Ninja World: I Have a Life Simulator

Chapter 4: Chapter 4: My Grandson, Uchiha Akira, Has the Potential to Become Hokage

Chapter 4: Chapter 4: My Grandson, Uchiha Akira, Has the Potential to Become Hokage

The Cloak of Invisibility Technique, a very basic and low-level technique.

Most of the time, it involves using a cloth to cover oneself, blending into the environment, much like a chameleon!

The Clone Technique is just a basic illusionary clone, meant only to deceive others.

However, the Transformation Technique is quite fascinating; not only can you transform into other people, but you can also turn into objects.

In his second life simulation, Uchiha Akira instantly mastered these basic ninjutsu techniques, leaving him quite satisfied!

In the two simulations so far, he had awakened the Sharingan once and learned a few basic ninjutsu in the other-what could be more convenient for growth?

"Sigh, it's a pity..."

Though these two simulations had yielded gratifying results, Uchiha Akira couldn't help but sigh as he lay in bed.

The night of the Uchiha Clan massacre, one year from now, is a hurdle he can't seem to overcome.

So, a year from now, his death seems inevitable.

This means that the benefits from his life simulations only last for one year!

If there were no massacre, and he lived for several decades, wouldn't he be able to accumulate decades' worth of chakra or ninjutsu in one simulation?

"So, I should set a small goal first? Keep simulating until I reach a point where I can survive the night of the massacre?"

Lying in bed late at night, Uchiha Akira soon drifted off to sleep, lost in thought.

The next day, under Keiko's care, Akira woke up and got ready for the day.

As the only grandson of the Great Elder, with just him and his grandfather living together, it was natural for them to have servants.

Akira's personal maid was a young girl who not only knew medical ninjutsu but had also awakened the two-tomoe Sharingan, making her a bit of a genius.

"Master Akira, the Great Elder is already waiting for you in the backyard!" After clearing the breakfast dishes, Keiko informed him.

When Akira reached the backyard, his grandfather had been waiting for quite some time.

"My dear grandson, now that you've awakened the Sharingan, your perception should be greatly enhanced. So, mastering a basic ninjutsu like the Clone Technique shouldn't be too difficult. Today, let me guide you again..."

Seeing Akira approach, his grandfather began, asking Akira to activate his Sharingan.

"I've already mastered the Clone Technique!" Akira interrupted.

"What? You've already mastered it?" The old man was stunned, staring at Akira in disbelief.

The Clone Technique may be basic, but it still requires several months of practice, even with enough chakra.

Even with the perceptive abilities of the Sharingan and his own guidance, the old man estimated it would take his grandson about a month to master it.

But to go from no progress last night to mastering it overnight?

"My grandson, you say you've mastered it? Let me see?" After a moment of disbelief, the old man asked.

Without hesitation, Akira nodded and formed the hand seals.

With a puff of smoke, a perfect replica of Uchiha Akira stood beside him!

A single glance was enough for the old man to recognize the clone as a mere illusion.

But still, it was a genuine Clone Technique!

Although Akira could only create one clone, it was a true mastery of the technique!

At least it wasn't a tiny version or a feeble one that couldn't even stand upright. The level of mastery was impressive!

"My grandson, yesterday you didn't even have a clue how to perform this. How did you suddenly master it today?" Though he was both shocked and delighted, the old man was more curious than anything.

"Well, maybe because I couldn't figure it out yesterday, but somehow it just clicked while I was asleep," Akira casually explained.

"Is that even possible!?" The old man's expression was strange after hearing Akira's explanation.

But what other explanation could there be?

"Hahaha, well, since you've mastered the Clone Technique, let me teach you the Transformation Technique next!"

Despite his disbelief, it was still good news.

After laughing heartily, the old man began teaching Akira about the Transformation

Technique, then left in high spirits, humming a tune.

Though he appeared to be diligently practicing, Akira had already mastered the

Transformation Technique.

Once the old man had left, Akira began pondering how to earn more money.

Being only six years old, receiving a 200 ryō allowance was already quite generous. But asking

for 100 ryō every day would certainly raise suspicion.

So, what could a six-year-old boy do to earn money legitimately?

Become a ninja and take on missions? No way, he hadn't even received his ninja headband yet!

Start a business? The only grandson of the Uchiha Great Elder, who had already shown promising ninja potential, suddenly doing business? His grandfather would probably break his legs!

Steal? Definitely not.

Would he be forced to invent some unique product or perhaps write novels to earn money like a plagiarist?

At home, Akira wasn't in the mood to practice, while his grandfather, Uchiha Tai, hummed happily to himself.

"Great Elder, congratulations! Young Akira is only six and has already awakened his Sharingan. He seems to be a true genius!" The Second Elder of the Uchiha Clan said as he met Uchiha Tai, offering his congratulations.

"Oh, it's nothing. Ever since awakening his Sharingan, the boy has taken an interest in ninjutsu. Yesterday, he pestered me to teach him the Clone Technique, sigh..." Uchiha Tai replied, pretending to be helpless.

"Is that so? Well, that's great news!" The Second Elder nodded in agreement.

"But this boy mastered the Clone Technique overnight and asked to learn the Transformation Technique today. At this rate, I'm afraid my old bones won't last much longer!" Uchiha Tai

sighed again.

The Second Elder: "..."

I'm trying to congratulate you, and you're showing off!

After boasting to the Second Elder, Uchiha Tai, feeling refreshed, went to visit the Third Elder

and even the Clan Leader Fugaku.

They had to have a chat!

And now, the most talked-about topic among the Uchiha Clan was how Akira had awakened

his Sharingan just from falling.

When the conversation turned to that topic, Uchiha Tai couldn't resist bragging about how his grandson had mastered the Clone Technique overnight, once again astonishing the Uchiha


It was one thing to awaken the Sharingan from a fall, but mastering the Clone Technique in a

single night?

Could this be the new Uchiha prodigy, following in the footsteps of Shisui and Itachi?

With a proud and somewhat boastful attitude, Uchiha Tai seemed eager to let the world know: My grandson, Uchiha Akira, has the potential to become Hokage!


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