponent is an expert in chess, unable to predict the movement of the pieces, unable to even

sacrifice pieces, they would fall into disorder..."

He placed his hand on his sister’s head. "But, you made a big ’miscalculation’."

Then, once again he resumed his speech in a loud voice.

"Since antiquity, there had never been cases where kings who commanded their army

tyrannically were referred to as great kings, because more than anything people fight only for

justice—and, there is only one absolute justice in this world!"

Usually, the spiritless younger sister with eyes half closed. The continuation of the situation

where she suddenly opened her eyes. In that face—her eyes snapped open, showing the face of a

beautiful girl who would enchant anyone who looked at her.

"You are in the presence of the queen! If you b.a.s.t.a.r.ds are men then don’t let those eyes be filled

with tears again!"

—As if in reply.

Once again from the board, a war cry that shook the table resounded. "—That’s right...

’Cuteness’, that is the only unchanging justice in this world." Hugging the sister sitting on his lap,

Sora boldly declared.

The only response came from the board, creating an amazing temperature difference compared to

the room—but he paid no attention to that. There was no way that the residents of this world who

knew no battles would understand.

—The reason men risk their lives and fight, no matter which world it was this didn’t change. That

is, for their loved ones. For the honor in order to charm their loved ones. To say it bluntly.

—It was for the sake of ’eroticism’... there was no other way to say it... "—p.a.w.n number 5!

Destroy the opponent’s knight!"

The p.a.w.n that Kurami ordered attacked his army’s knight—but.

Embracing his sister in one hand, he stood up from the chair, and while swinging his arm Sora


"Oh honourable knight, trained by us and bestowed by the queen with the t.i.tle of knight, are you

at the level of being defeated by a measly p.a.w.n! With the name of the queen, as well as your t.i.tle

on the line, I will not allow you to die without permission! The enemy is just a single soldier, it

can’t do anything but take your back. Turn around and retreat, maintain the line—break open a

path to survival with your sword and s.h.i.+eld!"

As the p.a.w.n that should’ve been attacking captured the knight— Right before that, instead, it

broke apart. ""—Huuuuuuuuuuuuuuuh!?""

From Steph to Kurami, everyone in the castle let out a similar sound. However, that sound did

not reach him.

Really placing himself in the battle, Sora once again yelled.

"You have fought well, you have endured well, oh valiant knight! That is what it truly means to

be the sword of the people! —But, for now you should rest that sword for a while and recover!

The reward for your actions on the battlefield today, I swear on my name to provide it to you!"

As he did so, the knight—a mere chess piece. Turned towards Sora—no... towards the ’king’. An

action as if giving a bow—poof, disappearing from the top of the board, moving to the side of

the table.

—A situation which is impossible in chess, ’simultaneous kill’. At a loss of words, Kurami, and

as if mocking her, Sora responded.

"Ha ha ha, you idiot. A chess that emulates a real battle? Against an opponent like me who has

never lost in Civilization or Daisenryaku, did you think you could win in a simplified version

like this game?"

That’s right—this was not chess. This was a ’strategy game’. A magic that maintains the

morale—that is indeed a rather advantageous magic. But something like that was worth no more

than something that maintains the statuses of the social systems or the wonders of the world.

Also—the weaknesses of those systems, he was also familiar with.

In essence, that was the playing style that results from relying on those effects— If the

opponent’s playing style could be grasped—

It could not longer be called a match.

"Third p.a.w.n squadron! Seize the chance—take down the enemy bishop!"

Confidently, aiming straight for checkmate, Sora yelled out a command, and the piece faithfully

moved to follow it. But, just before reaching the bishop—

—The p.a.w.n was dyed black. """—Wha!?"""

The audience let out a shocked voice. But that had already become something of a norm. But, for

the first time—Sora had been part of that group. Kurami could clearly tell from Sora’s expression

that the phenomenon had been out of his expectations. Hehe... with a thin, dark smile, Kurami


"Brainwas.h.i.+ng—it can cause some pretty interesting results. With brainwas.h.i.+ng then it’s

definitely possible, something like this."

Forcibly turning the attacking piece black. ’Forced brainwas.h.i.+ng’ —

In other words, all of the attacks from this side were completely sealed.


——s.h.i.+t. s.h.i.+t s.h.i.+t s.h.i.+t s.h.i.+t s.h.i.+t s.h.i.+t s.h.i.+t s.h.i.+t!

Without showing it on his face, Sora realized that he had made a fatal mistake. He arbitrarily

believed that the cheat the opponent had been using was to ’maintain a crazed morale amongst

the troops’.

—The mistake he had so arrogantly pointed out to Steph a few days ago had come and bitten


I failed—failed failed failed failed! What a grave blunder—! That is, when the threat of losing

approaches imminently, without caring whether the use of magic becomes exposed—the

possibility of risking a cheat that might have been detected as abnormal in the face of loss—!

Why didn’t I consider this—I’m such an idiot!

"—All units, retreat! The enemy is using brainwas.h.i.+ng magic, do not approach them!"

With Sora’s overwhelming leaders.h.i.+p, even the pieces that should not be able to retreat started to

retreat. However, "Fufu, trying to be a war king? A king trying to be a rear guard, stop messing


Seeing the tides change, Kurami barked an order against the ’king’—in other words, at ’Sora’. The

enemy queen approached.

"Behead the enemy king, my queen! Checkmate!" "Brother..."

The hall grew noisy, even s.h.i.+ro felt the danger, and raised her voice. But—towards the

approaching piece, Sora said. "—Oh queen, please lower thy sword... for thou art—beautiful."



With the audience, Kurami, and even s.h.i.+ro stunned, Sora pa.s.sionately and fervently started to

coax the piece—the queen.

"Ahh, dear queen. Dost thou serveth that king of thy own will, or hast thee other reasons—but

prithee, listen to thy heart. Is that king one worthy of thy service?"

Like a first-rate theatrician. With a sweet voice like the playboy of the century, Sora unleased his

beautifully woven words. It was as if he was a handsome young king on the battlefield.

"Brainwas.h.i.+ng the soldiers, the citizens, and using them as swords, as tools— moreover, for he

who made you stand up to everything yet remains frightened within, is such a king worth

swinging thy sword and flaunting thy beauty for?! Oh dear beautiful queen, it is but cursed fate

that brought us to meet as this, as enemies. Prithee, lower your blade, and take a good look—

your people, those who should be protected—your king! Where are they now!"


A sound as if a sword dropping to the ground echoed.

—This time, the black queen became dyed in white. Not a single sound could be heard any

longer from the dumbfounded gallery. The only sounds came from Kurami who was at a lost for

words, and the slightly snickering Sora.


"Kukuku, galge[20] are one of the few games where I’m better than my sister." "—Y-you..."

Hearing Kurami grinding her teeth, the audience sighed, as if relieved. As long as Sora could do

the same thing as the enemy, the situation is back to a draw—is what they probably thought.

—But that was not true. It was completely wrong. This was—no more than something that could

only be done because it had been Sora and the enemy queen. But Kurami—though it could not

be confirmed, but it seemed like she could brainwash any piece. While sealing off his attacks

completely—the enemy could attack without holding back. The only thing that awaits ahead—

are the two words ’certain defeat’.

—What do I do. What do I do Sora, you 18 year old virgin—!

Sora tried with all his power to keep the composed smile on his face from collapsing. His mind

fiercely searched for a way to somehow overcome this situation. Well—to be accurate, he had

found a way.

There is—a way. It’s a possibility... but will the opponent fall for it!?

—It was an all or nothing gamble. If it succeeded then for the moment he could hang on. But if it

failed—then his chance of victory would be completely crushed. Compared with the risk of the

gamble, the merits are only temporary—would it be a good choice? While the excessive

secretion of hormones in his brain even compressed time, Sora continued to think.

But this time, s.h.i.+ro. She gently—enveloped her brother’s face with those two small hands. "——


Suddenly feeling the warmth on his cheeks, his body trembled slightly. However, s.h.i.+ro looked

Sora in the eyes, and in a small voice continued.

"...Nii, you said... calm down, when you’re back, help." "——"

"...The two of us are... 『 』 ..." Ahh...

"—Yeah, you’re right..."

"......Are you, okay?"

—Do you think it will work?

The brother’s eyes silently asked, and the sister, slightly, but strongly,


—Right, s.h.i.+ro—this genius girl—his proud sister. Against an opponent who moved without

regards to the rules, using only pure chess moves she had once held the upper hand. That could

not be possible unless she could read what the opponent—Kurami, will do. In psychological

tactics, the brother was largely superior to the sister—however.

Once again, Sora thought to himself.

—Don’t forget. His sister—had even defeated G.o.d. That sister, from purely evaluating the

situation, had a.s.serted that it will work. Then, what he must do is believe in his sister, and with

that as the premise, construct a strategy! Then—Kurami, with her shoulders shaking.

"—Knight! Cut down the double-crossing queen!"

——She fell for it... The thoroughly rigged—trap. The commanded black knight shook as if in

inner conflict, and then—

It turned white.

"W-why... w-what did you do!?"

—This was it. This was the one and only way to survive. Something that Kurami would not be

able to stand if she was really fighting for humankind, and her ’reaction’ towards that betrayal.

Also that she was even now thinking that we were also using some kind of cheat... That was—

the outline of the only remaining way to achieve victory. Ahh, to be expected of my sister.

Conveying this by patting the sister’s head, the sister closed her eyes in comfort as if she were a

cat. Then, as if it was all as planned, Sora spoke with an indomitable smile.

"Oh King, oh foolish king. To have thy va.s.sal to slay thy queen... what a cruel command. Thou

would doest well to calm down. Those shoulders shaking with anger—they are not what the

citizens should see."


Believing Sora to have sold out the humans and was using the a.s.sistance of other countries to

cheat, Kurami. On that face was not the zombie-like sense of helplessness or sense of

responsibility that had been there until now, it was pure anger. In comparison, Sora’s face was

arrogant, fearless, and filled with confidence.

...But who would have sensed it at that time.

That even right at this moment, Sora was the one who, heart pulsing with a force as if it would

break, was mobilizing all his thought power. Sora’s brain was still limited to the knowledge he

gained through various quiz games and history games. Recreating battles to the limit of what he

knew, and running simulations.

—That’s right, the situation hadn’t turned for the better in the slightest.

This tactic was not something that could be repeatedly used. It was merely a one time bluff to

plant the seed of doubt in the opponent. It was a dangerous tightrope where just another attack

could cause everything to fail. In that case—the only way is to win without fighting——

Win without fighting?


—And then.

In this situation that was equal to ’certain defeat’. Sora finally saw a speck of light.

"—s.h.i.+ro. I’ll leave the command of the troops to you. Can you maneuver them so they will not

be brainwashed?" "...No, problem."

Without asking for the reason, the sister saluted and took control of the troops.

—This was, once more, an all or nothing gamble. However, this time it was a gamble for a

guaranteed win. There were only two ways to come out victorious in this situation. As far as

Sora’s knowledge goes, the way to win without fighting—which is.

"Oh dear queen—"

Leaving the sister in control, Sora started to talk to the now allied, ex-enemy queen.

"I cannot bring myself to order thee—nor thy faithful, proud knights who lowered their swords,

to turn thy weapons towards thy own citizens—thy brethren. This battle, this situation... that it is

no longer but a meritless brawl should be clear to anyone—thy king—is now but a crucible of


Then, Sora, within the span of the seconds hand making a full revolution. Several thousand lines

of words spun through his brain, and came out as the gamble of the century.

"Thy citizens are thy citizens—the one to guide them in place of the ’mad king’ can be no other

than thee—are there any objections!"

Sora’s speech. Its aim. Not one person in the castle, not even Kurami could uncover it. Thus the

castle replied with silence—just like the many times that had happened up to now. Waiting for

the something that would exceed all expectations—they waited in silence. Then—finally, a result

that was probably the answer to those antic.i.p.ations.

The originally black queen—but what is now a white queen.

—This time became dyed in red.

In addition, the black pieces in the front line mostly turned red. "———Huuuuuh!?"

Kurami was the one and only person who screamed out. Probably, none of the other audience

members had been able to comprehend what just happened. However, with the continuation of

Sora’s act—they were finally able to grasp the situation.

"I commendeth thee for taking a stand, oh respectable and brave queen! Righteous ones who

overcame thy brainwas.h.i.+ng to follow thy queen! I shant telleth thee to cut down thy brethren!

Furthermore, I doth not believe that thy brethren wishes to cut thee! The ones who shall mark the

end of the tyrannous reign of the mad king who steals the freedom of his subjects repeatedly

through brainwas.h.i.+ng, is none other than thee!"

That’s right, this is.

Inciting a ’revolution’—the advent of a third power.

"I doth not wish for bloodshed! Like what any would wish for—I wish for peace! I wish for both

sides to lay down their swords. I will not allow any more blood to flow!"

Following the p.r.o.nouncement, one by one, the number of red pieces by the red queen’s side


—Though they might have no hesitation in cutting down their enemies. But.

"—Y-you, it doesn’t matter! Dispose of all traitors!"

Consumed by rage and still not understanding the situation, Kurami once again—fell into a trap.

"You have made yet another mistake, oh foolish king. Since old, dealing with revolutions

through ’Military Oppression’ is the worst possible strategy."

—Though they have no hesitation in cutting down their enemies. Even under the effects of

brainwas.h.i.+ng magic—it is not easy to cut down a comrade-in-arms. As Sora spoke, the pieces

that Kurami commanded turned red one by one.

"—Wh... this... what happened, what kind of tricks did you pull!"

She who tried to protect mankind, going as far as to borrow the elves’ power, Kurami. That

feeling, strengthened by the feelings from being betrayed, stole her composure.

"... All units, support, the red queen... expand the perimeter... don’t, let anyone, die."

Following Sora’s intentions, through precise orders, s.h.i.+ro was able to even mobilize the red

pieces strategically. It wasn’t anything spectacular. It was just to use the pieces that Kurami’s

army would have a hard time attacking, the red queen’s forces, as a s.h.i.+eld. To put it another way,

she manipulated the pieces in the red queen’s forces to create a situation where attacks from both

sides would be ineffective.

—The result.

"To all soldiers, take the enemy king’s head at all costs... you should all just move according to

my commands—cut down and dispose of all traitors."

Sora couldn’t—Imanity couldn’t feel anything. But, probably an even stronger brainwas.h.i.+ng

magic had been cast. Eerily, silently, the black army started its advance. Red pieces or white

pieces. The aura exuding from the marching pieces clearly showed that the black army would

annihilate everything, as those in the castle held their breath.

"...Brother, to block off... the path of retreat of a weakened enemy, ends like this."

As a slight amount of cold sweat started to form, even the sister pointed and said. However, Sora

replied with a smile.

"I know—that’s why I did it." Crack—

Such a sound, without any reason, suddenly resounded. The black king, in other words Kurami’s


—Cracks started running across. "—Eh—wh, what?"

The cracks spread across the black king. Towards the confused Kurami staring stupefied, Sora

answered disinterestedly.

"A tyrant that continues oppressing, ruling through fear, and brainwas.h.i.+ng—is a strange thing."

This was ’the second way’ that Sora knew—of how to ’win without fighting’.

"It’s fine while he continues winning, but if ever he lost, no matter which world it is, for some

reason the end of that ruler, as if set in stone, is known."

...That is.

"Their end will be due to an by someone close to them who is not even a soldier."

—This was something that


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