Ninja World: I Have a Life Simulator

Chapter 18: Chapter 18: Chunin Exam? A Six-Year-Old Chunin!?

Chapter 18: Chapter 18: Chunin Exam? A Six-Year-Old Chunin!?

Previously, his grandfather had mentioned that the boy loves money and gets happy when he has it. And when he's happy, who knows, he might just have a breakthrough in his ninjutsu


After discussing it with Shisui, even Shisui confirmed that Uchiha Akira openly admitted his love for money.

Seeing his grandson working so hard to master Shisui's Body Flicker Technique, but feeling unable to help much, the old man simply sent a large sum of money over.

Fortunately, while his grandson loves money, he merely enjoys saving it and doesn't spend it extravagantly.

As a result, the old man sent him a lump sum of 100,000 ryo!

For a six-year-old child, 100,000 ryo is a massive amount of money!

Last night, he didn't even have dinner or take a bath, so after washing up this morning and having breakfast, he treated himself to a nice soak in the bath!

Even though the school term started in September and it's now November, the climate in the Hidden Leaf Village is similar to that of Hainan Island, with spring-like weather all year round. So, even in November, the weather isn't cold.

Lying in the bathtub, Uchiha Akira began his life simulation, focusing primarily on training the S-rank Body Flicker Technique!

[At six years old, your fame as a genius with a two-tomoe Sharingan spreads throughout the Hidden Leaf Village!]

[Eight months later, despite your hard work in training the S-rank Body Flicker Technique, you've only grasped its basics.]

[Nine months later, you take on a mission outside the village to avoid the night of the clan's massacre.]

[A year later, you are killed by the Hidden Leaf's Anbu!]


This life simulation ended quickly.

Even after leaving the village to avoid the clan's massacre, I was still killed after only three months?

Shaking his head, Akira silently lamented his bad luck.

Then, Uchiha Akira extracted the results of a year's worth of training in the Body Flicker Technique!

A year-whether it's due to the S-rank difficulty or his own mediocre talent-he had only mastered the basics after all that time!

Shaking his head, Akira decided to continue in his laid-back manner, simulating life once a day, with the mindset of drawing the best results in ten tries.

The days passed in this routine of eating, drinking, playing, and daily life simulations!

In the second life simulation, he once again left the village to avoid the massacre, this time bringing along Keiko.

As before, Keiko advanced to the three-tomoe Sharingan, becoming a helpful ally! However, luck was still not on his side, and after a year and two months, he encountered Kakuzu and died at his hands!

Then came the third simulation-killed a year later as a rogue ninja!

The fourth simulation-killed a year later as a rogue ninja!

The fifth simulation-killed a year later by Kakuzu!

In the sixth simulation, he had grasped about thirty percent of the Body Flicker Technique, allowing him to survive three more months before being killed!

In the seventh simulation, he had mastered quite a bit of the Body Flicker Technique, surviving six more months, but was still eventually killed by the Hidden Leaf's Anbu!

Seven simulations, and the longest he survived was only a year and a half. This made Uchiha Akira realize something!

In previous simulations, when things were going well, he could survive for two or three years! But now, no matter what, he was killed shortly after the clan's massacre, without exception!

It seems that as his fame grew, the Hidden Leaf's higher-ups started paying more attention to him.

So, after the clan's massacre, realizing that he was still out there, they intensified their efforts to hunt him down?

In the Hidden Leaf, the name of a genius is truly a double-edged sword!

Because of his reputation as a genius, Shisui took him as a disciple and even taught him his famed Body Flicker Technique!

But because of that same fame, the Hidden Leaf became more wary of him, increasing their efforts to hunt him down after the massacre!

It had been half a month since Shisui taught him the Body Flicker Technique!

In the first week, he trained tirelessly, but couldn't even grasp the basics.

However, in the following seven days, with a daily life simulation, Uchiha Akira relaxed, giving the impression that he had given up on the technique because he couldn't learn it! On this day, Uchiha Akira woke up early and started his eighth life simulation!

After seven consecutive simulations, while his chakra hadn't increased much, his ninjutsu application, combat experience... and especially his understanding of the Body Flicker Technique, had improved significantly!

[At six years old, your fame as a genius with a two-tomoe Sharingan spreads throughout the Hidden Leaf Village!]

[You've now mastered about sixty to seventy percent of the Body Flicker Technique, significantly boosting your overall strength, earning Shisui's praise!]

[Two months later, the Land of Lightning hosts a Chunin Exam, with only three slots per village, and you're selected!]

[Three months later, you successfully become a Chunin, and your fame as a genius spreads across the ninja world!]

[Eight months later, you take on a mission outside the village, successfully avoiding the clan's massacre, becoming an A-rank rogue ninja from the Hidden Leaf!]

[A year later, you've nearly mastered Shisui's Body Flicker Technique!]

[A year and a half later, you are ambushed by three members of the Hidden Leaf's Anbu and

die from exhaustion!]

Note: If you are interested, you can read up to chapter 70 at


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