Nine Venoms Sect Founder

Chapter 87: Hypnotic Lute Tavern

Chapter 87: Hypnotic Lute Tavern

While a succession of shocking events rocked the Dark Stone City, as if oblivious to the ongoing events, Harun exited his carriage and stepped into the Hypnotic Lute Tavern. A festive atmosphere in sharp contrast with the mayhem disrupting the streets welcomed him. Rows of nobles and cultivators ranging from the Purification to the early stage of the Daoist Realm sat across mahogany tables, emptying mugs of ale with raucous laughter, bawdy jokes and friendly accolades.

Shaded chandeliers powered by luminous orbs lighted the tavern, and paintings depicting legends of the most valiant houses in the Dark Stone Country's history dressed the walls. On a high podium, three veiled, fair-skinned women played the lute, clad in elegant blue dresses fit for the upper class. In the Dark Stone Country where men and women alike typically had bronze skin, their skin tone gave them an exotic appeal.

Meanwhile, voluptuous tavern wenches carried pricey liquor bottles to various tables. Before this scene, Jiyan's forehead creased. "What's the point of refinement in a place of debauch?" She asked Harun, while wrapping her arms around his, as if to signify ownership.

"It's all about atmosphere. The upper class wants to feel and eat its high status while the lower class aims to forget its low standing. Either way, it works," Harun replied, and as the two conversed, a tavern wench stepped forward, bowing to welcome themshowcasing her ample cleavage.

Though Harun had changed his and Jiyan's appearances to fit the local expectations, the latter couldn't suppress the elegance cultivated from infancy to maturity that gave the air of a free-spirited noble lady. As most of the Dark Stone Country's upper class women, Jiyan wore a backless maxi dress while Harun wore a traditional white tunic and black pants. That plus the description she'd received beforehand helped the serving girl to realize that the new master had just arrived.

"Welcome, young master. The owner has been anxiously waiting for your arrival," the serving girl said in a courteous tone. Though of low social standing, as a girl trained to serve aristocrats and cultivators, she didn't lack in speech or manners. With a nod, Harun followed her, and didn't fail to note the furtive and overt glances aimed at him. In an isolated aisle of the second floor, the tavern owner rested. Unlike other accommodations, his suite remained fairly simplemirroring his humility.

"Hahaha, my beloved nephew! You weren't taller than three apples when we last met. Who could think that'd you grow so much so fast. Time really flies by," The tavern owner, a middle-aged man in a wheelchair, said, and drove himself toward Harun. After dismissing the serving girl, the owner waited for her to close the door, then bowed toward Harun.

"Greetings, oh Spiritual Lord!" He exclaimed, oblivious to the crease on Harun's forehead.

"It's fine. Don't be petty. You have a reputation to maintain. You'll have people to beat up later," Jiyan whispered while patting Harun's back. Nerves pulsated on his temple, and it took him all his mental fortitude to not rain punches on his devotee. How could the poor owner know that his "not taller than three apples" hit Harun's sore spot and stirred past wounds? Fortunately, Jiyan was there to protect his cheeks from a spontaneous beating.

"Hum, hum. You have performed outstandingly. I am proud of you. The Holy Mission is a resounding success. When in the future we bring salvation to the Dark Stone City, you shall be the number one meritorious clansman," Harun said, and raised his right hand. Emerald-green light surged from his palm, wrapping the tavern owner's legs, and curing them from their harsh wounds.

Using the Mystery of Life was much more cost effective than Spiritual Incense, so Harun didn't waste that precious resource on such a simple task. But though he could feel his legs restored and stronger than ever, the tavern owner didn't rise from the wheelchair, and still kept his head bowed in deference.

"Spiritual Lord, doing our best to realize your vision is us Birusk clansmen's glory. And with all the Spirit Stones you provided me with, any half-wit could have accomplished this. I don't dare claim any merit," the tavern owner sincerely replied. This man left a wife and children behind to dive alone into the Dark Stone City's chaotic atmosphere. Although Harun's remained connected to and provided him with guidance, miracles and mental support, it was no mean feat. He didn't get to see his children become fathers and mothers, didn't get to see his wife and relatives' cultivation improvements, and now undoubtedly was the weakest clansman in the entire hierarchy. Even newborns could slap him silly.

Yet, he had no regrets. This was fanaticism at its best, or worst, depending on how Harun used the Birusk clan's devotion. But as his first devotees and bearer of his name, they'd always occupy a central place in his sect.

Placing his right hand on the tavern owner's forehead, Harun poured the emerald essence of his Mystery of Life into the man, reshaping his bone structure and physique to enhance his cultivation talent and senses. For a sect builder, the Mystery of Life carried many useful perks, and this was one of them.

Startled by the change, the tavern owner's eyes widened. He didn't need a test to realize the immense physical boost he'd just received. From now on, throwing elephants like juggling balls would pose him no trouble. Better, there seemed to be several other perks he couldn't gauge yet.

"When you return to the clan, you will have to work extra hard to catch up to those that left you behind. But with this new physique, it's merely a matter of dedication. Still, do not grow overconfident. How far you go will still depend on you," Harun warned his devotee, who struggled to restrain his tears.

But knowing that his lord's plans took precedence, the tavern owner unlocked a safe and pulled two ledgers out, presenting them to Harun. The first detailed all the businesses, expenses and revenues controlled and generated by the Hypnotic Lute Tavern. Aside from the Fancy Wife Inn, several pawn shops, brothels and chambers of commerce worked for the tavern owner, providing him with information he used to build the second ledger.

There, the names of all key players of the Dark Stone capital stood, encoded in a style taught by Harun to prevent mishaps. There was also a list of connections established by the tavern owner through skillful bribes and blackmail.

"Oh lord, this country is so fucked up. I guess it's time to move on to the second phase of this hostile takeover" Harun stretched out his right hand, making a colony of golden silkworms appear in his palm, "The crippled rebellion."

Harun naturally didn't invest all those Spirit Stones to control a mortal capital's cash flow. Building grudges, anti-monarch sentiments, information and propaganda, were the sectors he wanted to remain on top of. And since the rebellion seemed inevitable, they might as well start it on their own terms.


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