Ninja World: I Have a Life Simulator

Chapter 28: Chapter 28: First Glimpse of Power - Instantly Defeating the Genius Thunder Ninja

Chapter 28: Chapter 28: First Glimpse of Power - Instantly Defeating the Genius Thunder Ninja

When someone is blatantly looking for trouble, no matter how eloquently you speak, it won't help!

Besides, Might Guy is clearly not the type who can win with words.

So, continuing to talk would be pointless and might even make it seem like Konoha is trying too hard to please others!

Since it was clear that the Hidden Cloud Village intended to flex its muscles before Konoha, Konoha naturally came with the same intention!

What's left to say? Just meet them head-on!

After all, the Hidden Cloud Village is known for its brute force. Here, no amount of sweet talk will be as effective as a strong fist!

This young ninja was obviously a genius Genin from the Hidden Cloud Village, so Uchiha Akira decided to take him on!

Given his young age, it was inevitable that people would mock him.

But because of this, if someone as young as him could display overwhelming strength, it would be the perfect demonstration of Konoha's power!

So, although Uchiha Akira appeared aggressive by telling the opponent to "get lost," there was a strategy behind it.

"What did you just say!?" The once arrogant Thunder Ninja's expression changed slightly upon hearing Uchiha Akira's words, clearly not expecting such boldness from a Konoha ninja!

And this six-year-old child-what's with those eyes!?

Could those be the legendary Sharingan, the most powerful bloodline limit in the ninja world?

And he's already unlocked the two-tomoe form?

Might Guy opened his mouth, surprised by Uchiha Akira's assertiveness.

However, Kokai, standing beside him, tugged at Might Guy's sleeve and shook his head, signaling him not to interfere.

Well, if even the old man Kokai was on board, Might Guy realized that Uchiha Akira's approach was the right one.


"I said, get lost!" Uchiha Akira's expression remained calm, his two-tomoe Sharingan locked onto the opponent, radiating an intense pressure.

"And what if I refuse?"

Although shaken by such a young child wielding the two-tomoe Sharingan, this was the Hidden Cloud Village. If he backed down now, he'd never be able to hold his head up again.

The young Thunder Ninja braced himself and responded defiantly.

Since he refused to step aside, there was no need for more words. Uchiha Akira formed hand seals, and in an instant, a shadow clone appeared and charged at the Thunder Ninja!

"Just a shadow clone?" The Thunder Ninja sneered as he watched the clone rush toward him.

With electric arcs crackling around his body, he met the clone head-on with incredible speed and a powerful aura.

He threw a punch that roared like thunder!

However, despite the overwhelming force behind his punch, it passed through Uchiha Akira's clone without connecting with anything solid.

"So it was just a fake clone, a distraction?" The Thunder Ninja quickly realized what had happened and immediately threw a shuriken at Uchiha Akira's real body!

Clone or not, it didn't matter. As long as he could hit the real one, that was enough.

Did this kid think a simple clone would fool him?

He underestimated me!

But Uchiha Akira's real body remained still, seemingly oblivious to the incoming shuriken, not moving an inch.

Then, to the Thunder Ninja's disbelief, the shuriken passed right through Uchiha Akira's body as well!

"This is impossible!" the Thunder Ninja shouted in disbelief.

Indeed, Uchiha Akira had only created one clone, and his real body hadn't moved at all. Yet somehow, his attacks had passed right through the real body!

How could the real body turn into a phantom?

As the Thunder Ninja struggled to comprehend what had happened, the clone he had just passed through turned around and formed more hand seals.

Then, it unleashed a fire technique:

"Fire Style: Great Fireball Jutsu!"


A massive fireball, over three meters in diameter, surged forward with terrifying heat, hurtling toward the Thunder Ninja!

"How is this possible?" Feeling the heatwave from behind, the Thunder Ninja turned to see the giant fireball just inches away. His mind screamed in disbelief for the umpteenth time in just a few seconds.

The clone that he had just attacked, which should have been an illusion, was now using ninjutsu?

The scorching heat wasn't an illusion!


The enormous fireball engulfed the Thunder Ninja entirely.

The single-target Great Fireball Jutsu was so massive it looked like an area-of-effect attack.

Caught off guard, the Thunder Ninja, despite his lightning-fast reflexes, couldn't avoid it!

Moments later, the flames subsided, leaving the ground scorched with a large blackened


The Thunder Ninja lay there, his body charred and looking utterly defeated...

Defeated, and it wasn't even close.

From the first move to the last, it all took just three to four seconds!


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