Ninja World: I Have a Life Simulator

Chapter 16: Chapter 16: Teaching Everything, Shisui's Body Flicker Technique

Chapter 16: Chapter 16: Teaching Everything, Shisui's Body Flicker Technique

Konoha is in shock!

Yes, with Grandpa being a loudspeaker, the news that Uchiha Akira had advanced to the two- tomoe Sharingan spread throughout the entire Uchiha clan territory on the very same day! In just over a month, from being an ordinary person to awakening the two-tomoe Sharingan? Such a rapid growth rate is unprecedented in the history of the Uchiha clan!

And with Uchiha Shisui personally admitting that Uchiha Akira's talent surpasses his own... These words have once again solidified Uchiha Akira's reputation as a genius!

Some have even started saying that Uchiha Akira is the most talented ninja in the history of the Uchiha clan!

And as the Uchiha clan was shaken by this news, it naturally spread throughout Konoha Village as well.

This caused a stir among the higher-ups of Konoha and many other clan leaders!

Shisui of the Body Flicker is considered the strongest Uchiha of the current generation. His mere reputation is enough to make ninjas from other villages abandon their missions! He is on par with the likes of Konoha's White Fang and the Fourth Hokage, Minato Namikaze! A personal mentor to Shisui? In just over a month, advancing from an ordinary person to a two-tomoe Sharingan?

Everyone quickly realized that a stronger Uchiha prodigy was rising!

"A genius, this is a true super genius, to awaken the two-tomoe in just over a month!"

This was the sentiment of Uchiha Fugaku, the clan head, who was invigorated by the news. The first time he awakened might have been an exception!

But advancing to the two-tomoe for the second time? Could that also be an exception?

Especially with Shisui's personal acknowledgment!

"The Uchiha clan, indeed, produces geniuses. Only six years old and already at the two-tomoe level? Possessing Chūnin-level strength?"

This was the sentiment of the Hyuga clan leader, sighing with amazement.

First, there were the two great talents, Uchiha Shisui and Uchiha Itachi, and now there is Uchiha Akira, whose talent is even more terrifying!

"The Uchiha... this is not a good omen..."

In the underground base of the Root division beneath the Hokage building, Danzo Shimura's eyes flashed coldly.

"That Uchiha child from that day has awakened the two-tomoe Sharingan?"

At the Hokage's office, the Third Hokage quietly stood by the window, gazing in the direction of the Uchiha clan's territory, deep in thought.

Konoha has long been known as a cradle of geniuses, with many ninja being hailed as geniuses over the years.

At first, Uchiha Akira catching attention by awakening his Sharingan after a fall and applying for graduation on his first day at the academy was noteworthy.

But in Konoha, there have been too many young geniuses who failed to live up to their early promise.

It was enough to draw attention, but not to be taken too seriously!

However, reaching Chūnin-level strength and the two-tomoe Sharingan at the age of six was something entirely different!

Adding Shisui's personal admission that Uchiha Akira's talent is higher than his own further solidified the weight of Uchiha Akira's genius reputation!

Suddenly, Uchiha Akira, this six-year-old child, was firmly remembered by many of Konoha's high-ranking officials!

But let's leave aside the reactions of Konoha's higher-ups to Uchiha Akira's reputation as a genius for now!

At this moment, Uchiha Akira was training in chakra control.

In the life simulator, Uchiha Akira's facade of being a genius was quickly exposed, leading Shisui to pay less and less attention to him!

But in reality, Uchiha Akira's "talent" deeply shocked Shisui.

As a result, Shisui had been personally training him whenever he had spare time these past few days!

First, he made sure to thoroughly improve Akira's chakra control!

After completing tree-climbing training, Akira had recently moved on to practicing water- walking!

Whether it's Taijutsu, Ninjutsu, or Genjutsu, chakra control is crucial and serves as the foundation.

As a teacher, Shisui had no intention of holding back; he wanted to impart everything he knew to Uchiha Akira!

Under Shisui's rigorous training, a month passed by in the blink of an eye!

Although his chakra reserves and ninjutsu skills hadn't improved significantly...

His chakra control had improved tremendously!

For example, the same Fireball Jutsu now required only about seventy percent of the chakra it did before!

This was the progress Akira had made under Shisui's guidance over the past month!

"Akira, now that you've completed your tree-climbing and water-walking training and have excellent chakra control, today I'll teach you a new jutsu!"

One day, Shisui said to Uchiha Akira.

"Really? What jutsu?" Hearing this, Uchiha Akira's eyes lit up as he looked at Shisui with anticipation!

"My title in the ninja world is Shisui of the Body Flicker, so naturally, my best technique is the

Body Flicker Jutsu!" Shisui replied, looking at Akira.

These words made Uchiha Akira's heart leap with joy!

The Body Flicker Jutsu is a high-level movement technique that many Jōnin, and even some

Chūnin, can use!

However, Shisui's version of the Body Flicker Jutsu is something else entirely!

Just like the difference between a basic Clone Jutsu...

And advanced techniques like Multi-Shadow Clone Jutsu or Wood Clone Jutsu-they are

worlds apart!

Note: If you are interested, you can read up to chapter 46 at


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